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Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Objectives of the Study 4
Hypotheses 5
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Limitations 6


Related Literature 7
Conceptual Framework 14
Definitions of Terms 15
Research Design 17
Respondents and Sampling Design of the Study 17
Study Area 17
Research Instrument 18
List of Materials 18
Ingredients 18
Treatments of the Study 19
General Procedure 19
Data Gathering 20
Date Analysis 21



Data Presentation, Analyses, and Interpretation 22


Summary 32

Conclusion 33

Recommendations 33



This study would not have been possible without the assistance and support of

these individuals in various ways;

First and foremost, the researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude

to Almighty and Heavenly Father for His unending love, guidance, knowledge, and

wisdom, as well as for providing them with strength and inspiration to complete this study.

The researchers sincerely thank Mr. Kier V. Garcia for sharing his knowledge and

for his exceptional collaboration, time, patience, enthusiasm, and crucial direction and

oversight. They put a lot of time and effort into this concept.

The important time, and insightful remarks provided by the Board of Panelists

helped the researchers throughout this research project to improve their study.

The researchers owe and respectfully offer thanks to their noble parents for their

constant moral support, genuine love, understanding, and inspiration, which help us

achieve success.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the tensile strength, fire resistance, and

cutting endurance of bio-tiles utilizing different amounts of Water Hyacinth ash (200, 300,

and 400 g). The researchers used a Complete Randomized Design in this experimental

investigation to create the bio-tiles by harvesting and drying water hyacinth, adding cement

binder, and using water as a solvent (CRD). Members of this research paper made up the

study’s respondents. In order to identify the water hyacinth ash as the main component in

producing bio-tiles, the respondents evaluate the bio-tiles’ tensile strength, fire resistance,

and cutting endurance. The one-way ANOVA was used to categorize, tabulate, compute,

and analyze the collected data. According to the findings of the study, water hyacinth is a

good source of raw material and a useful component in the production of bio-tiles made

from water hyacinth ash. In terms of tensile strength, fire resistance, and cutting

endurance, the bio-tiles from the three various treatments are acceptable. Thus, it can be

said that water hyacinth is a useful component in the creation of bio-tiles.





Water hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae) are a family of about 60 species in four

generations of freshwater flowering plants (order Nymphaeales) native to temperate and

tropical parts of the world. Water hyacinths are flowering pond plants that grow from tubers

planted in a body of water's soil. They produce thick green leaves known as lily pads,

which float on the water's surface. Water hyacinth flowers come in a variety of yellows,

pinks, whites, and reds, depending on the species. In addition, water hyacinths feed fish

and wildlife but can cause drainage issues due to their rapid growth. Many varieties have

been developed for ornamental use in garden pools and conservatories (Berry, 2022).

One of the harmful effects that water hyacinths can have on the environment is

when there is an excessive growth of these plants. Excessive growth of the water

hyacinths could cover the surface and prevent light from penetrating into the body of water.

This situation is dangerous because this obstruction can kill fish and other aquatic plants

that are present in the same body of water. Water hyacinths' thick growth can cause floods

and interfere with the exchange of oxygen in the water. Lastly, the pads of water hyacinths

trap the heat that leads to an algal bloom, which attracts mosquitoes known to spread

diseases like dengue and other dangerous illnesses that people who live near the bodies

of water would prefer to avoid (Comedis, 2017). Instead of turning the water hyacinths into

compost, the water hyacinths will be used as a raw material for producing new products

for construction like bio-tiles.

Moreover, in recent years, the building sector has been characterized by an

increasing interest in construction materials that are natural, environmentally friendly, and

show characteristics of environmental sustainability. Such construction materials

represent the input resources for the so-called bio-architecture, which is a branch of the

building sector that pays particular attention to both the human comfort of a house and its

sustainability (Bandino, 2004). A bio-tile is a multipurpose artifact designed to protect the

coastline from erosion while creating a landscape element and an architectural experience

for visitors. Bio-tiles perform as a mitigation strategy to slow down erosion while promoting

biodiversity (Pezeshk, 2022). Bio-tiles are 3x stronger than concrete blocks, 20% lighter

than concrete blocks, and emit 95% less CO2 emissions than traditional cement

(StoneCycling, 2022).

Additionally, it lessens the negative risk that water lilies pose to people and other

nearby living things because they can lead to water pollution, the extinction of some

aquatic species, and the triggering of disease-causing agents. According to Nelson (2021),

organic materials like natural fibers and demolition waste have been utilized in the

mechanical properties of concrete materials. Other researchers studied using aloe vera or

coconut fiber as mechanical properties of concrete materials, but this research is only

focused on natural materials. Unlike water lilies (Nymphaeaceae), which are natural

materials, its biggest factor is that it is an invasive species.

Furthermore, the water hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae), also known as swamp, water flower,

lettuce, jacinto, or nymph, is considered one of the roughest aquatic weeds worldwide,

causing severe impact on ecosystems biodiversity. Some works have proposed

alternatives such as composting or vermicomposting to consume water lily and mitigate

the negative consequences of its interaction with the media. Based on the use of some

organic ash materials, this work utilied ashes of water hyacinth obtained from Poblacion

5, Midsayap, North Cotabato as cement additives in concrete mixtures. The purpose of


this study is to use water lily ash (Nymphaeaceae) as the primary component in creating

bio-tiles. Once water lilies are harvested, they do not easily decompose (Comedis, 2017).

Statement of the Problem

1. This study aimed to reduce the natural resource consumption with the use of water

hyacinths that were extracted from Poblacion 5, Midsayap, North Cotabato.

2. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of water hyacinth ash as the main

component in producing bio-tiles.

3. And it aims to provide one solution in two problems which are: water hyacinths

clogging the sewage and canals of Midsayap, North Cotabato and the diminishing number

of natural resources for tile production sources.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to use water hyacinth ash (Nymphaeaceae) as the main component

in producing bio-tiles. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Create bio-tiles with different amount of water hyacinth ash (Nymphaeaceae).

2. Determine whether there is significant difference on the:

• Tensile strength;

• Cutting endurance; and

• Fire resistance.
The Hypotheses of the Study

The study aimed to test the following hypotheses:


Ho1: There is no significant difference between bio-tiles made from water hyacinth ash

(Nymphaeaceae) and commercialized tiles in terms of tensile strength.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between bio-tiles made from water hyacinth ash

(Nymphaeaceae) and commercialized tiles in terms of cutting endurance.

Ho3: There is no significant difference between bio-tiles made from water hyacinth ash

(Nymphaeaceae) and commercialized tiles in terms of fire resistance.

Significance of the Study

The following group of people will be future beneficiaries of this study:

Local Community. The result of this study may bestow the members of the local

community, especially the local government unit, the insights to be creative and innovative

in dealing with resources that are common and accessible in their locality to create

products that could be of use from untapped sources.

Environmental Agencies. The results of this study may serve as an insight for

environmental agencies in their advocacy of having an environment-friendly and toxic-free


Future Researchers. This study may serve as a scaffold of knowledge for future

researchers to further the study of natural alternatives to toxic additives in industrial


Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research was limited to the use of water hyacinth ash as a raw

material in the production of bio-tiles. It also included tests for water hyacinth ash as the

main component in the production of bio-tiles, as well as tests for the tensile strength,

cutting endurance, and fire resistance of the final product.



This chapter presents a review of various concepts in making water hyacinth ash

(Nymphaeaceae) as the main component in producing Bio-tiles. It includes the ideas,

finished thesis, generalization or conclusion, methodologies, and others. Those that were

included in this chapter help in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to the

present study.

Problem with Water Hyacinths

Water hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae), belong to 58 freshwater plant species in six

genera native to temperate and tropical climates worldwide. Most water hyacinth species

have rounded, waxy-coated leaves on long stalks with many air pockets that float in quiet

freshwater habitats. The stalks grow from buried underwater stems that are thick, fleshy,

and creeping. The showy, fragrant, solitary flowers bloom at or near the water's surface

on long stalks attached to underground stems. The petals of each cuplike flower are

arranged in a spiral pattern (Berry, 2022).

The researchers observed the negative effects that water hyacinths

(Nymphaeaceae) can have on the environment. One of which is when there is excessive

growth of these plants. This is because the rapid growth of many other aquatic plants is

also a characteristic of water hyacinths, which becomes dangerous because excess

growth will cover the surface, reducing light penetration into the body of water. Such

impediments can kill fish and other plants in the same body of water. Those impediments

can kill fish and other plants in the same body of water. Water hyacinths’ thick growth also

interfere with oxygen exchange and can be a source of flooding. Finally, its pad traps the

heat that causes algae to bloom, which can attract mosquitos that are known to cause

dengue or other harmful illnesses that people who live near bodies of water are susceptible

to. Furthermore, any damaged leaves of water hyacinths, if not removed immediately, will

attract two of the major insect-related problems of water hyacinths: black aphids (Aphis

fabae) and aphids (Aphidoidea), which are frequently infected by bacteria, viruses, and

fungi and would be a nuisance to the environment (Jacinto, 2021).

Water hyacinths are very aggressive invaders that can form thick mats. If these

mats cover the entire surface of the rivers, they can cause oxygen depletion and fish kills.

Water hyacinths should be controlled so that they do not cover the majority of the river

(Comedis, 2017). Naga Central School (2011) demonstrated that water hyacinths pose

threats such as impeding water transport and clogging irrigation, hydropower, and water

supply systems. Increased disease in the habitat, increased evaporation and transpiration

of water, decreased biodiversity. As flooding is one of them that occurred in Mindanao,

Philippines, as detailed in an article discovered by the researchers, "Water hyacinths were

also blamed for severe flooding in Mindanao, which submerged several villages in

Cotabato City and Sultan Kudarat in recent months. Concerned citizens expressed alarm.

They expressed concern about the presence of water hyacinths in the river, particularly

along the Makati-Mandaluyong bridge, which they said could cause massive flooding.

Flooding from heavy rains, such as Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009.” (Kwok, 2011).

Then, Jacinto and Lirio (2021) stated that water hyacinths contribute to the increase of

diseases in habitats: Malaria, dengue, water-borne parasites, and other water-borne

diseases, fishing problems, because weed infestation makes access to fishing grounds


Water Hyacinths and their Advantage

The Pond Digger (n.d.) justified this by saying water hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae)

are considered the "jewels of the pond" by scientists not only because of their general

beauty but also because they play an important role in the ecosystem within the pond.

“Water hyacinths spread across the surface of the water, adding color and vibrancy while

keeping the pond and its inhabitants safe and healthy. Aside from being visually appealing,

water hyacinths contribute significantly to the health of the ponds in which they live. For

starters, they provide shade, which helps to keep the water temperature cool during the

hot summer months. By omitting a great deal. The water hyacinths help keep algae growth

at bay by reflecting sunlight. By blocking out a lot of sunlight, the water hyacinths help to

keep the algae growth down. Their shade also gives shelter to any fish that may be in the

pond -– a respite from both the sun and any predators that may be lurking nearby. They

also absorb nutrients in the water that would normally feed these undesirable green plants,

keeping the water clear and clean looking.” The Pond Digger added.

Along with the advantages of water hyacinths in the ecosystem, it also has herbal

uses and can be a source of health benefits. The Herb Guru (n.d.) discussed in their

cleansing articles about the water lilies that, “Water hyacinths are very nutritious which

people may not know. The seeds of the yellow water hyacinth have high content of starch

and glucose. Roots and leaves can be boiled and can be eaten to get the nutritious

properties of the water hyacinths. Even one can make jam from the flowers and use it on

toast. Before consuming the water hyacinths, it is very important to identify the specie

because there are many species of water hyacinths which are poisonous. There are a lot

of benefits of water hyacinths.” then in terms of their health benefits they had indicated

that white water hyacinth alkaloids and oils work as very good anti-inflammatory and mild

sedative. To get healthy hair, one can boil its roots a bear and can use it as hair rinse. It

really gives you beautiful healthy and shiny hair. The seed can be used as an alternate to


Disadvantages of Water Hyacinths

Water hyacinth, as described and discussed by Agri Life Extension (n.d.), is a

freegrowing plant. Perennial floating plant that can reach a height of 3 feet. The dark green

leaf blades range in shape from circular to elliptical and are attached to a spongy, inflated

petiole. A dense, heavily branched, dark fibrous root system lies beneath the water. Water

hyacinth has beautiful light blue to violet flowers on a terminal spike. Water hyacinth is a

voracious invader that can form thick mats. If these mats cover the entire surface of the

rivers, they can deplete oxygen and kill fish. Water hyacinths should be managed so that

they do not cover the majority of the river. Naga Central School (2011) demonstrated that

water hyacinth poses threats such as clogging irrigation, hydropower, and water supply

intakes. increased disease in the habitat, increased water evaporation and transpirafvtion,

and decreased biodiversity. One example is the flooding that occurred in Mindanao,

Philippines, as detailed in an article discovered by the researchers: "Water lilies were also

blamed for severe flooding. “Concerned citizens expressed concern about the presence

of water lilies in the river, particularly along the Makati-Mandaluyong bridge, in Mindanao

after flooding submerged several villages in Cotabato City and Sultan Kudarat in recent

months. They expressed concern that heavy rains, such as those brought by Typhoon

Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009, could cause "massive flooding" (Kwok, 2011). Then, according

to Jacinto and Lirio (n.d.), water hyacinths contribute to the spread of diseases in habitats,

including malaria, dengue, water-borne parasites, and other water-borne diseases, as well

as fishing problems caused by weed infestation.


Bio-tiles are a ceramic and plant-based cladding system that aggregates in unused

wall or ceiling space and acts as a natural air filter. The Bio-tile was used as a multipurpose

artifact designed to protect the coastline from erosion while also creating a landscape

element and an architectural experience for visitors. Bio-tiling is a mitigation strategy that

promotes biodiversity while slowing erosion. Bio-tiles are naturally biodegradable,

compostable, and modular, with new tiles easily swapped out when they become carbon

saturated. When old tiles are discarded, they return stored carbon to the soil, mimicking

the natural carbon cycle, which removes excess CO2 from the air and promotes plant

growth and agricultural development. (Sara, 2022)

Bio-tiles are molded in a variety of tile types with varying depths and color

combinations. They are made of biopolymer aggregate and ceramic cores that have been

laminated into multi-toned biopolymer gels. Because of this customization, these tiles have

a graphic and textural quality that makes them suitable for home decor. The tiles' hard

biopolymer aggregate cores make them robust and scalable, replacing traditional

architectural materials with natural, carbon-capturing materials (Santo, 2020). According

to Perkol (2019), bio-tiles are a more innovative approach that is a combination of both

built (gray) and natural (green) systems, known as hybrid infrastructure and is an

alternative approach to coastal protection and resilience.

Eco-engineers and designers have shifted their focus to projects that have a low

environmental impact while improving environmental quality and human experience. A


nature-based technique to protect the environment is one of the more sustainable ways to

respond to this global distress. This technique, known as living or natural infrastructure

(green), is a popular management strategy because it is inexpensive, conserves

biodiversity, and, most importantly, is resilient. This approach is more adaptable and

responsive. "The emerging architecture that relates pattern and process, form and

behavior with spatial and cultural parameters has a symbiotic relationship with the natural

world," (Weinstock, 2008). The environment and the preservation of natural resources are

receiving increased attention. As a result, consumers are becoming more aware of the

importance of environmental protection. Over the last ten years, the ceramic tile industry

has focused on implementing an integrated approach to sustainability to reduce pollution,

limit resource consumption, and meet these new demands.

Related Studies

Water hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae) is widespread species in the vessels of

Poblacion 5, Midsayap, North Cotabato and is one of the most harmful species for species

for ecosystems due to its growth restricts oxygen consumption and sunlight in an aquatic


In his study “Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Concrete Mix Added with

Water Hyacinth Ash (Nymphaeaceae),” Ignacio (2021) discovered that 1% water hyacinth

ash matches the comprehensive strength of a regular concrete mixture. These findings

match the observed behavior of thermal transmissive and sound diffusion. When ash is

dosed, the thermal transmissivity decreases while the sound velocity diffusion increases,

indicating that ashes promote particle dispersion. As a result, as cement consumption is

reduced, thermal comfort can be achieved. However, because the calcination process

emits CO2, more research into ecological calcination techniques and a carbon footprint

analysis are required.

In the study entitled “Pulverized Water Hyacinth as an Admixture for Concrete”, Abana

(2021) concludes that pulverized water hyacinth can serve two purposes as an admixture.

Depending on the amount added, it can have an effect on the concrete's setting time. It

can also affect the strength property of the concrete, and regardless of the amount added,

the compressive strength increases. The use of pulverized water hyacinth as an admixture

to improve cement quality is highly recommended. However, future research should

investigate other percentages of pulverized water hyacinth as it approaches the yielding

point to determine the optimal amount to be added in a concrete mixture. Furthermore, at

least three cylinders per mixture should be tested to obtain an average result.

This study looks into the viability of using water hyacinth ash (WHA) as an additive.

This application aids in the discovery of a low-cost pozzolanic material and provides a

cost-effective way to use an aggressive water course enemy. A cleaner environment will

be one of the primary benefits of this application. The ash was made by burning the dry

plant in the air and inside an oven at different temperatures and times. The temperature

of the fire reached 950 degrees Celsius, and it lasted 30 minutes. The resulting ash was

analyzed chemically to determine its silica content and pozzolanic activity. The various

burning conditions made no discernible difference. As a result, two types of WHA were

used to test the properties of ordinary Portland cement that had been partially replaced

with WHA. The two types were those produced by burning in air and those produced by

baking at 950 C for 30 minutes. As part of a larger program, the current experimental

program includes testing 1728 setting time, compressive and tensile strength of standard

mortar specimens. WHA replacement ratios were assumed to be 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and

10%. At a 10% replacement ratio, water hyacinth ash is an accelerating additive that

reduces initial setting time by about 30% and final setting time by about 20%. This effect

is the same for both types of water hyacinth ash used. Cement replacement with water

hyacinth ash increases compressive strength and reaches a peak at a replacement ratio

of about 5%. This pattern holds true for all tested ages (3, 7 and 28 days). At a replacement

ratio of 10%, strength may fall below that of the control specimens. The maximum increase

in compressive strength for 3, 7, and 28 days is 23%, 29%, and 12% for air burning, and

31%, 36%, and 11% for oven burning at 950°C. When water hyacinth ash is used to

replace cement, the compressive strength of the mortar increases over time, similar of

rapid hardening cement. This behavior confirms the accelerating effect of water hyacinth

ash and is consistent with the chemical analysis results. The tensile strength of mortar

increases monotonically with replacement ratio up to 10%. This increase is approximately

50% of the tensile strength of the control specimen. In all strength tests, water hyacinth

ash produced by burning at 950°C is more efficient than air-burned ash in increasing

strength. The current research stage will be followed by an investigation of the properties

of water hyacinth ash, as well as those of mortar and concrete. However, a soundness

evaluation must be performed first in order to study the effect of the existing CaO and

Mgo. On the other hand, the small replacement ratio limited by compressive strength is

not expected to have a significant effect on soundness.

Conceptual Framework

The study aimed to utilize water hyacinth ash (Nymphaeaceae) as the main

component in producing bio-tiles.


Below is the schematic diagram showing the relationship between variables. The

independent variable is the different amounts of water hyacinth ash which was

hypothesized to affect the dependent variables composed of tensile strength, fire

resistance, and cutting endurance.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Treatment 1 Utilization of Water Hyacinth as
800 ml tap water, 1000 g cement, the Main Component in Producing
200 g water hyacinth ash. Bio-Tiles.
Treatment 2 800 ml tap water,
1000 g cement, 300 g water
Tensile Strength
hyacinth ash.
Cutting Endurance
Treatment 3
Fire Resistance
800 ml tap water, 1000 g cement,
400 g water hyacinth ash.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the independent and dependent variables

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally.

Bio-Tiles - refer to a type of biodegradable tile derived from the use of water hyacinth.

Cement - refers to the material used to mix in with the water hyacinth to make the bio-tile.

Cutting Endurance - refers to the ability of the bio-tiles to deal with the cutting process.

Fire Resistance- refers to the ability of the bio-tile to resist fire.


Tap Water - refers to the liquid used to blend with the water hyacinth and other materials


Tensile Strength – refers to ability of the bio-tile to be compact while handling a certain

amount of weight.

Water Hyacinth - refers to a type of aquatic plant located on lakes and ponds.

Water Hyacinth Ash – refers to the pulverized form of the water hyacinth after going

though heat.



This chapter describes in-depth the approach that is used to carry out the research.

It addresses the following aspects: research design, respondents of the study, study area,

research instrument, preparation of raw materials, list of materials, list of ingredients,

treatment of the study, the general procedure of making a bio-tiles made out of water

hyacinth ash. Also, it describes the process that will be used to answer the problems of

the study.

Research Design

This experimental study utilized a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) and

PostHoc analysis in Anova to uncover specific differences between group means.

Utilizing this design will provide more emphasis on the mechanism that the study aims to

create. There are treatments in this study, making the said design appropriate.

Study Area

The research study is conducted in Barangay Kiwanan, Midsayap, North Cotabato, since
the other materials needed for the research were provided in the said area, but the water
hyacinth was harvested in Poblacion 5, Midsayap, North Cotabato, because of the body of water
located in the area.

Research Instrument

This study utilized observation and tally sheets to gather the data in determining

the potential of a bio-tiles made from water lily in terms of energy tensile strength, cutting

endurance, and fire resistance. The researchers collected all the information derived from

observations and then recorded all the findings on the tally sheet.

List of Materials

• 3 Casseroles

• 1 Measuring cup for wet ingredients

• 1 Measuring cup for dry ingredients

• 3 Kitchen Knives

• 1 Sack

• 1 Wooden stirrer

• 1 Plastic mold


• ½ kg of water hyacinths

• 500 ml of tap water

• 250 g of cement

• 250 g of water hyacinth ash


Treatments of the Study

Ingredients Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Tap Water 800 ml 800 ml 800 ml

Cement 1000 g 1000 g 1000 g

Water Hyacinth Ash 200 g 300 g 400 g

Table 1. Treatments of Water Hyacinth Ash Bio-Tiles

Table 1 shows the treatments of the utilization of water hyacinth ash as bio-tiles.

Treatment 1 will have 800 ml tap water, 1000 g cement, and 200 g water hyacinth

ash. Treatment 2 will have 800 ml tap water, 1000 g cement, and 300 g water hyacinth

ash. Treatment 3 will have 800 ml tap water, 1000 g cement, and 400 g water hyacinth

ash. All the treatments will have 4 replicates and these replicates will have the same

amount for every treatment.

General Procedure

A. Preparation of the Materials

The researchers will collect the Water Hyacinths (Nymphaeaceae) within

Poblacion 5, Midsayap, North Cotabato.

B. Selection of Plant Material

The plant material that will be used in the study is the Water Hyacinth

(Nymphaeaceae) itself. The material that will be used must be the Water Hyacinth Ash

(Nymphaeaceae) after it is dried and extracted from the body of water.


C. Preparation of Plant Material (Solar dehydration of Water Hyacinth)

Ignacio (2021) stated that solar dehydration should be employed as the drying

process, allowing the water content to evaporate after approximately hours from

harvesting. The volumetric weight (VW) was determined by weighing a selected specimen

before and after dry in an oven. After the drying process, samples were set at a constant

weight to determine the total water content (%w/w). The dried material was placed in a

calcination ground pit for obtaining ashes. This method allows obtaining ashes without

energy consumption.

D. Finishing Treatment

All the ingredients for bio-tile production from water hyacinth ash will be prepared

and blended in a 1,500 ml caserole, including 200 g water hyacinth ash, 1000 g cement,

and 800 ml tap water. The solution will then be stirred on a hot plate for 30 minutes, or

until evaporation occurs and the solution becomes viscous. The mixture will then be

poured and spread out into a plastic mold. The bio-tile will be dried at room temperature

for two days.

Data Gathering

Seeking Permission to Conduct Data Gathering

Administering Observation and Tally Sheet

Interpreting and Analyzing the Data


Writing Conclusions and Recommendations of the Study

Figure 2. Flow chart of the Data Gathering Procedure

Step 1: Seeking Permission for the Conduct of the Data Gathering

The actual gathering of data will take place after the researchers sent the letter of

permission for conducting the study to Mr. Raffy Virtucio, MEAL, the Senior High School

principal, for approval.

Step 2: Administering the Observation and Tally Sheet

Next, the researchers will observe the treatments and collect all the information derived

from the observations and then record all the findings on the tally sheet.

Step 3: Interpreting and Analyzing the Data

After extracting the data of the study, the researchers will tally and will organize the data

using Microsoft Excel. The output of the tally or the data that will be gathered will be

analyzed through the statistical tool.

Step 4: Writing Conclusion and Recommendation of the Study

Lastly, having the results from the analyzed data, the researchers will craft their

conclusion and recommendation.

Data Analysis

The data gathered through structured observation will be analyzed using the F test

(one-way ANOVA) since the results of the three treatments will be compared in this study.



This chapter discusses the researcher’s data presentation, analyses, and

interpretations. The data are presented in tabular and descriptive formats, along with

interpretations and analyses.

Bio-tiles made from Water Hyacinth Ash

Three kinds of bio-tiles constructed with varying amounts of water hyacinth ash

were created. Four bio-tiles from each treatment were used to test the tensile strength,

cutting endurance, and fire resistance of the final product.

Tensile Strength of the Bio-Tiles made from Water Hyacinth Ash

The tensile strength of bio-tiles made from varying amounts of water hyacinth ash

is shown in Table 1. Treatment 1 (200 g) was found to be moderately strong with a mean

of 120 lbs., Treatment 2 (300 g) moderately strong with a mean of 103.75, and Treatment

3 (400 g) slightly strong with a mean of 91.25. Treatment 1 had the highest tensile strength,

but the qualitative interpretation was the same as Treatment 2.


Table 1. Tensile strength of the three treatments in pounds (lbs).

Treatment Replications Qualitative


R1 R2 R3 R4 Mean

T1 (200 g) 120 125 120 115 120.00 Moderately

T2 (300 g) 100 110 100 105 103.75

T3 (400 g) 90 90 95 90 91.25 Slightly Strong

(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.28)
Mean Range:
251 and above lbs. Very Strong
151 – 250 lbs. Strong
101 – 150 Moderately Strong
51 – 100 Slightly Strong

0 - 50 lbs. Not Strong

Table 2 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the tensile strength of biotiles.

It also shows that the computed value of F is 54.409 which is higher than the tabular value

of 4.26 at 0.05 level of significance with degrees of freedom (2,9). This means that there

is significant difference in the tensile strength of bio-tiles made from water hyacinth ash.

This implies that the amount of water hyacinth ash has an effect on the tensile strength of

the bio-tiles produced.


Table 2. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) computation of the tensile strength of

the bio-tiles.

Source of Degree Sum of Mean of the Computed Tab. Decision

Variance of Sum of

Freedom Squares

Treatment 2 1662.500 831.250

Error 9 137.500 15.278 54.409* 4.26 Reject Ho1

Total 11 1800.000

𝑎 = 0.05
(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.29)

Table 3 compares the three treatments at the 0.05 level of significance. The

significant value of 0.001 indicates that Treatment 1 differs significantly from Treatment 2.

The significant value of 0.004 indicates that Treatment 2 differs significantly from

Treatment 3. The significant value of 0.000 indicates that Treatment 3 differs significantly

from Treatment 1. Treatment 1 bio-tiles had the least amount of ash (200 grams), followed

by Treatment 2 at 300 grams and Treatment 3 at 400 grams. According to the findings,

the less water hyacinth ash used, the stronger the bio-tiles. This could be because of the

mixture of water hyacinth ash and binders.

Table 3. The multiple comparisons between the three treatments of tensile strength.

95% Confidence

(I) (J) Mean Std. Sig. Lower Upper
Error bound Bound
Treatment Treatment


Treatment1 Treatment2 16.25000* 2.76385 .001 8.5333 23.9667

(200 g) Treatment3 28.75000* 2.76385 21.0333 36.4667

Treatment2 Treatment1 -16.25000* 2.76385 -23.9667 -8.5333

(300 g) Treatment3 12.50000* 2.76385 4.7833 20.2167

Treatment3 Treatment1 -28.75000* 2.76385 .000 -36.4667 - -21.0333

.004 20.2167
(400 g) Treatment2 -12.50000* 2.76385 -4.7833

*. The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level (Tukey HSD)

(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.29)

Cutting Endurance of Bio-tiles made from Water Hyacinth Ash

Table 4 shows the cutting endurance of the bio-tiles out of varying amount of water

hyacinth ash. Treatment 1 (200g) has a mean of 5.22 mm; Treatment 2 (300g) has a mean

of 8.20 mm and Treatment 3 (400g) has a mean of 8.32. The data show that Treatment 1

has the highest durability, but all three treatments are interpreted as “hard”.

Table 4. Cutting endurance of the three treatments in millimeters (mm).


Treatment Replications Qualitative


R1 R2 R3 R4 Mean

T1 (200 g) 5.32 4.45 6.48 4.64 5.22 Hard

T2 (300 g) 9.48 7.62 8.48 7.22 8.20 Hard

T3 (400 g) 8.46 8.57 8.60 7.65 8.32 Hard

(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.35)
Mean Range:
0.00 – 5.00 mm Very Hard
5.01 – 10.00 mm Hard
10.01 – 15.00 Moderately Hard
15.01 – 20.00 Soft

20.01 – 25.00 mm Very Soft

Table 5 displays the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the bio-tiles' cutting

endurance. It also demonstrates that the computed value of is 18.024 at the 0.05 level of

significance with degrees of freedom, which is greater than the tabular value of 4.26. (2,

9). This means that the cutting endurance of the bio-tiles varies significantly. This implies

that the amount of water hyacinth ash has an effect on the bio-tiles' cutting endurance.

This could be due to material mixing. Because there was less water hyacinth ash in

Treatment 1 (200 g), the water hyacinth ash was coated with too much of the binders,

whereas in Treatments 2 (300 g) and 3 (400 g), most of it was not covered due to the

amount of water hyacinth ash which was greater.


Table 5. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) computation of the cutting endurance of

the bio-tiles.

Source of Degree Sum of Mean of the Computed Tab. Decision

Variance of Sum of

Freedom Squares

Treatment 2 24.633 12.316

Error 9 6.150 0.683 18.024* 4.26 Reject Ho2

Total 11 30.782

𝑎 = 0.05
(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.36)

Table 6 shows the mean differences among the three treatments. This only means

that Treatment 1 is significantly different from treatment 2. This is based on the significant

value of 0.002, which is lower than the 0.05 level of significance. Treatment 2 is not

significantly different from Treatment 3, based on its significant value of 0.977, which is

higher than 0.05 level of significance. Treatment 3 is significantly different from Treatment

1. This is based on the significant value of 0.001, which is lower than 0.005 level of


Table 6. The multiple comparisons of the three treatments of cutting endurance.

95% Confidence


(I) (J) Mean Std. Error Sig. Lower Upper

bound Bound
Treatment Treatment


Treatment1 Treatment2 -2.97750* .58452 .002 .001 -4.6095 -1.3455

(200 g) Treatment3 -3.09750* .58452 -4.7295 -1.4655

Treatment2 Treatment1 2.97750* .58452 1.3455 4.6095

.002 .977
(300 g) Treatment3 -.12000* .58452 -1.7520 1.5120

Treatment3 Treatment1 3.09750* .58452 .001 .977 1.4655 4.7295

(400 g) Treatment2 .12000* .58452 -1.5120 1.7520

*. The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level (Tukey HSD)

(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.37)

Fire Resistance of Bio-Tiles made from Water Hyacinth Ash

Table 7 shows the fire resistance of the bio-tiles out of varying amounts of water

hyacinth ash. Treatment 1 (200g) has a mean of 2.25; Treatment 2 (300g) has a mean of

3.00; the Treatment 3 (400g) has a mean of 4.00 g. The data show that Treatment 1 is

described as “resistant”, Treatments 2 “moderately resistant”, and Treatment 1 has the

highest resistance followed by Treatment 2 and then Treatment 3 is “slightly resistant”.

Table 7. Fire resistance of the three treatments.

Treatment Replications Qualitative


R1 R2 R3 R4 Mean

T1 (200 g) 2 2 2 2 2.25 Resistant

T2 (300 g) 3 3 3 3 3.00


T3 (400 g) 4 4 4 4 4.00 Slightly


(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.30) Legend: Mean

1. No changes 1.00 - 1.80 Very Resistant to fire

2. Slightly brown 1.81 – 2.60 Resistant to fire

3. Brown 2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Resistant to fire

4. Black 3.41 – 4.20 Slightly Resistant to fire

5. Totally burned 4.21 – 5.00 Not Resistant to fire

Table 8 shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the fire resistance of bio-tiles. It

also shows that the computed value of F is 37.00 which are higher than the tabular value

of 4.26 at .05 level of significance with degrees of freedom (2, 9). This means that there is

a significant difference in the fire resistance of the bio-tiles. Boards made with different

amounts of water hyacinth ash have a significant difference in fire resistance. The

compositions of the amount water hyacinth ash used in are different. Treatment 1 had the

lowest amount of water hyacinth ash, meaning it is difficult to burn because of less in

amount of water hyacinth ash. The higher the amount of water hyacinth ash the higher the

possibility of boards to be burned.

Table 8. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) computation of the fire resistance of the
water hyacinth bio-tile.

Source of Degree Sum of Mean of the Computed Tab. Decision

Variance of Sum of

Freedom Squares

Treatment 2 6.167 3.083

Error 9 0.750 0.083 37.00* 4.26 Reject Ho3

Total 11 6.917

𝑎 = 0.05
(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.31)

Table 9 shows the differences among the three treatments. All the means of the

Treatment show significant difference. This means that Treatment 1 is significantly

different from treatment 2. This is based on the significant value of 0.013, which is higher

than the 0.05 level of significance. Treatment 2 is significantly different from Treatment 3

based on its significant value of 0.002, which is lower than 0.05 level of significance.

Treatment 3 is significantly different from Treatment 1 based on the significant values of

0.000, which is lower than 0.005 level of significance.

Table 9. The multiple comparisons of the three treatments of fire resistance.

95% Confidence


(I) (J) Mean Std. Error Sig. Lower Upper

bound Bound
Treatment Treatment


Treatment1 Treatment2 -.75000* .20412 .013 .000 -1.3199 -.1801

(200 g) Treatment3 -1.75000* .20412 -2.3199 -1.1801

Treatment2 Treatment1 .75000* .20412 .1801 1.3199

.013 .002
(300 g) Treatment3 -1.00000* .20412 -1.5699 -.4301

Treatment3 Treatment1 1.75000* .20412 .000 .002 1.1801 2.3199

(400 g) Treatment2 .20412 .4301 1.5699

*. The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level (Tukey HSD)

(Note: adapted from the Utilization of Rice Hull as the Main Component for Making
Constructional Cement Bonded Particle by J.B Siva, 2015 p.31)



This chapter includes the summary, conclusion, and recommendations of the study

on the utilization of water hyacinth ash as the main component in creating bio-tiles.


The study on the utilization of water hyacinth ash as the main component in the

production of bio-tiles was carried out in Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato. Tensile

strength, cutting endurance, and fire resistance were all tested at Brgy. Kiwanan,

Midsayap, North Cotabato, at the researcher’s home from January 15 to 17, 2023.

The study’s main goal was to use water hyacinth to make bio-tiles. The study

specifically sought to determine whether there are significant differences in the tensile

strength, cutting endurance, and fire resistance of bio-tiles formed from various amounts

of water hyacinth (200 grams, 300 grams, and 400 grams).

Three treatments were used in the study. Bio-tiles formed from water hyacinth, in

Treatment 1 used 200 grams of water hyacinth, 1000 grams of cement, and 800 milliliter

of water. The treatment 2 and 3 contained the same amount of cement and water but

with varying amounts of water hyacinth, Treatment 2 contained 300 grams of water

hyacinth while the Treatment 3 contained 400 grams of water hyacinth. The durability

bio-tiles was tested through the tensile strength, cutting endurance, and fire resistance.

All the data gathered were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance. The results showed

that the tests had significant differences. Based on the statistical computations, there

were significant differences in tensile strength, cutting endurance, and fire resistance of

the bio-tiles.


It was discovered that water hyacinth can be used to create bio-tiles. This demonstrates
that water hyacinth ash has potential and can be a good source of raw material in the
production of bio-tiles.


The researcher recommends the following:

1. Conduct of a study which tests the tensile strength, cutting endurance, and fire

resistance of seasoned bio-tiles formed from water hyacinth.

2. Consideration of aesthetic of the bio-tiles by applying dye or colors so that it can

contend with the commercial tiles; and

3. The use of binders which come from plants instead of commercial sources.


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