Campaign Rules

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Developed by Gregory Leeson

This campaign requires components from the Dungeons and Campaign Play
Dragons Adventure System board games, as well as elements This campaign is designed to be played as part of an
from the Dungeon Command games. Unless otherwise noted,
overarching, non-linear campaign. Although adventures can
they use the standard adventure rules presented in the
be played out of sequence, some areas may be inaccessible
Rulebook and Adventure Book.
without completing prior tasks. The starting resources (items,
Healing Surges, etc.) are carried over from previous
Number of Heroes: This campaign is designed for 2-5 heroes.
adventures. For your first adventure, each Hero starts at
Level 1 with 1000 Gold Pieces (GP). The Heroes do not
Special Adventure Rules start with any Treasure items or Healing Surges. Healing
Before you play each adventure, you’ll need to do some Surges may be purchased in town prior to the adventure.
preparation. The required Dungeon/Cavern Tiles will be
specified per adventure. Adventures can be played using Between Adventures
substitute components, in the event that a specified
Between each adventure, the Heroes regain all lost Hit Points
component is unavailable (for instance, if you don’t have the
and flip up any face-down Power or Item cards. Before
Blood of Gruumsh ogre, replace with a troll from Legend of starting the adventure, you can exchange a Hero’s power with
Drizzt.) For the best experience, try to keep substitutions another power of the same type. For example, you can
thematically similar.
replace an At-Will power with a different At-Will power.
Discard any Encounter, Monster, and Experience cards from
Constructed Decks the previous adventure. Adjust each deck to include the cards
The three primary decks will be specified per adventure. specified for the adventure and then shuffle that deck.
Return unused cards to the game boxes. The following
abbreviations are used: Hero Selection
Castle Ravenloft: CR, Wrath of Ashardalon: WoA, The Legend You can use any Hero from any of the Adventure System
of Drizztt: LoD, Temple of Elemental Evil: ToEE, Tomb of games. If you choose a Hero class that exists in multiple
Annihilation: ToA, Dungeon of the Mad Mage: DoMM, Heart of games (such as fighter), you can use any combination of
Cormyr: HoC, Sting of Lolth: SoL, Curse of Undeath: CoU, Power cards.
Tyranny of Goblins: ToG, Blood of Gruumsh: BoG

Sell Items
You may sell item Treasure cards your Hero possesses at any
Visiting Towns Inn, Magic Shop, or Armorer/Blacksmith. You cannot sell
Unless otherwise specified, each adventure of the campaign items at Churches/Temples. Sold items cannot be purchased
will take place near a town. The town for the current back from the Shop Keeper. Sold items only become available
adventure can be visited before and after each adventure again for purchase if listed as Shop Inventory for the current
(the town inhabitants, shops, and locations may be altered by adventure. The maximum sell price for items is 500 GP. If the
the course of the adventure). Actions that can be taken in the price listed price on a Treasure card is more than 500 GP, the
town include swap powers, sell items (if a shop is available), Shop Keeper is still only willing to pay 500 GP for it. Items
trade items/gold with other players, level up, and purchase with no listed sale price can be sold for 300GP.
advancement tokens. Returning to previously visited towns is
detailed in the section Return To Past Adventures. Trade Treasure Cards and/or GP
You can barter with other players, exchanging Treasure cards
Shop and Location Specifics for other Treasure cards or GP. You may also give other
Four types of shops and locations may exist in a given town. players Treasure cards or GP without receiving anything in
Not all towns will have all types of locations. The location return.
types are:
Level Up
Inn: Players may visit the Inn to level up, purchase Healing You may spend GP at an Inn level up. The cost to advance to
Surges, purchase Advancement Tokens, or hire Allies. The Inn 2nd level is 1500 GP; 3rd level is 2000 GP; 4th level, 3000GP.
may also sell items such as healing potions and flasks of oil.
Church/Temple: This type of location may stock items
such as Holy Water or Holy Symbols. Advancement Tokens
Magic Shop: Advanced magical items and spells can be You can only purchase advancement tokens after your Hero
purchased at the Magic Shops. These items may include has leveled up to 2nd level. Advancement Tokens can never
powerful rings, scrolls, or wands. be traded or given to other Heroes. The available
Armorer/Blacksmith: These locations will sell powerful Advancement Tokens and corresponding purchase price is
weapon and armor upgrades, including some magically listed for each town.
imbued items.
Hire Allies
Swap Powers Some towns may have allies available for hire. The cost of
You may swap powers between adventures. You are still hiring each ally is listed per adventure. Allies you control
bound by the selection requirements on your Hero card. activate first during step 3 of your Villain Phase. If an ally is
at zero hit points at the start of his or her activation, the ally
is defeated and must be removed from play. Allies can be
healed, but they cannot use Healing Surges.
Return To Past Adventures
There may be circumstances when you want to return to a
previously visited town, such as to purchase items that you
could not afford or chose not to purchase at the time. Healing Surges
Traveling to the town from a past adventure is possible, but it Healing Surges are not given at the start of adventures.
is not without risks. You may only revisit towns from past Healing Surges must be purchased in town at the listed price
adventures. You may not revisit a town for an adventure that before or after each adventure. Heroes share Healing Surges
you have not completed yet. All players must agree to revisit between the entire group, regardless of who purchased the
a town, a player (or a subset of players) may not venture off Healing Surge. The party may not have more than five
on their own to revisit a past town. After all players agree to Healing Surges at any given time. If your Hero is at zero Hit
revisit a town, select one player to roll the 20-sided die. This Points at the start of your turn, you must use a Healing Surge
player is considered the active player. Check the following token or the Heroes lose the adventure. If your Hero uses a
table for the results: Healing Surge, discard the Healing Surge token and regain Hit
Die roll of 11+: You arrive at the destination town Points equal to your Hero’s Surge Value. You then take your
without incident. turn as normal.
Die roll of 6-10: The destination town is under attack,
you must help save the inhabitants for the onslaught of Hero Death and Defeat
monsters. Consult the corresponding adventure for town The heroes lose if the specific requirements for defeat are
layout and for Monster deck construction for the town that is met within an adventure or if a Hero is at zero Hit Points at
being revisited. Starting with the active player, each player the start of his or her turn and there are no Healing Surges
draws one Monster card and places its figure on any tile in left. If the Heroes are defeated, you may attempt an
the town. Place monsters on tiles that have no monsters first. adventure again with the Treasure items, Advancement
You must defeat all Monsters. Players have initiative, starting Tokens, and levels that you were at when you started the
with the active player. Do not draw Treasure cards for adventure.
Monsters that are defeated in this battle.
Die roll of 1-5: The destination town is under a When You Start The Campaign, Read:
devastating assault. Consult the corresponding adventure for Perusing the Monster Job Board at the edge of town, you
town layout and for Monster deck construction for the town see three opportunities that interest you:
that is being revisited. Starting with the active player, each The Burning Plague: The Silver Mines at Duvik’s Pass
player draws two Monster cards and places the figures on are offering a reward for help finding missing miners.
any tile in the town. Place monsters on tiles that have no The Forge of Fury: Legend has it that powerful
monsters first. You must defeat all Monsters. The monsters weapons lie hidden beneath Stone Tooth Mountain.
controlled by the active player have initiative. Do not draw Werewolf!: A small town in the north is being
Treasure cards for Monsters that are defeated in this battle. tormented by a vicious werewolf.

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