Assignment 5

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Personal reflection in writing the activities section of the project:

After writing the introduction and rationale of the project, the next task to fulfill is to

create the activities section. In this part, the important key points in assembling your plan

particularly through the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) were integrated. The WBS is a

useful tool for large or complex projects that have a lot of activities and require weeks or months

of work from multiple individuals. As I refer to our project plan, the work-breakdown structure

is divided into several major components: (1) Planning and Conceptualization; (2) Collection of

Bottles and Contribution; and (3) Execution and Completion. As of September, we are already

on the second phase of activities which is the collection of bottles and individual monetary

contributions. The first collection of bottles was scheduled on September 11, 2021 (Saturday)

while the second and last collection were arranged on September 18 and 25, 2021, respectively.

On the other hand, the collection for the contributions started from September 6-30, 2021,

through gcash sent to the respective focal persons. For the month of October, the execution and

completion of the project are expected to transpire. As far as I can tell, the conduction of project

activities is smooth and organized because of our cooperation and teamwork even though we are

in a pandemic. Our project managers are very hands-on, and we are all dedicated to making this

project a common cause for the benefit of our environment. Through the creation of our project

WBS, I was able to grasp and clearly understand the important stages in our garden set project

activities. Hence, it gave me a better overview of what activities are coming and the ones that we

need to prioritize for the coming months.

Consequently, while we create the said section of activities by referring to the guide

module and PowerPoint (ppt), I learned that it is a chicken-versus-egg situation when it comes to
creating your work breakdown schedule (WBS) and actually starting project activities. At first, I

was actually confused upon reading the term “chicken vs egg” and according to my readings, a

chicken-and-egg situation is one where it is impossible to say which of two things happened first

or caused the other to happen. Hence, there are numerous chicken-versus-egg challenges to

overcome while putting together your WBS, such as whether to map your own actions as a

project manager and whether to include planning as a job. Also, many experts recommend that

you first identify staffing resources before moving on to the WBS. Pertinent to that, the ability to

allocate personnel as needed comes first, followed by money allocations. This is actually

sensible because you would not be able to allocate staff hours unless you know exactly what has

to be done right? In contrast with that, various experts advise that the WBS should be created

irrespective of staffing levels. Here, you determine what needs to be done and then gather the

necessary personnel resources in accordance with the plan you've devised. Hence, the latter is

more widely accepted since it is a sensible method to set out and put together your plan—you

identify needs first, then allocate appropriate staff resources.

Moreover, I also learned that the construction of a WBS, as difficult as it may appear, is

quite uncomplicated when most of the resources being utilized are internal or simply, located

within the firm such as your personnel, equipment, and other project-supporting components. On

the other hand, when the majority of your resources are regarded as external or outside your

organization's premises, it is more difficult to budget, schedule, and incorporate at the proper

time. This is actually true because of the current pandemic where the acquisition of resources

outside is quite hassle and risky. Also, I learned that milestones are not included in the WBS

because they reflect the culmination of events and actions leading up to them and hence, they

don't always necessitate time or money. Accordingly, a milestone is a symbol of achievement,

and it may or may not correspond to a delivery, but they are important because they provide a

visual line of demarcation, which is especially important for project team members. This actually

makes sense since in our project charter, milestones were not included in the implementation

section because they are just merely goals and targets. Another thing that I have reflected in the

activities section of our project is that once the WBS is finalized and approved, monitoring

progress becomes your major job for the life of the project. In simpler terms, after you've nailed

down the WBS, you'll go from planning to monitoring mode.

Personally, the creation of the activities section helped me to overcome the fear of having

bombarded tasks and activities because creating a WBS is an epitome that such tasks can be

planned and scheduled in an organized manner. Hence, I could use it as well in my personal life,

most especially in my studies because it is definitely helpful and effective in doing tasks for a

period of time. Therefore, taking on a large or difficult job might be daunting. Any project with

numerous elements or people may rapidly miss deadlines or exceed budgets. Thus, you must

incorporate the important concepts in project management for every project venture you pursue.

These initiatives necessitate a road map to the project's goal, one that takes into account factors

like how long it will take, financial issues, and a clear path to completion. That's where project

management's work breakdown structure (WBS) comes in.

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