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OBTL Plan GE Elec.

1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

College: College of Arts and Social Sciences

Department: Department of General Education

VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in the Asia – Pacific region.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant programs in higher and advanced education ensuring
equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

MISSION 1. Provide high quality instruction through qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening
collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and individuals.

E – xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

Course Name GE Elec. 1

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description Public Speaking and Persuasion
Contact Hours/ week 3 hours
Prerequisite None
Course Outcomes After completing this course, STUDENTS MUST HAVE DEMONSTRATED:

1. adequate knowledge on the general principles of effective public speaking;

2. enhanced skills in creating speeches through correct organization and outlining;
3. effective oral communication skills in informal or formal speaking context;
4. understanding of the role of communication in interpersonal relationships;
5. ability in using different styles of persuasion based on different audiences; and,
6. confidence and competence in delivering and communicating information clearly and effectively in spoken form.


Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 A. Speaking in Public
Week 2 B. Ethics and Public Speaking
Week 3 C. Listening
Week 4 D. Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
Week 5 E. Analyzing the Audience
Week 6 F. Gathering Materials
Week 7 G. Supporting your Ideas
Week 8 H. Organizing the Speech
Week 9 I. Midterm Exam
Week 10 J. Outlining the Speech
Week 11 K. Using Language
Week 12 L. Delivery and the Use of Visual Aids
Week 13 M. Speaking to Inform and to Persuade
Week 14 N. Methods of Persuasion
Week 15 O. Speaking on Special Occasions and in Small Groups
Week 16-17 P. Expanded Learning Opportunities
Week 18 Q. Final Exam
One week (or an R. Allotted for the Midterm and the Final Exams
equivalent of three
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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion


Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

After completing this course, STUDENTS MUST HAVE Below are the assessment tasks to The details of each assessment task are thoroughly discussed below. These tasks have
DEMONSTRATED: achieve the course outcomes. always been a motivator to study harder when students know that their progress will be
judged upon an exam, a performance review etc.
1. adequate knowledge on the general principles of effective public
speaking; • quizzes • Quizzes are given to the students to assess their knowledge on a certain topic
2. enhanced skills in creating speeches through correct organization discussed by the teacher. Quizzes normally take the written form and are administered
and outlining; to the students after the discussion.
3. effective oral communication skills in informal or formal speaking • oral recitation • Oral recitation measures the knowledge of the students and allows them to express their
context; selves verbally. Oral recitation could be done before, during, and after the discussion.
4. understanding of the role of communication in interpersonal • reflective essay • Reflective essay allows the student to share their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge about
relationships; a certain topic in written form. Essays can be objective and subjective.
5. ability in using different styles of persuasion based on different • reaction paper • Reaction papers are normally given when a viewing activity is given to the students. This
audiences; and, will allow the students to express their thoughts and reactions about the video. This
6. confidence and competence in delivering and communicating could also help the students to identify and summarize the main points of the video.
information clearly and effectively in spoken form. • listening activities • Listening activities are given to the students in line to the listening part of this course.
This will train and develop the students’ listening activities which plays a vital role in
public speaking and persuasion, and to our everyday lives as well. Audio clips can be
used to administer this task.
• writing activities • Writing activities help the students to develop their writing skills especially when they are
to write their scripts foe their speeches. This will help the students to be aware of their
dictions and registers that will fit to a specific context.
• speaking activities • Speaking activities train students to be knowledgeable enough when it comes to the
proper pronunciation of words. It also helps the students to be to be familiar of the
different accents.
• speech activities • This task trains the students on how to speak in front of the public. Methods of delivery,
guidelines to ethical speaking, etc. that the students have learned will be applied here.
This will also engage the students to speaking in public with different occasions and

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion


Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 1: Speaking in • The Power of Public Speaking Luo cas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Weeks
Public • The Tradition of Public Speaking speaking. 10th ed. USA: 1&2
• Similarities and Differences of McGraw-Hill. writing drills and activities oral recitation handouts
Demonstrate understanding Public Speaking and Conversation O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
in explaining the definition • Developing Confidence: Your A pocket guide to public speaking drills and activities reflective essay
and the different elements Speech Class speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
of public speaking. • Public Speaking and Critical Bedford/St. Martins. online forum
Thinking McCroskey, J. (2006). An introduction
• The Speech Communication to rhetorical communication:
Process A western rhetorical
• Public Speaking in a Multicultural perspective. 9th ed. UK:
World Routledge.

CHAPTER 2: Ethics and • Importance of Ethics Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 3
Public Speaking • Ethical Speaking Guidelines speaking. 10th ed. USA:
• Plagiarism McGraw-Hill. writing drills and activities reflective essay handouts
Demonstrate awareness in • Ethical Listening Guidelines Bronwell, J. (2006). Listening:
applying ethical principles attitudes, principles, and listening drills and activities oral recitation
in communication and skills. 3rd ed. Boston:
speeches. Pearson.

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 3: Listening • Importance of Listening Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 4
• Causes of Poor Listening speaking. 10th ed. USA:
Demonstrate understanding • Becoming a Good Listener McGraw-Hill. listening drills reflective essay handouts
of the listening process Bronwell, J. (2006). Listening: online forum

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

attitudes, principles, and listening activities

skills. 3rd ed. Boston:
Pearson. oral recitation
CHAPTER 4: Selecting a • Choosing a Topic Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 5
Topic and a Purpose • Determining the General Purpose speaking. 10th ed. USA:
• Determining the Specific Purpose McGraw-Hill. writing drills writing activities handouts
Demonstrate expanded and • Creating the Central Idea O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
conceptual knowledge on A pocket guide to public online forum reflective essay video clips
selecting a topic and speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
purpose. Bedford/St. Martins. oral recitation

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 5: Analyzing • The Psychology of the Audiences Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 6
the Audience • Demographic Audience Analysis speaking. 10th ed. USA:
• Situational Audience Analysis McGraw-Hill. writing drills and activities reflective essay/ handouts
Demonstrate understanding • Adapting to the Audience reaction paper
in analyzing different viewing video clips
audiences. writing activities
online forum
oral recitation
CHAPTER 6: Gathering • Library Research Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 7
Materials • Internet Research speaking. 10th ed. USA:
• Interviewing McGraw-Hill. writing drills and activities research activity handouts
Demonstrate awareness • How to Do Research O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
and understanding of the A pocket guide to public collaborative activity for the interview interviewing activity video clips
importance of proper speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
gathering of materials in Bedford/St. Martins. viewing reflective essay/
speech-making. reaction paper
online forum
oral recitation

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 7: Supporting • Giving Examples Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week 8
Your Ideas • Using Statistics speaking. 10th ed. USA:
• Citing Testimonies McGraw-Hill. writing drills reflective essay video clips
Demonstrate familiarity with • Using Oral Citations O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
the different ways of A pocket guide to public speaking drills oral recitation handouts
supporting ideas. speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
Bedford/St. Martins. citing activities

CHAPTER 8: Organizing a • Why Organization is Important Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public Discussion quiz textbooks Week
Speech • Main Points speaking. 10th ed. USA: 10
• Supporting Materials McGraw-Hill. writing drills reflective essay/ handouts
Demonstrate the • Connectives O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009). reaction paper
importance of the • A pocket guide to public speaking drills video clips
organization of the speech, speaking. 3rd ed. USA: speaking activity
and on how to begin and Bedford/St. Martins. viewing
end a speech oral recitation
online forum
Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 9: Outlining • Preparation Outline Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
the Speech • Speaking Outline speaking. 10th ed. USA: 11
McGraw-Hill. writing drills reflective essay handouts
Demonstrate the O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
significance of creating an A pocket guide to public speaking drills speaking activity video clips
outline. speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
Bedford/St. Martins. online forum graded recitation

CHAPTER 10: Using • Using Language Accurately Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
Language • Using Language Vividly speaking. 10th ed. USA: 12
• Using Language Appropriately McGraw-Hill. writing drills reflective essay/ handouts

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

Demonstrate familiarity with • Using Language Inclusively reaction paper

the different ways one can speaking drills video clips
use language. speaking activity

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 11: Delivery • Methods of Delivery Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
and the Use of Visual • The Speaker’s Voice speaking. 10th ed. USA: 13
Aids • The Speaker’s Body McGraw-Hill. speaking drills speech activity handouts
• Answering Audience Questions O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
Demonstrate the proper • Kinds of Visual Aids A pocket guide to public drills on delivering a speech oral recitation video clips
ways of speech delivery. • Guidelines in Preparing Visual Aids speaking. 3rd ed. USA: textbooks
• Using PowerPoint Presentation Bedford/St. Martins. drills on preparing visual aids reflective essay
Demonstrate the handouts
significance of presentation using PowerPoint visual aid creation
communication aids. through PowerPoint

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
CHAPTER 12: Speaking • Types of Informative Speeches: Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
to Inform and to Analysis and Organization speaking. 10th ed. USA: 14
Persuade • Guidelines for Informative Speaking McGraw-Hill. drills on delivering informative reflective essay handouts
• The Importance of Persuasion O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009). speech
Engage and familiarize • Ethics and Persuasion A pocket guide to public speech video clips
students to the different • The Psychology of Persuasion speaking. 3rd ed. USA: speaking drills
kinds of informative • Persuasive Speeches on Questions Bedford/St. Martins.
speeches. of Fact O’Keefe, D. (2002). Persuasion: theory viewing
• Persuasive Speeches on Questions and research, 2nd Ed: CA.
Demonstrate mastery over of Value Sage.
the different kinds of
• Persuasive Speeches on Questions
persuasive speeches.
of Policy
CHAPTER 13: Methods of • Building Credibility Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
Persuasion • Using Evidence speaking. 10th ed. USA: 15
• Reasoning McGraw-Hill. writing drills handouts
Demonstrate mastery over • Appealing to Emotions O’Keefe, D. (2002). Persuasion: theory reflective essay/
methods of persuasion. and research, 2nd Ed: CA. drills on the methods of persuasion reaction paper video clips
Perloff, R. (2017). The dynamics of viewing speech activity
persuasion: communication
and attitudes in the 21st
century. 6th ed. New York:
CHAPTER 14: Speaking • Speeches of Introduction Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public interactive discussion quiz textbooks Week
on Special Occasions • Speeches of Presentation speaking. 10th ed. USA: 16
and in Small Groups • Speeches of Acceptance McGraw-Hill. drills on speeches speech activity handouts
• Commemorative Speeches O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009).
Engage students on how to • What is a Small Group? A pocket guide to public writing drills graded recitation video clips
present speeches in • Leadership in Small Groups speaking. 3rd ed. USA:
occasions and small • Responsibilities in Small Group Bedford/St. Martins. drills on delivery
groups, and the types of
• The Reflective-Thinking Method
speeches to be presented. viewing
• Presenting the Recommendations

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

of the Group
Demonstrate capability to • Expanded Learning Opportunities It will be based on what every student Remedial instruction It will be based on Based on Week
accomplish additional needs. individual student every student 17
learning tasks. needs. needs

Suggested Readings and Bronwell, J. (2006). Listening: attitudes, principles, and skills. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson.
References Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public speaking. 10th ed. USA: McGraw-Hill.
McCroskey, J. (2006). An introduction to rhetorical communication: A western rhetorical perspective. 9th ed. UK: Routledge
O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009). A pocket guide to public speaking. 3rd ed. USA: Bedford/St. Martins.
O’Keefe, D. (2002). Persuasion: theory and research, 2nd Ed: CA. Sage.
Perloff, R. (2017). The dynamics of persuasion: communication and attitudes in the 21st century. 6th ed. New York: Routledge.
Alberts, J., Nakayama, T., & Martin, J. (2012). Human communication in society. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson Education.
DeVito, J. (2015). Human communication: the basic course. 13th ed. Boston: Pearson Education.
Flores, C. S. & Lopez, E. B. (2003). Effective speech communication. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store.
Jaffe, C. (2016). Public speaking: concepts and skills for a diverse society. 8th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Manalo, P. E. & Fermin, V. E. (2006). Fundamental speech communication for Filipinos. Manila: Navotas Press.
Martinez, N. D. (2007). Responsible speech communication. Manila: National Book Store.
Saymo, A.S., et al. (2008). Effective speech communication. Quezon City: TCS Publishing House.
Williams, J. (2008). The craft of research. 3rd ed. USA: University of Chicago Press.

This course requires the students to submit their portfolio towards the end of the semester. The said portfolio will be the compilation of the students’ completed tasks and
Course Requirements
activities. This aims to develop students’ sense of responsibility. The portfolio should be sent in soft copy.
Grading System

Assignment, Output 20%

(Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Online Exam, Reflective
Essay etc.)
Quizzes 25%
Attendance and Online Class Participation 15%
(Students response to teacher-posted comprehension
questions. Students reflection on class required readings.)

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

Term Exam 40%

Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade)/2

Policies Online/ Flexible Teaching and Learning:

1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned application. Just go to and login using your account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp
and the like.
3. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
4. Attendance will be checked every meeting. A student must complete 85% of the session in order for him/her be given credit for attendance.
5. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.

Course Title: AY/Term of Effectively: Prepared by: Reviewed by:

G.E. Elec. 1 AY: 2020-2021 MR. HENRY M. ANDRES DR. RAFFY S. AGANON
Public Speaking and Persuasion 1st Semester Faculty Chairperson

Recommending Approval:





Vice President for Academic Affairs

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OBTL Plan GE Elec. 1 – Public Speaking and Persuasion

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