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The Impact of Parents’ Separation on The Attitude and

Behavior of Affected Senior High School Students Studying

at Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades 2022-2023


Submitted by:

Irisk Claire Vite

Nicolle Aguilar Verial

Niña Gaile Tungpalan

Maria Calzada Tajon

Jenyne Kaye Tiburcio

Ahrbie Claire Castillo

Clarence Luis Ventura

Jomar Panganiban

Vincent Oamerga

Mark Joseph Tesora



The Problem and Background of the Study

Parental separation can have a critically adverse effect on the attitude and

behavior of a children. Despite the fact that we did not yet specifically investigate

about the effects of parental separation on children, we are aware from decades of

research that children, and young children in particular, rely on and require their

parents for their own emotional well-being. Parents are essential in fostering their

children's healthy growth because they provide a nurturing and supporting

environment. Such separation has been demonstrated to interfere with a child's normal

growth and to have long-term effects on their attitude and behavior in studies of

institutionalized children. (Gotlib 2018) Thus, this research aims to find how parental

separation affects the attitude and behavior of selected SHS students, at the same

time, find solutions on how to cope with this problem. Separation of parents, reading

or hearing it alone, is definitely affecting their child mostly in negative ways. Parental

separation is a major adverse in childhood experience when parents no longer love

each other and decide to leave apart, a child can feel as if their world has been turned

upside down. The level of upset the child feels can vary depending on how their

parents separated, age of the child, how much they understand, and the support they

got from their parents, family and friends. In order to ensure the child's well-being, it

is important for the parents to cooperate and think about matters from the child’s

perspective. Hopefully, both parents will continue their parenthood and parenting

relationship even after the relationship ends. The parents must tell the child honestly

about the situation, that they do not have to expose every detail, the child may express
his or her feelings or they may manifest his or her behavior soon not until a length of

time has passed since the parent's separation. Asking to listen and to take the child's

wishes into consideration strengthens the parent's relationship with the child and may

help him or her process the situation.

Parent separation is a major adverse childhood experience. Parental separation

is generally preceded by conflict, which itself is a risk factor for child problem

behavior. Whether parental separation independent of conflict has negative effects on

child problem behavior is unclear. Since separation can result in multiple negative

effects including perceived guilt, blame, stressor and diminished resources for the

children, it is not surprising that parental separation has also been reported to

negatively affect a child motivation, engagement and learning related behavior. This

paper examines the effects of parental separation on the attitude and behavior of the

chosen senior high school students of INCAT. Identify the common problems that

really affects their attitude and behavior so that we can develop the best intervention

to help these students to overcome what they are experiencing.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study.

The scope of the study is focused only on the Impact of Parent Separation on

The Attitude and Behavior of Affected Senior high school Students at Ilocos Norte

College of Arts and Trades and nothing more. The study will be conducted at Ilocos

Norte College of Arts and Trades this School Year 2022-2023 who have experienced

a separation of their parents.

Statement of the Problem

This study wants to understand and investigate the Impact of Parent Separation on the

Attitude and Behavior of affected senior high school Students at Ilocos Norte College

of Arts and Trades.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

I. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Grade Level

1.4 Track/Stand

II. What is the Impact of parents’ separation on the attitude and behavior of affected

senior high school students studying at Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades

School Year 2022-2023?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is derived from the unquestionable benefits it will

provide to the parents and children who are all worried about parent separation.

Children: Having divorced parents can also help their children comprehend life

better. Because of their experience, they can be more kind, caring, and tolerant. The

fact that they had to experience parent separation may have given them useful talents,

such problem-solving abilities. Children can mature, change, and grow in ways that

they wouldn't have in a married environment if properly raised.

Parents: Wise parents take advantage of their divorce as an opportunity to improve

their parenting techniques and concentrate on their kids' long-term mental health and

social skills.
Teachers: Children have different experiences and reactions and bring these into their

classrooms. Children’s social and emotional well-being, and learning can be affected

for many years. The teacher can help children make positive adjustments. Teachers

see these children the most each day apart from their parents. They’re in an ideal

position to provide support when needed. But they may not know how to help in these


Administration in schools: Children of divorce parents participate in and perform

well in school. Children of divorce work incredibly hard to succeed, pushing

themselves to the very edges of their youth in a variety of endeavors (academics,

sports, hobbies, and talents). The primary motivation behind this overt desire to please

one or both parents is to reassure them that just because their marriage ended, they are

still capable of being good parents.

Future researchers: They will also profit from this study if they apply the findings

for further research and analysis, particularly in relation to parent separation.

Additionally, this will give them additional information and comprehension regarding

the study's problems.

Definition of Term

Impact- a powerful effect that something, especially that something new, has on

situation or person.

Attitude- the way in which a person views and evaluates something or someone, a

predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain idea,

object, person, or situation. 

Behavior- the range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms,

systems or artificial entities in some environment.

Comprehend- to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive.
Endeavors- to attempt something such as the fulfillment of an obligation by exertion

of effort.

Separation- the act of separating two or more people or things, or the state of being


Tolerant- to deal with something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing

despite bad or difficult conditions.

Diminished- used when something has lost its power, prestige, or worth.

Derived- to take, receive, or obtain, especially from a specified source.

Adverse- describing a factor that seems to work against or actively harm something.



This chapter explores several ideas and guidelines that are taken from References

from abroad and locally that were pertinent to this study on The Impact of Parental

Separation on the Attitude and Behavior of Affected Senior High School Students

Studying at Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades School Year 2022-2023.

Foreign Literature

Effects of Divorce on Children — and Helping Them Cope

They may withdraw socially you may also notice that your social butterfly

child has become quite shy or anxious. They’re likely thinking about and feeling a lot

right now. They may seem uninterested or even fearful of social situations, like

hanging out with friends or attending school events.

Low self-image is associated with both divorce and social withdrawal, so

boosting your child’s confidence and inner dialogue may help them come out of their

shell again. (Marcin, 2020)

The impact of parental separation on the health status of children, and the ways

to improve it

There is no question that the abrupt change in their family environment and

the additional factors that come along with the parent separation process have an

impact on children. It is common knowledge that the parent separation process has an

impact on children's leading to the emergence of behavioral issues, low self-esteem,

social issues, and challenges in their interactions with their parents. These kids are

more likely to experience sadness, violence, deteriorating social and academic

functioning, and suicidal ideation. (Haimi,Lerner 2016)

The effect of divorce on school performance and behavior in preschool children

in Greece: An empirical study of teachers’ views

The National Statistical Service of Greece reports that among other family

types, single-parent homes that resulted from divorce occupied a significant position

in 2011 and put a lot of kids at risk for behavioral issues and low academic

performance. The National Statistical Service of Greece reports that among other

family types, single-parent homes that resulted from divorce put a lot of kids at risk

for behavioral issues and low academic performance. 314 students from various urban

and suburban areas of Greece made up the research sample. The outcomes of. The

study found statistically significant links between the two student groups' academic

achievement and the nature of the families and the likelihood of behavioral issues.

The results of the current study suggest that children's emotional growth and

academic success are influenced by the family structure. (Babalis, 2014)

Impact of parental separation or divorce on school performance in preterm


Reduced cognitive development and academic performance have been linked

to parental separation. It is not surprising that parental separation has been reported to

negatively affect a child's motivation, engagement, and learning-related behavior in

the classroom given that it can result in a number of negative effects, including

perceived guilt, blame, stressors, and diminished resources for the children. Because

their level of immaturity is directly correlated with their mean cognitive scores by the

time they reach school age, preterm children are at risk of having lower cognitive test

results. (Nusinovici, 2018)

Adolescents' attitudes toward marriage and marital prospects after parental

divorce: A review

Review of research on the long-term effects of parental divorce on young

people's attitudes toward marriage and actual marital patterns. It has been

hypothesized that various aspects of parental divorce are linked to less favorable

perceptions of marriage (particularly if divorce is associated with parental conflicted

deteriorating parent-child relationships). However, it is probable that parental divorce

has the opposite indirect effect, increasing the likelihood of early marriage for some

children of divorce through diminished educational prospects and subsequently

diminished socioeconomic status, early home leaving, and earlier involvement in

heterosexual relationships. These different patterns in views toward marriage and the

prospects for marriage for offspring of divorce are examined, along with possible

other causes. First, whether some teenagers have negative views about marriage and

stay single, while others marry young, whether the adolescent's experiences with
heterosexual relationships and transition into adulthood cause their initially negative

perceptions toward marriage to alter. (Tasker & Richards, 1994).

Local Literature

Parent Separation and Its Effect on the Motivation of Senior High School Student to

Go to School

In some nations, parent separation has been a problem. According to some

previous studies, parental separation has an impact on the motivation and behavior of

their children, but some researchers also claimed that it depends on the nation or

location where the child was raised. One of the most important elements in learning

and developing reading skills is motivation. Because it may influence their behavior

and motivation, parents play a crucial role in their children's lives. There is little

research on parental separation and its impact on senior high school students'

motivation to attend school in the Philippines. (Costales, 2019)

Buhay estudyante: The lives of students from broken families amidst the


The majority of students from broken families face challenges related to

money, emotional, mental, social, and behavioral issues, which negatively affect their

academic performance. Broken families are widespread; in fact, we frequently see

them in our daily lives. Most of students whose parents are divorced or separated are

unfocused and limited. Children from broken homes experience positive things

despite their traumatic upbringing. (Lanozo et al., 2021)

Effects of Broken Family on Pupils’ Behavioral Development and Academic


The smallest, most delicate, and most significant social system that is

supported and enabled by society as a broader social system is the family. The family,

being a significant primary agent of socialization and a strong effect on the child's

development, can undoubtedly help or hurt the child's academic performance

depending on the social climate in the home. This study aims to assess how broken

families affect students' academic achievement and behavioral growth in public

elementary schools. Three hundred (300) identified respondents who were from

dysfunctional households were chosen to take part in the study. To test the students'

knowledge of the subject, the researchers used a descriptive-survey research method

design. They used a modified questionnaire (Behavioral Checklist from Psychological

Associates, 2019) and field observations to gather data. It was discovered that while

factors like age, sex, grade level, sibling count, and who a student lives with have no

bearing on how they behave in school, their behavior development does. This study

came to the conclusion that a learner's behavior and attitude have an impact on their

academic progress. (Felisilda & Torreon, 2020).

Broken Family: Its Affects to Children

Conflicts and concerns resulting from parent separation are typically absorbed

by the family's most defenseless members, the children. When the true meaning of

family is lost, they are the ones who are most impacted. The hardest challenge facing

children is the breakup of the family caused by parental separation. Despite the

development, convictions, and capacities that a family has developed, separation

remains the most traumatic experience. Children are severely impacted, their entire
beings are affected, and behavioral and emotional issues are a real possibility

(Liscano, 2020).


Making connections or putting things together is all that is required for a

synthesis. We instinctively synthesize knowledge to assist others in seeing the

connections between things. It summarizes the main ideas of the material and is

written in your own words. To create a synthesis, you must first discover appropriate

sources and then select the required components from those sources. According to

Nusinovici, Haimi and Lerner, and Babalis they believe that with parent separation or

divorced the children's grades might suffer and also they go through depression.

Academically, kids going through divorce may earn lower grades and even face a

higher dropout rate compared to their peers. There are several possible reasons for this

link, including that children may feel neglected, depressed, or distracted by increased

conflict between their parents. With time, less interest in academics at the high school

level may trickle over to less interest with furthering their education overall. While a

child may initially feel low or sad about the divorce, studies report that children of

divorce are at risk of developing clinical depression. While, according to Costales,

Liscano, Felisilda and Torreon, Lanozo et. al they believe that children are the most

impacted in parent separation and it can affect their academic performance. The

family, being a significant primary agent of socialization and a strong effect on the

child's development, can undoubtedly help or hurt the child's academic performance

depending on the social climate in the home. Broken families may have a profound

negative impact on a student's academic performance as parents play an important

role in most children's academic development.

Conforming from (Marcin, 2020), children tend to withdraw socially after

learning the separation of their parents'. The child become quite shy or anxious and

they may seem uninterested of social situations while the article published by

(Costales, 2019) claimed that it all depends on the nation or location where the child

was raised, on how would it react to their parent’s divorce/separation while the article

published by (Nusinovici, 2018) parental separation can result in a number of

negative effects, including perceived guilt, blame, stressors, and diminished resources

for the children.

To sum it all up, Children who are severely impacted by their parents'

separation may lose their sense of self. The literature provided adds to the current

study by emphasizing advancements and changes in these children's attitude and

conduct brought on by their parents' divorce. It demonstrates how they go from being

upbeat to villainous. Additionally, it demonstrates how their responses to events differ

from their prior responses as well as how they perceive and reconcile events. As a

result, some children have a tendency to let their unhappiness over their parents'

separation affect how well they do in school. The literature provided adds to the

current study by discussing how parental separation affects children's attitudes and




This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in

conducting the study which includes the research design, locale of the study,
population of the study, sampling techniques, research instrumentation and data

gathering process.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative study that aimed to know about the impact of parents'

separation on the attitude and behavior of affected senior high school students of

Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades. This study offers data that can be used to

comprehend the effects on a student who has experienced parental separation.

The type of research design used is phenomenology because it understands and

describes a specific phenomenon in-depth and reaches the essence of participants'

lived experience of the phenomenon. With the use of this design, the researchers

analyzed and formulated an understanding based on these experiences and


Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades. INCAT is a

public institution in the Philippines founded in 1908. Accredited by the Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority, it offers technical and vocational

courses as well as teacher education training. Its main campus is located along P.

Gomez St., Brgy. San Pedro, Laoag.

Mission. To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable

culture based, and complete basic education where: Students to learn in a child

friendly, gender sensitive, safe, and motivating environment. Teachers facilitate

learning and constantly nurture every learner. Administrators and staff as steward of

the institution, ensure and enabling and supportive environment for effective learning
to happen. Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share

responsibility for developing lifelong learners

Vision. We dream of the Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose

values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute

meaningfully to building the nation.

Sampling techniques

In this study, the researchers used two sampling techniques. The first sampling

technique used is a purposive sampling technique. To a greater extent, purposive

sampling uses a strategy that allows for the selection of a sampling frame that is most

likely to be influenced by a particular issue. The researchers made sure that the

respondents had past experiences relevant to the study. As long as a set of units is

chosen because they exhibit qualities they require in their sample, purposive sampling

is possible. This implies that they pick the community members who, in their opinion,

will give them the most accurate information. The second sampling technique the

researchers used in this study is a snowball sampling technique. The snowball

sampling technique is a method the researchers used because the research study has a

connection to snowball sampling, this sampling technique extensively focuses on a

sensitive topic used for conducting qualitative research. It is difficult for them to find

participants for their study. In which the researcher begins with a small population of

known individuals and expands the sample by asking those initial participants to

identify others that should participate in the study. The researchers depend on existing

research participants to help identify other potential subjects.

Research Instrumentation and Data Gathering Process

The survey questionnaire was used as the instrument to gather the impact of parents'

separation on the attitude and behavior of senior high school students. Open-ended

questions are presented to participants in written format within an online survey tool.

Participants are requested to respond to questions in a text ‘in some detail’ to explain

their experience of parental separation. Respondents can express how the separation

of the parents has affected their attitudes and behavior using this approach. There are

2 parts to our questionnaire. Part 1, is the personal information of the respondents.

Part 2, which these questions inquire as to how respondents were impacted by their

parent's separation, how they handled it, and to what extent it altered their outlook on

life and how they interacted with others.

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