1 - Intradermal Injection

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Good day Ma’am, I am Bench Adrian S.

Avila from BSN-3A Group 1 and this day I am going to

perform Administering an Intradermal Injection for Skin Tests.

The purpose of this is to provide a medication that the client requires for allergy testing and TB

Next we have to assess the Appearance of injection site, Specific drug action, Client’s knowledge
and Check agency protocol sites.

Before doing the procedure

 Check the MAR or the Medication Administration Record to make sure correct medication is
being prepared and also to read the label on the medication to:
a) When it is taken from the medication cart
b) Before withdrawing the medication
c) After withdrawing the medication

 Next is to organize the equipment’s

Next, we have to perform Handwashing or hand hygiene and prepare the medication for drug

Verify your clients identity by 2 patient Identifier (name and birthday) – to ensure right client
receives the medication

Explain what you’ll be doing and why is it necessary and how he/she can participate

- Ma’am today po I will perform Administering an Intradermal Injection to you for Skin Tests, is
that ok po Maa’am?

Provides for client privacy

Select a site ------- apply gloves and cleanse the site

Prepare the syringe for the injection.

Inject the fluid -------- (dispose the syringe to sharp container) ----- Remove and discard gloves

Perform handwashing or hand hygiene

Document all relevant information

- This includes testing materials given, the time, dosage, route, site, and nursing assessments.

Evaluate the client’s response to the testing substance.

Evaluate the condition of the site in 24 or 48 hours, depending on the test.

Measure the area of redness and induration in millimeters at the largest diameter and document


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