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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

San Juan City Branch

Final Examinations
July 27, 2022

Name: Lewis A. Punzalan

Course & Section: BSIT 3-2

Subject: COMP 20233 Technopreneurship

Course: BS Information Technology
Class: 3rd Years
Time: W 09:00AM-12:00PM / W 04:30PM-07:30PM

Instructions: Answer the essay questions as detailed as possible

1. As our semester ends, what is your understanding of Technopreneurship?
- For what I understood about Technopreneurship is that Entrepreneur and technology is
fused together to create a more advance and complex business of an organization. It is
about technology and entrepreneurship where it is a kind of business in the field of
technology which involves innovative individuals who has a knack for taking a calculated risk
unlike entrepreneurship which can sometimes be a one person show and while
technopreneurs depends on how well a team or group motivates one another to succeed in
their organization. Technopreneurship is known as the new generation of business because
nowadays technology enables everything in our daily lives so developing or inventing new
products based on technology can propels the world forward in a transformative instrument
for the great or good of the humanity and the world. A technopreneur can have any
innovative and promising ideas but what matters is the execution of the product what is the
logic and how will this product or service be as good as what we have now. To become a
successful technopreneur is first you must gain full tech knowledge and entrepreneurial
skills and you must be persistent and can trust your instincts and must prepare for
competitors that will challenge their organization because enabling your knowledge and
skills will help you come up with creative or innovative ideas that will benefit not just you
but to others as well. Trusting your own instinct when it comes to business is a 50/50 not
unless you are sure on what you are doing it is like thinking outside the box where you must
envision and harvest invisible possibilities in situations where the world only perceives
difficulties in order to be successful. In a business competitive is common among one or two
business where they must vanish their competitors in the territory, they are stepping into
they must win and gain result in who has the best product or service among them.

2. Define and give the essence of the organization’s

a. Purpose
b. Objectives
c. Vision
d. Mission
e. Goal
f. Strategy
g. Research
h. Business model

- The essence of an organization is understanding the vision, mission, and the values
important to the organization on how the act or process of organizing, the state or manner
of being organized, or something that is being organized in a business. The vision is what
you want your organization to be at some point in the future, based on the goals and
aspirations of your business having vision will give you a clear focus and can stop your
organization head to the wrong path of your objective. The Mission is the concise
explanation of the organization reason for existing where it describes the organizations’
purpose and overall intention and how it supports the organizations business. The objective
is what the organization wants to achieve and how they plan to progress and work in a
particular goal of their organization. The purpose of an organization is describing the reason
and what makes a business unique and what the organizations plans to do for their
business. The goal is an endpoint where an organization accomplish or achieve an objective.
The strategy are sets of plans, actions, and outlines on how an organization will complete in
a particular market, product, or services. The research is acquiring detailed information of all
the areas of business and using such information to maximize the sales and profits of an
organization. The business model is the organizations plan for making profit and how it
plans to sell its identified target market and anticipate any expenses.

3. How does this subject essential for a Tech based - Entrepreneur?

- This subject enables us students to be aware of what business means in our course and our
current generation and how will we come up with amazing ideas and products/services that
can change the world. Me as an IT student has the skill and knowledge to come up with
ideas or invent a product/service that is tech base because we can make our own programs,
system, and software that are all based on technology like a POS, Websites, application, etc.
and from this subject I as an IT student has seen the amazing side of the business world on
how my course will benefit to other organization and how important my role is now in
todays generation that is mostly run by technology in the modern world.

4. Give your insights on the movies you have watched:

a. Extraordinary measures
b. Pirates of Silicon Valley
c. The Social Network

- My insight about the movies is that most of them are amazing entrepreneurs that
succeeded on what they have made for them to change and help the world. These movies
showed me that you’ll likely make more enemies when you begin or step into the business
world and it will destroy your relationship with the people that you know, and it will enable
you to be productive and enables you to use both your knowledge and skill to become a
great businessman. Inventing or developing is what I understood from all the movies that I
watched they all are amazing people that has created wonderful things to the world like the
operating systems and the social media. Logic, decision making, and risk taking is what I’ve
learned most of these movies because taking risk and having great decision allows
individuals to be confident on what they want to accomplish and how logic breaks all the
promises you offer to people that will benefit your product/service.
5. If you will be part of an organization, how will you make use of your learnings in the subject as
an IT professional?
- I will use the knowledge that I gained from the subject and come up with ideas that can help
both my department and organization I will used what I have learned and become a leader
or manager that will guide my team and department and accomplish the objectives and
goals of the organization and motivates and lead my team to success. I will handle the flow
and assign the work to the team that suit perfect for each member on where they are good
and believe in my team to work hard for us to be successful in our department or

6. What do you think of having to prepare your Business Plan proposal makes you appreciate your
course? How? In what way? Please be specific with your answer
- It helps me become productive and makes my mind think of many ways to improve the
quality of life of every human being in the world. Preparing my own business plan makes me
come up with ideas that I want to express and tell the world that there are solutions that
can enable us evolve even more and because of this course it opened my eyes that there are
things that needs to be improve, Innovate, and invent everything can evolve because
technology makes our life easier and it allows us to think further and base on our subject
being a businessman and a IT student it opened my eyes to a new world where technology is
the new generation of business and I as a student has been motivated to create or invent
systems and applications that will be as great as what other known technopreneurs created.

7. What is the essence of being a Leader vs being a manager? Where do you see yourself more
inclining to? Why?
- Leadership and management are two of the most important process for achieving goals and
objective when working with peoples. The two ensures the individual to effectively and
efficiently utilize human resources to achieve increased productivity of a company or
organization. If I were to choose between the two, I would likely be a leader because I am
more comfortable in guiding, directing, and influencing my followers because rather than
delegating authority and responsibilities to my employees I would rather encourage and
inspire my employees to be proactive in what they do for the business. Managing requires
having a trait of a leader but he/she will manage the planning, staffing, directing, and
controlling of the organization to achieve its goals.

8. Discuss the meaning of the business model; how can it be essential to an organization?
- A business model is the organizations core strategy to gain profit in doing business it
generally includes information like products or services the business plans to sell. A business
model includes the value proposition, key resources, key activities, key resource, channels,
customer segments/relationship, key partnership these are the information or the building
block of a business model. The value proposition is the primary component of the business
model because it describes the goods or services that the organization offers to their target
market and marketplace on how they will solve the problem or how they will satisfy the
needs and wants of their customers. Customer segments are the target market of the
business, and the customer relationship is the connection between the organization and
their consumers and how the organization maintain their relationship with their customers
and how to acquire and retain customers to boost sales, and profit. Channels brings the
value proposition to the customer through communication and distribution. An organization
must have the ability to communicate with its customers and partners, distribute goods and
services, offers desirable bundles of products or services that solve and satisfy the needs
and wants, gain profit from selling and promoting products/services, and build partnership
to optimize business and reduce risk and gain resource.

9. What is the importance of the lean business model?

- The importance of a lean business model is maximizing value while minimizing waste. In
short it means creating more values to the customers with less resources by satisfying
customers wants and receive positive returns in increased of sales.

10. Explain the difference between Entrepreneur vs. Technopreneur

- An entrepreneur is an individual that creates or start his/her own business an entrepreneur
can be an individual or a group of people that would like or are interested in starting their
own personal business to succeed and gain profit. Entrepreneurs are commonly seen as
innovators or people that has source of new ideas that offers products or services for their
target market. Entrepreneurs are risk taker and opportunist that invest in a firm to produce
goods or services for profit. While Technoprenuers are a team that innovates existing
products/services by improving it and evolving it into a new one. Technoprenuers are
people who has both knowledge with business and technology they are the people who
come up with new ideas that solves problems using technology. Science and technology are
the traits of an Technopreneur they use logic to their business to create or invent
products/service to their target market to satisfy their needs and give what they want.

11. Discuss the highlights of your Business Plan activity (the concept paper you made?) The whole
experience you had
- The business that I came up with was a translating application that has photo rendering
system that can translate words and text in a picture and voice automated translator which
is an AI that will translate words to the language that they wish to translate and scanning
system that will scan our users’ surroundings that will translate the text of an object. I
planned to develop this app because most tourist or immigrant had difficult in
communicating with foreigners and if they wish to know and translate what they are saying I
came up with an idea that will help them communicating in another language they wish to
translate, and it will become their very own encyclopedia that has many languages in the
world. The application will help a lot of people that loves to travel, visit, or migrate from
other countries because their culture is different from one another. So, this app will
eliminate the language barrier of the world and people can now freely express their words
to one another without having any difficulty understanding them. For what I experience
from making my concept paper I was struggling to think of a business plan but I realize why
not make an app that can help me communicate with other people of different countries
because I usually talk to other people around the world whenever I play some video games
and I am struggling communicating with them so I come up with a translating app that will
benefit all the people around the world to use just to remove the language barrier between
country to country and finally have the ability to communicate and understand other
language I based my work in google translator but I find google translator buggy and
inaccurate and what I wanted to do is create a more advance translator that can store all
the known languages in the world and give accurate translation to them unlike google
translator which has some inaccuracy when translating words the app that I wanted to make
was similar but I wanted to add more feature to it rather than translating text ill put some
scanning and rendering system on the app that will enable my user to scan objects around
them and render picture and translate them in the language they wish to translate it. I
wanted to improve the quality of life in gaming because communication is very important in
the world and due to the language barrier, I wanted to finally get rid of it using the app that I
plan to develop I need a team to manage the data and create the system of the app and a
designer to make my app more user friendly because of its UI.

12. Give the details of your project: Company name, Business entity, Industry, and how will be in an
application if you are to be one as -
a. As a professional the IT practitioner
b. The Entrepreneur aspect
- My company name is WIZZ Studio it is a studio where my team develops the application that
I wish to create the I am the CEO of the company and my duties and responsibilities is to
assign, direct, manage, encourage, organize, and plan what the company’s objective and
goals are to be succeed and accomplish profit, sales, and partnership. As a professional IT I
will develop and enhance the applications and system that I planned to create the E-ver
Voice is going to change and help the world in terms of communication It is what the people
want to remove the language barrier and it will be useful for everyone it is a mobile service
app that will help our users to translate words and text from other languages of different

13. What challenges took place during your Business Plan activity that really took you a turn-
around? How did you manage to work it about?
- The challenges that I faced during my business plan is my mental state I keep asking myself
if my work will be successful or will it fail, does it already exist, or is it too complicated to
make I have not been confident of my idea because of how many industry that already came
up with this I wanted to know but I ain’t sure if its true or not I’ve researched similar
products and services same as my business plan I have found several but I can’t see the
whole plan I was unsure of what I am doing but I manage to continue my work and say to
myself that its fine to try but giving up is a way worst than not trying I wanted to prove my
work that it can succeed I want to be confident and I want to see how well this business plan
go and if I were to fail then I did what I could I’ll keep moving forward to come up more
interesting ideas that will help the people of the world and if I succeeded then Ill do the
same thing when I fail ill keep on developing and creating apps that will one day as great as
Bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg has.

14. Share your insights and learning during this semester.

- What I learned during the semester is that as an IT student I can both be an entrepreneur
and an IT professional this course gave me insights of what it is like to be in a business
industry it helps understand the practices and principles of what an entrepreneur is and
what he/she must do to be successful on their business and how they will gain fame and
profit from it. This semester was an interesting one because I got to know what other
technopreneurs did to become successful in their time like Elon musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates,
and Mark Zuckerberg they are very influential entrepreneurs I idolize them for giving what
we have now they are the reason why tech-based products/services are known in today’s
generation people nowadays use technology like the computer and their cellphone and use
the internet and browse in social media because of them we wont be in the modern era
today and if people like them keeps on making or inventing more stuff that can change the
world then I as a student wishes to become as smart, and creative as them. Tech-based
products and services are the things that I learned from this semester what their difference
is to one another and how it can be both benefit from each other.

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