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Romblon State University

College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Conceptual Framework of Module 1

Mathematics Education Principles and Strategies
in Teaching Mathematics

Learning Outcome

Create a comparative analysis between problem solving and problem-based

learning strategy.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the module, the learners are expected to:

a. explain how critical thinking skills is developed in mathematics teaching;
b. discuss how problem-based learning enhances learning Mathematic; and
c. distinguish the key features of Problem Solving and Problem-Based Learning.

The succeeding definitions and discussions are based on the “Mathematics Framework for Philippine
Basic Education” by the Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute and Philippine
Council of Mathematics Teacher Education (MATHTED), Inc. It thoroughly explains the concepts anchored on
the mathematics education framework in the Philippine perspective.

Students today require stronger

mathematical knowledge, skills and values to
pursue higher education, to compete and to
be part of the technologically oriented
workforce and to be informed citizens. They
must gain understanding of the fundamental
ideas of numbers and number concepts,
measurement, geometry, probability, data
analysis, patterns, functions and algebra.
They must be proficient in computing,
problem solving, representing ideas and
concepts and in connecting mathematics to
other areas of life. Figure 1. Mathematical Empowerment Framework
Source: DOST-SEI & MATHTED, Inc.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 1

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Lesson 1.
The goal of mathematics education is to develop a mathematically empowered
citizenry. For Filipino students, the goal of mathematical empowerment focuses on
developing critical and analytical thinking encompass the following skills as well: Problem
Solving, Communicating Mathematically, Reasoning and Making Mathematical Connections.

Problem Solving
Desirable problem solving skills include the ability to recognize that a
problem exists; identify or define the problem; propose ways to solve
the problem; act on the proposed solutions; and determine that the
problem is solved.

Communicating Mathematically
This includes the ability to use the special vocabulary and symbols of
mathematics, represent and describe mathematical ideas and
synthesize concepts and ideas through the use of mathematical
structures and relationships.

This includes the ability to use both deductive and inductive reasoning
skills in order to make meaningful statements, justify steps in
mathematical procedures and analyze arguments to determine
whether conclusions are valid or not.

Making Mathematical Connections

This includes the ability to use a variety of representations - graphical,
numerical, algebraic, verbal and physical - of mathematical ideas and
apply concepts and procedures of mathematics to other disciplines or
areas of study and aspects of life.

Figure 2. Mathematical Empowerment

Note: The images above belong to their respective owners.
Mathematical Content
The Philippine mathematics education program at the elementary and secondary
levels aims to teach the most fundamental and useful contents of mathematics and organizes
these into the following strands: Numbers and Number Sense; Measurement; Geometry;
Patterns, Functions and Algebra and Data, Analysis and Probability. This organization of the
contents was influenced by the 1995, 1999 and 2003 TIMSS studies.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 2

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Cognitive Demands
Higher expectations are necessary, but not sufficient to accomplish the goals of
Philippine school mathematics education for all students. This framework starts from the
premise that equal opportunities must be given to all students regardless of learning styles
and levels of ability in order to meet the demands in learning quality mathematics and
assimilate the values intrinsic to the discipline. The cognitive demands under the proposed
framework are classified under the six general categories: Visualization, Knowing,
Computing, Solving, Applying and Proving.

This means using one's creativity and imagination to create images, pictures
and other means to represent and understand mathematical concepts.

This means understanding concepts, memorizing and recalling facts and

This is the ability to estimate, computem calculate, use correct algorithms
and determine the final results.

To solve means to understand the problem to be solved, to make a plan on
how to solve the problem, to act on the plan and to evaluate the results of
the solution. This includes creating new procedures and multiple strategies
to be able to solve problems.

This refers to the ability to verify statements, justify steps taken, produce proofs of
important theories, hypothesize and generalize. This includes making conjectures
and finding ways to support or prove these conjectures. Reasoning and proving go
together - proving enhances one's reasoning skills and conversely, reasoning skills
are needed to prove a result.

Figure 3. Cognitive Demands

Note: The images above belong to their respective owners.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 3

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Cognitive Values

Critical and analytical thinking cannot be fully developed without promoting desirable
cognitive values. The cognitive values that must be taught among others are:

This stands for developing precision and accuracy, as well as being
able to relate mathematics to one's personal aspirations.

Flexibility and Creativity

It includes being able to solve problems in various ways, in the quest
to find the most efficient solution.

This involves recognizing the practicality and usefulness of
mathematics in making sense of the world and appreciating its many
real-life applications.

This is appreciating the cultural value of mathematics and its origins
in many cultures, its rich history and how it has grown and continues
to evolve.

An introspective learner is one who is able to explain one's
mathematical thinking solutions and reasoning verbally and in

Productive Disposition
This includes the ability to look beyonf the challenge that mathematics
poses and view it as being fun and interisting.

Figure 4. Cognitive Demands

Note: The images above belong to their respective owners.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 4

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Lesson 2.
The succeeding section explains and discusses the underlying principles and concepts of the
Conceptual Framework of Mathematics Education. This is based on the K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide
by the Department of Education. This reiterates the principles previously discussed and presented.

Mathematics is one subject that pervades life at any age and in any circumstance.
Thus, its value goes beyond the classroom and the school. Mathematics as a school subject,
therefore, must be learned comprehensively and with much depth. The twin goals of
mathematics in the basic education levels, K-10, are Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

Critical thinking, according to Scriven and Paul (1987) is the intellectually disciplined
process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or
evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. On the other hand, according
to Polya (1945 & 1962), mathematical problem solving is finding a way around a difficulty,
around an obstacle, and finding a solution to a problem that is unknown. These two goals are
to be achieved with an organized and rigorous curriculum content, a well-defined set of high-
level skills and processes, desirable values and attitudes, and appropriate tools, taking into
account the different contexts of Filipino learners.

Figure 5. Conceptual Framework of Mathematics Education

Source: Department of Education

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 5

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

There are five content areas in the curriculum, as adopted from the framework
prepared by MATHTED & SEI (2010): Numbers and Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry,
Patterns and Algebra, and Probability and Statistics. The specific skills and processes to be
developed are: knowing and understanding; estimating, computing and solving; visualizing
and modelling; representing and communicating; conjecturing, reasoning, proving and
decision-making; and applying and connecting.

The following values and attitudes are to be honed as well: accuracy, creativity,
objectivity, perseverance, and productivity. We recognize that the use of appropriate tools is
necessary in teaching mathematics. These include: manipulative objects, measuring devices,
calculators and computers, smart phones and tablet PCs, and the Internet. We define context
as a locale, situation, or set of conditions of Filipino learners that may influence their study
and use of mathematics to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. Contexts refer
to beliefs, environment, language and culture that include traditions and practices, as well as
the learner’s prior knowledge and experiences. The framework is supported by the following
underlying learning principles and theories: Experiential and Situated Learning, Reflective
Learning, Constructivism, Cooperative Learning and Discovery and Inquiry-based Learning.
The mathematics curriculum is grounded in these theories.

Experiential Learning as advocated by David Kolb is learning that occurs by making

sense of direct everyday experiences. Experiential Learning theory defines learning as "the
process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.
Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience" (Kolb,
1984, p. 41). Situated Learning, theorized by Lave and Wenger, is learning in the same
context in which concepts and theories are applied. Reflective Learning refers to learning
that is facilitated by reflective thinking. It is not enough that learners encounter real-life
situations. Deeper learning occurs when learners are able to think about their experiences
and process these, allowing them the opportunity to make sense of and derive meaning from
their experiences.

Constructivism is the theory that argues that knowledge is constructed when the
learner is able to draw ideas from his/her own experiences and connect them to new ideas.
Cooperative Learning puts premium on active learning achieved by working with fellow
learners as they all engage in a shared task. The mathematics curriculum allows for students
to learn by asking relevant questions and discovering new ideas. Discovery Learning and
Inquiry-based Learning (Bruner, 1961) support the idea that students learn when they make
use of personal experiences to discover facts, relationships, and concepts.

Brief Course Description

Mathematics from K-10 is a skills subject. By itself, it is all about quantities, shapes
and figures, functions, logic, and reasoning. Mathematics is also a tool of science and a
language complete with its own notations and symbols and “grammar” rules, with which
concepts and ideas are effectively expressed.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 6

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

The contents of mathematics include Numbers and Number Sense, Measurement,

Geometry, Patterns & Algebra and Statistics and Probability. Numbers and Number Sense as
a strand include concepts of numbers, properties, operations, estimation, and their
applications. Measurement as a strand includes the use of numbers and measures to
describe, understand, and compare mathematical and concrete objects. It focuses on
attributes such as length, mass and weight, capacity, time, money, and temperature, as well
as applications involving perimeter, area, surface area, volume, and angle measure.
Geometry as a strand includes properties of two- and three-dimensional figures and their
relationships, spatial visualization, reasoning, and geometric modelling and proofs. Patterns
and Algebra as a strand studies patterns, relationships, and changes among shapes and
quantities. It includes the use of algebraic notations and symbols, equations, and most
importantly, functions, to represent and analyze relationships. Statistics and Probability as
a strand is all about developing skills in collecting and organizing data using charts, tables,
and graphs; understanding, analyzing and interpreting data; dealing with uncertainty; and
making predictions about outcomes.

The K to 10 Mathematics Curriculum provides a solid foundation for Mathematics at

Grades 11 to 12. More importantly, it provides necessary concepts and life skills needed by
Filipino learners as they proceed to the next stage in their life as learners and as citizens of
the Philippines.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 7

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Lesson 3.

Problem Solving

This discussion is based on the article of Ortiz (2016) entitled “The Problem Solving Process in a
Mathematics Classroom”.

Problem solving provides a working framework to apply mathematics, and well-

chosen mathematics problems provide students with the opportunity to solidify and extend
what they know and can stimulate students’ mathematics learning.

Polya’s Four-Step Process of Problem Solving

Polya’s four-step process has provided a model for the teaching and assessing
problem solving in mathematics classrooms: understanding the problem, devising a plan,
carrying out the plan and looking back.

Step 1. Understanding the problem. At this point, the student should try to understand the
problem. This is the step where you want your students to engage with the problem or task
and want to actually solve it.
Possible Questions:
• Do I know what is the unknown?
• Do I know the conditions involved?
• In order to determine the unknown, is the condition sufficient, insufficient or

Step 2. Devising a plan. At this point, the students should try to find connections between the
data and the unknown, consider auxiliary problems in an immediate connection cannot be
found, and should eventually obtain a plan of the solution.
Possible Questions:
• Have I seen a similar or related problem before?
• Can I use the results, methods or strategies of a similar problem?
• Could I derive something useful from the data or think of other data appropriate to
determine the unknown?

Step 3. Carrying out the plan. The students then carry out the plan developed in the previous
step. The student should check each step of the solution plan.
Possible Questions:
• Can I see clearly that the step is correct?
• Can I prove that it is correct?

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 8

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Step 4. Looking back. The students should examine the solution obtained.

Possible Questions:

• Can I check the result, or argument?

• Can I derive the result differently?
• Can I use the result, strategy or method for another problem?

A true problem solving process will allow students to be flexible, intuitive and
creative. The students should be allowed to move from one step to another, and through
many alternative strategies. The teachers will also need to be flexible in their assessment of
the students and provide many opportunities for discovery and exploration. Finding great
problem-solving situation is a challenge, but it is crucial if what we want to be effective.

Problem-Based Learning

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered learning approach in which

students learn about mathematics by working in teams to solve an open-ended problem. The
problem drives the motivation and learning.

In mathematics education, PBL describes a learning environment where problems

drive the learning. That is, learning begins with a problem to be solve, and the problem is
posed in such a way that students need to gain new knowledge before they can solve the
problem. Rather than seeking a single correct answer, the students interpret the problem,
gather needed information, identify the possible solutions, evaluate options and present
conclusions. Proponents of mathematical problem solving insists that students become good
problem solvers by learning mathematical knowledge heuristically.
Problem-based learning is a classroom strategy that organizes mathematics
instruction around problem solving activities and affords students more opportunities to
think critically, present their own creative ideas and communicate with peers
mathematically (Roh, 2003).

Nilson (2010) lists the following learning outcomes that are associated with PBL. A
well-designed PBL project provides students with the opportunity to develop skills related
• working in teams • self-directed learning
• oral and written communication • applying course content to real-
• self-awareness and evaluation of world examples
group processes • researching and information
• working independently literacy
• critical thinking and analysis • problem solving across disciplines
• explaining concepts

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 9

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Guidelines for a Problem-Based Learning Task (Moursund, 2016)

1. The problem is relatively easy to understand.

2. The problem can be understood by a wide range of students – that is, by students with
diverse mathematics backgrounds.
3. The problem is solvable by a variety of methods. Some methods may be more efficient
than others.
4. A student working on the problem can recognize when progress is occurring.
5. It is not easy to look up a solution from readily available resources such as books and
the Web.
6. Working on solving the problem contributes to increasing mathematics maturity and
draws upon a wide range of student backgrounds.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 10

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Self-Assessment 1

Directions: Using the SmartArt, list down your key takeaways on the topics as presented.
Reflect on these takeaways and write a summary on the “My Reflections” section
of this module.

Mathematical Content Cognitive Demands Cognitive Values

• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •

Self-Assessment 2

Directions: You’ll be a Licensed Professional Teacher (LPT) soon and a glimpse of the K to
12 Curriculum Framework was presented to you to show how the Department of
Education facilitates the teaching and learning process in a mathematics
classroom. Through a “photo”, showcase your vision of yourself as a mathematics
teacher, five years from now and include a short caption.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 11

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Faculty-Marked Task 1

Directions: In this Faculty-Marked Task (FMT), you are expected to create a comparative
analysis between Problem Solving and Problem-Based Learning. Using the
SmartArt, write down five (5) salient features for each of the two strategies. For
the comparative analysis, use the space provided to compare and to contrast the
two strategies. Explain the relevance and importance of the two strategies in
teaching mathematics. Your output will be evaluated using the attached rubric.

Problem Solving Problem-Based Learning

Comparative Analysis

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 12

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

Comparative Analysis Rubric

Reference: Compare and Contrast Rubric by Hank Maine (2014)

Exceeds the Meet the Did Not Meet the

Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations
(5) (3) (1)
Purpose and The analysis clearly The paper compares The paper mostly
supporting details compares and contrasts and contrasts points compare and
points that are clearly, but the contrasts clearly,
sophisticated, offers supporting information but the supporting
specific examples to is general, and/or information is
illustrate the points are basic. The incomplete or
comparison and paper includes on the missing, an/or
includes only the information relevant to may include
information relevant to the comparison. information that
the comparison. is not relevant to
the comparison.
Organization and The paper breaks the The paper breaks the Organizational
structure information into point- information into point- patter not
by-point or block-by- by-point structure or identifiable. Some
block structure. It block-by-block, but may details are not in
follows a consistent not follow a consistent logical or
order when discussing order when discussing expected order,
the comparison. the comparison. and this distracts
the reader.
Transitions The paper moves The paper moves from Transitions may
smoothly from one idea one idea to the next, but be missing;
to the next and uses may lack or misuse connections
transition words and transition words to between ideas are
subtle transitions to show relationship fuzzy or illogical.
show relationships between ideas.
between ideas.
Grammar and Spelling Writer makes no errors Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes
in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling several errors in
that distract the reader that distract the reader grammar or
from the content. from the content. spelling that
distract the reader
from the content.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 13

Romblon State University
College of Education
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

What did I learn?


My Reflections



DepEd (2016). K to 12 curriculum guide: Mathematics. Pasig: DepEd.

Moursund, D. (2016) Math Problem-based learning. IAE-PEDIA.
Nilson, L. B. (2010). Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college
instructors (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ortiz, E. (2016). The problem-solving process in a mathematics classroom.
Transformations 1 Vol. 1. Florida: Nova Southwestern University.
Roh, K. H. (2003). Problem-based learning. US: ERIC Digests
SEI-DOST & MATHTED (2011). Mathematics framework for Philippine basic education.

Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics | 14

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