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Here, we have the data of 125 days of the temperature of the water of a specific area of the
i. No of classes is ‘7’ & class width ‘2’

ii. Frequency table -

Class boundary Frequency Class Mark Frequency Cumulative Cumulative Relative

(temperature) density Frequency Frequency Frequency
(<) (>)
70 – 72 2 71 1 2 125 0.016
72 – 74 21 73 10.5 23 123 0.168
74 – 76 48 75 24 71 102 0.384
76 – 78 32 77 16 103 54 0.256
78 – 80 17 79 8.5 120 22 0.136
80 – 82 4 81 2 124 5 0.032
82 – 84 1 83 0.5 125 1 0.008
TOTAL 125 - - - - 1.000
c) From the sketch of the histogram from according to the data set we can say the distribution
is right skewed or positioning skewed. Foor this kind of data generally median < mean and
SK = (mean – median) x 3 > {as (mean – median) > 0}
s. d.
So, this is a positively skewed distribution (dataset)

Upper Boundary Cumulative Frequency
72 2 P {x < 72} = 2/125
74 23 P {x < 74} = 23/125
76 71 P {x < 76} = 71/125
78 103 P {x < 78} = 103/125
80 120 P {x < 80} = 120/125
82 124 P {x < 82} = 124/125
84 125 P {x < 84} = 1/

f) n = 125 So, n = 31.25 so, Q lies between 74 and 76.

3n = 93.75 so, Q3 lies between 76 and 78.


= 74 + 31.25 – 23 x 2
= 74 + 0.34375
= 74.344 (First quartile)

= 76 + 93.75 – 71 x 2
= 76 + 1.421875
= 77.422 (Third quartile)


a) (ⅰ) x, mean = 1_ (62, 79, 62, 63, 73, 79, 31, 44, 78, 57, 92, 79, 79,74,62,71,51,57,76)

= 1 x 1269

= 66.79

(ⅱ) mode = is the value which occur most frequency in the data. Here, 79 value
occurs 4 times in date.
= 79
(ⅲ) Lets, write the data in ascending order.


median = (19 + 1) th term = 10th term = 71


(ⅳ) Variance is given by,

V(x) = 1 x (622 + 792 + 622 + 632 + 732 + 792 + 312 + 442+ 782 + 572
922+ 792 + 792 + 742 + 622 + 712 + 512 + 572 + 762) – x2

= 1/19 x (3844 + 6241 + 3844+ 3969 + 5329 + 6241 + 961

+1936 + 6084 + 8464 + 3249 + 6241 + 6241 + 5476 + 3844
+ 5041 + 2601 + 3249 + 5776) – (66.79)2

= 1/19 x (88662) – 4460.90

= 4666.42 – 4460.90

= 205.52

and, standard deviation rx = √v(x)

= √205.52
rx = 14.34

b) Pearson coefficient of skewness is given by,

SK = M = Mo = mean – mode
σ standard deviation

= 66.79 – 79

= - 12.21

= 0.85

Since, - 3 ≤ Sk ≤ 3 and here, Sk > 0 also it is close to zero implies that, given data is slight
right skewed.

a) Total number of respondents, N = 43+42+9+6 = 100.

b) Female respondents involved in the survey = 42+6 = 48.

c) ⅰ) Let F denote the female respondents.

Let R denote right-handed respondents.
So, probability of a female respondent, P(F) = 48÷100.
Number of female respondents answering right-handed = 42.

Probability of a female respondent answering right-handed is given by

Therefore, probability that the respondent answered right-handed, given that the
respondent was a female is given by

Let M denote the male respondents.
Let L denote the left-handed respondents.
Then, number of male respondents = 43+9 = 52.
So, probability that a male respondent, P(M) = 52÷100.
Now, number of male respondents answering left-handed = 9.
So, probability of a female respondent answering left-handed is given by
Therefore, that a respondent answered left-handed, given that the respondent was a male is
given by

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