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It is more important for government to spend money in improve Internet

access that to improve public transportation.

The development of technology has pervaded many aspects of our live.,

especially for the Internet. People can’t live without the Internet now, we need
it for communication with others, work, searching for information etc.
Therefore, in my opinion, I think it’s more profitable to improve Internet access
than public transportation.

First, due to the COVID-19, many cities around the world are forced to shut
down, which disrupt the operation of variety of factories or enterprises.
Internet comes to be more important for lots of people than ever for the
reason. For example, without the Internet, or the low speed of it, the large-
scale company might lose million dollars in just one second. The pandemic also
effects the students as well. They can’t go to school until the announcement
made by the government. Therefore, they are having online classes, which
means the good or bad network signal of the Internet could infect their
learning in large part. As a result, Internet access has played a crucial role in
recent years.

Secondly, in the rapidly developed society, great Internet access could bring in
lots of money for the government. It could not only promote the tourism but
also benefits the local economy. For example, tourists would spend money
whether on living or consuming, then the money they spend will boost the
local stores, making the country prosperous. Once the country is being more
famous and popular, the number of people who would likely to visit increase.
The great Internet access could also make the features of the country be seen
all over the world, thus it would elevate the national status of the country.
Hence, if the government decide to improve the Internet access, not only make
the boom of the country, also bring great profits to the residents.

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