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uaeios 24; Uo sramsue a2a1109 aun swuepmis mous Sse10 ee siomsue mairoy « 240 990u9 pue s99/0U9 Jomsue 3438 400) 03 suepMs a. ‘pro} INO suoNsonb aus sess « ‘2 ued 0} uoRuENe siuepmis iS samsue vou “uebe Au0ys ax peay S ye]D2IEYD a4 40, Sau aLA pe: ‘ne *A10} 3uy Ur JaIDeIeYD BuO 2500: 'SSep ap JOU 28 0} SUApMs Jo scnou6 aA 40 OF yeadas pue sajou di s0 wed au Burkejd Aioys aus y6 ‘eid 03 fi eqUapms yoea uBissy Gms edtaos[] ome af soos ‘omsuo uous Web his ou poy eos ou hey coe wlan nt sessions porto nl ad R “Suc 2208 serge cs po usai9s WA Uo A103 payewiue ayp sjuaPMIs MOUS; 21 Due peas 0} au!) S\UBPNIs BAB pue sDua}UES f° 98neq “9lUN PUoDaS © ¥>eN OIpNe aU Kei « ‘8uo}e moyjoy pue uaysi) USOMIS “SUI IS1Y 34] “999 YDER OIPNe Kejd « (3200s 'p awIeY 01 WUIog z 22Y 81 04M, “UeUg Or UIOg T Ue YON Bue saimaid ayy inoge Sy UNS DIUUOD 84) UO UoRUaE 89 a6ed 0} wim 0} suapmis al « ‘yeadeu pue uaisr 990 @ Y GES Alp ye Bulop arom Kau Ad BunyzieM Se 1G) ou Jeu wn se\noNied 212 Gwlop sem aus / ay eym s0y J Usty Yse pul auapMs © 2500UD '¢¢ a6ed uo y ted U!230U 391083 319 US si01m Kata Saninnoe 243 18 2eq Y001 0} SWAPS aL. O22" dn-usny p aun axe xe yyy, ig) sieuaeW 1en61g Woolsse)> Jo uawdinba Nv pue gd + 000)/0M WOO8 WepMS INO BUEN © sjevsyew ‘pods saferd aun Uaym Guldde}> sem pmoso aus. ‘Suondnasaqur ynoge me 0} uaym YpIM anissaBo1d ase + SanyoNs UOIsuedXy wieains ds dep ansumay moia pmod sake 2euaja1 ypeod GER eG sed ayy ut Suonoe J840 ydnuiayul eua sucnse ynoge ye} 01 21g 3a * ssuray! Ateingeson ‘ex bla puodas ayy aweu pue a7iUB0221 0} aige aq « yun au 40 aulo4A 24) ©) payuN Aio3s e aiojdxa pue JaunoSuD « Tm suapms S8AT}DOIGO UOSsOT | tenon 50, @ 067 Listen and say. _5min. P aye students look at the vocabulary on page 69 1 students to listen and repeat after the audio. > ay audio track 067. Make sure the students are owing along and repeating the words. Go to the Expand page and play the aucio Use the Word Game function to provide students with further vocabulary practice. ® 068 Listen and write the letters. Have students take out a pencil or pen. Tall students they should look at the pictures in part A cd write the letter they hear next to each picture, jay audio track 068, There are pauses in the audio ‘ording to give students time to write, but you may want to pause the track to give them additional time if necessary. Review answers, calling on individual students. @'What sar Play the audio and show the answers on the screen, © @ 069 Listen. Then look at the pictures and say. 10 mi Focus the students’ attention on the model sentences in part C. Pay audio track 069 Read each of the sentences and have the students repeat aloud after you «Put students in pais. Tell students to look atthe six ces to describe what is makes a sentence and the images. + Then have students switch rol exercise again Answers 1. The player was running when the referee blew the whistle. 2. The team was losing when the coach screamed. 53, The player was running when the crowd clapped. 44. The team was winning when the player slipped. 5, The crowd was clapping when the referee blew the whistle. 6. The coach was screaming when the player slipped. More practice Assign pages 50 and 51 of the Workbook 25 homework for more practice. Alternatively if time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 108. 9 uan6 usaq peu Jomsue aun J Se Sense) UOHesteNuOD “ensue on ue ‘96ers sua ¥e PapiAcud JOU ale SiAMSUE AL ‘SION * san ye\p aouayuas AUN Jo wed 40 s2uaIUAS aLn auTHapUN . vamsue oun ue Aquoys urbe sabessed asoup peal-21 0) U@pMS NAL + ynoge ulus 03 2tun YBnoua squapnys ani6 0% 196401 40}, +9) ain noyBNowip s9xoq pai sua Ui suoNs=Nb aun 1 Sulovo0ai aya asned 0} sin Kew noK Janamoy ‘uonsenb 300] 0} sjuapMS aL, '@ Yed UO UORUSHE SIUBPMYS sN203 + upeo saye asned uous e st BIBL TZ0 NDEs OIpNe AeId + eo “mse 1991109 au aD ue Ajnyaxe> suonsanb ums xa} UY 0} ays] 07 paau SuapNIs “VIG ayy WO. sUORSAND &: ul siamsue ayy auluapun ‘Suosenb ayy peay um Kaya ‘uonesieauca au Buunp 2eLA sIUADN ‘mousepils payewilue ay} MOUS: tuayst) Aaa Se pnoje e107, ayo} quBpMys yay ‘ul IY UleBe Den OIpNe aU eld + ssnf aney Aaya 2100 343 ynoge Bupytes USIP 42 va squapnys 324) UleIdea Zz aBed o} WIM Si suopsanb sui aug somsue pueteisli 10 @ @ as Aer Bue Pee O SEPM AL See peo pue waist] 010 @ W uapnys auy TAL “p JO ¢ Jo sdnoub jjews OU! SWAP wauy ysisse 0} uleBe ‘orpne au Aeld ueo nok ‘Guoye Burpee: Ayroysip anc hins SuapMys 4] UIeBe 1x23 ajoyM 4p PeBI-21 'SSEID e Sy ‘ula OF rece se2uaiuas 2aitp 10 S22 ug JO woo 3u3 38 APS aA sauge (4038, 3704s 40) 24a Bulop anuyuea 3 S103 ul s1SS@ 0} S@N)> Jensia Bulsn gonDed + 3)d0% GuiBeBua ue ynoge Burusea} 34M Jewiwiei6 pue Azejnge20n 72618) at Jo 8iUOS JUNCUS « sm swaps = SOATOIGO UOSSST gonna es eos 20 9001 8:27 "lou nor ———ne vil jouvofioase%sce) Me) aes feodthe questions Uden anesthe Read agen, Discuss the questions. @ 072 Listen ag: ‘3 min Play audio track 072 for students to listen to the full conversation with answers included “ell students to listen and check their answers to the louestions from part D Go over answers asa class. and check your answers. ‘oy: Hey, Melissa Nice to see you. Hi Peter. How are you? {im good. Just taking a break from hockey. (Oh, what a fun sport. What other sports do you like to play? Iike alot of sports. Did you know there are a lot of unusual sports and activites in the world? Oh, realy, ike what? Wiel, there's a new sport called quidaltch. Its from a series of books. Which series is quidditch from? Harry Potter Of course. That's cool that there are real quidditch games. And have you ever heard of zorbing? What do people do when they go zorbing? They roll down a hill ina big bal. Haha. That sounds fun and a litle scary Yeah. Ive never done it What's another odd sport? E @taton open nd cectyou cron F wie he name of we spors a ates. Then write tree tings you learned about each one fom the reocing, 2. sochapor led int = t 2. known 9 Ocueh 2, Sonoda heed ha eave teed by ope ing | kes ant —— Le ms Boy: Chess boxing is becoming more popular. Girl: ve never heard of it. Where is chess boxing popular? Boy: It's particularly popular in parts of Europe Girl: They all sound interesting. Good luck with hockey, Peter Boy: Thank, Melissa, Have a great day. B Summary 5 mii o + The summary actity can be done in ciass if time permits, or students can complete it for homework so they are ready to talk about it briefly during the next lesson. + Focus students’ attention on ne bottom of page 72. Tell students to choose two ofthe sports from the text and write three fa each + Encourage students t 1 text on pages 70 and 71 ifthey ra y of the answers + (Optional) Check 2 on the screen More practice Assign page 52 of the Workbook 2s homework for more practice. Alternatively i time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 108 seamaid aig ne noge ayes eney Kaya nun Bunewsarje anuquod swaps + _0nn) Jaquinu aumiaid 10, uonsanb e ayew @ 1uapnis NeW 2 aumoid 10) aouayuas e sayeU g AMS YEU 20 Jaquinu ainord 10} 22ua}Uas @ ayeut 4y 1UapMs, @ T aanIDId uo pase aaua\Ues e Bye OL NL. 8 aps aq 01 yUAPMIs JaUIO au pue Y UMS '8q 0} uepnys 8u0 UBisse pue sated ul siuapMs rnd ‘D wed oy swuepnis 199110 + 'sps0m UBI9 Ne JO} UAPMS UALaYIP e LAIN eae + .cPIOM BU $1324M ‘UNAY BUC, PIOM aU KES CF uuapnis Jenpiniput ¥Se Pue g-T WOH 1AquINU eNO TED + "y ued ul KieInqeoon ata Ye 300) 03 SuepMIS 8L ‘69 aBed 01 Lim SwUEPNYS ALU KEN + fueinqedon Kay au ynoge suonsanb Hse 0} anUNUOD ue g9 aBed uo seumyoid ain ye Yoo! StuApMIS BAEH + 2UaqURS @ ayEIy OBIEWY 212 NOK "y 1uAPMS.D 1x09 43 UI SaoUaIUeS aUp Bulpeas Aq s2ouaILes Bupjew aoy2eid woun aney pue sued ui siuapnIs Ing + ‘$9 aBed uo 3 ed 01 swuapmis 7o3H10 + Blom ain Aes 0} siuapmis Bulyse puE Ena) e Burkes ‘squapms jenpivpul Uo Buje> fq yeaday « PION 34 S122UAN YG) UOSSA) WOH} SIOMSUE arata Uo paseg iayye60) pioM aig Aes 01 siuapnis 45 ue Ue Woy 1299} @ NO 1129 , SBIMIOId 34) 18 4007, 9 a6ed uo sasminid ayy 0} Uonuane siuapmas 3221q + 69 a6ed 0 wim swapmis aneH + Guasror ee ure povedtn oy Ban | sue nour oa et el i pousdlo ayn pogo UL eq ooips ou perecluca ak aABOUTI=UOd OE NOH pope us ay eye spc mg 2491 povedsod ON, 2 © Ablow au ws Boep est aro ON “L “suoysanb au somsvo pe woo poex age on sano ojo yeoupepun pum uy pn eva0 je 490 0 PD MEWOHE BH POA E S58)2 @ Se SIAMSUE 1840 0D + ‘sfamsue au Bussnosip uayra SeouaTUES In} 8sN 0} Squapmys aBesNoDUg J0Y}960} siansue ayn -sn2SIp Bue SUONsaNb OM BLA Pea O} SNOB ALA NAL + japmas 224u2 40 OM Jo sdnou6 jjews oq syuapMS Ind + aia “suonsanb ayy samsue pue Urebe peay @ uB2195 ua ‘Bu! yyna suonre ysed ©} Swapmis 91 HEN + 221 01 UBPMS TAL + a uo uonuane squapms snoos a6ed © squapms nel + TiS “uaym YIM seoUayuEs aya jo He 8ulyepun pue Guy ym suoRre ysed aya Jo T1e @104119 ‘aidwsexs aup peay Y yum saouanu ‘au JO Ie aI sanyasuueun Ag aun 23e suan) 21 03 sjuapnis 2621" wou} ajanie ain ynoge sequewes Sunakiens SSNOSIp PIOUS SIUBPMEs "px23 248 Ye ¥2Eg BUPIOO) OWN "2c aBed UO VeUD Geusuns paia|dwi0D Sut (0) winy 0} wioUa ¥Sy "740 40 cau) squapns 1nd G28: dn-wuoyy sqevarew 1eubiq woousse|> 20 ywswidinbe A/y pue GD + yOOgiOM HOOG APMIS NO BueH + syepevew ‘Aung2e Buguum e 10} e1edaid « udesGe1ed Sunum ajduvexe ue peas « sm squapmas SaN}D9IGO UOSseT (Guroxaiuy) ouojucciexsce Mi) FOsenTI mur dens attention on te wring preparation ‘tion at the bottom of page 73. Students tread the auestons and make nots tthe answers inthe chart in tat stants dont nee to write ful sentences that words or pvases are enough at ths stage ciate and mortar te sade, provdg ast Show the students an example of @ completed Charon te sreen wrap up the unit, ask students to turn to page 90 in Workbook ke sure students have a pen or pencil fect students’ attention to the words at the top of the joe, Ask students to check all of the words they know. ‘Look at the words. Check the words you know." pik around the class to briefly gauge the words that dents have difficulty with, If you see the same words ‘ecked by many of the students, review these words. ect the students back to the pages that contain ages of these words. xi, direct students’ attention to the ! can sentences on second half of the page. ‘out each sentence one by one, asking students to eck the sentence if they can do it. Make sure that all dents understand each sentence before moving on to next Ican sentences: Speaking 1 [can talk about sports games and say what was happening at a specific time 2. I;can say what | was doing at different times, Reading 6. |can ead a that happene: Writing 7. Lean write a few sent and when actions hapo: Writing Assign page 89 of the Workbook ¢ ‘complete the writing activity. Ths ce homework or in clas. Portfolio writing sample answer 1 school team game last a ming up at 2 if were los in the second halt. L during ove were winning when the referee blew the whistie, More practice Assign page 53 of the Workbook as homework for more practice. Alternatively if time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 108. gore fed nok og a5 fay20u ey ax | SOG {suods wees fue fetd nok og a5) aiqerolus awn 1814 au) aiow $31 pue “BuINp yy se Buizewe se 511 534 :foR passiw aney Kew Kaun siamsue Aue 404 Uatsi} 03 29UeUD & ‘qIpa!0Ut ag YSN EU MON |BUITEWOUS “HD ‘Buljorious 6uI06 10 {3U@pMs ani6 0} aus 210W U0 $20 PER ABI {IeUORIO) + uinpp jg9 J9y0ud | “SonaMAe Ye POOE Aish OU W| :kog ‘sJ9mSUe AUR APIAOIG 0} SJUBPNS TUBIAYIP UO jje> pue ‘oRsanb aig peay ‘ssei2 e Se SiaMsLE maINaH + sqUana paUOAUAW s] Jamsue UDeE Jaye YEN ayy asned ds Aue ye NOK UBS 1aABU BA, MOU NOA “LID ‘dn daey 01 a|66nas quapMs | uleBe $20 YER KEI + ‘dunt yBiy 40 ‘201049 JAMSUE 193409 dwin{ Guo} aug Bulop uew 6unsaiayut asow 513g “og snors6uep ‘ap alain pinoys swuapms ‘sun siuy “uleBe Burges LuBupiIy2 om, aun 03 Uys 0} BUIOB ave fain ques aut TAL “Wim aum 0} BuyyseUsos sey uspNys UDeA Zins a> ‘29 ued Aeuy yeum Kes 0} Squapmas 3S fe (q pue e) uonsanb y28a 404 saD!049 Jamsue omy aU 21 ulod ay, 'g aBed Uo suonsanb sno} at peed "WON 29 9901 € yo Bulduing iasAul ny {ue ans e10u ajod e paneD $31 “VID ns sues 24g 1us) eur ng sex og 20d 213 6ulop uein snoia6uep Buin js9 06 nok yu0G uD nok asoddns | ‘sa, :Aog. eR REP SADLY 1yoe00 e Bulag dois pinoys nok aqAew j}8M! YO ‘MID ue souauadko 6uizewe unowa | TM UD 99m 50) ans een ain maiq 90:9901 219 Uaym BuO] sem Wee UL SOB tu: dn u6iy 06 nok pue >0m prey fees seu ang KOR {9006 Aue wear aun St ME Lom s9n9U 9A) 3 BD! 24] $84 MID we9} {910}09 ]uaK9 eth BVO 1042 NOK 3AEH NEA 04 :KOA 120] sno 10} y2e09 ese 10M | Key 3.UOP | ON -Kog o22u2A8 | 4 08 | MD sri nok 1p | :Kog 52, UD ea Lr] -( onneduios suod tuaysy sn! pjnous SquBpMS “AUD ISIY BL SSunjeeds uaup)u> oy 0} UBS! Th KeLA SIUOPMS HAL + ‘us or | “a}D41o Ua, “UAIST] $20 @ @ unjads 1981109 pue siemsue au Burpuy uw diey 02 9-p silun 49n0 »Deq pue ayzznd aL punoue sanyo aimoid aya ye 400] 0) syuspms se:n09U3 + i savenbs Buluiewas ‘aun Siup ang "8M 382} NEA 3}0° ‘siuane sod: auBnowy | sods ye poos aia n: “ue Bes te} Grete g aun ur pue samp aun Jo so ape yoo} 3 OPM JL + re = tal = “glzznd ayy UO SS019e ¢ 104 savenbs 4 = aig uy ex swuepms a 21808 ayy UO Aes DuOM aun et auuy (eyo) 81 s0sue au} YeypaSwuEDNS SE pue (2082 aa 210410 OM UdBmjaq 29e! 8.) $5019" § aNI> OF UIOd + ee bed ee ae aun jo don axa e sono uayyum au e 00) BUBPMS BNEH + Suecyonalacusy © peywparegocomenyanesd | wz oBed i 900 aZeprus Hela Vado Ot SuPer IL a ee Guu “spromann uM Y me ae sprom ou aii Wf ere eee nn) sue — @ review 8 @ ston then cel ha event hose il aon ‘Agorout how plevoskng? 2 , Ieoeemamre — as (Fie elay game C et and el the mistake. Then wie the correct wor 1 Iho Gwon ori a 2. @eateng were dgercu hon 99 vei wcchng 2. Hing on ierson a8 pm 4 thoveGGmpsn a bdo ver nc, £5 Sojng fe comets a ox comertabe SS) srg oa aa « 5 ow team neGQvtwn heoeHohe whole, bia G Read and circle the mistake. Then write the correct word. Focus students’ attention on part C on page 75 Read each sentence out loud, Tell students that there is a mistake in each one Ask students to identify the mistake in item 4 (ever) and to circle it. Then have students write the correct word on the blank space (never). Now tell students to read each sentence by themselves, circle the mistake, and write the correct word on the blank space Monitor and provide assistance if necessary. Give students 2-3 minutes to complete the activity. Go over answers as a class, Starting with sentence 2 choose a student and ask him / her to read out the corrected sentence for each item, Make sure all students have circled the mistake. © Look and rad. rite Yee or No 5 Thy aretoting por n ecanzert _ 1 Amanisrcsvig orophy —e D Look and read. Write Yes or No. + Have students [ook at page 76 and focus students’ attention on the picture. Next, read the first sentence: @"They are running a ‘marathon. Tell students to look at the picture and say Whether this is true or not. Have students write Yes or No on the line. Tell students to do the same for sentences 2-6 Monitor and provide assistance to students if necessary. Go over answers as a class, Starting with sentence 2. read the sentence and then ask a student whether he / she wrote Yes or No. ‘umaid aup Ut sab ew 184) pue spuom A YBNUBIY 0} uORNG JaqeT Moys aYp ¥21> duos aig squapms mous 0} suonouny duos pue uondes aug sp) uonewiue au Aele) ‘spuom fay BunyBnubiy ‘96eWi 242 30 sno} jemuin e uo SUapMIS aye, 118} 0} saucis Bunsavetul jo 10} & aneu Kawa yoq yea18 S24, -ipey ‘YeUNa60r GuI06 ae am 'sa4 “ful Puayaam Kiana ajdoad Kuapis PPausn BUS JeUR ples BUS £17 Ualm BUIOG nos auy ‘aidoad Ayapje wsia 0} BuloB we | 53, A {PUB¥BEM aUj 104 Sue} Aue aAeY NOK OG ‘Repo ‘AOUOUI 10 10) € 323}109 0} BUlOB aie am yuLs | iy Buidiay si YyUoW Arana saqes ayeq pjsu 24 3€U Dies 21 ‘ales axeq e BuIp|oY si Care) e6u10 1 pue oayew axe yeu puy 22916 seu). ‘sn 10} O04 paxeuop 3x aidoad 0 5107 ‘saup pooy aus Bulziue6s0 ws: enou Bulop nok 289K Alona Sayio}> payeuop ay yeu; Dies ‘SaU}O}> AUS a\eUOP 03 BUICt x0q e sey 3} jaIUeg seW0> = @ tsa” hes puo ory Se or $20 4224} O1pne Kei + Siu 21) SIUaNa PIOY Joo4>s snOK sa0q ‘a\eUOp 0} seyIO}> S10! BulBuug 51 1Ueq “Sa4no}D auL0s YBNosy) Bulyoo} 1 Auusp pue ‘p00} auios Burziue6.o 1 peN ates ayeq © Burney a1e 1] pue oaiew Ayunuswi0> Jay) diay oP Juana joys e Burpjoy ave syuapnys aye) ‘ssomsue 2240 Swuapnis 39} 0} Suonsanb Joye Bulsned ‘aunioid ayy Us uious uoNeNys ap UleKdx@ ‘aumoid sun inoge wel « 182 26ed uo simiaid au Uo UoNUaRe suapMs snd04 GwS“uoisy pue 001 H0 @ Y e2ve swuapnis 21910010 JB205 uowoD awos wsabins sP5pl Suwoo Aarawe aneu swuepms i Jemsue oy 2735 UP Te .,AIUTUsWUOD Ino day uo3seA'sn20} a SUEOMS YY « (0 248 3629 suuy 21a 22 09) 22 Sunuse8) 243 Cue Vossey aun jo ann oun peey « 84 26e0 o: x008 woenis sun Uado uopmis aneH G=- = uowseng dn-uueyy 3 Joop ¥1RI6IG WooisseID 10 quaUidinbe yy pue g> » EOGHON YOog yUaMS ING HUEY + 'SIEUOP 2Ys 22Up les BUS “SaYO}2 axeUOp | (ased ajduus ~ yuasaid a}duus) yosads payioday « seuy>eag dn ueal> aidoad Kuapie ysia ssejawioy ayy diay sainoja ayeuop {u2inBes op Kaun ples aucawios eym yiodas « 20h Aa 1UBIa S14 a4A aLueU PUP azILBO2a1 « 10) 3]g@ 99 jm suspmig QOD cront. Tura to poge ns. Lok athe picture and tlk with © porter ——— © 075 Listen and say. 5 min D Focus students’ attention on the vocabulary lst at the cotter of page 78 Tal students to listen and repeat after the audio. Listen to the words. Look atthe pictures and say the words,” lay audio track 075, Make sure the students are ‘lowing along and repeating the words. HOptionai Play the aucio track again to give students 20 extra chance to practice, especially if students have bificulty with the pronunciation. Go to the Introduction page and play the audio. Use the Word Game function to provide students with further vocabulary practice © 076 Look at the pictures. Listen and write the letters. 5-10 min’ Play audio track 076. Have students listen to the Bentences and write the corresponding letters in the ‘icles on the picture. @Listen to the sentences for the 7 word, Waite the letter next to the picture" Review answers as a class. Cal outa letter starting with and ask one student to say what the key word is Btudents don't have to remember the whole sentence, st the key Word To review key vocabulary, use the Key Words and Flash Cards functions. Repeat the activity with drag-and-drop labels D@ 07Chant. 10min O + Tall students to tur to page 115 where they will see the lyrics to the chant. @'Lets listen to a chant. Turn to page 115." * Play audio track 077, and have students just listen the first time + Assign half of the class to read role 1 and the other half to read role 2 + Play the auco track again. Tis tne tel the students to read along to ther pat out ou BBD show the animation and yrs tothe chant to encourage students to chant along, a What do you do for your community? | donate clothes. She said that she donated clothes, What do you do for your community? | help the homeless, He said that he helped the homeless What do you do for your community? lisit elderly people. She said that she visited elderly people, What do you do for your community? | hold bake sales He said that he held bake sales. What do you do for your community? I clean up beaches, She said that she cleaned up beaches. What do you do for your community? | organize food drives. He said that he organized food drives, B Look at the pictures and talk with a partner. 5-10 min: + Tell students to look at the dialog box (part E) on page 79. + Put students in pairs. @Sit with a partner” Have them practice by reading the sentences in the box GBH show students model sentences on the screen Select from the eight key words to change the ‘example dialog, Have students repeat after the audio each time. + Have students look atthe pictures on page 79 and Continue to make sentences using the key vocabulary from the main picture. @‘Look at the pictures. Talk about them with your partner.” + Choose two or three students ang have make a sentence for the class. "em stand and oN More practice Assign pages 54 and 5 of the Workbook as homework for more practice. Alternatively, if time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 108 ‘fuessan0u a73uM, aoueysisse Buipinosd Syuapms a4y 4OYUOU PUE EIN + ‘ajdwiexa aug SIUBPMs MOUS: ‘seap) 194) ayuM 0} SOINUIW E—Z SEEMS SND + +; uossaj ul paanponu! Areingeson auy Sulsh Se 2h" se seapl Umo s16u) Jo Ulta 0} Ay 04 SyuApMS aBeINODUZ + ‘Ayunwwso3 arauy diay 07 op we2 aydoad sBullya any 30 751 yew ue Ayunuus0> au ul djay or sKem w9H9}} SsN9sIP pynous sluapms 4aun.ed e UA YO! or UAPMS TAL + “1g aBed 32 YOO) SWUBPNS BACH * uonesedasd Gupjeads Y So gona prov Ko uso OUN SF BURSTS TS PRATT pp sux foray PFU € oon never oi 6sn6 800 96 HUN Z sms cs vpn out nos 2 nansues yg cou pour ooed an 8] guns 0 a4 4 wove an 0) pogo es 28 sonauo pus ub poss ‘s20ua}uas atp ayeid0> 60) siamsue 3221409 Buf PUP x03 4A MOU tuonsenb ype 0) 1emsue 1321109 tn aplnoud 4 yuapmis 1uarD4ip @ UO Te S5eT> @ Se SABMSUE 18A0.OD + vomsue pue a6ed 34 2 2un ye suoysanib 9tp pea1 0} STUAPMS 8 "KEN + ‘Aquat 1243 Uo wieBe 1x9) atp peas-21 01 SWUSPMIS TAL + Tu o7-s semsue pue uleBe peay G] ‘Supeas ayy 40 Pua .punued ‘9uN yx9U uA pea! WAPMS ‘aun punove 05 ‘aun SY aU uapms auo vo Te ‘uleBe j.3euy swuapms 2Uh IAL * ‘oun yay U8 4x8} ALN pea! "YEN + uojzes BuIpeRy squepms sn204 + ‘quapms 1éL * Tm ors “peed W Grn) “suoawics padiay Kau yeuq auun 35¢) us 20U2520 DUE ynoge MUNA OF SWAPS {yse YON {1 ¥Osse) us DSoMpOAUI) T 395 K1eINGeION {oy spuoN 313 40 ye 3011010 o2 UADMYS2UB794}P ‘a6euno2u3 22 Ue> Faun JeUM SWUAPMS YE MEINDL esy 62 268d uo saimioyd ua 32 YOO] 0} UPMS TAL, wus dino seusiew je16ig wooussey9 40 ywouudinbs (Vy pue dO + ‘yoogwom oog qUapMAS 3NO BUEH * seWeIeW squapms 18480 YN ‘falnage angeaiunwuuod e ul aedtoned pue 10} auedaid + x9) pyOM-|ees, 2 Bulpeas aonsed + a squaPMS extn QO A Work with a porier What ore some things people can do ohelp * ‘heiecommuniy? Make a ist Ack five clssmetesif they doth activites you wrote obove ‘Then filinthe char. Besos iar ont cohen B Speaking activity 10min D + Focus students’ attention on the model dialog, Select ‘wo students in the class to read the tines for each ofthe characters. @.’Can you read the dialog? You be Mateo, and you be Jenny.” «Tell students to ind fve other students. Explain that they should ask each classmate one ofthe questions from part A and check the box depending on ther classmates answer. Make sure that students are asking fve different Classmates and taking about a variety of activites, Use the model dialog to demonstrate the answer / question exchange, and how to complete the activity in B «Give students si or seven minutes to finish the actiity + Have students sit back down and choose a student to report back on one of the classmates that he / she interviewed. Repeat with several other students. Assign pages 56 and 57 of the Workbook as homework for more practice. Alternatively, if time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 109. UB8:08 24) UO SaMSUe y221I00 ata iUapMIS MOUS SSE) 8 Se Sromsue manoy « '2Uo 3249 pue s9210U9 Jamsue aIaIssod 219 3 Yoo) 01 siuapMS aL. ‘pNO| ano suoRsanb ALA peay « ‘wed 03 uonuane sjuspms i3a11q + GMS samsue uy webe A103s 249 peoy S) veqoe1e4> 2440} soun aup peau swuspms ney fi0¥s 849 ut J9}281e49 aU0 asoOU 's8e)> 249 40 1U0y, ul Alo}s Bu INO 298 6} Swaps Jo sdnou6 aosip 40 O71 UO Te (JeUONdO) + 3eedau pue sajou dems apis aneH + “ex2812U9 au) 30 wed aun Burfeld Auors ay) YBNowy pes suapNs aney + ‘eid 0} Kos aun wou a12€/e4> e quapmis y2ea uBissy “oMq Jo sdnou6 ul suapmys yng « iS “Au0ys ayy Ae\d-210y @ 5 esse atte =f ej Eusic0 vous sou € woo 5 poner poyen | uc sods DP 7 eovsuova'a| | weed suewe-s| — _uroge Eu ey pus casa sed 4 vomsvo vos eGo hs aus 085 =) “hots sw Aoe-oe8 se Boe B2p 04091 veo wom pou my a Pouatc> suoye's A, aay Sn ere uN PO 6) mal prone senda: puo wenn) 43035) usaios 241 Uo Aiois payewiue aug stuapms mous (ED) 1eados pue pea 03 aun swuapnis an6 pue asuayuas pe saye asneq ‘uin puosss e y2en oypne uy helg « Suo}e Mojioy pue eis, wn iy 24 820 BEN OIpNe AeIg « (s60p 04) £1} ul S60p 304 aA 03 IOg “2 51 04m, @ UeUR Or UI0g T pue seimoid aig anoge 3IMIO9 @44 Uo UOAUaRIE 28 a6ed 0} Lum 0 uapnis jay + yeadoi pue uarsi 20 @ Y GS 25 BHE0 Play ay 2219 ples J0Y2e0I OU. nok uo sSe'> 2un JO 1861 843 0) x2eq Oda! 242U VON OD | 584.10, Sales aye9 poy 1D “amsue 0u 10 sah e ui puiodsay ‘uonsenb A SE ©} 44 / wily Se ue yUapNIS e as004D ‘Te 26ed uo y ued ul opew foun ein MiunwuwoD 1aiA 34 0% Sfem Jo 59 aun 18 ¥2eq 900} 0} WUAPMS He. 6s dn-wapyy qsnf ued susp: chown ae 2 suosani Wi 2061 woossselD 10 yUeUdINbs Ajy pue GD + yOoguOM YOoR UapMIS INC BueH « sense 120M se] ayNdWIOD = Deny peu Su 2842 Dies 24 sem Se} JaINdLUCD 2 paxt | (g2eyiad ysed — 3sed ajduuis) uosads payoday + SINVINAS USISUeAKY s6eq Aue mous jenoys ooa}xa} e pus) ‘aumoid @ dn and. 3un e aBueyo sa\ndwoo e xy, Raeinqeson 3520 =1A Ul pip fatn ples auoawios yeym wodas 0) aige aq « swiey) Azeinge3on 2% qUB'e puogas ay; awieu pue s71UG0221 0} alge aq + yun ou 30 2ui04) 249 ©) payul Ais e asojdxe pue Jatunosue « sim syuapmas SaATDaIqO UOSsEy eu Gudion| a4 229 @ sem 0inpe an | 8! fly, eS monaco shove 8B @iistn and write the teters. © Osten. hen ik athe pictures, Tak with prines R rod cco Hesogmalterod hanes | @oK = a epand & @ 079 Listen and say. SninD «Have students look atthe vocabulary 0n page 83 1 Tellstudents to listen and repeat after the audio + Play audio track 079. Make sure the students are following along and repeating the words. {Go to the Expand page and play the audio. (Com) Use the Word Game function to provide Students with further vocabulary practice B@ 080 5 isten and write the letters. min! + Have students take out a pencil or pen. + Tell students they should look at the pictures in part A and write the letter they hear next to each picture. « Play audio track 080. There are pauses in the audio recording to give students time to write, but you may ‘want to pause the track to give them additional time if necessary. «+ Review answers, calling on individual students. @.“What isa? Play the audio and show the answers on the screen. © @ 081 Listen. Then took at the pictures. Talk witha partner. 10 min. « Focus the students’ attention on the model dialog in part C. Play audio track O81 wo halves, A and B. Instruct group A ter you. Then have group after you. Have groups res, Put students in dent Aand the other student t make a sentence based on picture 1 Student B reports the sentence how an example ofthe dialog for each of the images. «Then have students switch roles and run through the exercise again. ‘Answers A 1. | changed a tie this morning. -+ He said that he hac changed tre this morning 2. | put up a picture two days ago. ~* He said that he had put up a picture two days ag. 5: llenta textbook yesterday.» He said that he had tent a textbook yesterday 4. shoveled snow last winter. He said that he had shoveled snow last winter 5, washed a car lat weekend. ~ He said that he had washed a cat last weekend. 6. cared bags last week = He sad that he had carried bags last week. More practice [Assign pages 58 and 59 of the Workbook as homework for more practice. Alternatively, if time remains, students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook answers are on page 109. iq ved wou suonsanb ‘ayy 0) suamsue sou) #2949 pue UaIS! 02 STAPMS HAL * ‘papnyoul s1aMsue UpIM UORRSIANUOD {ing 2uy 0} vaxsn oY SwUaPMS 10} HBO BEA VPN Aid jus -sromsue anok yay pue wee UeIsl] 780 @ &) Luan uaag pey samsue au j! $e Sauinsed UORESIAAUO? sg pue 262)5 si ¥e papincid 1OU axe SIBMSUE UL “SION + amsue ou ynoge wuluy 01 aR YBnoua squapnis 216 © 18640) 10} Surpiosai ayy asned oy ys Kew nof 19n2Moy "onsen pea Jaye asned UOUS e S| 2/3U, "£80 NPR oxpne Keld + “eMsue yoau09 ayy a}u19 pue Aynjaseo suonsanb aup O% UOISH 1 paau squapmis ‘shag ata Jo 2U0 WOH) suonsan 2214 {eau ja Kau) "oResianLO> au BuLNp eww SWAPS TAL + pea sn aney Kaun 2idox ayy anode Bunjre hog ON JE8U TM ‘quapms yeu ulelaxg "9g a6ed 01 um swapms ane + jim or “suonsanb s,hoq uy somsue pue wars! £80 @@ 92198 aun uo siamsue 3201109 aua swaps mous (HED) s6e}9 P'S SIOMSUE 1940 09 * jpauyiapun aney four eum asedusoo pue sauyation suonsani 2up s8n251P OF cquapms aun fal J0 € Jo sdnou6 yews O14 SWAPMIS IN + aN Ne Le J ‘wat ysisse 03 uleBe YEN ojpne auy Keyd ue> nok ‘Buoje Bulpeas Aynoysip @AeU ts quapnis | uleBe ye) a104M ata PeO!-21 SSEIDESY + aa OF Gen fe peeu samsue au saAi6 Jeu) S2UE1US 24n JO Wed 40 BDUEIUAS AL aujepun ue Aquat ulebe sobessed asoun peas-31 0) SIUSPMS TL + seria nausea sexoq pad ain ul SuoRSeNb Une oot 9} swapris ja] ¢ ved UO UOQUaRE STUAPME sN2C3 + wis -yxe} Ud uy suomsue avy eunsepun suoRsenb ou; ped G -suonsanb ayy ssnosia apis payewiue aun mous (HOS) cuaisi fata Se pnoje Pea! O 4 stu ureBe yen oIpNe a Aeld * 280 yen o1pne Suoye pea! O} SIUaPMs TAL * nyunuuwos Jo sad 3u@12H10 (06 sue Foun eu SIUBPMS TEL + (gg pue yg seBed 01 wim SqUapNis aneH + Goa: pees pue uarstt 720 OY gpa) gap) uno sup Bulppe 2i0jaq pies Swuapms snioinad seu Sosuodss 35ay Aq UleyD at enuNuo> SIUEPMS __seino)> S1EUOD | Se)es 2¥eq PAY aus 721) ples 24S. “jesiou / wlu uonsanb aup Buvasue 210)94 Pies queers ssiy 243 eum Yoday 0} au UI WUEPMIS HOU UY aL. $2125 2x29 PIOY |, “AYUNUILIOD Of Ut sdjey aus: | su mou Jo uopsenb iy Bulansue fa vers 01 u2PMS tro ss0Gud SynuID @ Ul Pues SYUBPMS AABH "PIEOG UD we... 3uS 3 184 IRS aUS / BH, BHM VAUL ‘PICO Sia uo _zhuntwitos sno diay NOK Op MOH. BHM Gs dn-wpm woosseip 10 wounds (yy PUe GD * yooguom YOog wAPMs NO BueH © severe syeuarew 1eu6I0 pare ynoge suonsanb Buyamsue pue spprs Buiuasy dOreAaP * jereusuesdii09 ul 1s1sSe 0} Sany> JensiA Bulsn BNI 3id0) 6ulBeBue ue rnoge Bulwea) anu sewusesd pue Aieingeoon ya6ue) alp Jo @wlOs JaqUNODUE + /ayvunwiw0d) un 6uidien Paope hove Sea “Qheeepeeegree E @ tien ogcin and check your onewrs. FF write two focts about eoch ype of community Use information fom thereoding. Trent | Hermes 1B. Read the questions, Underline the answers inthe ft. CC eod agein. teu the questions ee e@ Sh ae Boy 1: Why are rural communities good places to have Boy Mane ndmghaweregtogtotie | 2 fe thiscaneto re tam ore inour commun Bay 1 Sounds goos, thank! Areyou ready tsar Boy 2: too.| et wou be fun to bike in an bon 9 Sounds good youready Community because we could de next to ee ae, tall buildings. | read an article yesterday about different communities. It said many people who live in urban communities don’t own cars. @ Summary _ 5 min. Boy 1: How do people get around in urban + The summary activity can be done in class if time permits, ‘communities with no cars? or students can complete it for homework so they are Boy 2: They walk and take public transportation, ready to tale about it briefly during the next lesson. Boy 1: That's cool. Still, | like living in a suburban + Focus students’ attention on part F at the bottom of page community. 86, Tell students to think of two facts about each type of Boy 2: do, too. There is alot to do. | wish there were ‘community using information from the reading fewer cars in the suburbs though. + Encourage students to skim over the text on pages 84 Boy 1: Why are there alot of carsin the suburbs? and 85 if they have ditfculty with any of the answers. Boy 2: People need to drive to work + (Optional) Check answers as a class. Boy 1: Right. That makes sense if adults need to get to Eee ate eee one ecrear the city for work. et Boy 2: Have you ever spent time in a rural community? Boy 1: ve driven through the countryside with my More practice parents, but 've never lived in a community like ‘Assign page 60 of the Workbook as homework ) ‘that. What about you? for more practice. Alternatively, if time remains, 1 Boy 2: My grandparents live on a farm. They love living students can start on the Workbook in class. Workbook in a rural community because it's quiet answers are on page 109, et 7 a ee saumoid aun ye ynoge pane aneu fain nun Buneware anunuo> swaps + OM Jequinu auntaid 40) souaiuas e yew @ wepMIS oN." 2 a1moid 40) 2oUa UES e SByeU! g USPMS UAL + =~ Puodsai ‘a wapmis au0 sequunu aintaid Joy aouaqUss e ayes ‘y epMs. “Taumad uo paseg 2ousIUEs eye Ye “a wapms 2q o1 wepmis ein0 aun ue ¥ 39 01 uepnis suo UBISse pue sited UIs 3 ued or suapmys aug + spiom 160 ye 40} wapnis quaiayip e wm yeedoy « PION auf 3124 “NAY UO. PION ZUR Aes O1 ‘quapnys fenpinipulyse pue g-T Wo, JOqUUNU e ynO Ye> + Vy ued ul fieInge20A 24) 18 900) 01 APMIS a, + £8 aBed 0} wim uapms aney "NON + ‘yeynqea0n Koy aun ynoge SuoNsenb yse 0} anuRUOS pur 62 afied Uo sain2id au) ye yoo) SapMS aneH + ppuodsas spey ae nok ‘a uepmis souaiuss e ayey 7 218 NOK y wapMs. O "409 axn ul saouaTUBS aun BuipeD! Aq saousTUDS Sunjew aon2eid wap aney pur siied ui Uapms Ing 64 86ed uo 3 ued 01 APMIS DaH1G + suo au It pu wey chun 1940 94 doy soustod snk seop MoH pveon 0000p pout fos HOW IP IOWN pueye sen ppt fos PEIN ‘uoysonb ay 9msuo puo vo6o Posy esd pada rn men ao An FSP PETTET movs 30 sre sam hi LaEROD DIRE ss en hucano 09 busndea ona asm soa RENEE Knraton my ri dot sm hos Kay stad ht \p2eds peuodes 94 9 eupopun ‘rduone 244 ORY by ‘pum aun Kes 0} syuapnys Guryse pue sana] e Bulfes ‘squepms jenpwpul uo Busje> Aq yeaday « .¢PIOM 212 S112UM "y. "T UOSsS] Woy SIBMSUE sratp Uo paseq 494713603 piom ayy Aes 01 s\uapmas Hse ue ye WOH, sana} 2 3no j1e9 ,'saun2Id ayp 32 007. {6L a6ed Uo sain2id ayy 0} Uoquane swwapNIs 19811 * 62 96ed 0} Lum suApms aneH « SSEID @ SE SLOMSUE 19N0 OF) + 2 Busssnosip uay seouayuas .00u3 seyse60) SIOMSUE =u up peas 0 sdnos6 au aL + cnou6 yews O\uI S|UApMS Ind + murs “suonsenb ayy samsue pue Urebe peay @ Fy oon ct ssnasip 0 SqUapMys 2213 10 0 uaesos ayy uo siamsue y201I09 aug suapMs MOUS! upeeds payodes 24 aummepun pue 3x0} 249 peat-21 0} 5}UAPMS 01 WN sanoswiaiy Aq ajduiexa au peas 0} S]APMS HAL, © 1x} ajdwsexa ayy uo uonuane _suepnys sn204 9 a6ed 0; win} 0} QUAPNS ]aL + uals yoaads payodas Wepun “a\dwexe ayy peay Y Cuynd ‘au @ yeuIod auo Buluonuet ‘susrn aye: O siUSpmssbeInoguy ‘Ddsss] Soha: wioy janie tp ynoge equieuies Ue> Kays BuIyMiand. ‘ssnosip pINOUS SIUApMS xe) ALA. 422q BUN} FOLRIN\ “98 aBed Uo 24> ArewUUns parejduio> au ‘ca uina 0; wus xBy #20 ¢ 20 sdnoi6 ow siepmis ang cus dnp aun yo ne a sjeuarew jev5ig woousse|> 10 uauidinbs AVY Pue CD + yOOgYOM 'YOOR 1UEPMS INE BueH + SEHeTEW ‘Auanze Gunuum 2 103 a1edaid + udeiGesed Bunum ajdwexa ue peas « im SwepMS, SaAnIeTGO WOSsseT Fagqunwiwio3) anomie, 2

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