TCC62 Retaining Wall

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Location Grid line 1 rmw 19-Feb-23 134
RETAINING WALL design to BS EN 1997 and BS EN 1992 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC62.xls v4.0 on CD © 2008 - 2023 TCC chg - R68


fck = 32 MPa
fyk = 500 MPa
steel class A
first cracking at 3 days
Cement type R
γc = 1.5
γs = 1.15

hb = 3250 bn = 600 COVERS (mm), stem 60
hn = 800 bh = 1300 (to main bars) Base 85
hp = 1050 ts = 300 Including Δc,dev = 10
hg = 300 tb = 275
B= 2200 tn = 300 Max crack width, Wk = 0.3
bt = 600 β= 8°Concrete density, kN/m3 = 25

Surcharge (kPa) qk = 10 Overburden pressure
Compaction design force (kN) Pk = 15.4 above toe (kPa) q0 = 48.15
Wall Geometry
Retained material Foundation soil
Density, kN/m³ γk = 18 γk,f = 20
Angle of shearing resistance, ° φ'k = 30 φ'kf = 35 DESIGN STATUS
Undrained cohesive strength, kN/m² Cuk = 0 Cuk,f = 60 VALID DESIGN

Force LeverMoment
arm about toe sliding
Wk, (kN) L, (mm) (kNm) toppling
Wall stem 22.31 750 16.7 bearing
Wall base 15.13 1100 16.6
stem L/d
Retained material 69.62 1550 107.9
Material in slope 2.14 1766.667 3.8 base shear
TOTAL 109.19 145.1 key shear

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125%


Combination 1 Combination 2
Shearing resistance angle φ'd 0.524 0.433 atan[tan(φ'k/γφ)]
φ'df 0.611 0.511 atan[tan(φ'kf/γφ)]
bh/tan(45-φ'd/2) 0.656 0.592
ψ 0.140 0.140
Active pressure factor Kad 0.343 0.425 see equation on 'Refs' page
Active thrust (kN/m) Pad 66.86 36.42 64.03 45.07 Kad(γC∙γk∙h²/2 + γQ∙qk∙h)
rained cohesion (kN/m²) Cud,f 60.00 42.86 Cuk,f/γCu
action line load (kN/m) Pd 23.1 20.0 γQ∙Pk
Passive resistance factor Kpd 3.690 2.912 see equations on 'Refs' page
Passive force (kN/m) HRp 54.92 32.10 Kpd∙γC∙γk∙hp²
(Top 325 mm of hg ignored)
a) Wall friction is zero b) Adequate drainage system behind wall. c) Granular backfill
d) Does not include check of rotational slide/slope failure e) Deflection check does not include effects of any base rotation.
f) This design is not intended for wall stems taller than 3 m. g) Checks for temperature/shrinkage effects not included.
Project Spreadsheets to EC2 The Concrete Centre
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Grid line 1 rmw 19-Feb-23 135
RETAINING WALL design to BS EN 1997 and BS EN 1992 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC62.xls v4.0 on CD © 2008 - 2023 chg - R68

Combination 1 Combination 2
Horizontal thrust (kN) HEd 66.2 36.1 63.4 44.6 Pad∙cosψ
Undrained resistance (kN) HRd 132.0 67.3 cud,f∙B/γcu
Passive resistance (kN) HRp 40.7 32.1 Kpd∙γC∙γk∙hp²
Vertical action (kN) Vd 147.4 109.2 109.2 109.2 ∑γG∙Wk
Drained resistance (kN) H'Rd 109.8 81.4 65.1 65.1 Vd∙tanφ'df∙[1+(Δt0/B)²]½
HEd/H'Rd 60.28% 44.34% 97.43% 68.57%

TOPPLING about toe 0.6028

Combination 1 Combination 2
Destabilising M (kNm) MEd 75.8 41.3 72.6 51.1 HEd∙h/3
Stabilising M, Stem Ms 22.6 16.7 16.7 16.7 γGinf∙Ws∙Ls
Base Mb 22.5 16.6 16.6 16.6 γGinf∙Wb∙Lb
Backfill Mf 150.8 111.7 111.7 111.7 γG∙Wf∙Lf
Active thrust Md,vp 20.5 11.2 19.6 13.8 Pad∙B∙sinβ
Resisting M MRd 216.3 156.2 164.7 158.9
MEd/MRd 35.03% 26.42% 44.07% 32.15%

Combination 1 Combination 2
Vd plus thrust component Vdx 156.7 114.3 118.1 115.5 Vd + Pad∙sinβ
Resultant from toe (mm) 896.8 1005.9 779.8 933.5 (MRd - MEd)/Vdx
Eccentricity (mm) e 203.2 94.1 320.2 166.5
Effective width (m) B' 1.794 2.012 1.560 1.867 B - 2e
Bearing stress (kN/m²) qEd 82.2 54.3 70.0 58.5 Vd/B'
ic 0.810 0.919 0.613 0.832 ½[1 + {1 - (Pad∙cosβ)/(B'∙Cud,f)}½]
rained bearing resistance qRd 298.1 331.6 183.3 231.6 Cud,f∙Nc∙ic + q0
Nγ 20.09 8.71 2(Nq - 1)∙tanφ'
Nq 18.40 10.43 eπtanφ'∙tan²(45 - φ'/2)
iq 0.334 0.468 0.214 0.376 [1 - (Pad∙cosβ)/Vdx]²
rained bearing resistance q'Rd 330.9 480.9 114.6 208.1 q'0∙Nq∙iq + (γd,f - γw)∙B'∙Nγ∙iγ/2
qEd/q'Rd 27.57% 16.37% 61.10% 28.10%
Project Spreadsheets to EC2 The Concrete Centre
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Grid line 1 rmw 19-Feb-23 136
RETAINING WALL design to BS EN 1997 and BS EN 1992 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC62.xls v4.0 on CD © 2008 - 2023 chg - R68


with normal pressures, ULS Combination 1 Combination 2
Active thrust (kN/m) Pad 57.88 30.82 55.58 38.14 Kad(γC∙γk∙h²/2 + γQ∙qk∙h)
Shear at base (kN/m) VEd 57.32 30.52 55.04 37.77 Pad∙cosψ
Moment at base (kNm/m) MEd 60.33 32.13 57.94 39.75 VEd∙h/3

with compaction pressures, ULS Combination 1

Kad 0.343 see 'Refs' page
Kpd 2.855 see 'Refs' page
Depth to point J (m) Zj 0.310 Kad[2Pd/(π∙γk)]½
Depth to point K (m) Zk 2.581 Kpd[2Pd/(π∙γk)]½
Stress from J to K (kPa) σhd,J 16.27 (2Pd∙γk/π)½
Stress at point D (kPa) σhd,D 24.83 Kad∙γk∙Zd 3
Surcharge pressure (kPa) σqd 5.15 Kad∙qk∙γQ
Shear at base (kN/m) VEd 47.56 52.26 STEM PRESSURE DIAGRAM
Moment at base (kNm/m) MEd 64.97 59.43

SLS d = ### K = 0.0368 z = ###

Active thrust (kN/m) Pad 41.67 As = 669 mm² ρ = 0.0028
Horizontal thrust (kN/m) HEd 41.26 on back face, PROVIDE H10 @ 100
Service M (kNm) M 43.43 Asprov = 785 mm² ρprov = 0.334% σs = ###
Smax = ### L/d = 12.660 ax L/d = 18.606
vEd = ### vRd = 0.528 .
with compaction pressures Combination 1
Vertical action (kN/m) Vd 170.5 ∑γG∙Wk
Destabilising M (kNm/m) MEd 78.3
Resisting M MRd 228.2 ∑(γG∙Ws∙L)
Resultant from toe (mm) 879.1 (MRd - MEd)/Vd
Effective width (m) B' 1.758 B - 2e
Bearing stress (kPa) qEd 97.0 Vd/B'

TOE SIDE Critical qEd = 97.0 kPa Critical B' = 1.758 m VEd = 54.1 kN MEd = 16.2 kNm
d = ### z = ### As = 211 mm²
on lower face, PROVIDE H8 @ 175
As,prov = 287 mm² ρprov = 0.15% σs = ### Smax = ###
vEd = ### vRd = ### .
HEEL SIDE Bearing qEd = 82.2 kPa B' = 1.794 m VEd = 52.2 kN MEd = 49.5 kNm
d = ### z = ### As = 648 mm²
on upper face, PROVIDE H10 @ 100
As,prov = 785 mm² ρprov = 0.42% σs = ### Smax = ###
vEd = ### vRd = ###
SHEAR KEY VEd = 31.9 kN MEd = 17.0 kNm
d = ### z = ### As = 195 mm²
on outer face, PROVIDE H8 @ 200
As,prov = 251 mm² ρprov = 0.12% σs = ### Smax = ###
vEd = ### vRd = ### .
CHECKS Shear M/bd2fck spacing %As
Stem ok ok ok ok

Toe ok ok ok ok

Heel ok ok ok ok

Shear key ok ok ok ok

Thickness Required PROVIDE As prov Approximate weight of
Stem 300 391 H12 @ 275 411 reinforcement
Base 275 358 H12 @ 300 377 106.7 kg/m
Shear key 300 391 H12 @ 275 411
mm mm2 mm2
Project Spreadsheets to EC2 The Concrete Centre
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Grid line 1 rmw 19-Feb-23 137
RETAINING WALL design to BS EN 1997 and BS EN 1992 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC62.xls v4.0 on CD © 2008 - 2023 chg - R68


No. Type Dia Length Unit Wt Weight

STEM VERTICAL - External face 4 H 12 2975 0.888 10.6
VERTICAL - Internal face 10 H 10 2925 0.617 18.0
TRANSVERSE (Ext & Int) 24 H 12 1100 0.888 23.4

BASE TOP (main) 10 H 10 2250 0.617 13.9

BOTTOM (main) 6 H 8 2250 0.395 5.3
TRANSVERSE ( T & B ) 16 H 12 1100 0.888 15.6
WALL STARTERS (Ext) 4 H 12 825 0.888 2.9
WALL STARTERS (Int) 10 H 10 700 0.617 4.3

INTERNAL FACE (main) 4 H 12 1275 0.888 4.5
EXTERNAL FACE (main) 5 H 8 1125 0.395 2.2
TRANSVERSE (Ext & Int) 6 H 12 1100 0.888 5.9

SUMMARY Approx total reinforcement per metre length of wall (kg) 106.7
National Annex values
Typical compaction equipment TABLE A ψ0 ψ1 ψ2
EC2 Ref Function Value A 0.7 0.5 0.3
Description of gal Design
Table 2.2 γc 1.5 concrete compaction
vibrator force B 0.7 0.5 0.3
equipment force (kN)
Table 2.2 γs 1.15 steel (kN) C 0.7 0.7 0.6
3.1.6 (1)P αcc 0.85 strength factor - flexure 80 kg vibrating plate D 0.7 0.7 0.6
80 14 14.3
3.1.6 (1)P αcc 1.00 strength factor - shear compactor E 1 0.9 0.8
6.2.2 (1) CRd,c 0.18 basic shear stress 180 kg vibrating F 0.7 0.7 0.6
180 80 81.8
-=- vmin 0.035 x k3/2fck1/2 plate compactor G 0.7 0.5 0.3
6.2.3(3) αcw 1 for VRdmax 350 kg pedestrian H 0.5 0.2 0
operated vibrating 350 12 15.4
7.2(5) k3 1 max steel stress roller J 0 0 0
8.2(2) k1 1 min bar spacing 670 kg vibrating
670 96 102.6
-=- k2 5 -=- plate compactor TABLE 7.4N (1) Equn (9.1N) 0.26 min steel 1.5t pedestrian 0 0
operated vibrating 1530 58 73
-=- Equn (9.1N) 0.0013 -=- roller 1 1 As/Ac max 0.04 max steel 2.8t smooth wheeled 2800 N/A 27.5 2 1.3
9.2.2(5) rw,min 0.08 x fck1/2/fyk 2.8t double vibrating 6900 118 185.7 3 1.5
9.2.2(6) St,max 0.75 xd 8.6t smooth wheeled 8600 N/A 84.4 4 1.2
5 0.4
General equations Max 310/σs 1.5

[ cos β−√ sin ϕ' df −sin β

2 2
K ad = cos β
cos β+ √sin 2 ϕ' df −sin2 β
EC7 factors Actions Materials
γG γG,fav γQ γφ γC γCu γγ

[ ]
Combination 1 1.35 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
cos β+ √ sin2 ϕ' df −sin2 β Combination 2 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.25 1.25 1.4 1.0
K pd = cos β
cos β−√ sin2 ϕ ' df −sin 2 β

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Revision history TCC62 Retaining Wall

Date Version Action Size (kB)
23-Jul-10 TCC62 4.0 Updated to 22 July comments. Rebadged. 712
### TCC62 β3 Updated to revised UK National Annex 629
28-Jul-08 TCC62 β2 Updates to CHG comments of 12/6/08 and 2/7/08. 602
### TCC62 β1 First βeta version for comment. 714

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