Critical Thinking Activit1

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Critical Thinking Activity #3

Directions: Read the case study below. Answer the questions.

Plan for Cynthia (3) nutritional-sound meals plus snacks for
one day. Hint: Take into consideration the food choices and
health practices of the adolescent. Cut out foods from
magazines for each meal and glue on a paper plate. Identify
on the back of the paper plate, foods high in iron, folate,
and calcium.

Cynthia is a 17 year old African-Ameican female. She comes

with her boyfriend to the clinic for prenatal care. Cynthia
is 4 months pregnant and has gained 20 pounds since she
became pregnant. She was overweight before she became
pregnant. She does not smoke but her boyfriend does. Cynthia
spends the night at his parents' home often since her
pregnancy was made known to the family.

Cynthia saw the doctor for the first time last week. She was
given a prescription for prenatal vitamins but has not
filled it yet. Cynthia stated that she was sick in the
morning. She complained of a burning sensation in her chest
after meals and when she lays down. Her boyfriend reported
that Cynthia is eating more than usual; based on the amount
of chips and ice cream they are going through.

During the visit, Cynthia does not say much. Her boyfriend
does most of the talking.

Cynthia's diet history indicates the following:

10 am   2 doughnuts, 12 fl oz Coke

Noon   1 hot dog on bun with relish, chili & onions, Bologna
sandwich or Popeye's chicken, potato chips, 12 fl oz Coke

PM snack cookies or chips, ice cream, 12 fl oz Coke

Dinner   meat or chicken or Chinese food, small salad,

vegetable, mashed potatoes with gravy, iced tea

Snack   ice cream with caramel sauce and wet nuts

Directions: After reading the case study, answer the

application questions.
1. What factors place teen mothers at risk? Are any of these
factors in the case study? List.

2. What is Cynthia's biggest nutritional concern?

3. Based on the diet history and your knowledge of the

American Dietary Guidelines, evaluate Cynthia's diet. What
food groups are missing? How many servings from each food
group should she have? Will the vitamin supplement make up
for the quality of her diet?

4. Assess her weight gain. How much weight should she gain
for the entire pregnancy? Approximately how much should she
weigh at 4 months? What recommendations could be given
regarding her weight gain?

5. What might you suggest to relieve Cynthia of common

discomforts during her pregnancy?

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