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Name: Karl Vincent G.


Course&section: BSME-1C


As times goes by, modernization is slowly eating us. We are always in front

of our cellphone’s, laptop and other gadgets. We are living the life with them. There

are some advantages and disadvantages on using our gadgets. Our lives are

becoming more dependent on the technological devices. We barely listen to what

our friends are telling us. Our lives are becoming more dependent on the technological devices. But this

is not very true if we don’t get addicted to our gadgets or take care of them well. The life won’t get out

of control just because we own some kind of technology or device but it will be a problem when we

start neglecting the most important thing in life which is human relationships and interactions with your

friends and family members.

As part of the new era, we are aware from using a social media

account like Facebook, Instagram, twitter and other social media

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These platforms help us to communicate and spread news easily. We can share our thoughts and

opinions. But other person didn’t aware on how to use the social media in the right way. This is the main

source of illegal things and activities such as cyberbullying, scams and other bad things. With the help of

internet in a second of time these things will immediately happen. We can lessen or prevent such things

like things this by staying away from the social networking websites. Trying to disconnect yourself from

the online communities. Also, try not to use a computer or a mobile phone as an information source,

they are made for communication is better to stay connected with real people rather than a computer

screen or your mobile phone.

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