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1. Welcome the students

2. Tell them who you are, past experiences, what to expect
3. Go over the institutional rules and class rules
4. Have them introduce themselves, background, career goals, etc.
5. Note book and an English-English Dictionary (mandatory)
6. Explain that they will have weekly oral presentations
7. Go over the student Manual
8. Explain what the English Immersion Program is
9. Explain that it is 4hrs of class weekly
10. Explain that 4 lateness equals to one absence
11. Explain that 4 absences will cancel the scholarship
12. Explain we prefer they dropout now if they can´t comply with rules
13. Explain that this is not the definite group, will take a placement test on Friday
14. Go over alphabet, colors, verb to be, numbers (ordinal/cardinal)
15. Assign Homework for tomorrow
16. We will dismiss after we have covered everything.


1. Absolutely NO Spanish in the premises or in class

2. No use of cellphones in class.
3. Reinforce Dress Code (See Student Manual)
4. Mutual respect at all times.
5. Teacher and Student Punctuality is expected
6. Classes start on time (2pm and at 6pm)
7. English-English Dictionary (No digital)
8. No chewing gum or eating in class.
9. No baseball caps, Hair nets in class.
10. Break is 20 Minutes, no one inside the class during breaks.
11. Late pass and Exit pass at the office. (Late pass 15 min. after the hour)
12. No one in the hallways after class starts
13. Keep restrooms clean, toilet paper in waste basket.

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