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PHRASAL VERBS Americam Emglish of State = Phhrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs Separabl le = IE If tho object is a NOUN, there are 2 placement option: 4) between the verb and particle (preposition/ adverb) 2)aftor the particle If the object is a PRONOUN, there is only 2 placement option: 4) the pronoun MUST be placed between the verb & particle ‘= aS americanenglish tet gov ‘american énatsnatstate EN Ea Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs _ bring out (something) toomphesize ‘That shirt brings out the color of your eyes. bring UP (oftenusedinthe passive voice) to raise; to care for from childhood Her parents died when she was baby. ‘She was brought up by her grandparents. bring down (something) to cause a government or politician to lose power 2 ‘The opposition party will not bring down the government. bring back (something) to start to do or use something that was done or used in the past This year, designers brought back clothing styles from the 1970s. ‘ ‘American English at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs think up toinventortoimagine something: to produceanewidea — —././ Entrepreneurs think up great businessideas, S create plans,and then puttheirplansintoaction. p> come up with to think of or suggest an idea, plan, or solution ‘Steve Jobs came up with the idea of the iPhone. start over tobegin something again My first business venture falled, so willstart over! figure out tofind an answer tosomething orto Understand someone or something by thinking We need to figure out a solution to the problem of global warming. [3 american english at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs amercanengiinsisiegov turnon = to cause something towork by moving aswiteh [= Please tur on the light. up turn off tostop something from doing something by moving a switch turn off lights when Ileave a room in order to save electricity. ight up to become orto make something become bright with light Tonight. fireworks will light up the sky! a light upon/lighton Nw 10 suddenly find, see, or think of something y ‘The businessman titupon a new solution toan old problem. americanonglish state gov ‘American English at state EN ES Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs break down @ tostop functioning (a machine or vehicle) My car broke down this morning. thad to eallatow truck, break down @ toget extremely upset from emotional and/or mental stress Tony broke down when is fathor passed away. break up @ toenda relationship Sonja and Pierre broke u They had been together for one year. oe break up to disrupt the usual flow of something 'mso bored with my day-to-day life. Iwant to break up my usual routine with some excitement [Ey American enguish ast Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs [DROP, catch up (on something) todosomething that you havent been able todo recently =) Recently, Ive had alot of science homework. This weekend, {mand w eatchup onary readiog formagich tee. catchon toundorstand, especially after along time When Sam studies something, he usually catches on rightaway. drop in (on someone) tovisit someone fora short time, usually without arranging it before ‘On my way heme from work, I dropped in on Janice at her house. drop (someone/something) off to take someone or something to a place, often by car Can you drop this maloff atthe post offic tomorrow? drop out (of something) as totopdolng something before youhave completely tished dot cropped outel school when he was 14 yoursold eres tngidaiiio DD Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs go about (something) @ to begin or continue to follow steps necessary todo something have no idea how to goabout opening a restaurant, but I'll learn! go after (something) LP © totry to get something, even if difficult ‘You should go after your dreams even if they seem impossible! go ahead with (something) © totake an action that one has already considered in the past ‘Tom decided to go ahead with his plan to build a new house, go along with (someone/something) @ toagree with people or to follow a decision or opinion gs often goesalongwiththe plansthat hisbossmekes. Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs [5] American engsh ast Phrasal Verbs let (someone) in on @ to tell someone information that is secret or not widely known: tngeingte nt yoninaeeneeniabaiinaninannonciven. 4 let (someone/something) in @ toallow someone or something to enter by giving them Permission/access I'matthe theater, but they won't let me in because | forgot my ticket. @ toallow someone or something to leave a place by giving them permission /access lopened the door and let the cat out. let (someone/something) “"h let (someone) down {@ tomake a promise todo something and then not doit Laura's son promised to do well at college, but he let his mom down, He falled three classes his first semester. ‘American English at state ENE Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs save up = tokeepmoney soyoucan buy something in the future ‘Sho Is saving up to buy ahouso. pay off tocompiete payment on a debt: 2 topaytho full amountofadebt & Ho finally pald off hiseartoan, pay up {ogive someone money ha youowehinner : My roommate hasn't paid rent in five months. $ Honeedstopayupormovecnt ~ $ rip off tocheat someone, oftenby charging thom toomuich money for something Tourists cometimes worry tox! drivers wil rp thom ott EXT amercanengiisn atstate americanenglishstate gov Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs run down (something) iucparnse @ todiscuss or review items on alist from beginning to end Lot's run down the tistof things we nead to do bafore thewedding. Idon’twant toforgattodeanything! run across (someone/something) ‘poratie @ tomeet someone or find something without planning or expecting to. {ranacross some old photos wien cleaned my closet run (something) past/by (someone) «erate © totell something tosomeone soitcan be considered or approved ‘This a grontiden, but we neod to unit past our boss frst. Can you run the proposal by me tomorrow? I'm busy today. run up (something) «pe © togota large bill or debt by buying things without making payments ‘Sho ran up a big phono bill by calling hor frionds overseas every wook. ENG americanenglishat state ‘ Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs vote down separable to reject something, such as a law, by voting against it ‘The committee will vote down the new salary proposal. vote through sporabie toaccept and make possible something, such asa law, by voting forit Lawmakers voted through the proposal that ensures safer working conditions for factory workers. stand down inepernbe togive up your official job or position [Although the company president has successfully led the company forten years, she will probably stand down soon. She wants more free time. get in inceparable tobecome accepted for membership or chosen for office: towinanelection ‘Marie ran for class president. She got in by justa few votest EXIA american english at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs kick back eee i ss It's summer vacation! 1m going to kick back andlie on the beach today. crack up tolaugh suddenly andatot ‘John told the funniest story lastnight. cracked up! goof around ‘to spend time playing or doing unimportant things; to fool around \cant believe it's already 6:00 o'clock. We spent the entire day ust goofing around. hang out . to spend time with someone or spend time in one place == tia ination rene tani Frmgcing thong out why baat od toy. iy [FI american English at state Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs amercanenglshstategov turnon en to cause something to work by moving a switch Please turn on the light. Bel turn off to stop something from doing something by moving a switch Iturn off lights when | leave a room in order to save electricity. a 2£fe light up 4 to become or to make something become bright with light Tonight, fireworks willlight up the sky! a light upon /light on y tosuddenly ind, see, orthinkofsomething The businessman itupon anew solution toan old problem. ‘americanenglish American English at state EYE) Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs put (someone) up to (something) to encourage, persuade, or pressure someone todo something thats foolish, illegal, orunwise Ididn'twanttoskip school. Tim put meup toitt put up with (something) a to tolerate someone or something unpleasant - My roommate eavescirt dishestnthe sina lot, bution complain. Just put up witht. put (something) off ig put off (something) todelay doing something He has. lotof work todo, but he's putting off untiltemorrow. put (something) together Se toassemble something: tomake something by joining Its parts twas difficult for him to put together the tabte. Bi americanengisnatstate amerieanengish stato gov Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs Srencanengionategor vote down separable toreject something, such asalaw, by voting against it ‘The committee will vote down the new salary proposal. vote through speraéle toaccept and make possible something, such asa law, by voting forit Lawmakers voted through the proposal that ensures safer working conditions for factory workers. stand down inparasée togiveup your official job or position {Although the company president has successfully led the company forten ‘ears, she wil probably tend down soon, She wante more free time. get in inseparable ‘tobecome accepted for membership or chosen for office; towinanelection ‘Marie ran for class president. She got in by just few votes! ENE american engtish at stato ‘americanenglish Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs ‘emotions Phrasal Verbs choke up pee to become too emotional to speak @ He chokes up when he talks about his father ty who passed away last year. cheer up to become more cheerful; to make somebody start to feel happy = Cheer up! Things aren't as bad as they seem. lash out (atsomeone) i 4 to suddenly attack someone physically or verbally; tocriticize someone in an angry way Ben's boss lashed out at him when he was late for work. let (someone) down to disappoint someone by fi or expectations promised my son | would play soccer with him, and | forgot. Ireally let him down. ling to meethopes ‘americanenglish American English at state ENE Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs boot up/start up to begin running a computer system This computer takes along time to boot up scroll up/scroll down ‘tomove (often, slowly) toward the top or bottom of atext/ web page Seroll down to the bottom of the page. The contact information is located there. wipe out ig tocompletely erase or delete files ae The virus wiped out my entire hard drive! filter out to remove unwanted email messages Idon'tlike getting emails that are advertisements. 2 How can I filter out this spam? wee ‘americanenglish ‘American English at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs i sort out tofind a solution toa problem Hit + Weneedtosortouthowtogetmore volunteers. 8) ty. AG setup toorganize, create, or plan something Lot's set upa website to tell people about our organization. Then, maybe more people will volunteer. chip in to give something (suchas time, money, ete.) In order to help a person, group, or cause Let's all chipin tocreate the website. end up (with) or (doing something) to eventually reach, do, or decide something t ‘We ended up with 200 volunteers! americanenglish ‘American English at State Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs «®39 cheer up to become happier, to make somebody start to feel happy Cheer up, Kenneth! Things aren't so bad. crack up ‘tolough suddenly and alot » lerecked upin class yestorday because Dan told the funniest joke. = goof off ys to spand time playing or doing unimportant things. You've been working hard. Youshould reward yourself and goof off on Saturday. grow on (someone) P ‘Tostarttolike someone (or something) more and more Ou When first mot Peter, Ididnttke him very much. (Over time, he grow or me. Now, wa'ra good tends. ENE americanengisnarstate americanenglsh stato gov Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs ‘rencanengiahsategor try ON separable toputon an tem of clothing to seeif it fits, often before you buyit ‘This dress will look great on you. Try iton! take off separable & a toremovean itemof clothing IN ‘Take off your coat and stay fora while. take in separable ° ‘tomake an tem of clothing smaller/ more narrow } ‘You lost weight, and your dress doesn'tfit.'lihave totake tin. wear out sparable wore out my boots. Ineed to buy anew pair soon. [5 american English at state americanenglish Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs vote down seperate toreject somathing, suchas alaw, by voting against it The committee will vote down the new salary proposal vote through sjorabe toaccopt and make possible something, ‘such as law, by voting for it Lawmakers voted through the proposal that ensures safer working conditions for factory workers. Stand down iueparnse togive up your officialjob or position Although the company president has successfully ted! the company for ten years, she will probably stand down soon, She wants more free Um. Get IN inseparable tobecome accepted for membership archosen for office; towinanelection ‘Marlo ran forclass prosident, Sho got In by Justa fow votost Ny Bamoreanengiish at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs work Out ‘separable ‘to exercise, especially to improve your health/body Joe works out nearly every day. He swims, runs, orlifts weit, hon work off (something) srée toloac er et dtaomething hy ering . Bentsparywasyesterday andlatemtatoticecream. iy J Theedtogotoraruntoday and wont ‘ cut down (on) (something) *erée toconsume less of something: to reduce; o cut back on something iy father needs tolose weight, so hel cutting down on fatty foods warm Up sueparable qQ 4 todo light exercise/stretches before playing a sport or doing more intense exercise LA na Lae I stretch before playing soccer. I's important to warm up! 5 american English at state Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs Foal stick to tocontinue todo something, > often something that is difficult {twas difficult ta stick tthe fines plan. keep at . tocontinue todo or work on something { ‘The problem was difficult, but we kept at it and finally solved it. La figure out © -G tolndorierd orsoksweméthing 2? &® He figured out a way to save money each month. IV ie ta pay off ° toresult in success; to produce a result that youwant Iwon the highest award at school. y ‘yhard work paidoft ENE american engish at state nenglish Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ettionsies) DEFINITIO! to havea friendly relationship with someone EXAMPLE: '92t#lonawith my brother. We are on the same page * about many things, and |like hanging out with him. ‘onthe samo page: agreeing about something ‘hang out to spend time relaxing. tlking, or doing something with sorneone Got along withs an inseparable phrasal verb. ‘Thismeans that between the ver a ¥ igetatong with my brother. X 1 got myrether along with. 3 1 got along preter wth americanenglish ‘American Englishat State Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs [=== buttin to interrupt; tojoin sconversation or sds activity without being asked to Sere Iwas tatking toe cutegirl at thoparty when Tom butted in. talk down to (someone) totalkto someone aif they arotessintetigent than: ask for (someone) to.aythet youwant someone tocome and speakto you ‘once you ariveatthe hotel, ask forthomenager, and shottholp you. talk (someone) into (something) 8 ere woputuauncnetecreeneting Afra topsalsgemeatt ant * SS. © ENG americanengisnat state americanengish Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ei TURNING “DEFINITION: tosubmit an assignmentto the teacher EXAMPLE: Wetumourhiomework into the teacher every morning, ‘Turminis separable phrasal verb. ‘This meansthat the object canbe placed between the verb and preposition/adverb. the object is pronoun, t MUST be placed between the verb and prepostion/adverb. Y Wie turn our homework Y Wie turnin Y Wie turnin our homework. X We turnin i ‘American English at State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (easing ——— GETALONGWITH DEFINITION: to have a friendly relationship with someone EXAMPLE: £ven though my friends are very different from each other, we get along with each other very well. Get along with an inseparable phasl ver. ‘Thismeans thatthe abject cannot be placed in between the verb and prepostion/adverb, ¥ My fiends get along with each other. My iends geteaehrerheratong with, My ionds getalongeeciretherwith. americanenglish ‘American English at State Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ie) GETING DEFINITION: (retatedto travel) to arrive ata destination EXAMPLE: — we gotin tate tast night, but we were able to check no the hotel without any trouble. chock int (lated to travel to ave ata place, such as hotel moto ete, and got aroom GGotin san inanstve pasa verb, “Thismesns that itdoes not takes direct object. Toinclude an object, use another preposition ater getin. Y Ourplane val getin ito, X Our plane wil gt in arpont ato. ¥ Ourplane will getin othe airport ‘American English at State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (i=) GETAWAY .__ (inrelation to travel) to go away from your DEFINITION: ‘ome ora vacation EXAMPLE: "Ye beenworkinga totlately. * Inge to get away fora few days. Got away san insoparablo phrasal ver. This means thatthe object cannot be placed inbetween the vere and preposition/adver, Y He got away fora week 2 He got fore week away. ‘American English at State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ie) — STOPOVER .. to stay at a place for a short period of time DEFINITION: \ entraveling to another destination EXAMPLE: — Westopped over in Paris on our way to Cairo, ‘Stop overis an intransitive phrasal ver ‘Thismeans that itdoes no lake a direct object. Ho stopped over in Now York. X He stopped imNewivok over. ‘American English at State Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ie) — CHECKINTO, . (related to travel) to arrive at a place, such DEFINITION: 55. hotet motel inn, ete, and }geta room EXAMPLE: ‘2arestopping over'n california on Sunday, so * we won't check into the hotel in Seattle until Monday. ‘Stop overto stay aa place fora short period of time wien traveling to another destination ‘Check into isan insoparable phrasal verb ‘Thismeans thatthe object cannot be placed in between the verb and prepostlon/sdverb, Ye checkedintotheinn, 1 We checked theinn ino ‘American English at State American English o¢ State = Phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs srabla and inseparable z tho object is a NOUN, thore are 2 placement options: 4) between the verb and particle (preposition adverb) 2)aftor the particle the object is a PRONOUN, there is only 2 placement option: 2) the pronoun MUST be placed between the verb & particle “americanenglish amorcaneegusnat suse EX ES Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ists) ———TRY(SOMETHING) OUT to attempt something in order to see DEFINITION: ether ornotitiseffective EXAMPLE: "hoping toimprove my English this year. [think Illtry an English class out “ry outisa separable phrasalvrb. “Tle means thatthe object can be placed ‘benween th verb and preposton/adver ‘whan the object i pronoun kr MUST be ‘laced bation the vero and a ‘ropostoniagver, V,_ rmuieg an Engin cls out Y, rmtieg out an Engi clase Fmining tout % tmmyengoorn. ‘American English at state ENE) Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (aati) — CUTBACKON (in relation to food) to eat or drink less of DEFINITION: “nvetation EXAMPLE: 'needto cutback on coffee I drink way too much every day. |We can also use eut baek witout on by omiting the object after the phrasal verb, ‘Example: | dink way too much eofee. need tocut back. cutback san inseparable phrasal ver ‘Thismeans thatthe object cannot be placed Inbetween the verb and preposiion’adverd. Y teutbackan sweets Y ‘eutbackon thom. 3 lout sweets back on 2X cutbackewests on americanenglish ‘American English at state EN) Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (ix) — STICKWITH DEFINITION: tocontinue doing something EXAMPLE: Exenthouah he would have preferred to eat pizza, + Steve stuck with his diet and had a salad. Stick with san inseparable phrasal ver. == “This means thatthe object cannot be placed ay inbetween the verb and proposion/adver, ¥ He is sticking with his det, He Isssticking Wieetiet with. J americanenglsh American Engishat stato ENE Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (8) — PASSOUT DEFINITION: to become unconscious or fall asleep EXAMPLE: 2" fiteen mites yesterday. Afterwards, was * sotired. | went home and passed out. Passout ian inransive phrasal ver. This means that does not take a citoct object. Forexample:| went for un and then passed out ‘American English at State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (a8) ——RUNUPAGAINST DEFINITION: toexperience an unexpected difficulty EXAMPLE: “eranupagainst some technical problems * while completing the project. ‘Run up against san inseparable phvasa verb. This means thatthe objact cannot be placed in bbetwoon the vetb and prepostorvadverb, Y Weran up against a ditficult obstacie. Bb 2% Weran aeiteultobeteclo up against 2% Weran up aefetebstacle agains ‘American English at Stat Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (iia) —GETAHEAD . tobecome more successful, DEFINITION: ospecially at work EXAMPLE: My supervisors going on vacation, end Iwi iin “ forher, This may help me get ahead in the company, ‘lin for: to take he place of someone tha persorisjob while be/she s.avay Get heads an inseparable phiasal verb. ‘This moans that the objct cannot be placed In betyeen the verb ond prepostioniadvert. sho wants to got ahead inher creer, 2% Sh wantsto.geihaeewree eed. PHRASAL VERBS (ia UYoneo OFF . to stop employing someone for reasons that, DEFINITION: sre rnot about the person's abilities ", Tom loves his job and never slacks off, but his company EXAMPLE: ‘having financial problems and may lay Tom off. sack of todo something with less energy and offort than is usual or necessary Lay offisa separable phrasal verb. ‘Tismeans thatthe object can be placed between the verb and prepostion/adverb, when the object sa pronoun. it MUST be placed between the verb and preposiion/adverd. ¥/ The company may lay Tom off. ¥ The company malay of Tom. 3f The company may lay him of 3% The company may layoff him. americanenglish.state,gov ‘American Englishat State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs PHRASAL VERBS (isi) © FILLIN FOR mow) ., totake the place of someone and do DEFINITION: at person's job while he/she is away EXAMPLE: _lllledinfor Rachel test wesk. twas very stressful * {had 10 run everything by her supervisors, -unby. to show or el semathing Yo semeono sl can be considered, proved, oe Allin ors an inseparadte phrasal verb, This maans that th ebjct cannot be picod Inbetwoon the verb and preposticn/edverb. of ied in tor Rach! last wosk. 2 foc Reem! nf tase ook 2% floctin Ree for ist wook. Nowe: The phrasal vib fifi and the phrasal vr fitin for neve diferent earings. Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs American English at stat backoutof —_falltokeepa promise; withdraw from comeacross —_findaccidentally come down with become ill with (a cold, the flu, ete.) face upto accept that a difficult situation exists getaround — evade; avoid getin ‘enter (a vehicle) goover review hangaround —_tostay ina place without a specific purpose hear of learn about, sometimes accidentally keepupwith maintain the pace of look after take care of look forwardto anticipate something with pleasure American English at State EVE) Americam English at State = Phrasal verbs look upto admire and respect someone makeupfor compensate for something pickon bully ortease someone putupwith tolerate someone or something runagainst —_ compete againstin an election see about deal with something; do whatis required settleon decide, agree to, or accept something stand for represent something standupfor _defend or support someone or something standupto _ defend yourself or someone else stick to persist even in the face of difficulties take after resemble someone American English at State Amoricam English a¢ State = Phrasal verbs

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