Gonzales, Honeylyn Z. - ACTIVITY NO. 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna


1. Read this poem “You are a Teacher” the answer the following questions

 Which line of the poem do you like the most? Why?

- The line in the poem which I like the most is “For our knowledge is
imperfect, and our teaching is imperfect, and we are always looking
for the better ways which an infinite God has placed ahead of us.”
Because it is true that no one is perfect even if our profession is to
teach a lot of lessons and things to our students, we are still imperfect.
I believe that as a teacher, we give our students the best of knowledge
we know and we have, but still we need to continue studying, be
creative and be innovative for us to have a better way of teaching so
that we can impart the knowledge we have in a way that they could
understand. I also believe that we also learn from our students as

 What mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and the teacher in the
community is painted by the poem, “You are a Teacher?”

- The poem's mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and the
teacher in the community only tells us that if we want to become
effective teachers, we must teach not only with our minds but also
with our hearts. The poem's specific mental portrait is that teachers
are similar to our mothers. It's as if you're patiently and
unconditionally treating your students. It means that you must work
hard not only for yourself but also for others because you are a
teacher, and it is our obligation or role as teachers to help others not
only in school but also in many other places.
2. Read your name through the poem like this: Brenda, you are a Teacher.
If Honeylyn speak interestingly, effectively, and well,
But do not understand my students
Honeylyn is a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
If Honeylyn know all the methods and techniques of teaching,
If Honeylyn have complete faith that they will work,
So that Honeylyn use them completely,
But think only of materials or techniques
Instead of how they can help my students,
Honeylyn count for nothing,
If Honeylyn go the second mile in my teaching,
Give up many activities,
But do it without understanding,
It does no good.
Love is very patient, very kind;
Love is not jealous; it does not put on airs;
It is never tyrannis, never;
Yet does insist on truth;
It does not become angry;
It is not resentful.
3. How did you feel when you read your name through the lines of the poem? Describe and
explain why.
- The feeling that I felt was happiness because it seems and it sounds like I
was now a professional teacher that every stanza of the poem that I’ve read
touches my heart. Even if it takes a lot of time for me to have it understood, I
really felt the deep meaning that was hidden in the written poem. It feels
different when you just read it simple unlike when you read it deeply and
aloud with your name attached with it and with your heart and mind open.

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