ENT503 - FE - Speaking Exam - Students

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(Students take this test in pairs)

Topic 1. Make a conversation about a job interview. You should include:

+ what position the candidate applies for

+ what qualification or experience the candidate needs for this job

+ what the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses are

+ why the candidate applies to this company

Topic 2. Make a conversation about a mistake you have made. You should include:

+ what it was

+ when you made it

+ why you made it

+ how you felt about it

Topic 3. Make a conversation about your fear. You should include:

+ what you are terrified of

+ how this fear affects you physically

+ how you overcame your fear

+ whether or not it is neccessary to overcome it

Topic 4. Make a conversation about a time when you lost your temper. You should

+ what set you off

+ how you responded to it

+ who usually vent to when you get angry

+ what you usually do to control your anger

Topic 5. Make a conversation about a funny show you watched. You should include:

+ what show it was

+ what it was about

+ why you liked watching the show

+ what you liked best about it

Topic 6. Make a conversation about problems when using public Wi-Fi. You should

+ what problem(s) you have encountered

+ How you resolved it/ them

+ How to stay safe on the internet

Topic 7. Make a conversation to describe the role of EI (emotional intelligence). You

should include:

+ how emotionally intelligent you are

+ why EI is important in your daily life and your work

+ what you can do to enhance your EI

Topic 8. Make a conversation to describe how to stay focused on a task. You should

+ what factors influence your concentration

+ what strategies you use to stay focused

+ whether or not these strategies are effective

Topic 9. Make a conversation to describe foreign imports. You should include:

+ what foreign products you usually buy

+ what you think about them ( quality, design, unique features,etc.)

+ what the positive and negative sides of consuming so many imported products are
Topic 10. Make a conversation to describe a plan to protect the environment. You should

+ how environmentally conscious you are

+ what plan you recommend to protect the environment

+ what you will do in the plan

+ what difficulties you might encounter when carrying out the plan

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