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Education has been one of the most important parts of a person’s life. Before, the

only way of learning that is popularly used in the Philippines was the traditional face-to-

face learning. It was normal for students to come to school every weekday wearing their

own school uniform, and facing their teachers while they were teaching their students the

lesson they had in their lesson plans. But, as 2020 came, and the virus called COVID-19

started to cause worse casualties in the economy of the Philippines, the Department of

Education (DepEd) decided to pause every school activities, including graduations, to

prevent students from getting infected by the virus. As the virus lasted longer than what

the government and its people’s expectations were, DepEd decided to implement newer

and unfamiliar methods of learning. Most newly created methods of learning use internet

connections and different kinds of gadgets, while some are using printed aids to distribute

to students. Modular Learning is one of the newest methods that uses printed aids to
transport knowledge to students’ minds while staying at their own home, with little need

of gadgets and internet connection.

 Dealagdon, T. (2021) Modular learning is the current learning modality of

primary education in the Philippines where the traditional teacher-student practice has

now been shifted to mother-child since mothers are the immediate assistants of their child

in modular learning. Since modular learning has been shown as a home-based classroom,

parents or guardians become the ones responsible for reassuring that their children were

doing the tasks given to them and have the work done at their own pace. Because

students are being directed to only stay at home and do their tasks on their own, this

method requires any student’s guardian, relative, or parent, to look after the students and

be the one who will go to school to give the answered modules to the teachers and take

another set of it. This method of learning also obliged parents to understand the lessons to

teach their children how to do the tasks correctly. In this way, modular learning does not

only set students to learn but also the parents or guardians of the students. Modular

learning also causes parents with low educational experiences anxious and worried if they

can teach their children correctly, sometimes resulting in not trying to teach them at all.

This act also results in students being able to cheat on their exams, trying to use social

media platforms or online apps that answered most of their tests’ questions, and seeming

like they are the ones who take their time analyzing and answering the questions. This

leads to a higher rank in class, and good grades on their report cards, without taking the

modules seriously and taking the modality for granted. This also results in being awarded

any academic award without exerting extra or enough effort to understand the lessons,
which is unfair to students who take their education seriously, regardless of being in face-

to-face classes or modular classes. Modular learning also helps students and parents, and

also the teachers manage their time and create either healthy or unhealthy schedules.

Malaya, B. (2020) Modular learning is a self or individualized learning method

that focuses on the academic performances of a student more than their skills. Students

before were asked to come to school, do school-related activities, join different academic

or sports clubs, do some exercises for grades, join in events held inside, or sometimes

outside, the school premises, and do things to sharpen one’s abilities and skills. But,

taking modular classes puts a limit on what students’ can do. Agarin, M. (2021) Teaching

and learning process is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms, and the students are

asked to accomplish and submit school activities online, at their own pace, place, and

time. Taking modular classes gives students the freedom and choice to do their tasks

based on when they feel the need to do it. Teachers giving no rushed due date of school

works, projects, or tasks, gives students the comfort they need to refresh their mind

before answering the modules. In this way, students can have a flexible schedule and

choose what they need to do each day without rushing it. Modular learning also seems to

separate teachers and students and let the parents, relatives, or guardians take their place

as the one who teaches their students. Modular learning, despite being effective, still

lacks motivation to students, especially Filipino students who are used to the traditional

way of learning. This caused chaos in the first quarter after implementing this modality.

But, schools still presented this method as a two-way communication between instructors
and learners in a way that they will be able to keep in touch without being obliged to face

each other personally.

Modular learning, even though still new to Filipinos, was not a new concept in

some parts of the world. It was used in schools like Kent State University School in the

1960s. Kazakhstan also performed this type of learning modality. Though being recently

implemented in the Philippines last 2020-2022 as a way to deliver knowledge as vaccines

were yet to be distributed at that time, modular distance learning was already done in the

1800s at the University of Chicago which was the first correspondence program in the

United States where teachers and learners were at different locations. Modules were then

created and developed in the late 1600s and 1970s. The first distance education course

was provided by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s. This modality was also used by

Europeans and Americans as a method of gaining knowledge while being far from

school. Modular learning became an easier way to carry knowledge from one place to

another without leaving students’ or teachers’ comfort. In other countries, distance

learning or modular learning was implemented to show that teachers and learners’

distance from each other cannot affect the delivering of knowledge. While, here in the

Philippines, modular learning was implemented as a result of the epidemic as an

immediate reaction to ensure educational continuity, this is from Dangle and Sumaoang,


Modular learning was used for almost two years and counting already in the

Philippines, by either public or private schools. But mostly, public schools use this more
than private schools do. This modality helps students to still catch up on their lessons

while staying in their own space. This modality showed a lot of advantages and

disadvantages as a method of learning. Since it was implemented at the time when the

pandemic struck, this method of learning affected students, teachers, and parents, both

positively and negatively. Many students find it hard to express themselves and show

what they can do through this modality, especially students who find being in school

makes learning easier. Some students are also reacting differently from them, too. Some

find modular learning a way to express themselves more without overthinking or without

being anxious of mistakes they can possibly commit in class.

Moreover, students in Dampol 1st National High School showed both negative

and positive experiences while taking the modular learning course. Even though this

modality showed great performance by delivering knowledge to students, those who were

affected negatively do not seem to cope with the positive effect of this method. The aim

of this research is to show everyone how hard, or easy education became because of this

modality. This study will prove how modular learning affected students’ education,

behavior, time management skills and family relationships. This study is not just for

students to understand the experiences of their co-students, but also for teachers and

parents to understand a student who’s taking this method of learning. This study will

guide the parents, teachers, and students, for better understanding of what the students’

been through while trying to prove that distance is not enough to stop them from

continuing what they started and gaining more knowledge.


This study concentrated on determining the experiences of Grade 11 Academic

tracks' students of Dampol 1st National High School who are taking modular classes

from the school years 2020-2022. Modular learning has become an approved and

effective learning modality that helps students continue to gain knowledge without being

physically present in school. Therefore, this learning modality has been used by schools

for over 2 years, but not all students share the same experiences from this new method of


    Specifically, this study raised and sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Name (Optional)

1.2. Age

1.3. Gender

1.4. Academic Strand

1.5. Family Status

2. How did this method of learning affect students’ performance in school?

3. How do students manage their time while taking modular learning?

4. After years of experiencing the modular classes, do students still prefer

the traditional face-to-face learning or will they stick with the modular

distance learning? Why?

1) What are the possible solutions or recommendations that can be proposed

to address the concerns or issues they are experiencing?


The focus of this study will be the experiences of the Grade 11 students in taking

modular classes. The study aim to benefit the following stakeholders:

Students. The end result of this research will educate students who have a one-

sided view of modular learning and are wondering what others think and experienced

with this modality. It is important for Grade 11 students to understand that modular

learning, and taking modular classes cause different approaches to each student. This
study will help them see the positive and negative experiences of students while studying

through this modality.

This study will add additional knowledge about modular learning. Why are there

students who prefer modular learning and why are there students who cannot cope with

this modality? This study will help students determine the difference between

experiences of other students. It will also help them know that knowledge can be

effectively transported from one person to another by any other means, especially

modular learning. This study will also help students recognize and learn how to manage

their own time as how their co-students did to make an effective plan to do their tasks on


Teachers. This study will also help teachers to know what approach they need to

use to their students. This study will help them as they help the students who are having

difficulties in gaining knowledge through modular learning, and improve teaching styles

to assist students without getting into physically seeing each other. They can help

students and guide them considering the experiences they are having with this modality.

Parents.  This study will also help parents understand what's going on with their

children as they take modular classes, and also understand why their children seem to

excel or fall out of their studies as they continue with this modality. This research paper

can help them know the proper and enough support needed by students. They can easily

understand what is happening and how to act on it. The parents should prioritize their
children and give all the possible support they can give, and this study will help them to

do it.

School Policy Makers. This study will help the school policy makers to create

policies that can focus on how a student can cope with different learning modalities,

especially modular distance learning, easier. This research paper will help the policy

makers analyze students' behaviors and create policies that are relevant to them.

Future Researchers. They will need this research paper if they are going to go

deeper into a topic related to this, and focus it to a larger and wider range of respondents

for larger scope. They can also discover more ways to go deeper than what is written in

this paper and create a better understanding of students taking different modality than the

traditional face-to-face learning.


This study covers the experiences of Grade 11 Academic Track students of

Dampol 1st National High School taking modular learning to know if there are positive

and negative responses and outcome the new method of learning caused while the

government used this to pursue the continuity of classes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The researchers used a Convenience or Voluntary Sampling Method and came up with

having 50 respondents from Grade 11 Academic Strand students who are taking modular

learning as their learning modality. 

 The study will start from June 20, 2022, Monday, and will end on June 25, 2022,

Friday. This will be held in Dampol 1st National High School in Dampol, Plaridel,

Bulacan. This study is limited to Grade 11 Academic Strand only, considering that they

are taking modular classes. The researchers will use 30 question semi-structured

questionnaires to gather information from the respondents, and to be able to answer the

general problem of this study. The researchers will use Axial Coding and Thematic

Coding to analyze and categorize the information gathered.

Chapter II

Theoretical Framework

This chapter of this paper consists of the Related Theories, Related Literature,

Related Studies, Conceptual Framework, and Definition of Variables of the research to

strengthen the value of the study.


Theory and Practice of Distance Education Holmberg (1995). Is about using

communication between teachers and students as the center of the effectiveness of

distance learning. It said that the feelings of the personal relation with both parties

promote intellectual pleasure and motivation that is favorable to the attainment of a

specific academic goal. The active and effective two-way communication between the
instructors and learners will make the distance learning effective. This theory also

discusses the importance of education without concerning where the education or the

teaching will occur. 

Theory of Independent Study Wedemeyer (1981). TIS theory is characterized

as the normal process of teaching and learning through written aids or other medium

while teachers and students are being separated. This is a theory about individualized

learning while learners are taking their full responsibility on their own paces for his or

her own progress with a freedom to stop and start again at any time. This theory focuses

on the individual or independent studying of a student while the instructors, teachers, or

professors, only give them a specific learning kit for them to use.

Equivalency Theory. This theory states that Modular Distance learning is not the

same as traditional face-to-face learning, but the two modalities are equivalent.

Simonson's basis on this Equivalency Theory is that learning experiences should be

equivalent, rather than being identical, regardless of any method of learning being used. It

should be equal even in using the modular distance learning, or the traditional face-to-

face classes. 

The Management of Learning Systems (Greville Rumble). This theory consists

of Rumble saying that the management has to do with the effectiveness of distance

learning. He distinguished it among the three (3) major models which he calls the

"institution-centered" , "person-centered", and "group or community-centered". He also

mentioned the need to resolve the tension in producing and distributing learning kits. 
Parkinson's Law by C. Northcote Parkinson. It is about stretching a work to

fill the time available for its completion. It states that even if a person is given a week to

complete a task that can be easily done in a day, the task will eventually be done longer

than it should be. This law only shows that even how easily a task can be finished, a

person will use the given time, no matter how long it is, to finish it. If something must be

done in a week, it will be done in a week. If it must be done in a year, then it will.

The Pickle Jar Theory by Jeremy Wright. This theory uses a metaphor to

illustrate an essential point of time management. This theory stated that a person must do

the most important tasks first, otherwise they will never get around them.


According to Schleicher et al, (2020), “For educators, supporting the continuation

of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is a quintessential adapted and

transformative challenge, one for which there is no pre-configured playbook that can

guide appropriate responses.” Education leaders must respond quickly and with specific

context in mind as the pandemic runs its course. The overall goal of this series is to

facilitate the rapid design process and implementation of adaptive responses to the

emerging education challenges, and to protect all students’ educational opportunities

during and following the pandemic. This short discusses the module of a series which
presents the result of a comparative analysis of emerging educational needs and responses

as the pandemic unfolds across countries around the world. (Reimers et. al, 2020). 

The Convergence of Online Teaching and Problem Based Learning Modules

amid the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021). There is a convergence unfolding between two

formerly unique and separate areas of teaching research methodology: distance education

and problem-based learning (PBL) environments. Much has been published on each field

independently, in the modern-era of online distance learning, and hybrid educational

programs there is a need for more case and experiential-based learning activities which

can effectively measure stated learning objectives. Teaching research methodology and

pedagogy have evolved to include video capture, remote conferencing, and other real-

time communications techniques allowing faculty and students to collaborate across great

distances. Meanwhile, PBL environments have been used extensively in teaching

medicine, clinical practice, law, business/management, and many other disciplines to

improve student learning. This has been further accelerated during the COVID-19

pandemic through the use of technologies like Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, Google

Hangout Meet, etc. and the availability of PBL-ready environments in breakout rooms

and asynchronous simulated projects. Student preference data from 2020 are reported as

part of this study. One example of this merger between online delivery and PBLs was the

development of a PBL statistical process control (PBL-SPC) module. A cross-functional

academic team was created across both a college of business and college of education in

which a PBL-SPC module was developed based on a real-life situation in which students

immerse themselves in a potato chip factory environment. The motivation for the PBL-

SPC was that this is a challenging topic to cover which students often find difficult to
relate to. Three different scenarios were developed and students, as individuals or in

teams, must traverse the simulated factory to assess the situation. Learning outcomes are

measured by the course instructors and the PBL environment is being used by faculty

around the world. Additionally, the PBL-SPC module has now been scaled to other

applications such as six-sigma simulated project training during the COVID-19

pandemic. Pedagogical methods should be interactive, stimulate learning, improve the

learning outcomes/critical thinking, and enhance student experience. This paper proposes

that merging the effective and tech-friendly pedagogical methods of PBL-SPC, with the

right modalities and model of online delivery, can help achieve these aforesaid goals.

Even more, it can deliver a great opportunity to educators and institutions worldwide for

advancing the reach of education (Bumblauskas and Vyas, 2021).

Modular Implicits (2015). According to Leo White, Bour, Yallop, presenting

modular implicits, an extension to the OCaml language for ad-hoc polymorphism

inspired by Scala implicits and modular type classes. Modular implicits are based on

type-directed implicit module parameters, and elaborate straightforwardly into OCaml's

first-class functors. Based on the design of OCaml's modules leads to a system that

naturally supports many features from other languages with systematic ad-hoc

overloading, including inheritance, instance constraints, constructor classes and

associated types. (Leo White, Bour, Yallop, 2015).

According to, “What Is Learning?” Scott Miller stated that

learning is a process and it occurs in response to thinking. Learning does not look at the

way or the order on how an instructor teaches, but how the students make the knowledge
enter their minds and analyze it to construct new ideas. Scott Miller's belief about

learning showed how he believes that learning is not based on how the teacher and the

students interact, but how the students digest the given knowledge, not just through

seeing each other physically (Saunders, L. 2020). According to Adam John Privetera, It

does not matter whether you're seeing each other face-to-face or learning through online,

because as said,  learning is a change occurring in response of the brain, and it does not

matter what sensual stimuli was used to gain that knowledge. According to Biswanath

Ghosh, Learning is the modification of behavior through experience and training.

Learning comes in different ways and different experiences and behavior. It can be taught

by doing a thing you have not done before, but you are willing to do. It is a behavior on

how a student or a person copes up with the experience and training, regardless of what

modality it is delivered by. When we observe, learning comes in different ways or

different modes. Learning does not end in one place, neither two. Finally, we can say that

learning is how an individual or a person reacts, acts, responds, and behaves on certain

events that may lead to gaining knowledge.

Plato’s Philosophy of Education and the Common Core Debate (2015).  Plato

stated that education is the capacity to feel pressured while learning and being happy with

the result of studying. In academic related establishments like school, students have the

capability to understand why they have to study because of the pressure of seeing their

co-students being able to learn. In modular learning, students are able to work at their

own pace, resulting in putting the pressure into them cramming their works before the

deadline (Dejene, W. 2019). On the other hand, according to Aristotle, Education is the

creation of a sound mind in a sound body. It develops men's faculty, especially his mind,
so that he may be able to enjoy the implementation of Supreme Court goodness and

beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists. Aristotle focused on the beauty of

education and how education acts like the sound of a person's mind, body, and soul.

According to John Dewey, Education is the capacity of all individuals which enable them

to control the environment and fulfill his responsibilities, while Rousseau stated that

education was already with the people as they was given birth, and experience is the

forerunner of the precept, that is the same with Yeats stating that education is not filling a

bucket, but lighting a fire. 

According to Llego, M. (2020), modular distance learning is learners' learning at

their own pace, in their own way and using self-learning modules (SLMs). He stated that

modular learning gave students the freedom to choose for the most convenient time for

them to do the tasks and activities they needed to accomplish and submit at the right time.

According to Mary Burns, modular learning used self-learning kits or modules to deliver

the lessons and fuel knowledge to students' minds, even being at their own comfort

zones. Dejene, W. (2019) Modular approach is an emerging trend of educational thinking

that shifts traditional methods of instruction to an outcome-based learning paradigm.

Castroverde, F., and Acala, M. (2021) Modular learning started to look at the result than

to the process of answering the modules, given activities, and tasks. In addition, Dejene

also said that modularization is based on the principle of dividing the curriculum into

small discrete modules or units that are independent, non-sequential, and typically short

in duration. Also, according to Hornby, as cited in Yoseph and Mekuanint (2015) and

Malik (2012), the module is a virtually self-contained method of teaching that is based on

building skills.
Introduction to Distance Education: THEORISTS AND THEORIES —

CHARLES WEDEMEYER (2014). According to Wedemeyer, C. (1971), Independent

Study is various forms of teaching-learning arrangements in which teachers and learners

carry out their essential tasks and responsibilities apart from one another, communicating

in a variety of ways, for the purposes of freeing internal learners from inappropriate class

pacing or patterns, or providing external learners opportunity to continue learning in their

own environments, and developing in all learners the capacity to carry on self-directed

learning, the ultimate maturity required of the educated person. It is also known as

"carrying out their essential tasks—apart from one another ''. This Independent study was

based on the internal, and external study. In his 1981 book Learning at the Back Door:

Reflections on Non-Traditional Learning in the Lifespan, Wedemeyer (p. 60) identified

“non-traditional, distance, open or independent learning” as “a single great new

development in education” that would be a vehicle for a new era in higher education.

History of Time Management by Harold Taylor (2019). Frederick Winslow Taylor

gave the concept to use time management for analyzing time and motion studies of

employees with the aim to decrease time wasting and unproductive work (Savino, 2016).

Savino (2016)  also stated that time management has also been defined as a form of self-

management with a clear emphasis on time in understanding what activities to do; how to

do them more efficiently; in what time it should be done and when is the correct time for

the particular activity. Eon and Aguinis (2017) defined time management as "behavior"

as it required control and responsibilities. Eon and Aguinis (2017) also stated that time
management behavior has three basic surfaces: time attitudes, long-range planning, and

short-range planning. Time management has played an important role in modular

learning, as students, despite having their own freedom to choose what time they will

answer their modules, still need to manage their time to avoid rushing and "just

submitting" their works.


A Comparative Analysis on the Challenges of Online Learning Modality and

Modular Learning Modality: A Basis for Training Program (2021). According to

Abante, et. al. (2021), Philippine’s educational system has now been adapting to the new

method of learning. Modular learning has been used as a way to continue the cycle of

delivering knowledge from teachers to students. Despite the difficulty in delivering the

knowledge to the newer method of learning, the classes continued through modular


Modular distance learning modality: Challenges of teachers in teaching amid

the Covid-19 pandemic (2021). Acala, M. (2021) identifies the challenges and difficulty

the teachers experienced through modular learning, and how did teachers cope with this

difficulty. The study stated that the teachers became one of the most essential parts of the

new method of learning that the virus employed. Many education systems moved

activities online, to allow instruction to continue despite school closures (OECD, 2020).

The modular learning, despite using modules and visual aids, still uses activities online as

part of trying to modernize this method of learning.

The Challenges and Status Of Modular Learning: Its Effect To Students’

Academic Behavior, And Performance (2021). Agarin, M. (2021), stated that the virus

took the educational system of the Philippines by surprise. The continuity of education

should be implemented with or without the virus present. Modular learning provides

quality education for learners and access to teachers without being physically in touch

with one another. There are challenges that affect the effectiveness of modular learning,

and its status in the educational system. 


The study reflects the model of independent variable (Frame 1), to its dependent

variable (Frame 2).



1. Age

2. Gender 

3. Academic Strand

4. Economic Status

5. Modular Learning


6. Equivalency Theory

7. Independent Learning

8. Time Management
 Experiences of Grade 11
Academic Track
students taking modular
learning modality.

 Students’ academic
performances while
taking modular classes.

The first frame consists of independent

variables, age, gender, academic strand, economic status, modular learning modality

equivalency theory, independent learning/study, and time management. Gender is the

identity of one person, according to how they act, and their psychological and

physiological way of thinking. Economic status is also important to know if the

respondents are capable of living a poor, average, or luxurious life. Modular Learning

Modality is the mode of learning of students that will become the respondent of this

study. Equivalency Theory is a theory discussing how knowledge should be delivered

equally through different modality, instead of it being identical. Independent Learning is

a way of learning just by analyzing a lesson by oneself, and not asking for others' help.

Time management is the ability of a person to use their time as it should be. The second

frame shows the dependent variable of the study, the experiences of Grade 11 students

taking modular classes, this shows how this variable can be defined by the independent

variable, thus it makes it the dependent one.


MDL - Modular Distance Learning is a modality of learning wherein students and

teachers are not required to see each other personally, but can deliver knowledge from
one place to another.

SLMs - Self-Learning Modules

TIS - Theory of Independent Study

Equivalency Theory - a theory about any means of education being equivalent, not just

Time Management - the ability to use time wisely and effectively.

Parkinson's Law - law stating that a work is stretched to fill the time available for its

PBL - Problem-Based Learning

PBL-SPC - Problem-Based Learning - Statistical Process Control

OCaml - "Object Caml", an object-oriented version and main implementation of the

Caml programming language.

Ad hoc polymorphism - refers to polymorphic functions that can be applied to different

argument types known by the same name in a programming language.

Chapter III
Methods of Research / Methodology

This chapter presents the methods and techniques of the study, the population and

the sample of the study, the research instrument, data gathering procedure, and the data

processing and statistical treatment used in the study.


The first step the researchers conducted was to think of a problem that is relevant

to the present time, and discuss if the topic about the experiences of grade 11 students,

especially students who are under academic strands like General Academic Strand

(GAS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy and

Business Management (ABM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), that are

taking modular learning, will be a help to the community and worth to be talked through.

The second step was to analyze the discussed problem, and look for literature and studies

that are related to the topic. The third step that the researchers took was to create a

general problem/question that will be used as the center idea of the research paper. After

analyzing the selected topic, the researchers made a further analysis and created an

introduction of the research paper containing facts about modular learning modality. The

next step they took was to look for reliable data like relevant theories, related literature

and related studies that will strengthen their research hypothesis. After finalizing the

topic, and when the researchers already created an established topic for the paper, the

researchers will conduct an interview involving fifty students, keeping in mind that they

are all taking modular learning modality. 

This study is qualitative research that relies on the direct and lived experiences of

the respondents. The researchers use questions starting with "why" and "how", instead of

"what". This study is considered a qualitative type of research because the research paper

focuses on the understanding of a social phenomenon that is the description of a

qualitative research design. It can also be classified as phenomenological research design,

because the study focuses on the everyday and lived experiences of human beings

experiencing the social phenomena. According to, "What is

Phenomenological Research Design?" a study is considered as a phenomenological

research design if "the researchers set aside their own prejudices and a priori assumptions

and focus mainly on the immediate experiences". This act was done by the researchers as

they set aside their own opinions and focus only on the opinions and insights of the

respondents. Researchers will be using voluntary or convenience sampling method, under

non-probability sampling, since according to, "Sampling Methods | Types

and Techniques Explained", a voluntary or convenience sampling method "include

individuals who happen to be most accessible to the researchers" and it is "easy and

inexpensive way to gather initial data". The researchers also came up with these sampling

methods, because the respondents have the choice to volunteer themselves and

voluntarily answer the questionnaires given by the researcher according to their own



The researchers will use the population of Grade 11 students taking modular

learning modality, however, the respondents should be under academic strands like

General Academic Strand (GAS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM), Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), and Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), of Dampol 1st National High School. They will use a convenience

or voluntary sampling method under non-probability sampling method, since the random

sampling method is eliminated as the study is a type of phenomenological or descriptive

research.  The sample will consist of fifty (50) students, 25 women and 25 men, with an

age range of 16-18 year old only. The survey will be conducted in Dampol 1st National

High School. The Grade 11 students who have age ranging from 16 - 18, are taking

modular learning modality and are under Academic Strand will be chosen as respondents.

Researchers will be preparing questionnaires consisting of 30 questions related to

the topic of the study. The questions will identify their experiences in modular learning

modality, and their demographic profile as part of the research, keeping in mind that the

information of the respondents will be purely confidential.


For this study, a semi-structured questionnaire will be employed. The

questionnaire will consist of 30 questions related to the Statement of the Problem (SOP)

of the study. The researcher decided to use a semi-structured questionnaire, because the

questions stated on the SOP are based on the behavior, preferences, intentions, attitudes,

and opinions of the respondents. The questionnaire will also help the respondents answer

the questions freely, resulting in a more comprehensive and specific result. A

questionnaire, according to, "Why Are Questionnaires Effective in Research?" is

used to "gather large amounts of information from sizable sample volumes". As for this

study, a questionnaire will be able to create accurate questions based on the SOP that will

help respondents answer the general problem of the study. 

The questions on the questionnaire are all validated by experts and are qualified to

be used as the questions asked to gather information for the research paper. The

researchers will provide the pens and questionnaire for each respondents of the study. All

answers that will come from the respondents will be kept confidential and the answers

will be used for the research alone. The identity of the respondents will be unknown, and

only the researchers will be able to know who they are. 


The researchers will be able to gather information by the use of convenience or

voluntary sampling methods under non-probability sampling. The questionnaires used in

the study will ask the respondents about their experiences while taking modular learning

modality in the past school years. The answers will be recorded and used as a basis of

information written on the research paper. 

The data gathering will start from June 20, 2022, Monday, and will end on June

25, 2022, Friday. All data gathered by the researchers will be analyzed thoroughly, and

will be organized using a thematic coding, that according to Gibbs (2007), is a passage of

text or images that are linked by a common theme or idea. A thematic coding allows the

researchers to organize the answers by its own categories, and classifications.


The researchers will use printed semi-structured questionnaires to gather

information from the Grade 11 Academic Track students of Dampol 1st National High

School, taking modular learning modality. The answers will be kept confidential by the

researchers and so as the identity of the respondents. The researchers will review the

answers of the respondents thrice, and encode them using axial coding and thematic

coding. Axial coding is used to reveal codes, categories, and linkage between data. It is

used to relate data with each other, while thematic coding is the organization of answers

and data by theme and category. The researchers will also use the following statistical


1. Arithmetic Mean

2. Standard Deviation

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