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A Concept Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Vicente Malapitan Senior High School

San Vicente Camarin, Caloocan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Empowerment Technologies

Datuin, Nicole T.

11 Humss – Fuentes

Date Submitted:

December 05, 2022

Submitted to:

Ronald Duron, LPT


It is common knowledge that around two-thirds of the world is made up of water, which means
that taking care of the Earth’s water should be a priority for everyone around the globe. When
harmful microorganisms and chemical substances contaminate bodies of water, they cause the
water quality to decrease and potentially make it toxic. Water pollution can have negative effects
on our health, the environment and the economy.

There are an estimated 2.2 million metric tons of organic water pollution that occur in the
Philippines each year [2]. Each type of pollutant can have different toxic and negative effects
that can hurt human health and the environment, resulting in high economic costs for both the
population and government entities.

When discussing the issues that can arise due to water pollution, there are three major areas to

Health: According to the United Nations, every year there are more deaths caused by polluted
water than all types of violence combined, including war. Waste from humans and animals that
contaminates water carries bacteria and viruses that cause the spread of diseases such as typhoid,
cholera and giardia.

Environment: All the species in an ecosystem rely on each other in order to survive. Outside
substances, such as pollutants found in wastewater, can disrupt the complicated relationships
between species that an ecosystem needs in order to thrive.

Economy: Polluted water can have many negative effects on the economy. It directly impacts
sectors such as commercial fishing, recreational businesses, tourism and even property values, all
of which rely heavily on clean water. Polluted drinking water can also cause treatment costs to
rise, which in turn makes the cost of drinking water rise as well.

But what are the causes of water pollution, and what can we do about them?

Water is one of the most important elements on Earth when it comes to sustaining life.
Unfortunately, it is also extremely susceptible to pollution. This is largely because water is a
universal solvent that can dissolve many substances. While this is a wonderful quality that we
take advantage of for everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning and taking medication, it is also
the exact quality that causes water to become polluted so easily.

Unfortunately, accidents still occur at these facilities, and toxic waste is released into the
environment. The coal and gas industries are, in many ways, no better. This is one of the major
impetuses behind the development of alternative, clean sources of energy, including solar and

And according to a 2021 report by Oxford University's Our World in Data. Approximately 80%
of global ocean plastic comes from Asian rivers, and unfortunately the Philippines alone
contributes a third of that total.

Water pollution is a major issue across the world and is caused by many contributing factors. It
can greatly disrupt entire ecosystems and be extremely harmful to our health and economy.
Water is an extremely valuable resource, and proper water treatment policies and management
are imperative in the fight to keep the world’s water supply clean.

There are numerous ways that each of us can help reduce water pollution:

•Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.

•Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. Don't put fertilizer on
the grass right before it rains. The chemicals will wash into storm drains and waterways.
•Mulch or compost grass or yard waste. Or, leave it in your yard if you can't compost. Don't
blow leaves into the street. This clogs and damages storm drains.
•Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassy area instead of a
•Minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers.
•DO NOT dispose of these chemicals, motor oil, or other automotive fluids into the sanitary
sewer or storm sewer systems.

To continue enjoying the benefits of clean water and healthy oceans and rivers, we need to
fundamentally change the way we use and treat water. And conserving water, spreading
awareness are one of the best way to do.

Saving water can also save your money bills. Reduction in interior water use cuts waste water
flows, especially overflowing of gutters which contaminates the environment. Environment
benefits include eco system and habitat protection. Water conservation helps in improving the
quality of your drinking water. Protects drinking water resources, Minimizes water pollution and
health risks. Reduces the need for costly water supply and new wastewater treatment facilities.
Maintains the health of aquatic environments. Saves energy used to pump, heat, and treat water.


why it is necessary and important to do this? because it will help us to raise awareness among
the people so that they can also help us in accomplishing this, the economy will be lightened,
problems in the community will be reduced such as water pollution. it is also for the sake of our
economy, environment, agriculture and especially our health. can you look at the dirty and
turbulent oceans, rivers, etc, especially knowing that this is where the water that we use on a
daily basis comes from?


By accomplishing this we all need information, data and details of the here me out,

Water is often equated with life itself. But for an archipelagic region in Southeast Asia
sandwiched between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, water pollution in the
Philippines has caused this precious resource to be anything but life’s sustenance. According to a
report released by the Asian Development Bank, “heavy inorganic pollutants have made water
increasingly a threat to life.”

The Philippines is a developing country that is also undergoing rapid urbanization and
industrialization. Out of more than one hundred million Filipinos, nine million rely on unsafe
water supplies. In fact, water pollution in the Philippines and a lack of proper sewage kills 55
people every day.

we all notice the dirty and messy water in some of the places with water in the philippines such
as canals, rivers, creeks and what else that causes disease, infection, blockage of water channels
resulting in floods whenever there is a storm.

So I propose the project I named, "Community General Cleaning" where people in a

community have to participate in cleaning the environment especially in our water sources every
(atleast) 3 weeks.

Implementation of the law or policy that every person in a community must follow in the
implementation of this project that whoever violates it or whoever litters the environment
especially in water will face appropriate punishment.

Providing brochures about the importance of our water bodies and conducting seminars to bring
knowledge and awareness to the people led by our professionals and experts about this matter.


Of course every project needed a budget for the project.

We really don't need so much money for this, all we need is a voluntary participation and
donations for other support system like Man power, Equipments, Tools and etc,.

Our goal is to improve our mother nature so I expect everyone's support.

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