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Tugas II

Self Introduction (Perkenalan Diri)

Greeting (sapaan/salam) :
Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce myself.
Halo semuanya, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri

Your name (namamu) :

My name is Muhammad Ariyadi, you can call me Ari.
Nama saya Muhammad Ariyadi, kalian bisa panggil saya Ari

Location (lokasi) :
I was born in Tanah Bumbu, But currently live in Sungai Loban.
Saya lahir di Tanah Bumbu, Tapi sekarang tinggal di Sungai Loban

Additional introduction/Tambahan perkenalan :

My age is eighteen years old.
Umur saya 18 tahun
I have one elder brother.
Saya mempunyai satu kakak laki-laki
My father’s name is Sukandi.
Nama ayah saya adalah Sukandi
My mother’s name is Mastinah.
Nama ibu saya adalah Mastinah
I am the youngest child of two siblings.
Saya anak bungsu dari dua bersaudara
My father is a farmer.
Ayah saya adalah seorang petani
My mother is a housewife.
Ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga
I am a student at Politeknik Batulicin University.
Saya seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Politeknik Batulicin
My major is heavy equipment engineering.
Jurusan saya adalah teknik alat berat
My favorite subject at school is History and Civic Education.
Mata pelajaran favoritku adalah Sejarah dan PKn (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan)
My hobbies are Fising and Swimming.
Hobi saya adalah Memancing dan Berenang
My Favorite food is Grilled chicken.
Makanan favorit saya adalah Ayam bakar
My favorite drink is Coffee.
Minuman favorit saya adalah Kopi
I want to be a businessman.
Aku ingin menjadi Pebisnis
Self Introduction

Greeting :
Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce myself.

Your name :
My name is Muhammad Ariyadi, you can call me Ari.

Location :
I was born in Tanah Bumbu, But currently live in Sungai Loban.

Additional introduction :
My age is eighteen years old.
I have one elder brother.
My father’s name is Sukandi.
My mother’s name is Mastinah.
I am the youngest child of two siblings.
My father is a farmer.
My mother is a housewife.
I am a student at Politeknik Batulicin University.
My major is heavy equipment engineering.
My favorite subject at school is History and Civic Education.
My hobbies are Fishing and Swimming.
My Favorite food is Grilled chicken.
My favorite drink is Coffee.
I want to be a businessman.

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