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19th September, 2021

Daily Handouts
Handout No.694 |1|


DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021

(1) CJI calls for ‘Indianising’ legal system ............................................................................................. 1
(i) Challenges being faced by ordinary litigants ........................................................................... 1
(ii) Recommendations of CJI to address these challenges ............................................................. 1
(2) IISc researchers find a way to substitute for single-use plastics ....................................................... 1
(i) Intensity of Plastic Pollution .................................................................................................. 1
(ii) Challenges of Plastic Pollution................................................................................................ 1
(iii) Significance of this substitute................................................................................................. 1
(3) Bias in AI is a key topic of concern: Capgemini VP ........................................................................... 1
(i) Challenges of AI ..................................................................................................................... 2
(ii) What is Artificial Intelligence?................................................................................................ 2
(iii) Benefits of AI......................................................................................................................... 2
(iv) AI related Government initiatives .......................................................................................... 2
(v) Responsible AI for Youth Programme ..................................................................................... 2
(4) Why is it difficult for India to get to net zero?................................................................................. 2
(i) Global response..................................................................................................................... 2
(ii) Possible impact ..................................................................................................................... 2
(iii) Challenges of these commitments.......................................................................................... 2
(iv) Why India is opposing to adopt ‘net zero target’? ................................................................... 3
(v) What can enable India to adopt ‘net zero target’? .................................................................. 3
(vi) NET ZERO/Carbon Neutrality ................................................................................................. 3
(5) Auto boost .................................................................................................................................... 3
(6) NIA needs infra, specialists: experts ............................................................................................... 3
(i) Organisations in news - National Investigation Agency (NIA) .................................................. 3
(ii) Focus Areas ........................................................................................................................... 3
(iii) Functions .............................................................................................................................. 4
(iv) Provisions of NIA Amendment Act, 2019 ................................................................................ 4
(7) What is the need for a ‘bad bank’?................................................................................................. 4
(8) Can the telecom industry get out of the rut? .................................................................................. 4 DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021

Handout No.694 |1|

TNA NOTES  Context: Researchers developed a

1. CJI calls for ‘Indianising’ legal system biodegradable substitute for single-use plastic
 Syllabus: GS2 – Subject: Polity & Governance,  Synopsis:
Topic: Judiciary o To address the menace of single-use plastics,
 Article relevance for UPSC: researchers have developed a polymer using
 Prelims: -------------------------- non-edible oil and cellulose extracted from
 Mains: Judicial reforms agricultural stubble as a bio-degradable
 Context: Chief Justice of India (CJI) called for substitute for single-use plastics
Indianisation of the country’s legal system o Intensity of Plastic Pollution
 Synopsis:  According to Central Pollution Control Board of
o To address the challenges of judicial access to India, in 2018-2019 alone, 3.3 million metric
citizens, CJI has suggested various measures tonnes of plastic waste are generated in India
o Challenges being faced by ordinary litigants  Only 9% of total plastic waste produced in the
 Lengthy and expensive judicial proceedings world is recycled and around 79% enters the
 High technicalities in judgements making it environment
difficult to comprehend for ordinary citizens  Landfills are being choked with single use
 Language barriers (using English in court plastics leading to accumulation of plastics
proceedings) damaging the health of environment
 Present judicial practices and rules of courts o Challenges of Plastic Pollution
were foreign and sourced from the colonial  Plastics take longer to get decomposed
days  Presence of plastic in saline water increases its
 Multiple barriers (of this kind) prevented toxicity
ordinary, poor and rural Indian citizen’s access  Intake of plastics will affect the health of
to justice animals as they can’t digest plastic
o Recommendations of CJI to address these  Breakdown of plastics will increase micro
challenges: CJI suggested to, plastics which can enter food system
 Simplify rules and procedures of justice o Significance of this substitute
delivery  Non-toxic to environment (as it is bio-
 Make justice delivery more transparent, degradable)
accessible and effective  Mitigates the problem of plastic accumulation
 Indianize judiciary (i.e., adapting to the  Multi-purpose material (as it can be used for
practical realities of Indian society and food packaging and healthcare applications)
localising the justice delivery systems)
 Reduces air pollution in National Capital Region
 Promote Alternative dispute mechanisms (like
(as it uses agricultural stubble as a raw
mediation and conciliation) to reduce the
pending litigations
 Issue: Plastic Pollution
 Issue: Indianisation of legal system
 Dimension: Alternate inventions to substitute
 Dimension: measures to address judicial
single-use plastics
2. IISc researchers find a way to substitute for single- 3. Bias in AI is a key topic of concern: Capgemini VP
use plastics  Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Science & Technology,
 Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Environment, Topic: Topic: Recent developments and their
Environmental Pollution & GS3–Subject: applications and effects in everyday life
Science & Technology, Topic: Recent  Article relevance for UPSC:
developments and their applications and  Prelims: Learn about Artificial Intelligence
effects in everyday life  Mains: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
 Article relevance for UPSC:  Context: Vice President of Capgemini (IT
 Prelims: -------------------- company) outlined the challenges of AI
 Mains: Plastic Pollution  Synopsis: DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021
Handout No.694 |2|

o Despite having various advantages and  Responsible AI for Youth Programme

applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) also o Launched by: National e-Governance Division,
poses various challenges MeitY
 Challenges of AI o Purpose: To reach out to students from the
o Bias and discrimination of the system fed data government schools pan India and empower
o Possibilities of misuse them to become ‘AI ready’ and help reduce the
o Usage of personal sensitive information (to AI skill gap in India.
build algorithms) without informed consent o Eligibility: Open to students from Government
might compromise data privacy Schools, classes 8 – 12 across the country
o Ignorance on functioning of AI and its impact  Practice Mains Question: What is artificial
to government and ordinary citizens intelligence? What is its current scenario and
 What is Artificial Intelligence? what are its prospects? [Answer in 150 Words,
o A branch of computer science that deals with 10 Marks]
creating computers or machines as intelligent  Issue: Artificial Intelligence
as human beings.  Dimension: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
o It can make a computer, a computer-controlled 4. Why is it difficult for India to get to net zero?
robot, or software to perform cognitive  Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Environment, Topic:
tasks like thinking, perceiving, learning, Climate Change
problem solving and decision making.  Article relevance:
o Benefits of AI:  Prelims: Learn about Net Zero target
 Increases access and affordability of quality  Mains: Measures to mitigate Climate Change
healthcare.  Context: India opposed to adopt ‘net-zero
 Enhances farmers’ income, increase farm targets’
productivity and reduce wastage.
 Synopsis:
 Improves access and quality of education.
o United Nations (UN) asked the global nations
 Builds efficient infrastructure for the increasing
to declare national climate emergencies and
urban population.
build a carbon neutral world by 2050.
 Develops smarter and safer modes of
o This target doesn’t consider historical
transportation to address traffic and
responsibilities, differentiation, size of
congestion problems.
economy or development.
 Creates high skilled jobs
o It is applicable to all
 Increases efficiency and enhance governance
o Global response:
across the government.
 Nations contributing 65% of global CO2
 Improves the ease of living
emissions agreed
 Helps to enable India as a major manufacturing
 China committed to net zero GHG emissions by
hub in line with the ‘Make in India’
 AI related Government initiatives:
 U.S. & EU also adopted net zero targets
 Responsible AI for Social Empowerment
(Raise) 2020 o Possible impact:
o Organised by the MeitY in association with the  EU might impose carbon border levies on those
NITI Aayog nations that do have high carbon cut-down
o Purpose: To bring together people to exchange targets
ideas on the use of Artificial Intelligence for  Despite having a small carbon footprint (2%),
social empowerment like inclusion and India will be subjected to intense observation
transformation in industries such as education, which might affect its development measures
smart mobility, agriculture and healthcare  It will modify WTO rules (at present it excludes
among others. tariffs on environmental grounds)
o Theme: “AI for Social Transformation, Inclusion o Challenges of these commitments:
and Empowerment”.  Lack of climate finance DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021
Handout No.694 |3|

 Doesn’t consider historical responsibilities of  Context: Government approved PLI Scheme for
developed countries (U.S. & China) automobiles & drone Industry
 Reduces the available carbon space for  Synopsis:
developing countries (like India) o To promote Automobile & Drone industries,
o Why India is opposing to adopt ‘net zero Indian government has approved the
target’? Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme.
 With India’s developmental policy, India’s  Refer to 16th September, 2021 LaEx Daily
emissions are likely to grow at the fastest pace Handout to learn the significance of PLI in
in the world promoting Automobile & Drone industries
 Carbon dioxide removal technologies are still  Issue: Production Linked Incentive Scheme
unproven and are extremely expensive.  Sub-dimension: Promotion of Automobile &
 2015 Paris Agreement requires every signatory Drone industries
to take the best climate action it can but didn’t 6. NIA needs infra, specialists: experts
mandate on net-zero  Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Internal Security, Topic:
 The current rate of emissions are so high which Various Security forces and agencies and their
results in 30 to 40C rise in temperatures by mandates
2100  Article relevance for UPSC:
 No amount of afforestation or reforestation  Prelims: Learn about NIA
can compensate the increased emissions  Mains: Infrastructural gaps in investigation
 Shifting towards renewable energy sources will  Context: Experts recommended for capacity
cost India heavily (as India is still a developing building of National Investigation Agency (NIA)
country, India cannot afford for such expensive  Synopsis:
technologies) o For effective functioning of NIA, experts opined
o What can enable India to adopt ‘net zero it needs additional infrastructure and experts
target’? to deal with cyber terrorism
 A global fund with contributions from  Organisations in news - National Investigation
countries based on their carbon emissions Agency (NIA):
 Incentivise renewable energy o It is the Central Counter Terrorism Law
 India has to gear up its diplomatic push for Enforcement Agency in India.
decent carbon and policy space to meet its o Legality: Established in 2008 post Mumbai
developmental and global aspirations terror attacks under National Investigation
 NET ZERO/Carbon Neutrality: Agency Act, 2008
o A phenomenon where the carbon emissions of o Purpose:
a country will be compensated by removing  To match best international standards in
carbon from the atmosphere. counter terrorism and other national security
o How? Carbon emissions can be related investigations at national level by
 absorbed by creating carbon sinks like forests developing a highly trained workforce.
 removed by using technologies like carbon  To develop a database for all terrorist related
capture and storage. information
 Issue: Net Zero Target o Focus Areas: It probes into offences like,
 Dimension: India’s opposition to net-Zero  Terrorist activities that threaten national
5. Auto boost security and sovereignty like bomb blasts,
 Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Economy, Topic: hijacking of aircraft and ships, and attacks on
Infrastructure nuclear installations
 Article relevance for UPSC:  Counterfeit currency
 Prelims: Learn about PLI scheme  Human trafficking
 Mains: Efforts to become self-reliant in  Organized crime
Automobile sector  Narcotics or drugs DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021
Handout No.694 |4|

 Violations of atomic energy act and weapons of 2. NIA has jurisdiction outside India
mass destruction Act 3. NIA can detain persons hoarding COVID-
o Jurisdiction: It has concurrent jurisdiction to 19 vaccines
deal with terror related crimes across states Select the correct answer using the codes
without obtaining special permission from given below:
states. (a) 1 and 2 only
o Functions: (b) 2 only
 In-depth professional investigation of (c) 1 and 3 only
scheduled offences using the latest scientific (d) 1,2 and 3
methods of investigation Answer: B
 Issue: National Investigation Agency
 Ensuring effective and speedy trial
 Dimension: Infrastructural gaps to curb
 Developing a professional work force through
regular training and exposure to the best
7. What is the need for a ‘bad bank’?
 Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Economy, Topic:
 Displaying scientific temper and progressive
Banking & Investment models
spirit while discharging the duties assigned
 Maintaining professional and cordial relations  Article relevance for UPSC:
with the governments of States and Union  Prelims: Learn about bad bank & ARC
Territories and other law enforcement  Mains: Measures to resolve stressed assets
agencies  Context: Union government has launched the
 Build a data base on all terrorist related bad bank
information  Synopsis:
 Study and analyze laws relating to terrorism in o Union government has set up the ‘Bad Bank’
other countries called National Asset Reconstruction Company
o In 2019, the NIA Act was amended Limited (NARCL) to resolve the challenges
o Provisions of NIA Amendment Act, 2019: posed by Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)
 This amendment empowered the agency to  Refer to 16th September, 2021 LaEx Daily
investigate crimes committed by persons, Handout to learn about ‘Bad Bank’ & its
which are against Indian citizens or “affecting significance
the interest of India”.  Issue: Bad Bank
 It extends the NIA's jurisdiction outside India,  Dimension: Significance of bad bank
subjecting to international treaties and 8. Can the telecom industry get out of the rut?
domestic laws of the concerned foreign nation.  Syllabus: GS3–Subject: Economy, Topic:
 It also allows for the constitution of special Industry
courts by the Centre in order to conduct trials.  Article relevance for UPSC:
 According to the recent amendment to the NIA  Prelims: Learn about AGR
Act, the Central government empowered the  Mains: Telecom Sector Reforms
NIA to investigate crimes, which involve  Context: Cabinet approved several reforms in
allegations of human trafficking, offences Telecom Sector
under the Explosives Act, and certain offences  Synopsis of the article:
under the Arms Act. o Since past few years, Indian telecom industry
 Practice Prelims Question has been struggling in various aspects like:
Which of the following statements is/are  Refer to 16th September, 2021 LaEx Daily
correct about the National Investigation Handout to know the ‘telecom sector reforms’
Agency (NIA)?  Issue: Telecom Sector Reforms
1. NIA was established under National  Dimension: Measures to revive (or address
Security Act, 1980 challenges) telecom sector. DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS_19th September, 2021

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