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Saint Mary’s University

Senior High School

Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya

By Jenny Hollowell

"A History of Everything, Including You." by Jenny Hollowell was by and large
exceptionally illustrative, so enlightening one could envision everything that she was talking
about. She begun this story as an extremely expansive and straightforward articulation of how
Earth began or potentially made. As the story blooms one can recount that this story turned out to
be more close to home than the Earth being made. Jenny begins to open up and continues
disclosing what is by all accounts the most imperative occasions of her life figuratively. Through
illustrative sentences one can feel the enthusiastic association she was having toward this
The title has an extremely huge importance behind it, which answers the storyteller's
inquiry of life and connections of her plans to her very own circumstances. From the earliest
starting point of how the earth was made until the storyteller's snapshots of her life, this story
inspects the entire world around us. This story certainly can identify with many individuals since
it talks about genuine circumstances. Be that as it may, a few pursuers might be at various stages
throughout their life, so they may have not encountered a portion of the circumstances the
storyteller experienced, however in the long run one may encounter it. From the earliest starting
point until the end, the style of composing simply awing since who realized life can be clarified
in only a couple of pages. Each sentence has a particular style that makes it both one of a kind
and essential in portraying this huge picture of life. The short straightforward sentences convey
out more feeling to the pursuer about the occasions paving the way to the storyteller's
relationship. The tone unquestionably has a tragic voice to it, yet the creator works superbly
indicating how life is additionally loaded with bliss and astonishments.
In this realm of reality, life is the superior and mighty ruler of this world, not God, nor
humans, we humans are the one’s who’s powerless and controlled, life provides us the
circumstances to live and it is in the instinct to flow with the life and live just like what life
predicts us to do according to the mode of survival. In this cycle of life, humans are the ones
who’s powerless and in debt with life, God had created us so beautifully without any flaw not
considering the fact that others have developed evilness installed in the deepest part of their
hearts waiting to burst and spread, and as time goes by, battle versus nature and the humanity is
never ending. In connection, the flow of the story is the flow of life, the author tells us that a man
undergoes same circumstances and cycle of life, be born, go to school, have a job, have an affair,
be married, have grandchildren’s then die, this is the basic cycle of life, the only difference is
that man experiences this flow through different genres and plots in his/her own lifetime.
Therefore, we are following the flow of life, and man is powerless to change the cycle, only
those who have played with time that they had received different way of living life.
Saint Mary’s University
Senior High School
Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya

The story simply gives descriptions to the events or moments that happened but was
never given attention. One would think of it as a normal thing to do and it happened to be that
way because most people do it. It is like when we ignore the possibilities to get away from it
because it is the nature of life, that life should be this way. The author organized these events
chronologically. Basing from the story, it is an event of a female's life. Since women are from
different states and countries, some wouldn’t experience these things because some countries are
not liberated. But basing from the setting of the story, it doesn’t mean that because the society
demands liberation, doesn’t mean it is really okay to do things like divorce and pre-marital sex.
Because it doesn’t look normal like it looks. But this not applicable to all, since every man and
country has their own point of life, on how they live with it. In contrary, it is not because the
society demands it, people should be doing it. Even though such situation happens, female
should remember their stand in the society. That women should live with dignity.
Life is really something, no beginning no definite ending, life is hard to define, regardless
of the situation man experiences. Therefore, humanity have different definition of life, may be
sad or gloomy, but removing this thoughts, life is in power, and no one knows how to control it,
man goes with the flow and practices the same ritual and floe of life with different and unique
way until reaching the same point of existence, death.

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