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1. What is the etymology of Apartheid?

Found in 1947, it was a word from dutch origin which refers to a former political policy of
segregation and political, social and economic discrimination against the nonwhite majority in the
Republic of South Africa.
2. How long was Apartheid in effect under the Apartheid regime?
It was in effect for 46 from 1948 to 1994. The discrimination lasted for the same time period.
3. Quote three laws in effect under the Apartheid regime?
Under Apartheid, nonwhite South africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in
separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities.
4. What was a private event for Apartheid? Give details such as date, location, causes, outc
 1960 south african republic referendum
A referendum on becoming a republic was held in South Africa on 5 October 1960.
The Afrikaner-dominated right-wing National Party, which had come to power in
1948, was avowedly republican, and regarded the position of Queen Elizabeth II as
head of state as a relic of British imperialism.

5. When, how, and why did Apartheid end?

Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination and segregation by the south African
government. It was formalised 1948, forming A framework for political and economic
dominance by the white population and severely restricting the political rights of the black

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