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Castro, Karl B.

2021101358 CE-B3

What do I REALLY believe in?

My life so far has been a steady ride into the sunset. Since fortunately, I was born in a decent,

hardworking family that is passionate about their work. I am lucky to have the privilege of going

to a private university, the privilege of eating three times a day, and the privilege of having all the

material things that I need and want. As I got older, I realized that I should be grateful for all that

I have and what is happening right now with my life. I realized that not everyone gets to experience

all the good things that I am experiencing right now. And with that said, I believe that I must help

those unprivileged people, even in my little ways.

My personal experiences with life have been nothing but a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs.

The majority of my life experiences can be described by the phrase, "Almost, but not quite." This

phrase is what I think encompasses most of my life experiences since from the words themselves,

it's full of 'almosts,' from having a 1-point defeat during a championship basketball game when I

was in elementary to almost having a straight line of 9's in my card, only to be halted by an 89

grade in English. Although they may seem small, I constantly experienced these 'almosts'

throughout my high school life, making me feel down and gloomy, knowing that I could've done

better. But as I got older, I realized that all of my shortcomings would be the ones that would

develop me into a better person in the future. I believe that these 'almosts' are constant life lessons

to me, teaching me to be humble and hardworking in everything that I do so that I would not regret

anything afterward.

As for my personal beliefs, I believe that one should have no regrets in life because there was a

time when you wanted to do the things you regret now. Furthermore, these things will only set you
up as a better you in the future. As for my beliefs in terms of religion, I was born a Catholic, but

as I am getting older, I am now having doubts about the existence of an absolute God. One reason

as to why I have doubts is that other religions also believe in a different God while condemning

other religions just because they don't believe in their God. I think that religion is one thing that

divides us in our society, which could lead to hatred and war.

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