Bop 206-18

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BOP 206-18



Time: 1½ Hrs. Max. marks: 40

1. Fill in the Blanks
1A. The illumination required for colour vision testing while using FM 100 hue test is ______
1B. Optical Coherence tomography is based on _______ principle
1C. _______ is the best instrument to take ciliary body pictures
1D. Decibel value of “0” in Octopus perimetry is equal to ______ Abostilb
1E. The technique used to view the angle structure is _______
(1 mark × 5 = 5 marks)

2. Answer the following questions:

2A. How is high corneal astigmatism associated with Intraocular Pressure measurement.
2B. List two disease condition where fluorescein angiography is used
2C. List the various home based tonometers available
2D. Give Full form
ii. FDP
2E. List two lenses used in stereo biomicroscopy method

(2 marks × 5 = 10 marks)
3. Short notes : (Any Three)
3A. Differentiate between static and kinetic perimetry
3B. What is the principle of non-mydriatic camera
3C. What is brightness acuity tester and what is its clinical application
3D. Name the test used for screening for retinal nerve fiber layer defects
(5 marks × 3 = 15 marks)

4. Answer the following question:

4A. Write in detail for the following
i. What are the common elctrophysiological methods used in optometric practice.
ii. Explain its principle and significance.
iii. Is objective Perimetry a reality, explain the clinical significance.
(4+3+3 = 10 marks)


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