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Very briefly, technology also depicts the process of using of scientific knowledge for practical purposes;

the methods (ordered sequence of steps) employed in creating tech-related products and services to
meet cosumer or business needs. I wish I could tell you more on this – but I don’t feel I can; however, this
should give you a brief idea anyway.

As far as tech as a product is concerned, think gadgets and services that you use in your daily life. This
ought to be easier to grasp since our smartphones have become practically an extension of ourselves,
and given that we are constantly checking our feeds and using cloud services to store our data and so
on… For most of us – these represent the true meaning of the word ‘tech’ , though a better term is,
according to some sources, ‘applied technology’ since it turns out that the actual technology is the
practical knowledge and problem solving skills that go into their creation.

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