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The Perception of Grade 12 Students

about K-12 Curriculum and Its

Relationship to their Career Choice

Jea Nikole Angelo

Zhemra Castro
Dennise Kyle Del Rosario
Ivan Mhond Francisco
Angelica Luciano
John Rafael Otañez

STI College of Malolos

Chapter 1
Problem and Its Background
1.1 Background of the Study

One’s quality of education is considered and viewed as the reliance of success.

This research study is all about how the perception of Senior High School students
may affect their way of choosing a career in the near future. There were many
Senior High School curriculum offered around the world and these will help them
for their preparation for the field of business. And the Philippines was the last
country in Asia having a 10-year basic education and pre-university program
(Seameo & Innotech, 2012)

The educational background of the Philippines is insufficient to fulfill the needs of

equality to pursue the desired career choice. Education makes the sense to balance
the K to 12 Program that was implemented for those students, most especially the
Grade 12 students, who reach the halfway of education. The Philippine education
system aims to end the batch of undergraduates in the elementary and secondary
level. The much-needed overhaul of Philippine’s basic education system matters
through Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act making the pre-
university and basic education from 10-13 years (Congress of the Philippines,

K to 12 Basic Education Program covers the provision of the sufficient time to

master the concepts and skills, meet the development for lifelong learners, and the
preparation for graduates in tertiary education, employment and entrepreneurship.
“K” stands for Kindergarten and “12” refers to the succeeding 12 years of basic
education (6 years of elementary education, 4 years of junior high school, and 2
years of senior high school). In this program, Senior High School students are
required to choose a specific specialization (Accountancy, Business and
Management or ABM, Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or
STEM, Humanities and Social Science or HUMMS and General Academic Strand
or GAS) that falls under four different tracks: Academic Track, Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood Track, Sports Track and Arts and Design Track.
Through K to 12 Curriculum program, students undergo immersion that provides
relevant exposure and experience in their chosen track.

In the Philippines, the employment rate for is 93.4%, unemployment rate is 6.6%
and the underemployment rate is 16.3% (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017).
These rates prove that there is still a percentage of unemployment and
underemployment due to lack of education. The program implemented by the
Department Education will be the key to success and be the path to the
improvement and development of our country.

Due to K to 12 Basic Education Program, different perceptions of students emerge

and the way they will choose their career become more difficult. Researchers
conduct a study to find an answer for these sudden proposal and changes
particularly in Philippines educational background and they also believed that it
will give them a positive response.

This research study will be conducted in the selected public and private school that
currently undergoes K to 12 Curriculum located at STI College of Malolos and
Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School.
1.2 Statement of the Study
This study aims to find out the perceptions of Grade 12 students in STI
College of Malolos to the K to 12 Curriculum and its relationship in finding their
career choice.
This research seeks to answer these following questions that will serve as the
bases for our questionnaire:
1. How K to 12 helps you in choosing a career?
2. What is your perception about the benefits of this program?
3. How effectively K to 12 Program is?
4. What are the students taking into consideration when entering to K to 12
to find a better career choice?

a. Financial Assistance
b. Knowledge Capability of the Students
c. School Choice
d. Teacher’s Skills
e. Track Choice

The following questions will serve as guidelines to identify what are the
perceptions of every student in the issue of finishing K to 12 Curriculum Program
and how this can help to improve those problems financially, knowledge
capability, teacher’s skills, school and track choice.
1.3 Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study on The Perception of Grade 12 Students about K to 12
Curriculum and Its Relationship to their Career Choice is to give useful and
profitable information to the following:

To the Department of Education (DepEd), this study will serve as their guide and
basis for the improvements in the educational background of the country. To
achieve the equality in pursuing the desired career choice of every student.

To the STI College of Malolos, the outcome of this study is to assist the school in
the course of the K-12 program and problems to be solved for the next batch of

To the headmasters and teachers, the result of this study will serve as the key for
them to engage better teaching skills and enrich teaching strategies. The product of
this will also be the source of new learnings for them and for the students as well.

To the students, the product of this study will help to change their adverse thoughts
in having K to 12 Program as the starting point in taking tertiary education and in
choosing the career they want. It will also help them clarify what work is
appropriate for them and how it can help them to choose the right career for their

For the future researchers, the implications of this study are to provide more
information and knowledge for future researchers. This study can also be used as a
basis for their research.
1.4 Assumptions of the Study
In conducting a study on The Perception of Grade 12 students about K to 12
Curriculum and Its Relationship to their Career Choice in STI College of Malolos
and Marcelo H. del Pilar National Highschool, the following assumptions were

1. That all respondents in the said school would be cooperative and provide
consistent responses,
2. To clear the students in choosing the right career,
3. Changes the negative perspective of students, teachers and even parents,
4. Research study will affect the educational background of the Philippines,
5. K to 12 Program will be the key to success of each student and the country as
6. Through the help of this study, those graduating Grade 12 students will be part
of economy’s progress.
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study is apprehended only to all Grade 12 students taking different tracks
having the perception about the K to 12 Curriculum and Its Relationship to their
Career Choice. The students of STI College of Malolos and Marcelo H. del Pilar
National High School will be the respondents of this research study. Grade 11
students of the said school is not yet capable for the evaluation. Only the
perceptions, answers and experiences of Grade 12 students will serve as our
1.6 Definition of Terms
 ABM- Accountancy, Business and Management
 Academic Track- set of possible course selections available to a specific
group of students
 Agri-Fishery Arts- designed for hands-on learning and application of skills
that are related to agriculture and aquaculture
 Arts and Design Track- covers both traditional arts and modern forms of
graphics and design
 CUL ARTS – Culinary Arts
 Curriculum- the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or
 DepEd- Department of Education
 DTA- Digital Arts
 Education- the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,
especially at a school or university
 Emerge- become apparent, important, or prominent
 Employment- the condition of having paid work
 Entrepreneurship- the activity of setting up a business or businesses
 GAS- General Academic Strand
 Guidelines- a general rule, principle, or piece of advice
 Home Economics- field of study that deals with the economics and
management of the home, family and community
 HUMMS- Humanities and Social Science
 ICT- Information Communication Technology
 Immersion- to become completely involved in something
 Implementation- the process of putting a decision or plan into effect
 Industrial Arts- features fabrication of objects in wood or metal using a
variety of hand, power, or machine tools
 JHS- Junior High School
 Kindergarten- a school or class that prepares children for first grade
 Perception- the state of being or process of becoming aware of something
through the senses
 Provision- the action of providing or supplying something for use
 RBO- Restaurant and Bar Operation
 Republic Act 10533- act enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System
by strengthening its curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic
education, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes
 Researchers- a person who carries out academic or scientific research
 Response- a reaction to something
 SHS- Senior High School
 Specialization- the process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a
particular subject or skill
 Sports Track- gain the skills and knowledge from human physiology to
coaching techniques
 STEM- Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
 Tertiary Education- third-stage of learning that is done after graduating
from high school or entering the workplace
 TOP- Tourism Operation
 TVL- Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track
 Underemployment- condition in which people in a labor force are
employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with
respect to their training or economic needs
 Unemployment- the state of being unemployed

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