Lenses For Dialogue

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DP 1 : TOK - Lenses for Dialogue

A routine for looking through lenses and exchanging perspectives. [https://pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines]

STEP 1 : SEE- Read closely the two articles-https://www.nytimes.com/2005/1...


What do you notice? Note down your observations.

STEP 2: CHOOSE AND SHARE A LENS- Think about how you see the world: your lenses. These could be related
to your role in your family, your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your sexuality, or anything else about you.

Now think about the articles you have just read. With your partner, each choose one lens and take turns talking about
how you might see or think about the ideological and political aspect of denial- consider the two articles through that

STEP 3: PROBE- Ask a question to understand more about David Irving’s lens or perspective. Say more about the
potential issues around denial of the past .... Tell us more about what you see/think/feel about bias and ideological

STEP 4: REFLECT- Take a minute or two to think about the Irving’s article. Do you have any new observations or
questions? What issues or themes did your lenses conversation invite you to think about?





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