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crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries.

Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions.

It is obvious that, these days the figures of crime committed by teenagers are increasing day by day
around the globe. I intent to discuss reasons and provide appropriate solutions for this

To begin with, there are various causes that why youngster’s crime has increased. One of the main
reasons is that juveniles get influenced by cinemas and media. With the changing socio-economic
film production largely focus on their business and profit. Owing to this, they show explicit scenes of
vulgarity, offence, and violence which reflect teenager’s mind. Consequently, it leads to aggression
and chaos. Moreover, psychologists and other experts have found that the main cause of increasing
crime is the influence of movies and media. Another most important factor is nuclear families,
because of this young people feel independent as their guardians are busy to earn money and butter
for their soothe and affluent lifestyle. Due to this, they spend abandoned time with their children. As
a result, they may indulge in anti-social activities and perform illegal activities.

To combat this obstacle, following measures should be implemented. Firstly, regimes need to take a
strict action on the negative stories produced by film industries. All that illegal acts, movies, daily
soaps must be banned. Moreover, it is obligation of multiplex theaters and news agents to promote
nationalism and patriotism as well as real stories because cinema is deep-rooted in our society.
Secondly, it is the responsibility of care takers to shell out sometime with their children and
introduce them ethical and moral values so that they never commit any crime. Eventually, local
authorities ought to organize awareness campaigns for youngsters. In these campaigns, experts or
professionals have to give a lecture about the harmful results after committing a crime and make
juveniles understand clearly that these illegal acts destroy their life completely.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for this rise in crime, but solutions are
available. If we begin to tackle the issue now, we may be able to prevent the situation declining

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