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Published September, 1994

Brilliant Blue FCFas a Dye Tracer for Solute Transport Studies-

A Toxicological Overview
Markus Flury* and Hannes Fltihler

Abstract induce processes harmful at later stages. Someof these

Brilliant Blue FCF(C.I. 42090) was foundto be a useful dye tracer requirements are mutually exclusive. To be mobile in
to stain the flow paths of waterin soil media. Being neutral or anionic, negatively charged soil the compoundshould be very
it is not strongly adsorbed by negatively charged soil constituents. soluble in water, have a small octanol-water partition
The dye is used in food because its general toxicity is low. However, coefficient, and be anionic (Corey, 1968). Staining the
to stain the flow paths of waterin soil, fairly large concentrationsare soil matrix with dyes requires, however,a certain retar-
requiredto ensure goodvisibility of the tracer. Therefore,toxic effects dation because part of the chemical must be left behind
cannot be entirely excluded, and assessing the environmentalrisk is on the solid surfaces. To minimizethe retardation without
a necessity, especially when lidd research is conductedin an environ-
losing the visibility, the contrast betweenthe stained and
mental context. A literature review was carried out to compile data
on Brilliant Blue FCFtoxicity. The literature suggests that there is unstained soil matrix should be strong. To warrant a good
no carcinogenicity or mutagenicity to rodents. Brilliant Blue FCF visibility in field soil, a dye should therefore preferably be
does not accumulatein plants or animals, but degrades slowly in the blue, green, red, or violet. The requirement of low
environment. Fromthe toxicological point of view the dye can be toxicity eliminates most otherwise suitable dyes, since
considered as a suitable and environmentally acceptable tracer for many dyes are toxic.
studyingsolute transport in soil, especially in the lield. Our objective was to find an acceptable compromise
betweenmobility, visibility, and toxicity. Brilliant Blue
FCF, which had been used by Andreini and Steenhuis
A BROAD VARIETY OF CHEMICALS are used to trace the
travel paths of solutes in the soil and to estimate
(1990) and Boll et al. (1992) in laboratory experiments,
turned out to be ideal in this respect. Our experience
their travel times, but their impact on organisms and with infiltration studies in different soils showedthat the
their role in environmental compartmentsis rarely docu- concentrations of Brilliant Blue FCFrequired for good
mented in sufficient depth. For studying water movement visibility in soil are 3 to 5 g L-1. In this contribution
in soil columns, soil profiles, or entire fields, conserva- important chemical characteristics and toxicity of Bril-
tive tracers are preferred, because they are more or less liant Blue FCFare discussed.
convected without being sorbed by permanent-charged
soil material. Twosuch chemicals are the anions C1- General Information on Brilliant Blue FCF
and Br-. After application or injection of the tracers, Chemical and Physical Properties of Brilliant
soil or water samples are taken and analyzed for chemical Blue FCF
concentrations. One disadvantage of using C1- or Br-
as tracers is that the path taken by the water in the soil Table 1 lists the chemical and physical properties of
cannot be identified exactly. Dyes, on the other hand, Brilliant Blue FCF, and Fig. 1 shows its chemical struc-
ture. Brilliant Blue FCFpossesses sulfonate groups that
can be used to make the flow paths visible.
In ground and surface water hydrology, fluorescent can dissociate in aqueoussolution. In the solid phase it
dyes have been applied successfully for investigating can occur as a Na, NH4,Ba, or AI salt, respectively.
travel times and flow paths (Wright and Collings, 1964; The chemical properties and structural formula are given
only for the Na salt. The physical properties of the NH4
Smart and Laidlaw, 1977; Aldous and Smart, 1988).
Fluorescent dyes have also been used in transport studies salt are very similar to those of the Na salt (Doa, 1987).
in soils. However,the visibility of these dyes is not as Only the Na and NH4salts are permitted for food color-
ing. Note that at low pH the compoundoccurs largely
good in soil as in water (Reynolds, 1966; Omoti and
in the neutral form and as such becomesmore susceptible
Wild, 1979a, b). Nonfluorescent dyes were used to study
bypass- and unstable flow in field soils and in laboratory to sorption in soil media than the anionic form.
columns (e.g., Boumaand Dekker, 1978; Smettem and
Use of Brilliant Blue FCF
Collis-George, 1985; Kung, 1988), where the staining
of the flow pathwayswas the prime goal of the tracing. Brilliant Blue FCFis producedin two grades: technical
To stain the flow paths of water in soils, an ideal dye grade and food grade. The latter must contain more
tracer should have the following characteristics: (i) than 85 % active colorant (FAO/WHO,1966; Marmion,
should be clearly visible in the soil, (ii) it should have 1991). The major use of the technical grade is as dye
transport properties similar to that of water (i.e., the in toilet bowl cleaners (64-75 % of total production vol-
retardation should be low), and (iii) the compound itself ume in the USA). Brilliant Blue FCF is furthermore
and its derivatives should not be toxic, nor should they used in ponds to control weeds, to enhance evaporation,
and to improveaesthetics in parks and golf water hazards
(7-14%). Minor uses are: dye for paper (2%), marker
Soil Physics, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, ETHZiirich, Grabenstrasse
3, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland. Received 22 July 1993. *Corresponding
author ( Abbreviations: C.I., color index; LDs0, lethal dose where 50%of the
test animals die; FDA,Food and Drug Administration; ADI, acceptable
Published in J. Environ. Qual. 23:1108-1112(1994). daily intake.


Table 1. Somechemical and physical properties of Brilliant Blue FCF (disodium salt).
Property References
Common name Brilliant Blue FCF, C.I. Acid Blue 9~’, FD&C Blue No. 1, C.I. Food Blue 2 Merck(1989, p. 208-209)
Chemical name N-Ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl)methyl]-aminolphenyl](2- Merck(1989, p. 208-209)
methanaminiumhydroxide inner salt, disodium salt
Classification Triphenylmethane dye TheSoc. of DyersandColourists (1971b,p. 2778)
Sum formula C37H~N12Na209-Sa Merck(1989, p. 208-209)
Color index (C.I.) 42090 TheSoc. of Dyersand Colourists (1971b,p. 2778)
Purity Technical grade or food grade
Solubility 200 g L-1 (2°, 25°, 60°C) Marmion(1991, p. 71)
pK= 5.83, 6.58 BASF¶
<1.0 × 10-4 (at a pHof 5.7) BASF¶
Thermalstability >160 °C Ciba$
Toxicity(rat) -t
Acute oral LDso: >5000 mgkg Ciba$
Molar mass 792.85 g mo1-1 Merck(1989, p. 208-209)
Absorption maximum 630 nm Merck(1989, p. 208-209)
Absorptivity# 164 Lg- 1 cm- 1 Marmion(1991, p. 249)
The nameC.I. Acid Blue 9 refers to the nonfoodgradeof the dye.
BASF,1990, Physikalische Chemie, Dr. E. Brunner.
Kow:octanol-waterpartition coefficient.
Ciba Ltd., Basel, safety data sheet No. TS150/A,1989.
Solvent system: water, buffered with 0.01 Mammonium acetate.

for agricultural products (2 %), componentin inks (1%), 1974; Drake, 1975; Khera and Munro, 1979). Toxicolog-
textile dye (woodand leather), indicator dye, biological ical data can often be divided in two parts: (i) data
stain and colorant in miscellaneous products. All these acute toxicity refer to a single application of a chemical
data on uses and production volumeare taken from Heath to a test species, and (ii) those on the chronic toxicity
(1987). refer to repeated exposure of a test species to a chemical
The food grade Brilliant Blue FCFconstitutes 15 to over a prolonged time. In the following acute, chronic,
20%of the total production of the dye (Heath, 1987). and ecotoxicity are discussed.
Most of the food grade goes into dairy products, cakes and
confectionary (80 %), pet food ( 10 %), dry mix beverages Acute Toxicity
(5 %), and pharmaceuticals (5 %) (Long, 1987). Brilliant The acute toxicity of Brilliant Blue FCFwas found
Blue FCF is further used for making green hues in
to be low. The subcutaneous LDs0 (lethal dose, where
combination with C.I. Food Yellow 4 (C.I. 19140, The 50%of the test animals are killed) in mice was 4600
Soc. of Dyers and Colourists [1971a, p. 4385]). Concen- mg (kg body weight) -I (Federal Register, 1988). The
trations of Brilliant Blue FCFin beverages are reported
acute oral LDs0in adult Wistar rats was reported to be
as 0.5, 1, and 15 mg L-1 (Noonan and Meggos, 1980).
larger than 2000 mg(kg body weight)-1 (Federal Regis-
ter, 1988). Unpublished data from Ciba Ltd. reported
oral LDs0values for rats larger than 5000 mg(kg body
The toxicity of dyes used as tracers has seldom been weight)-1 (Ciba Ltd., Basel, safety data sheet No. T5150/
considered. Smart and Laidlaw’s (1977) and Smart’s A, 1989). Borzelleca et al. (1990) summarizedresults
(1982) toxicological reviews of fluorescent dyes used genotoxic studies on mammalsand cultured mammalian
water studies are rare exceptions. cells, and the authors pointed out that the dye is not
Anexcellent short compilation on toxicity of Brilliant genotoxic.
Blue FCF is given in the Federal Register (Federal
Register, 1988). Since Brilliant Blue FCF is a food
Chronic Toxicity
additive, manytoxicological studies have been carried
out. There exist several reviews on the toxicology of Several chronic toxicity studies, in which Brilliant
food colors and some of them contain short sections on Blue FCFwas subcutaneously injected in rats weekly,
Brilliant Blue FCF(e.g., de Meuron, 1955; Radomski, were summarized by Borzelleca et al. (1990). These
authors concluded that Brilliant Blue FCFis not carceno-
SO3Na genic when administered subcutaneously.
The absorption of Brilliant Blue FCFin rats, dogs,
and guinea pigs is very small (Hess and Fitzhugh, 1955;
Phillips et al., 1980). The dye administered orally to
rats was almost completely excreted in the feces of the
test animals. Brownet al. (1980) confirmedthat Brilliant
Blue FCFis poorly absorbed by the gastro-intestinal
tract of rats. The mean fecal excretion of the dye was
SOaNa 97%. Intestinal absorption was only 0.27%. Iga et al.
(1971) reported that rats excreted 90%of the intrave-
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of Brilliant Blue FCF. This formula shows
the disodium salt. There exist also other salt forms with NH4, AI, nously administered dye within 4 h.
and Ba (The Soc. of Dyers and Colourists, 1971a, p. 4385). Feeding studies with rats, mice, and dogs were corn-

Table 2. Long-termexposure of rats, mice, and dogs to oral administratioa of Brilliant Blue FCFin their diet.
Dyelevel Time of
Test animal~ in diet¢ exposure Toxicityeffect References
% d
Rats (male) 5 7, 14, 21 Growthretardation Tsujita et al. (1979)
5 21 Reducedfood intake Tsujita et al. (1979)
5 21 Noeffect on liver andcecumweight Tsujita et al. (1979)
Rats 3 525 Noadverseeffects on growth;no reductionof food Mannellet al. (1962)
consumption;no diminutionof food efficiency
Rats (female) 3 525 Increase of mortality Mannellet al. (1962)
Rats 5 730 Nomortality; no effect on hematology;no effect on weight Hansenet al. (1966)
of organs
Rats 2 9OO No effect on appearance,hematology,biochemical Borzellecaet al. (1990)
values, and urinalysis; no carcinogenicity
Rats (male) 2 900 Nomortality; no growth retardation Borzellecaet al. (1990)
Rats (female) 1 900 Nomortality; no growth retardation Borzellecaet al. (1990)
Rats (female) 2 900 Mortality; growth retardation Borzellecaet al. (1990)
Mice 5 730 Nomortality; no effect on hematology,behavior, Borzellecaet al. (1990)
and morbidity; no carcinogenicity
Dogs 2 365 Nomicroscopiclesions; no clinical signals Hansenet al. (1966)
Whensex is not indicated, then both male and female animals wereused.
Basedon fresh weightof diet.

piled in Table 2. The results of these studies indicate in their bodies. Comparing the value of the octanol-
that Brilliant Blue FCFhas a low chronic toxicity. Ad- water coefficient of Brilliant Blue FCF (Kow< 1.0
verse effects were reported only for dietary concentra- 10-4 at pH 5.7) with the values indicated by Tonogai
tions of 5 % for male rats and 2 % for female rats. The et al. (1980) for other dyes, Brilliant Blue FCFwould
no-observed-adverse-effect level in the study of Borzel- have very low toxicity to fish.
leca et al. (1990) was given by dietary concentrations Data on phytotoxicity of Brilliant Blue FCFare avail-
of 2% (1072 mg[kg body weight day]-1) for male rats, able for aquatic plants. A 30-d chronic study reported
1% (631 mg [kg body weight day] -1) for female rats, a 98 % reduction of the population of aquatic plants at
and 5% (7354-8966 mg [kg body weight day] -1) for a dye concentration of 2 mg L-1 (Federal Register,
mice. 1988). This effect is due to light absorbance of the dye
Based on such results, the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- in the red band of the electromagnetic spectrum which
istration (FDA) has included Brilliant Blue FCFas is used for photosynthesis. Brilliant Blue FCFis therefore
permitted additive for food, drugs, and cosmetics, except used as an algicide in ponds to control aquatic weeds.
those used around the eyes (Federal Register, 1982, Concentrations typically used are 1 mg L-1 (Federal
1988). The joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Register, 1988). The enhancement of light absorbance
Additives established an acceptable daily intake (ADI) due to color addition to water is also exploited to enhance
for humans for Brilliant Blue FCFof 12.5 mg (kg body evaporation of water.
weight) -1 (FAO/WHO,1970). The FDAestimated
ADI of 12.0 mg (kg body weight) -1 (Federal Register,
Dyes can decomposeby chemical degradation, photo-
degradation, and bio(chemical)degradation. Biodegrada-
Ecotoxicity tion of colorants takes place slowly, since unfortunately
The ecotoxicology of Brilliant Blue FCF has been most synthetic dyes are xenobiotic (Clarke and Anliker,
evaluated mostly with studies in aquatic organisms. We 1980; Zollinger, 1991). Dyes are designed not to be
could not find any data of toxicity to soil organisms. readily biodegradable. The natural system of microor-
Table 3 summarizes data on toxicity of Brilliant Blue ganisms in rivers and lakes does not contain the enzymes
FCFto aquatic organisms. The test criteria refer mainly needed to degrade such compoundsunder aerobic condi-
to the concentration where 50%of the test animals are tions (Zollinger, 1991).
killed (LCs0). The acute LCso values reported range from Tonogai et al. (1978a) studied the biochemical decom-
larger than 100 mgL-1 to larger than 3000 mgL-1 for position of Brilliant Blue FCF, under aerobic and anaero-
fish and amphibians. bic conditions. They mixed 750 mLof sludge with 250
Tonogai et al. (1980) determined octanol-water parti- mLof 23.8 g L-1 dye solution and sampled the mixture
tion coefficients for several dyes, though Brilliant Blue daily for measurements. For the aerobic condition, the
FCF was not included. A linear correlation between mixture was bubbled with air. The chemical decomposed
partition coefficient and toxicity to fish was found for very slowly under aerobic conditions; only 5% of the
different azo, triphenylmethane, and indigoid dyes. The dye was decomposed after 10 d of culture. Brilliant
larger the octanol-water partition coefficient, the larger Blue FCF decomposed more rapidly under anaerobic
was the toxicity of the dye to fish. The increasing number conditions; after 6 d the dye content decreased by 25 %.
of sulfonic acid groups makes the compoundmore hydro- Photochemical degradation of Brilliant Blue FCFin
philic and would diminish the octanol-water partition aqueous solution can occur in surface waters, such as
coefficient. As a result, the fish wouldabsorb less dye lakes or rivers. For most dyes such degradation is likely

Table 3. Toxicity of Brilliant Blue FCFto aquatic organisms.

Test organisms
Test criteria Exposure Effect
Scientific name Commonname~" "effect" time concentration References
% h -t
mg L
Daphniasp. Water flea 50%Mortality 48 >1000 FederalRegister (1988)
Daphniacarinata Water flea 50%Mortality 3 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
Sympetrumfrequens Dragonfly 50%Mortality 48 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
lndoplanorbis exustus - ~ 50%Mortality 48 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
Sewagebacterias Reduction
of activity - >300 Ciba (1989)§
Amphibians and Fish
Bufo bufo japanicus Commontoad (Japanese) 50%Mortality 48 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
Ranabrevipoda porosa - 50%Mortality 48 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
Cyprinus carpio Carp 50%Mortality 48 >100 Yasuhiro (1984)
Poecilia reticulata Guppy No mortality 48 >500 Ciba (1989)§
Oryziaslatipes Ricefish Nomortality 48 >3000¶ Tonogaiet al. (1978b)
Common namestaken from Grzimek (1970).
Not available.
Ciba Ltd., Basel, safety data sheet No. TS150/A,1989.
¶pH 7.

to progress very slowly because synthetic dyes are de- Conclusions

signed to be very stable to light (Porter, 1973; Pagga Anideal color tracer for staining flow paths of water
and Brown, 1986; Zollinger, 1991). A field study on in soil should meet three criteria: (i) the chemicalshould
the use of the chemical as an algicide in ponds suggested be easily visible in the soil, (ii) it should be readily
that Brilliant Blue FCFhas a degradation half-life of up mobile, and (iii) it should not be toxic. Brilliant Blue
to 2 mo (Lynch, 1987). The mechanism of degradation FCFmeets all these criteria. Its blue hue is easily visible
is probably photolysis. Noonanand Meggos(1980) men- in soil and the dye is moderately mobile in the soil,
tioned that the light stability of Brilliant BlueFCFin food since it is neutral or anionic.
is good. The photostability of the dye on pharmaceuticals The toxicity of Brilliant Blue FCFis low. The acute
seems to depend on the composition of the background toxicity of Brilliant Blue FCFto mammalsranges from
material (Hajratwala, 1974). As regards photostability, larger than 2000 to larger than 5000 mg (kg body
no general conclusion can be drawn from the literature. weight)-~ for rats. Several studies indicated that the dye
Brilliant Blue FCFin aqueous solution is decomposed is not genotoxic. Rats, mice, dogs, and fish were found not
when exposed to strong alkali (Dolinsky, 1955). The to accumulatethe dye. No-observable-effect-concentrations
resulting decomposition products are disulfonated dyes, range from 631 mg(kg body weight)-m for female rats to
which are formed by the separation of one sulfonic acid 8966 mg(kg body weight)- ~ for mice. The ADIfor human
group or one sulfonated benzyl group from Brilliant Blue is given as 12 mg (kg body weight) -m. The short-term
FCF(Dolinsky, 1955; Stein, 1969). effect concentrations of Brilliant Blue FCFon aquatic
organisms are reported to be larger than 100 mg L
Recommendation for Use as Tracer Nothing is knownabout the toxicity of Brilliant Blue
The results of the above-mentioned studies show that FCFto soil organisms. The decomposition of Brilliant
Brilliant Blue FCFhas low toxicity. Acute effect concen- Blue FCFis apparently mainly by photodegradation.
trations to aquatic organisms are larger than 100 mg The concentrations required for visibility of the dye
L-1 . However, since in solute transport studies larger in soil are several orders of magnitude larger than the
concentrations (3-5 g -~) are r equired t o e nsure t he toxicity limits. The total amount of the dye should be
visibility in the soil, the application of the chemical selected such that final concentrations in water will be
cannot be considered as harmless. Due to its long half- below 1 mg L-~. However, among several dyes used in
life, especially whenprotected from sunlight the chemical transport studies, Brilliant Blue FCFis one of the least
should be applied with caution. To minimize environmen- toxic compoundsand therefore suitable for field and
tal risks in the field, the dosage of Brilliant Blue FCF laboratory experiments. With our knowledgeof its toxi-
should be selected such that final concentrations in water cology, Brilliant Blue FCF can therefore be recom-
systems-after possible dilution with precipitation or mendedfor use as a dye tracer in solute transport studies.
groundwater-will be less than 1 mg L Despite its favorable toxicological properties, massive
Dyestuffs are readily detectable in water, even in con- use of Brilliant Blue FCFin natural systems may pose
centrations much less than 1 mg L-1. Hence, even at some problems. From these concerns we extrapolate that
concentrations, where no toxic effects are to be expected, a toxicological appraisal of other tracers used under the
the dyestuff can be detected by eye. Therefore, not only flag of environmental research would be justified.
toxicity, but also aesthetic considerations have to be
taken into account (Clarke and Anliker, 1980). Brilliant Acknowledgments
Blue FCFappears to be much less toxic than other dyes Wethank Ciba Ltd., Basel, whosupported this study and
typically used in field studies. Therefore, it could be whosupplied the Brilliant Blue FCF.Wealso thank Dr. R.
used in preference in the interest of environmentalsafety. Anliker and Dr. E.A. Clarke, Ecological and Toxicological

Association of the Dyestuffs Manufacturing Industry, ETAD,

Basel, who gave us helpful recommendations for our search
for a suitable dye tracer, and R. Webster, visiting professor
at our institute, who helped us with the English.

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