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Guidelines for Chairing

At the start of the session: Take a roll call in order to take attendance and find out how many countries are present (this number can be used to calculate the majority, 2/3 majority, and quorum) Call the meeting to order, perhaps mention the committee and the topic o Ex: I call to order this meeting of the World Food Programme to discuss Malnutrition and Food Aid Entertain a motion to open the Speakers List o After the speakers list is open, add delegates to the list All those wishing to be added to the Speakers List please raise your placards

During Formal Debate: Between each speaker ask for points or motions o Are there any points or motions at this time? or Are there any points or motions on the floor?

During Moderated Caucus [mod]: All those wishing to speak please raise your placards then call on someone At the end: That brings us to the end of this Moderated Caucus, are there any points or motions on the floor?

During Unmoderated Caucus [unmod]: At the Beginning: We now in an unmoderated caucus for (number) amount of minutes At the end: That is the end of this unmoderated caucus could everyone please take their seats

Other suggestions: If debate is stalling or no one is saying anything The Chair would look favorably on After motions it is helpful to ask for a second. Then you must vote. All those in favor and All those opposed If you feel that a certain motion is not helpful o That is out of order at this time o Im going to rule that out of order o Im going to rule that motion dilatory

Voting Procedure After a motion to close debate has passed All those in favor of Resolution A please raise your placards. All those opposed

After Every Motion You can ask for a second You must vote on the motion

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