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Typical products

Traditional foods and dishes are traditional in nature, and may have a historic precedent in a national
dish, regional cuisine or local cuisine.

Traditional Hungarien cuisine : Mouth-wareing,spicy dishes rich stews and sauces...thats the
Hungarian cuisine in short.Traditionally Hungarians have three important meals a day. Breakfast with cold
cuts ,bacon, sausages,eggs,cheess and in modern cusisine cereals. Lunch is the main meal,eaten between 12 and
2 pm. or maybe 4 if you didnt have time before...The starter is usually some kind of a soup.The second course
may also be some pasta or noodles. The meal end with dessert which can also be fruit. If you have a sweet tooth
you do not want to miss Hungarian cakes. Chestnut puree or Somló sponge cake covered with chocholate sauce
are typical desserts. Before you starting to eat dont forget to say enjoy your meal! Evening meals are usually
served between 7 to 8 pm expetct me cause if im hungry I eat at 12pm too.

Traditional English cuisine: The traditional food of England has long been recognised for its
simplicity of ingredients and flavour. However, England has a complex history and has featured as a major global
player. This has meant that people from all over the world have settled in this country, bringing with them
flavours and techniques.During the 16th and 17th centuries, English Protestants formed a group called the
Puritans. These ones were averse to strong flavours and bold ingredients such as garlic, for example as these had
Catholic Continental political references. This led to a distinct simplification of English cuisine.Traditionally,
English food uses lamb, beef, pork, chicken and fish as its feature item. The meat is then accompanied by
potatoes in various forms and one vegetable.

Traditional foods and beverages may be produced as homemade, by restaurants and small
manufacturers, and by large food processing plant facilities.

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