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Electric Networks: Partial List of Topics


The Transient Circuits:

1- Be able to determine the natural response of both RL and RC circuits.

2- Be able to determine the step response of both RL and RC circuits.
3- Know how to analyze circuits with sequential switching.
4- Be able to analyze op amp circuits containing resistors and a single capacitor.
5- Be able to determine the natural response and the step response of parallel RLC
6- Be able to determine the natural response and the step response of series RLC
7- Be able to calculate the Laplace transform of a function using the definition of
Laplace transform, the Laplace transform table, and properties.
8- Be able to calculate the inverse Laplace transform using partial fraction expansion
and the Laplace transform table.
9- Understand and know how to use the initial value theorem and the final value

Polyphase Circuits:

1- Know how to analyze a balanced and unbalanced, three-phase wye-wye

connected circuit.
2- Know how to analyze a balanced and unbalanced, three-phase wye-delta
connected circuit.
3- Be able to calculate power (average, reactive, and complex) in any three-phase

Coupling :

1- Understand the basic concept of mutual inductance

2- Be able to write mesh-current equations for a circuit containing magnetically
coupled coils using the dot convention correctly.
3- Be able to analyze circuits containing linear transformers using phasor methods.
4- Understand the ideal transformer constraints and be able to analyze circuits
containing ideal transformers using phasor methods.
Tow ports network:

1- Be able to calculate Z,Y,h,gT,t parameters set of two-port with any of the

following methods:

• Circuit analysis;

• Measurements made on a circuit;

• Converting from another set of two-port parameters

2- Be able to analyze a terminated two-port circuit to find currents, voltages,

3- Know how to analyze a cascade interconnection of two-port circuits.

Frequency selective circuits

1- Know the RL and RC circuit configurations that act as low-pass filters

2- Be able to design RL and RC circuit component values to meet a specified cutoff
3- Know the RL and RC circuit configurations that act as high-pass filters.
4- Be able to design RL and RC circuit component values to meet a specified cutoff
5- Know the RLC circuit configurations that act as bandpass filters, understand the
definition of and relationship among the center frequency, cutoff frequencies,
bandwidth, and quality factor of a bandpass filter.
6- Be able to design RLC circuit component values to meet design specifications.
7- Know the RLC circuit configurations that act as bandreject filters, understand the
definition of and relationship among the center frequency, cutoff frequencies,
bandwidth, and quality factor of a bandreject filter.
8- Be able to design RLC circuit component values to meet design specifications.

Active filters

1- Know the op amp circuits that behave as first-order low-pass and high-pass filters.
2- Be able to calculate component values for these circuits to meet specifications of
cutoff frequency and passband gain.
3- Be able to design filter circuits starting with a prototype circuit and use scaling to
achieve desired frequency response characteristics and component values.
4- Understand how to use cascaded first- and second-order Butterworth filters to
implement low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, and bandreject filters.
5- Be able to use the design equations to calculate component values for prototype
narrowband, bandpass, and bandreject filters to meet desired filter specifications.

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