Gold Exp B2P U3 Lang Test B

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B2+ Name:

2ND EDITION Pre-Advanced


Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. Task 1
Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first
letter of each word is given.
Research has revealed worrying data regarding
the extent to which children (1) 16 One of the tasks of the media is to e the lies
that we might have been told by politicians.
(influence) by images in advertising at the moment.
It (2) (report) in a number of recent 17 Some celebrities don’t like being in the public
academic articles that increasingly, children e . They prefer to keep their lives private.
(3) (persuade) to try to change their 18 Nowadays, appearing on reality TV can turn someone into a
appearance by advertisements for clothes, make-up and well-known public f .
beauty products in which slim, attractive people feature. 19 Some companies c money to political parties,
in order to influence them.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia,
(4) (understand) to be on the increase, 20 Do you think that the police should turn a b
and what (5) (once / think) of as a eye to very minor offences?
problem for adults is now (6) (see) in 21 Some say that young people lack role m ,
more and more teenagers and children. but I think there are plenty of great people to respect and
Whereas in the past the desire to be as perfect as
22 A lot of people don’t critically a what
the people we see in adverts (7) (think) politicians tell them, and just accept what they say as true.
to simply be a trend, research suggests that this is
23 Newspapers often use big, sensational h to
now becoming the norm. Nearly 40 percent of the
attract more readers.
young people who (8) (interview) in a
survey last December commented that their health 24 I’m sure there’s a h agenda behind his actions.
(9) (affect) by a change in eating habits at He’s definitely not being open with us.
some point in the preceding two years. 25 I fell for Mark’s . I’m so embarrassed.
I believed every word he told me.
In fact, children as young as five are thought
(10) (affect). Claims that this 10
problem (11) (may / cause) by health
campaigns designed to fight childhood obesity have Task 2
yet (12) (support) by evidence. More
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
advanced research will need (13) (carry
out) over the next year. 26 Programmes featuring high-profile / human interest
celebrities are very popular with viewers.
There are fears that unless this issue (14) 27 The element / revelation about his private life led to the
(address) by the end of the decade, the health of our end of his career in Hollywood.
young people (15) (could / significantly / 28 The journalist usually gives his subjective / objective
damage). opinion. He’s not trying to be balanced at all.
29 I used a social media campaign to publicise / disclose my
15 website.
30 You shouldn’t believe everything they say on the website – a
lot of it is just propaganda / editorial designed to control
people’s minds.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2018

B2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Pre-Advanced


Task 1
Read the article and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Most of us think of ourselves as quite (31) and balanced in our judgements and preferences. However,
the reality is that at some point, our decisions are (32) towards our existing beliefs. It’s a recognised
phenomenon which leads us to (33) for and select information that matches our existing beliefs, even
when there is evidence to the contrary.

‘Confirmation bias’, as the process has been named, also leaves us open to other people’s control. The media, for example,
has used it as a (34) of controlling us for years. They present (35) which match our existing
beliefs, then add a (36) headline to attract our attention.

Because these stories match our existing beliefs, we take them (37) board as being true. without really
questioning them, and it is those stories that (38) in our minds, not the ones that don’t match our existing

These techniques are highly (39) as they can shape public opinion. They are not (40) to the
media, of course. Politicians also use these techniques to try to change people’s minds.

31 A exclusive B subjective C objective D evident

32 A informed B exposed C biased D confirmed
33 A find B search C seek D dig
34 A rate B form C way D meaning
35 A stereotypes B clients C characters D crowds
36 A famous B known C familiar D sensational
37 A to B in C on D for
38 A regard B set C consider D stick
39 A editorial B strong C influential D useful
40 A approved B subjective C allowed D exclusive


Task 2
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the
word given. Use between three and six words.
41 The film didn’t feature any of the famous characters.
None of the famous characters the film.
42 We know that the prince has been in the public eye all his life.
The prince in the public eye all his life.
43 In the end, results showed that the theory was incorrect.
In the end, the theory incorrect.
44 People used to believe that the Earth was flat.
The Earth flat.
45 It’s wrong, but TV often portrays teenagers as lazy.
WRONGLY Total: 50
Teenagers as lazy on TV.

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