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Detailed Lesson Plan in EED 115

By: Jizelleben A. Fuentes BEED 3-B

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Discuss the important events happened during Spanish Colonial Period.

2. Know the persons who are involve in the said period, and
3. Know how the Spanish Colonial Period started and ended.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Spanish Colonial Period

III. Material's Needed

Manila Paper
Learning Reference

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Student's Activity

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma'am!

How are you? We’re fine, Ma'am.


Before we are going to proceed to our lesson (All will stand)

for today, may I ask everyone to stand up for a

Dear Lord in Heaven, we are humbly asking
you, praising your most holy name because
you’re truly kind and merciful to us. We are
asking father, please help my students
understand and learn the lesson that we’re
going to discussed today. All this we pray, in
the name of Jesus; our Lord and savior, Amen.
(All will seat)
Please all be seated.
There’s no absent for today, Ma’am.
Ms. Secretary, may I know who are absent for

Very good. None of you are absent.

Anyways, before I will proceed to our topic
today, let's recall first the lesson that we
discussed last meeting.
(Someone will raise a hand)
Who among of you remembered the lesson
that we discussed last meeting?

Ok, that’s right. Thank you.

The lesson that we discussed last meeting is

about “Pre-Colonial Period”.
(Someone will raise a hand)
Who among of you remembered what
happened during Pre-Spanish Colonial Period?

Yes, correct. Our country was already rich with

local cultural history ranging from trading
interactions with the Chinese, Japanese, etc.
to engaging with Islamic leaders from the
Middle East and eventually spreading Islam.

Ok. Very good.

So now, let's proceed to our topic; Spanish

Colonial Period. As I read the article, I wanted
you all to listen carefully because after this, I
will ask some questions. Are you ready?.

“The history of the Philippines from 1565 to

1898, also known as the Spanish Philippines or
the Spanish Colonial Period, was the period
during which the Philippines were ruled as the
Captaincy General of the Philippines within the
Spanish east Indies, initially under New Spain
until Mexican independence in 1821, which
give Madrid direct control over the sea. Forty-
four years after Ferdinand Magellan discovered
the Philippines, and died on the battle on
Mactan during his Spanish to circumnavigate
the globe, the Spaniard successfully annexed
and colonized the islands during the rain of
Philip of Spain, whose name remain attached
to the country. The Spanish Colonial Period
ended with the Philippine Revolution in 1898,
which marked the beginning of the American
Colonial Era of Philippine history. The
Spaniards had been exploring the Philippines
since the early 16th century. Ferdinand
Magellan, a Portuguese navigator in charge of
a Spanish expedition to circumnavigate the
globe, was killed by warriors of datu Lapulapu
at the Battle of Mactan. In 1543, Ruy López de
Villalobos arrived at the islands of Leyte and
Samar and named them Las Islas Filipinas in
honor of Philip II of Spain, at the time Prince of
Asturias. Philip became King of Spain on
January 16, 1556, when his father, Charles I of
Spain (who also reigned as Charles V, Holy
Roman Emperor), abdicated the Spanish
throne. Philip was in Brussels at the time and
his return to Spain was delayed until 1559
because of European politics and wars in
northern Europe. Shortly after his return to
Spain, Philip ordered an expedition mounted to
the Spice Islands, stating that its purpose was
"to discover the islands of the west". In reality
its task was to conquer the Philippines for
Spain. The population of Luzon and the Visayas
(Someone raise a hand and give the correct
at the time of the first Spanish missions is
estimated as between 1 and 1.5 million, overall
density being low.
(Someone raise a hand and give the correct
“Ok, now, who can answer, if who was the answer).
King that is being stated in the article and still
remain attached to our country?

“ Yes, correct. Very good.”

“Next question, who arrived in the Philippines (Someone raise a hand and give the correct
during Spanish Colonial Period and died in the answer).
battle on Mactan?”

“ Very good.”
(Someone raise a hand and give the correct
“ Next, When did Spanish Colonial Period answer).

“Ok, correct. In 1898.”

“Last question, who killed Magellan?”

“Alright, very good!. It was Lapu-Lapu.”
Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am!.
“Alright. For your assignment, summarize the
Spanish Colonial Period and write it on a piece
of paper. Pass it to me next meeting. Thank
you for participating in our class discussion, I
hope you’ll learn a lot today. So let’ call it a
day, Goodbye Class.

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