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What abilities do profoundly gifted people have?

 Apophenia: being able to make connections and see parallels between

seemingly unrelated phenomena. This may play out to be entirely useless
and time consuming to the point of compulsion/obsession or become a
million dollar idea. I’ll let you decide which is the more common
occurrence. Disclaimer - I’m not entirely sure of this concept
 This is on a spectrum because I believe a lot of people think they are above
average at this. Being able to read others. Gifted people can automatically
categorize and sort ones micro expressions, totality of voice, inflections,
mannerisms, idiosyncrasies, word selection, people’s posture, their clothing.
This is not something that needs to be thought about. As I mention this is
done automatically. Scanning for inconsistencies to reveal truths about
another individual. While others can improve these skills. I believe this may
be an advanced primitive survival tactic that is innate and not learned for
gifted people.
 I often see the buzzword topic of overthinking littered across the internet.
While average people get caught in self-sabotaging thought loops - they
perceive them as seemingly inescapable - they have little to no control over
their minds. I believe gifted people can blissfully enjoy solitude
thinking about abstract thoughts in a constructive manner. Thinking
about your thoughts can render a sense of accomplishment for gifted
people. While average people experience anxiety and discomfort.
 Gifted people experience quality of life on the extreme ends of the
spectrum. When they are up, they are on cloud nine; when they are down,
it’s all doom and gloom. I know a lot of people think they can relate to this
- but the experience for gifted people is unfathomably more extreme on
the integer scale.
 Gifted people have the ability to recognize when they are having
“original” thoughts, otherwise they reference where they have acquired
their information. Average people think their thoughts are uniquely their
own. This explains the frustration gifted people experience during
interpersonal relationships with average people.
 They have different value systems for different reasons. They have
different outlooks on currencies. The topic of currency transcends money
with literal monetary value. Gifted people experience being rich in different
 Gifted people are often unable to take things at face value, their minds
automatically go into investigative mode in order to reveal the “best /
highest likelihood truth”. This is done quantitatively backed up with
empirical evidence rather than “it feels right or sounds right to me”.
 Big picture. Some Gifted people may be able to extrapolate information to
accurately predict the future on very intricate and complex topics (with
some margin of error of course).
highest likelihood truth”. This is done quantitatively backed up with
empirical evidence rather than “it feels right or sounds right to me”.

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