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Hello friends, today we will introduce you to two of

the most beautiful states in Mexico: Tabasco and

Oaxaca to determine which is the place to vacation.

Territory: Tabasco is located in the southeastern

region of the country, bounded to the north by the
Gulf of Mexico, to the east by Campeche, to the
southeast by Guatemala, to the south by Chiapas,
and to the west by Veracruz.
While Oaxaca is located in the southwest of the
Mexican territory. To the north it limits with the
States of Veracruz and Puebla, to the south with the
Pacific Ocean, to the east with the State of Chiapas
and to the west with Guerrero.

Within the flora of Tabasco The state area is

covered by 55.9 percent by grasslands, 15.6 percent
by agricultural areas, 15.6 percent by tulares, 4.4
percent by jungles, 2.1 percent by mangroves, 0.5
percent by forests and the remaining 3.1 percent by
other types of vegetation, for example plants such as
cocoa, the triumphant flower, maguey, the palo de
tinto Matarratón Cansim Canté Madero negro, Palo
de hierro Madreado, etc.
While in Oaxaca the dominant vegetation of this
biogeographic is the low deciduous forest, which is
a widely distributed plant community in the state.
Fauna: within the great and diverse fauna of
Tabasco we have: opossum, bat, jaguarundi, skunk,
ferret, martucha, turtle, lizard, scorpion, frog and
salamander. In aquatic environments: dolphin,
shrimp and snapper. Endangered animals: manatee,
howler monkey, spider monkey, porcupine, ocelot,
crocodile anteater and tapir.
While in Oaxaca there are species such as the flying
squirrel, lynx, rabbit, puma, bat, snake, tlaconete,
rattlesnake, owl, hawk and white-tailed deer.

Clothing: in Tabasco the traditional costume for

It is simple, it consists of a white shirt and pants,
both made of blanket, black boots and belt, and a
chontal straw hat with four corners. He wears a red
handkerchief or bandana around his neck.
Additionally, they include a backpack, a machete on
his belt and a canteen (or bush) full of pozol (typical
drink made from corn and cocoa); which are used in
daily tasks in the field.
while for women
Embroidered white blouse and flowered dress in
different shades of red.

And in Oaxaca Oaxaca there are many different

typical female costumes that we can find, the male
clothing is more uniform throughout the territory.
The most widespread consists of white pants and
shirt and a hat on the head.
Traditions: In almost all the towns of Tabasco there
are representations of the martyrdom of Christ
during Holy Week, mainly in the churches of
Tamulté de las Sabanas and Quintín Arauz where
small boats beautifully carved in wood are hung
from the ceiling, as thanks for some favor. received.
• While in Oaxaca festivals are celebrated such as
the night of the radish Las mayordomías. ...
• The carnivals. ...
• The candles. ...
• Kalends and invitations.

Gastronomy: The cuisine of Tabasco is exotic and

varied, where we can find pre-Hispanic dishes such
as chipilín tamales, turtle in green sauce, fish
barbecue1 and to a lesser extent roasted pejelagarto,
along with other dishes in which the mixture is
already noticeable. with Spanish culture, such as
salted meat, the Tabasco stew, shrimp or beef and
we cannot forget the endemic and delicious pozol,
whether made of corn, cocoa or sweet potato, it is
an exquisite drink.
While in Oaxaca The wealth of Oaxacan cuisine,
invites you to try its exquisite menus such as the
traditional 7 moles, Oaxaca-style chicken livers,
beef jerky, mixteco pozole, cecina, cat broth,
grasshoppers, tlayudas, chickpea broth, Oaxacan
sausages, chepil rice, caldillo de vigilia, chiles
rellenos de sardines, etc.
Places: here we have a large number of restaurants,
magical towns, cinemas, beautiful squares
ARCHEOLOGICAL zones And some tourist places
in Tabasco are the Chontalpa Ecological Park, La
Choca Park, the Reforma Waterfalls, the La Luz
Hacienda, the Laguna de Las Ilusiones, Puerto Dos
Bocas, La Pólvora Park, the Villahermosa
Planetarium, the Carlos Ellicer Cámara National
Museum of Anthropology or to mention a few
• While in Oaxaca The artisan towns. If you have
half a day or a free day, I recommend that you visit
the artisan towns of Oaxaca. ...
• Tlacolula Market. ...
• Monte Alban. ...
• Former convent of Cuilápam de Guerrero. ...
• The archaeological site of Mitla.

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