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1. About it
1. Cover
2. Chapters
1. Wedge
2. The woman who has a marriage contract
3. Expensive
4. Give money without giving people
5. Very wronged
6. The value of ning shigongzi
7. This is a rogue
8. Where is the leader?
9. See you are not happy
10. Appease the same return
11. Sister and aunt
12. Ask yourself
13. Some are not used to
14. This is not blackmail
15. This is just not to bully
16. Fangjiaâ€s business
17. Is a curse or a coincidence
18. Chattering
19. Some things can't be asked
20. Send her out the door
21. The candidate has been chosen
22. Fortunate and unfortunate
23. Deceived words
24. The secret being said
25. She really knows
26. I will also practice
27. Reason for doing this
28. Natural disaster or man-made disaster
29. Honest person
30. Is it old confused?
Completed - 2020 - - English


Jun Jiuling Chapter 1: wedge
"Miss, Miss."

Liu Er stood in the room and looked at her lady with a pale face.

The young lady is not much older than her. At the age of fourteen or five,
she is standing on an embroidered stool and squatting her feet on the

Liu Er looked up, Miss is a thin body, it looks even thinner.

"Miss, don't you still play this," she said, stuttering, reaching for the lady's

"How come that!"

The young lady shouted, bowed her head and glared at the little girl, and
the big apricot eyes almost occupied half of her face. She quickly looked
up and continued to look at the day, leaving only a small pointed tip of
Liu. Exudes a porcelain-like chin.

But the words in her mouth did not stop.

"...the grandmother doesn't ask me for justice, I only have to ask for

She is obviously very angry, but because the sound is sweet, how to listen
is soft and whisper, but a little sharper.

Liu Er circled her and looked awkward.

"But, Miss, maybe, maybe just rumors, Miss Lin's words may not be
credible," she said with a trembling voice.

This sentence made the young lady bow her head again, and Liu Mei was
upside down.
"Preaching? It can still be said that it was a rumor half a year ago, but now
it has been so long, how many elders have gone to Ning's home. As a
result, the rumors have not only disappeared, but even the matter with
Miss Yang Jiawu. They all spread, and the nephew and the Nineteen Miss
Nina are the best. How can her words be untrustworthy?"

She said that the tears in her eyes fell.

"They are loyal to the family and refuse to recognize me as a relative, and
give the ten sons another marriage."

Speaking of it, raise your face and cover your face.

"If my grandfather's father is still there, they would rather dare to do so

than to bully me without a father or mother."

The father is like a mountain, and now my grandfather's father is not there.
The mountain is down, and there are no brothers and sisters who are close
to each other. Missing a solitary woman, no longer before, is not bullying.

Liu Er thought of the days before, and then thought about the days that
have passed. Although it is only a gimmick, but also deeply touched, he
also cried.

"The grandmother is afraid that they will rather be home, I am not afraid."
Miss took a cry, grabbed her sleeves, grabbed the white scorpion, and the
beautiful little face was tight. "I am hanging up today, and I am believing
that I am dying to kill me. If you have any face, you will not believe that
there is no justice in the world!"

When she said that she would not hesitate, she would head into the day.

Liu Er scared her hand and hugged her leg.

This action caused the two people to shake for a while, and the show bench
that the lady stepped on was almost down, and a few screams sounded.

"You don't hold it now, so I can hang it, hold the print and hold it again."
Miss reprimanded with a bit of anger.
But it turned out to be just doing it and didn't want to really die.

Liuer released his hand with a few minutes.

"You stand up," the young lady said.

Liu Er had to go back a few steps and looked at her with a blank face.

Miss is satisfied, take a deep breath and probe into the day again.

"You remember to tell your grandmother first, it is useless to say to the big
aunt." She shouted again.

Liu Er nodded again and again.

"Ning family, see what you do this time!" said the younger hateful, biting
the fine teeth and reaching for the white scorpion kicked the embroidered

Choking, suffocating, painful, painful.

Not at all bad!

Her feet are not kicked in succession, no play, no play.

The screams made Liu Liu scared to rush, but because of his small size, he
couldn’t hold the leg of the lady’s kick.

"Miss, miss, don't move." She shouted.

It’s easy to hug, but I find that I have no strength to pick up Missy.

How to do? How to do?

Liu Er shook his teeth and shook his death to push up.

But gradually the young lady did not struggle, did not shout, and the body
also softened.
She couldn't help but look up and see the young lady who was originally
charming and beautiful, her face was blue, her eyes were bursting, her
tongue spit out...

"Come to come...coming people...."

Liu Er fell to the ground and muttered, and then rushed out with a roll of

"Come on, come on, help, save your life."

Jun Jiuling Chapter 2: The woman who has a
marriage contract
The sun casts a mottled shadow on the landscape screen through the

The small living room of Ningjia was not neglected because of smallness.
It still arranged delicate and precious golden jade utensils. In Huagui,
there is also the elegance of the poetry book house.

Today's day is very good. The charcoal fire in the empty furnace in the
house is also very hot. The two steamed noses on the winter clothes are
dotted with a shallow layer of sweat, but this warmth is not as comfortable
as it used to be. Instead, there is an inexplicable sorrow and anxiety.

Someone picked up the curtain and walked in. The winter wind in the yard
came in. I don’t know if it’s the cool breeze or the two people’s spirits.

It was also a hoe, carrying a small copper kettle, the **** in the room was
taken over, and the crepe tea on the side of the case was taken.

Although this series of actions did not make a sound, it broke the
stagnation in the house.

"Miss Jun, please use tea." The girl whispered softly, holding the tea and
coming over, and looked at the person sitting on the chair.

This is a 14-year-old girl, with a brow-like painting, no powder, and no

Zhuxu Jinzhu embellishment, wearing an old cyan cloth dress with a wash.

However, she sat in the luxurious living room and did not appear shabby,
but it made people feel like the beautiful and elegant in the flowers.

But when the sight of the **** fell on the table, it was like being stung by
a bee, and looking down, the look became complicated.
There is a white enamel on the emerald-colored mahogany table, which is
particularly conspicuous in red and emerald green.

At this time an older woman by the window under the gallery was
watching the day.

Remaining in the north of Yangcheng, not only a dozen Hanlin in the

home, but also nearly half of the coal kiln in Zezhou, so the window of the
living room is not the common window paper, but the glass from Nanyang.

There are only two of these glasses that can be used throughout Yangcheng
and throughout Zezhou.

The glass is a little fuzzy, but the woman can still see the white and the

This is not the first time she saw this girl. In fact, the girl came once two
days ago, but she did not show this day.

The girl reached out and took the tea and ate her mouth. The brow seemed
to wrinkle and lay down.

It seems that it is only a woman's guess.

Through the colorful glass facial features are blurred, it is even more
impossible to see those subtle expressions.

The woman only saw the girl put down the teacup. The reason why she felt
this was because the tea in the house was just Longjing before the rain.

Although the girl was wearing a shabby, it was from another house in
Zezhou that could use glass windows, Fang's ticket number.

Her surname is Jun, her mother's surname is Fang, the grandfather of the
Fang family, although married to a slightly poor family, but the people
who had been married for more than ten years, Zezhou people still talked.

This kind of young lady is drinking the rough tea before the rain, at least
the last time she came to the door, the tea that the hoes held was still

The woman looked at the room, and the girl who put down the cup sat sat
beautifully, without any impatientness. The little girl standing beside her
was pulling her sleeves by hand.

"Give me a cup of tea."

The woman heard a soft voice from inside the house.

Shantou immediately gave a cup of tea and handed it to the little girl. The
little girl took a sigh of relief and finished drinking.

"One more cup." Xiaotou also said.

Not the embarrassment of the last visit, but with a bit of arrogance and a
bit of pride.

I think I can shock them.

There was a sneer in the eyes of the woman.

"Song Mama."

At the entrance of the hospital, there was a little girl who greeted her with
a silent name.

The woman turned and walked away from the window, and passed through
a lane into another yard. Under the main hall of the yard stood a squatting
head, red and green whispered and laughed, and the curtains woven from
the thick gold thread It’s a laugh.

When I saw the woman coming over, the giggling gimmicks greeted each

"Song Mama."

They said inward that there were two hoes playing the curtains, the woman
stepping in, warming the face, and sitting or standing in the room, but all
the sights and movements centered around the middle-aged woman in the

The woman was in her forties, her looks were beautiful, her eyebrows were
detailed, and her face was smiling with a smile on her face.

The two women in front of her are younger than her, wearing a luxurious

In the East, there were three teenage girls sitting in front of the generous
table. They all wore red and yellow skirts. They were beautiful and
different from the low laughter outside. They were quietly writing and

Mother Song did not immediately talk to her, but took the tea in her hand
and handed it over, standing next to the woman and listening to them.

"Da, the stage of the winter month is placed in front of the land temple."

"Please let the three younger brothers worry about the troupe. I don't care
about this."

"There are a lot of people in this month. The disaster in the north is getting
worse and worse. I will prepare for the porridge."

"The second brother of the second brother also sent people back to talk
about this."

Let's talk, the middle-aged woman smiles and nods.

"Okay, this arrangement is very good, you are bothered," she said.

The big lady of Ningjia is a charitable person, and her filial piety is
respectful. Everyone inside and outside praises.

After saying this, the big lady turned to look at Song mother.

"See people?" she asked.

This inconspicuous sentence stopped the voice in the room.

Song mother responded.

"Da, how come the young lady is coming again? Isn't it gone?" asked the
woman next to her, Mrs. Ning San.

Mrs. Ningda smiled and put the teacup down.

"I didn't go, I found an inn on the street, and made a trick of self-
satisfaction. Now I am coming to the door again," she said.


Mrs. Ning San and Mrs. Si looked at each other.

"This is too much, does the family don't care?"

"Or the family is deliberate."

They frowned and said with indignation.

Mrs. Ningda shook her head.

"It doesn't mean to be deliberate, or something is difficult," she said.

The two younger brothers laughed.

“Dayu always uses goodwill to measure others.” They sighed.

A girl who has been listening to the side with her ears in the east has
turned her head.

"Mother, it is not unusual for Jun to do this kind of thing. She is also
rampant in Fangjia. The wife of Fangjia just said her, she is going to hang
herself, and she has to go to the government to tell her aunt to abuse her."
Say loudly.

This made the people in the room look surprised.

"Yan Yan." Mrs. Ningda said with a frown, and the fact that others are
behind is not the good character that everyone should show.

This is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Ning Da, Ning Yunyan, who is ranked
17th in the Ning family.

"The big aunt, the aunt, really, she is a self-sufficient official, especially
despising her grandmother's house, and abandoning them as merchants."

"I also know that I have seen her laughing at her banquet with her cousin
at the banquet. Her cousin cried and retired."

The other two girls are also busy talking.

The three girls opened their mouths, and the gentle voice of Mrs. Ningda
could not hold back, and the house became messy.

This young lady has come to Yangcheng for half a year and she is already
well known. This reputation is not a good reputation.

“Fangjia is a rough merchant.” Mrs. Ning San said with a frown. “This
father’s father is also a parent who is a student and a father. How do you
raise such a daughter?”

It is no problem to raise such a daughter. The daughters of other people

have nothing to do with their family, but the daughter of this family has
been married to them.

"Is this marriage contract true?" Ning Si couldn't help but ask, "Is she
really married with our family? Or is it decided by the old lady? Such a
big thing, the old man did not say before he was alive."

Mrs. Ningda sighed and looked helpless.

"I asked my mother, and the mother said that the old man is a good
relationship with the grandfather of the Jun family," she said. "Five years
ago, the old man resigned from the Quartet and traveled through the
southern part of the country. The diagnosis and treatment of the medicine
relieved the illness, and the old man was grateful. I heard that the son of
the old lady was just married, and he said that he would be married to him.
At that time, the child was only three years old."

I am grateful, and I will say it.

The meaning of these eight words means that the two ladies in the room
will immediately understand.

"Since the old man of the Jun family is a doctor, is it not a matter of
course to treat people?" said Mrs. Ning San. "The old man is grateful.
Doesn't the old doctor know the doctor's duty?"

It seems that it is also a one-hearted climber with a phoenix. Otherwise, if

you don't think about your identity, you really agree with this marriage.

"Maybe the old man was still under coercion at the time." Mrs. Ning Si
shook her head.

Otherwise, why did the grandfather never give up when he gave the long-
term housekeeper Sun Ding a big deal?

"My father didn't mention it. I don't know what happened." Mrs. Ningda
said, adding a tone to this sentence. "The old lady insisted that there is no
such thing, and I have no way. When I asked, I explained the
euphemistically, but it seems that the young lady of the Jun family did not
listen at all. The old lady is not good. I dare not let her go to her. The
young lady of the family is young and lost her loved ones. I don't dare to
be tyrannical to her..."

"Mother." Ning Yunyan, who had already stood up and listened to it,
immediately shouted, "She is pitiful, ten brothers can't be pitiful, ten
brothers should be unlucky? Her mother-in-law is not killing us, why?
Take ten brothers’ lifelong events to compensate her?”

"Yes, yes, ten brothers, even the emperor praised the talents of the sky,
how can it be dragged down by such a rough and ignorant person?" The
other two girls immediately met.
The room was messed up again.

Mrs. Ningda seemed to be a noisy headache, and she looked at her

forehead with helplessness.

"But I can't watch the young lady of this family in front of her eyes," she

"She will throw the white stork on the table now, and put a threat on it."
Song mother interrupted. "The last time I hanged in the inn, I might have
to hang it at our door."

"She dares!" said Mrs. Ning San's eyebrows.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 3: Expensive
Ningshi, a town in the north of Zezhou, Yangzhou, has been erected for
270 years since its ancestor dug up the first piece of coal in the hills of
Beiliu Town.

Ning's family was more than just a rich man more than 100 years ago.
After the foundation was stabilized, the patriarch of Ning's family spent a
lot of money to establish a family school to hire a famous teacher, and the
children of the family did not have high hopes. The next hundred years
went out forty. A tribute to the students, 20 people, nine scholars, six
people into the Hanlin, enjoy the reputation of "Deji one-door Jiujinshi,
Enrong III six Hanlin". [Note 1]

More than forty people in the centuries have been the official, and they
have walked the Ning's reputation to all parts of the North and the South.
According to the genealogy records, there are more than a dozen of Ning's
officials who went to the government.

Now the old patriarch, Ning Yan, is the right minister of the Ministry of

For such a hundred-year-old family, it is incredible that some people dare

to come to such provocations and must not tolerate it.

Mrs. Ning Si is also very angry.

"What do you want to do when you want to come to the hang?" She stood
up. "She will not see her, I will go see her and tell her clearly."

After that, I turned around and left.

"Four younger sisters." Mrs. Ningda was busy shouting to get up.

Mrs. Ning San held her down.

"Don't worry about it, let's go," she said.

Mrs. Ningda looked helplessly and turned to the outside.

"You should tell her, blame, don't scare her," she said uneasily. "And it
depends on the face of Fang."

"Fang's face? Fangjia does not give us the face, why do we give him a

Not mentioning the Fang family, mentioning Ning San's wife is even more
angry, not waiting for the big lady to talk again, with the **** servants
went out.

The room was quiet, and Ningda’s face had no uneasiness in her face. She
looked at the three girls standing on the side.

"How did Miss Jun come up with the idea of using self-sufficiency to
threaten our family?" she asked suddenly.

The three girls looked at each other and their eyes flickered.

"Who knows, I must have been unable to sit still when I heard that my
eldest brother had to settle with Miss Yang," said a girl.

"Yeah, yes, she has been ignorant of shame and shame since she met her
eleven brothers at the August 15th Lantern Festival. Fortunately, her
eleven brothers are not always at home. She is promoting herself
everywhere among the ladies in the city. It’s the embarrassment of our
future.” Another girl hated and said, “Suddenly I heard that my eldest
brother wants to be a relative, she is going crazy.”

Mrs. Ningda’s eyes fell on Ning Yunyan who did not speak.

"Yan Yan, Miss Yang Jia, you told her," she said.

Ning Yunyan has a small mouth.

"I don't have it. I don't talk to her every day," she said. She said that she
smiled again. "I just told Lin Biao, but I told her not to tell others."
It’s definitely not this, it’s something else, it’s probably something related
to Miss Jun’s self-sufficiency.

Teenage girls can be naive and ignorant.

Mrs. Ningda slightly frowned.

"This thing has its own arrangements at home, and you sisters are not
allowed to participate, the province's reputation with her," she said.

However, he did not ask this question again, and he did not even
reprimand it.

The three girls are happy to answer.

"I don't have to worry about it at all." Ning Yunyan said with a smile on
her mother's arm. "She is going to die if she is going to die. We are afraid
of her."

"Moreover, she is not dead." Another girl said, her eyes were full of
ridicule. "I don't dare to die, but also threaten our family? She thinks who
she is."

Ning Da’s wife laughed and said nothing.

"Mother, I have finished writing the words."

"The big aunt, I have finished writing."

The girls screamed in the Yan language and said the topic.

"Well, I have a look, it is not good to write, but I have to be fined." said
Mrs. Ning.

The girls immediately clashed with Mrs. Ning Da to go to the East, talking
about the laughter and the warmth and warmth.

The lady of the monarch does not have to take it seriously.


Hearing the name of the lady from outside, the little girl who was reaching
out to pinch the snack on the table stood up straight.

The curtain was opened and the footsteps stopped indoors.

Miss Jun, who has been looking down and quiet, looked up at the two

"Hey? Who are you Mrs. Ning Da?" asked the little girl with a wink.

The last time they came to the second door, they didn't come in, let alone
see Mrs. Ningda. This time they finally got in, and the lady came to see

It’s just that two women are dressed in general and expensive. Which one
is the big lady?

It is really vulgar and rude to have any master.

Ning's two ladies flashed disdain in their eyes.

"What's the matter, let's talk to us," said Mrs. Ning San.

What little girl said, Miss Jun raised her hand to stop.

"Okay." She got up and gave her a hand, and reached for the white plaque
on the table.

Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si’s wife browed.

To be threatened.

"Miss Jun, this family affairs has already been made very clear. Your
grandfather's family is also very clear. If we are outsiders, you will not
listen. You should ask them, they are your loved ones." The four ladies
said first.
"I said what you said, I don't have to ask any more." Miss Jun said,
shaking off the white sputum on the table, and pressed a piece of paper
underneath. "Since all of them are clear, let me talk about this matter."
Solve it."

She handed the paper over.

what is this?

Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si looked at the thin paper that was handed over,
and it was clear that the words on it were suddenly lost.

Marriage book!

Mrs. Ning San reached out and grabbed it, incredulously examining.

It is a marriage book, clearly written in three generations of famous

names, and the relatives of the family have a marriage book for the pro-
industry official.

It is impossible to write such a marriage book. It is simply that Mrs.

Ningda said that it was just a letter.

Ning Laotai is really writing down the marriage book. It is serious to

conclude two in-laws, at least at that time, sincerely, as to when and why
the repentance is not mentioned, Ning’s grandfather is gone, no one

How did you not get a marriage book before?

There is no marriage book, and the family is also good, Miss Jun. If you
have a good life, you can suppress it. But if there is a marriage book in
hand, Miss Jun is really self-sufficient.

This is really a threat, and Mrs. Ning San and Mrs. Ning Si look at each

"Miss Jun, it's not that we don't recognize your marriage book," said Ning
Si, Shen Sheng. "It's just that our grandfather never took out this marriage
book. I have never mentioned this marriage for more than a decade."

"You don't know that you haven't seen it. This is your business. It has
nothing to do with me." Miss Jun looked at her and said that her voice was
still soft and there was no excitement and ups and downs, as her
expression was plain and waveless.

This is not like the savvy Jun, described by Ning Yunyan.

When I came to Yangcheng for half a year, I didn’t take out the marriage
book directly. Instead, I acted in a sensational manner and made everyone
known. At this time, I took out the marriage book. It’s not so easy for
Ningjia to cover up the matter. .

She is doing a good job of doing this.

Mrs. Ningsi would like to talk again. Ning San’s wife stopped her and
looked at Miss Jun with a slight smile.

"Miss Jun, do you know what is a kinship? If you are married, it is not a
vengeance," she said. "Sometimes you can use some means, but
sometimes you can't use the means, or you can do it for a while, sad.

Every effort is made to marry into Ning's family. Her husband doesn't like
it, and her in-laws hate it. Even if she gets the status of a wife, the days
can be better. Where else, the way to make a wife give way is more.

Mrs. Ning San was born in Cangzhou, and her ancestors started her career.
Like Ning's, she is no longer a simple merchant's house. Her children are
also more educated, but the Escort has been operating. The father of Ning
San is responsible for the darts. The children in the family still have a lot
of martial arts in their studies.

Although Mrs. Ning San didn’t learn much, her temper was different from
that of the average 闺German woman, with a bit of tyranny.

You can enter the door of our house, and we can make you die.
This is undoubtedly a naked threat.

"Miss Jun, people know that you are not suitable for the daughter-in-law
of our family." Ning Si, who was born in a family of books, did not
threaten but simply said.

The lost parent, the girl who had to come to the ancestors, was neither
angry nor afraid, but smiled.

"In this case, how do you plan to get this marriage book back and let me
back this marriage?" she asked.


I wish you all a good new year.

Well, it’s a retreat.

The new year has begun, then let's start.

Note 1: The family background setting is based on the Chenshi of the

Imperial City of Shanxi Province. It only borrows the geographical
location of the family, and does not smash the Chen clan, non-plagiarism,
forgive me.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 4: Give money without giving
"She has a marriage book?"

The news brought by Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si, who had returned and
returned, made the living room of Mrs. Ning Da, who was originally warm
and relaxed, tense again.

The girl who has always been regarded as a slap in the face has actually
taken out a marriage book.

With this marriage book girl can not be said to be awkward.

The three girls in the room are obviously surprised.

"It must be forged." Ning Yunyan shouted.

The marriage book is written with the name of the three generations of the
man, not to mention the birth of Ning Yunzhen. These things can not be
inquired even if they are the same as the Yangcheng people, not to mention
the family of the South.

Although it is not enough, but in the confidant and knowing that when the
family had never been to the door six months ago, when their son-in-law
had a marriage contract with their family, they immediately inquired about
the monarch.

Junjia, a native of Pingzhang Town, Yinan County, Caozhou, Henan

Province. He has run a pharmacy for generations. He has been a good
doctor in his life. He is quite famous in Pingzhang Town.

It’s just because of this kindness, the family has always been poor and the
people are thin. Jun’s father, Jun Yingwen, is a three-generation single
pass. Because he has a good academic career, he has not studied medicine
but has taken the official career.
Jun Yingwen is an official, honest and clean-loving person, and continues
to inherit the habits of the gentleman's good deeds, but at the same time it
also conveys the difficult shortcomings of the Junjiazi, so it is easy to get
a daughter, although his wife Fang has given him two embarrassment, but
I have never been able to get children again.

Jun Yingwen’s wife, Fang’s wife, died when she was ten years old. Jun
Yingwen did not re-string, and took Miss Jun and two sisters to work, but
did not expect that when Jun was thirteen, Jun Yingwen Also, because the
overhaul of the river was caused by sudden illness, the monarch had only
one seedling.

Jun Laoye had already gone, Miss Jun had to come to Yangcheng to go to
the ancestral home.

Such a small doorkeeper who is about to break the incense has the ability
to spy on the Ning family, and dare to make a trick to fake the marriage.

Even the wealthy family is impossible.

The three ladies in the room did not pay attention to Ning Yunyan's words.

This marriage book must be true.

"That's the case, this can only be the case." Mrs. Ning said with a sigh, "I
will go and talk to my mother."

"Even if the marriage book is true, it is not necessary to recognize this

door." Ning Yunyan hurriedly said, "Whoever said that he had to write a
marriage book would have to be a relative? That sent a gift and a retired
marriage. I am afraid of her!"

The mother's temper is soft, it is a good old man who is afraid of

offending people, but Ning San and Ning Si are not, Ning Yunyan naturally
said to them.

"Ten brother is my brother, but he is also the face of our family. He has
such a relationship, other brothers and sisters must be laughed at, who is
willing to do such a woman."

This is to accuse the Ning San and Ning Si, because Ning Yunzhen is not
their son, so they are afraid of trouble.

As a younger generation, Ning Yunyan said that she was too rude, and Mrs.
Ningda suddenly pulled her face down.

"Yan Yan! Stop!" she shouted.

Ning Yunyan has always been arrogant, and her mother has scorned her

"I just can't stop, why should I be afraid of her, she counts something, she
dares to marry us, pretend to die, then let her go to death." She hated and
said, "So big a home, still Afraid to die, she is not an ant?"

It’s not good to see a small age shouting and killing. It’s not good for
Ningda’s wife to let her close the servant pull her down, and apologize to
Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si.

"You don't care about this matter, everything is done by me." She said

Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si’s wife stood still, neither provoked anger
because of Ning Yunyan’s words, immediately turned around and rushed
out to teach the woman who didn’t know how to be tall and thick, and she
was not filled with indignation by Mrs. Ning’s retreat, saying that she must
In the end, they just stood in the same place and looked a little weird.

"Da, no, she agreed to retire." said Ning Si.

Ning Yun’s wife was stunned, and Ning Yunyan, who was pulled by the
servant, also stood still, and did not return to God for a while.

“She agreed to retire?” Mrs. Ningda could not help but ask again, “Is it
"Yeah." Ning San nodded, and there was still a surprise on her face when
she heard this, and she was overwhelmed. "However, she has a condition."


"She must be tricky!" Ning Yunyan shouted, pulling her servant, "Mother,
don't bother her."

Mrs. Ningda ignored her.

"What conditions does she have?" she asked straight.


"Do you know why Ning Laotai will write a marriage contract with my
grandfather?" asked Miss Jun.

Her speech rate is slow, and her voice is softer and softer, which makes
people feel slower.

The thought flashed, and Mrs. Ning San returned to God.

How can such a girl be the arrogance and ignorance that Ning Yunyan said
in her mouth, but Mrs. Ning San also relieved that these girls have a big
heart and feel that they are the best in the world, except that they are
heavenly Other girls are demons and ghosts.

"Miss Jun, I have already said that the old man never mentioned this
matter." said Mrs. Ning San.

"I haven't mentioned the help of life?" Miss Jun said, "Ning old man is
such a person."

Mrs. Ning San was shackled.

If you don't mention a marriage, you can say that you can't say anything,
and if you don't recognize the help of life, it is ungrateful.
Mrs. Ning San and Mrs. Ning Si naturally did not dare and could not let
Ning Laotai be said this.

"My father said more than once that he had a doctor's medical skill, and let
him come back to life." said Ning Si.

She added a tone to the word of medicine, reminding the little girl not to
forget that her grandfather was a doctor, and it was a duty to save the sick
and save people.

"I heard that your family is practicing medicine in the local ancestors.
There are countless people who must have saved them. I don't know how
much this kind of life-saving grace has been promised." Ning San is even
more sneer.

Miss Jun smiled.

"I didn't have much time at home. I went back home with my parents on
the holidays. I remember going to the streets. The villagers heard that I
was the granddaughter of the grandfather, and they all kissed me. Some of
them came out of the chickens at home. The next egg is given to me. Some
of them give me fresh steamed flower cakes. Some give me the new
insoles. If I feel that I can’t take anything, I will give me a shy and sincere

Her voice was soft and soft, but it was not irritating, and people couldn't
help but want to follow it.

"My grandfather treated the sick and saved people. If you have money, you
will not be able to collect money. If you don't have money, you don't want
it. He does not do this for their return, but knows that this is the duty of the
healer, and those who are treated by him have money to give money. It’s a
duty, and it’s also a duty to give no gratitude and respect.”

Is this saying that Ning Laotai does not have a duty?

Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si’s wife returned to God and suddenly became
angry again.
This little girl looks soft and weak, how do you open two sentences, and
the sentence does not contain dirty words?

Now they have believed in Ning Yunyan's description. This Miss Jun is
really unpleasant.

"Yeah, it is time to give money, the money to collect money, the marriage
of children's children, not the egg cakes and insoles, but the fate of a
person's life." Ning Si said with a sneer.

Miss Jun looked at her.

"Because your grandfather didn't give money," she said.

Mrs. Ning San and Mrs. Ning Si are stunned.

"How, how is it possible!" said Ning Si, stuttering.

"My father said," Miss Jun said without hesitation. "If you don't have
money, you won't collect money. It's your grandfather who has to say that
his family has money. He said that he has been stolen by a thief. When he
returns home, he must send it." My grandfather repeatedly said no, your
grandfather is not willing to owe human feelings. When I learned that my
parents were married, they took the initiative to say that they wanted to get

Mrs. Ning San and Ning Si’s wife were stunned.

real or fake?

Ning Laotai never said in detail the specific details of this matter, this girl
should not be a mouthful to lie down?

But is Ning Laotai really doing this kind of thing?

Miss Jun reached out and stroked the wedding book on the table.

"You recognize this marriage, this is the marriage book, but since you are
not willing to get married, don't want to give me your son, it is an owe."
She pushed the marriage book forward, the **** of the onion Press on it,
"Do not give people, then give money."

Don't give money to people?

What do you mean?

"You have paid the money to save the sick and help you, and the marriage
book is returned to you. Everyone is not owed to each other." Miss Jun

Mrs. Ning San still has not returned to God.

“How much?” she asked subconsciously.

Miss Jun looked up at her and looked calm.

"Two thousand two," she said.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 5: Very wronged
Two thousand two.

Mrs. Ning Si repeated these three words in Mrs. Ningda’s house.

"Silver," she continued.

Fortunately, it is not gold.

This thought made her very upset.

Ning's family is not a small door, and the two thousand two gold can't
scare her, let alone the money is not considered at all.

But this thing really fell on the money.

The look of Mrs. Ningda has also become eccentric.

“Do she really say that?” she asked.

Ning Si also nodded.

"No crying, no trouble, no mention of the family," she said, thinking and
adding, "It doesn't look like a fake."

Retired after knowing it?

Ning Yun’s wife did not speak, and Ning Yunyan returned to God.

"Mother, she is a trick to confuse us, but it is still to marry," she said.

Mrs. Ningda shook her head.

"If she wants to confuse us, it is not that much money," she said.

The number of two thousand two is quite a lot for ordinary people, but it is
not a big deal for Ningjia.
If this Miss Jun really wants to play with a gun, it should be given a
number that Ningjia can't easily come up with.

Did she really agree to return?

When I made so many tricks and had a marriage book in the hand to give
the most critical blow, I suddenly figured it out?

Mrs. Ningda was indulging for a moment and stood up.

"I am going to see her," she said.

Ning Yunyan's feet.

"Look, mother, this is her strategy, seduce you to see her!"

Mrs. Ningda looked at her and smiled.

"How about seeing her? She can't even seduce your sister, Ning Yun's
sister, can you help me?" she said.

She is the mother of Ning Yunxiao.

In this world, there is no more son than his mother. In the eyes of his
mother, his son is the best in the world. Even if the best woman in the
world marries his son, he feels wronged, not to mention Miss Jun, who is

No, Miss Jun is not nothing. For Ningjia, it is a pool of sludge.

She would never let her son's white robes be smashed on the mud.


I heard the name of the lady who was shattered outside the door, and
waited for some boring little girl to stand up straight and look at the lady
who came in.
"Changed a lady again." She groaned. "The wife of Ning's family is so

The family of the monarch is thin, not everyone's clan, Jun Ying is weak
and wholeheartedly responsible for his duties, and his wife Fang is also a
merchant. He is so arrogant about this easy-to-get daughter, has no rules
and regulations, and does not know how to deal with people. This gimmick
will know.

Ning Da’s wife did not care, her sight fell directly on the Miss Jun.

The girl is almost the same age as Ning Yunyan. The face is still a bit
tender and the appearance is also good. It can only be considered good.

As she walked in, the originally sitting Miss Jun stood up and gave a gift.

"Great lady," she said.

For Miss Jun to recognize herself, Mrs. Ningda did not feel surprised.

In the past six months, Miss Jun has not been able to successfully join the
ladies in front of them, but it will always know how long her future
mother-in-law looks.

I heard the name of Miss Jun, and the little girl was happy.

Sure enough, Miss said that everything was right to listen to her, and in a
few words, she brought in Mrs. Ning Da.

After they came to Yangcheng, it was easy to say that Mrs. Yan’s wife had
come to Ningjia to say that she was a relative. As a result, Ning’s family
said that she never knew this marriage. For this reason, the lady was
degraded by the hateful ladies of Fang’s family.

Mrs. Yu always looked at the lady who was not pleasing to the eye, and she
was afraid that Ningjia would cause trouble. She would not do her best to
help me with the project. The young lady decided to come by herself, and
she worked hard to meet the ladies of Ningjia, but she was helpless. Miss
Ning Jia is very avoiding dealing with her.
The road to meet Miss Ning Jia couldn't get through. They also heard the
temperature of Mrs. Ningda's temper and the Buddha's sympathy. She
thought about asking Mrs. Ningda to go directly. The young lady was
pitiful and crying. Maybe she could get Mrs. Ningda. Pity.

It’s just that Mrs. Ningda’s wife is even worse. When she was thinking of a
way, she heard that Ning’s son had to be with her Yang’s lady. The lady was
anxious, urging the old woman and her aunt to find a home, two elders.
However, the girl was forced to go to the door, and the young lady had to
go to the door. As a result, the two doors of the Ning family did not enter,
let alone see Mrs. Ningda.

Appropriately holding the white scorpion as a threat to Ning Da’s wife still
did not come out, did not expect to say that the silver is coming.

It seems that this Ningda lady is not only greedy for charity but also for
her money.

Mrs. Ningda naturally did not know what this little girl thought about, but
looked at Miss Jun.

“Does Miss Jun feel aggrieved?” she asked.

Her face is gentle and slow, and unconsciously makes people feel really in
love. Little girl thinks that since the death of the master, their servants
have been unable to bear the redness.

Wronged, wronged.

At this time, the young lady should kneel down and cry to Mrs. Ningda, so
that the mud-boss-like lady, the tears will surely bubble her.

The little girl looked at the lady in front of her, and Miss Jun was still
standing upright, because she couldn’t see her look back, I don’t know if
it’s already raining.

"The big lady also feels aggrieved?" said Miss Jun.

Her voice is also gentle and slow, with a few sighs, more affectionate.
Mrs. Ningda looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah, the mother who looked at her own child who spent a lot of money
and treasures was suddenly bitten by a squatting pig and dog. However,
this animal was not known to be a human being, and he could not be
beaten. Generous, it is really wronged and distressed," she said.

The little girl was stunned and looked at the lady who was sitting in front
of him with a smile like a bodhisattva.

Yes, are you jealous of them?

Kneeling pig dog?

Is such a vicious word actually said from the husband's population?

The lady in front did not cry.

"I am not a mother, but I feel uncomfortable when I encounter such a

thing." Miss Jun said softly, and nodded.

"If you encounter such a thing, you will endure it," said Mrs. Ning Da.
"But a mother saw that her child encountered such a thing, but she couldn't
bear it. The child was sick. The mother could not wait to be sick in her
own body. Someone was hurt. With her own child, the mother would not
want to bite the man's flesh."

She said that she smiled again.

"Miss Jun is still young, and I will know when you are a mother."

In these few words, her words are gentle and amiable, just like talking
about how happy the topic is.

"I know that Miss Jun is very wronged, but she has promised good things
but regrets it. I also ask Miss Jun to forgive me. This agreement is a rich
life for you. We have always been a good person, whether it is for the door.
The victims, or the roadsides, don’t give any support, but they support
your destiny."
She looked at Miss Jun and shook her head with a smile on her face.

"This fact is what makes us feel wronged and disgusting."

The little girl’s tears have fallen.

When the previous door came to be ignored by the servant, the grievances
and anger caused by the intimate speech of the two ladies were nothing at
this moment.

These words of Mrs. Ning Da’s laughter and jealousy are more terrible
than indifference and threats.

Even she didn't know how terrible it was. She felt that the knife was
generally cut off, and she wanted to hide and have no place to hide. It was
isolated, except for anger, which was more desperate.

Mrs. Ningda looked at Miss Jun in front of her eyes. This Miss Jun still
looked calm and her eyes were bright and dark, and there was no emotion
in the middle.

She was quiet, listening to the elders' words as hard as all the gracious
girls. No dissatisfaction, no refutation, no disdain.

It seems that she was nodding when she was sure that Mrs. Ningda had

"Yeah," she said. "It really makes people feel wronged. I don't know what
Ning Laotai thinks. It is obviously something that can be solved with
money. It is necessary to take the children's marriage to do the report. Not
reporting, but let us become wicked people, or Ning Laotai just do not
want to pay back, but also afraid that we are entangled, only to do so."

She said that she smiled here.

"Ning old man is really worried about it. Our family's treatment of
illnesses does not reward people. It is the ancestral duty and good deeds.
Whether it is the victims of the door, or the roadsides, they will not cure
diseases and save people."
This is familiar.

The little girl with tears couldn’t help but blink, and the smile on the face
of Mrs. Ningda sitting across from her face was somewhat stiff.

"Ning old man does not want to pay for the drug, saying that there is no
money, what is the big thing, where to use such means, the debt will be
gone, and we will be placed in the land of the wicked."

Miss Jun said, looking at Mrs. Ningda’s smile.

"This fact is what makes us feel wronged and disgusting."

The smile on Mrs. Ning's face was broken.

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Jun Jiuling Chapter 6: The value of Ning
This girl!

Even so, the old grandfather was destroyed and the Ning family was

Mrs. Ning Da’s face has always been covered with frost.

She had never seen this monarchy before, and she asked for a self-
destructive identity.

However, from the description of Ning Yunyan, it is conceivable that this

Miss Jun is not the same as her origin. The small family is not allowed to
stand on the table. When she first came in, she looked like it. Ning Da’s
wife also thought that Ning Yunyan exaggerated, but At this point, it
seems that it is not a shame that is not concealed.

But just a breath, Mrs. Ningda suppressed her anger and calmed down.

This is also normal, just like the trick she made on the hang, but it is
nothing to do with it.

Did she think that she had tarnished the reputation of Ningjia, and she
would have to bear with her?

"How can you think of this child?" said Mrs. Ning, gentlely. "When people
do things, their initial heart is good, but as time passes, word of mouth
will inevitably change."

She said this sentence, see Miss Jun's look flashed a trace of sorrow.

"Yeah, when people do things, they are always good," she said.

The little girl has been completely paralyzed.

So in fact, Mrs. Ningda and Miss are still talking in anger, is it just her

Mrs. Ning Da smiled.

"Miss Jun, you are still young. I think that the black thing in this world is
black and white. When you squat on the ground today, you will not change
when you are old." She said, the voice is mild, just like a senior who
teaches her elders. .

"Yeah." Miss Jun said again, there is still a trace of sadness in her

It’s sad that I thought I couldn’t get it.

Mrs. Ning's mouth has a deeper smile and a more gentle look.

"Miss Jun will know when I am at this age, black may be white, white may
be black, and some things will change." She said, the words turned, "but
some things are not Will change."

Miss Jun looked at her like a junior who listened carefully to the elders.

"For example, human life." said Mrs. Ning Da, "Some people's lives are
life-threatening. If they climb others, they will become expensive."

Even if everyone hears that it is a monk, the great lady can also say that
she is full of sincerity, just like the medicine of the bitterness that the
younger generation said.

After she said this, the girl in front of her still had no anger, but she

Mrs. Ningda couldn’t help but blink.

This girl, who was originally supposed to be a good-looking girl, was a

little amazing when she smiled.
However, the girl’s smile came quickly, and the blink of an eye

Mrs. Ningda is also a woman. The stunning beauty of the woman is also
quickly disappeared. She should be more angry, but the girl’s smile is not
ridiculously ridiculed, just like the younger generation who heard the
elders’ good words and happy.

This of course will not be the true sensory response of this girl.

Mrs. Ning Da is very upset.

It is terrible to have a woman who can hide her emotions in this situation.

Even if she is born, she will not choose such a woman to be her daughter-

In short, when I saw this, Mrs. Ning Da finally recognized Ning Yunyan’s
words. This Miss Jun is really disgusting.

"The big lady is really self-effacing." Miss Jun said, "But Ning's family is
born, but it is also the home of Renfu who praises the people. The big lady
is not arrogant."

Mrs. Ningda was furious.

The ancestor of Ningjia is a long-term worker who gives people a mowing.

This Miss Jun is blaming them for their homes.

"Children who are stalking and stalking can also be emperors." The great
lady pressed her anger and made her tone milder. "As long as you are eager
to compete, the stone can be opened. The ancestors of our family are not
worthy of wealth, the head cantilever Cone thorns rely on their own books
to seek fame, only to change from the untouchables to the official body,
can serve the monarch for the people."

She has increased her tone in her own struggle and on her own.
"These are not the ones who can get it by climbing."

Miss Jun smiled.

"In the past, the first master of your family was bought by the money. The
money was used to get up and down, and climbed up to the master of the
school." She immediately said, "If it is not the adult master to support The
lords of your family are still digging for coal now."

Mrs. Ningda’s wife was a little trembling.

She saw this embarrassment for the first time, humiliating the monks so
relaxed and casual.

At the same time, it is hard to be surprised.

How does she know the secret of this Ning family?

This secret is a matter of a hundred years ago, and it involves the privacy
of the officialdom, and it is the privacy that has not been discovered.
Otherwise, the Ning family at that time will be able to follow the official

Almost no one knows about this kind of thing in Ningjia. The talents of
Ningjia will not talk about the ancestors of a hundred years ago.

The reason she knows this is precisely because she is not a Ning family.

When I was married, I had to inquire about the details of the man. At that
time, her grandfather was in charge of the book in the middle of the
temple. Because I had nothing to do, I went to find the records about the
Ning family for hundreds of years. It happened to be a hundred years ago.
The old man was cheating, and of course he finally lost it. After the
change of the dynasty, no one even pays attention to it.

A hundred years ago, not to mention the fact that it was not impossible to
spend money to donate an official. Her mother-in-law would naturally not
take this as a person’s character in Ning’s family, but she would only laugh
as a smile.
How can this hoe, which has always been in the remote, with Fu's father as
the official life?

Could it be that Jun Yingwen’s small bureaucrat of sesame mung beans can
be heard?

Or is it a party?

Fangjia is a merchant. Although there is money, the DP has been

suppressing discrimination against merchants. Officials may be willing to
take money from merchants, but they will never be too close to them.

Where does Fang Fang have the ability to get the secret documents of
Beijing in the middle of the day?

How is this going?

No matter what happened, this Miss Jun is so overly peeked at the Ning
family. It is too much.

"What do you mean by this?" Mrs. Ning’s voice said a little deep.

"My meaning is very simple. There are many things in the world that can
be done with money." Miss Jun said softly, "You have spent a hundred
years ago to buy an official to get rid of the fate of this people. Now you
can also spend money to buy it." This marriage book, get rid of this

What is the name of the nickname?

After being humiliated, Mrs. Ning Da’s good temper could not help, and
there was no gentle smile on his face.

"I don't understand what Miss Jun said," she said. "Wedding is a marriage
book, and buying and selling is buying and selling."

"I don't understand anything. I owe my debts to pay back the money." Miss
Jun still looks. "Wedding is a marriage book, and it is also a sale. You
don't want to bear the nickname of ungratefulness, and you don't want to
bear the nickname of ungratefulness. Now, in repentence, it is necessary to
take back the marriage of the children and grandchildren, and naturally it
is necessary to take the money to the name of this ungratefulness."

Nonsense, nonsense.

Ningda’s wife trembled, but suddenly she calmed down.

“Miss Jun is true?” she asked.

She thought that she was humiliating the girl's purpose, and since she met,
the girl was actually humiliating her.

The girl said that she would give her back if she gave her money, but the
purpose after the introduction of her came is not to entangle the pity of
seeking, but to rip her face to enmity.

This Miss Jun really does not want to end this marriage.

"Of course it is true." Miss Jun said, "I have said that a lot of things can be
solved with money, and things that can be solved with money are not a big

There was a silence in the room.

Mrs. Ningda’s mood is a bit complicated, and it’s easy and relaxed. After
all, it solves the problem that makes her a headache, but there is still a
sense of not being able to tell.

She imagined that the solution to this problem was that the girl retired
from the difficulties of the Ning family, but now she always feels that it is
not the knowledge of the Ning family that the girl is retired.

It’s as if they are not allowed to open her, she can’t wait to open her home.

Mrs. Ningda was somewhat upset, but immediately sneered at her

This is the case with people. They don’t like to hang on their own, but they
don’t like to let go when they let go. When they are sought after, they are
bothered. Suddenly people ignore it and feel lost.

Lost does not care much about this person, but the attitude of this person
to himself.

Disrespect, not fear.

Especially for such a girl who is born, she is qualified to pose such a
dislike of their home.

Mrs. Ningda’s expression became cold.

"Miss Jun is really clear," she said.

Miss Jun shook her head.

“Mrs. praised,” she said.

Ghosts praise you!

Ning Da’s wife laughed, and it seems that the quiet and quiet person is
such a rogue, and it really means that the poor mountains and rivers are
out of the public.

"After the lady's reminder, I found out that I was wrong before." Miss Jun
continued, looking calmly at Mrs. Ningda.

What is wrong?

Mrs. Ningda was slightly surprised and alert.

So have to repent? Or does she still want to retire?

Miss Jun’s fingers gently stroked the wedding book on the table.

"I said that it was wrong to return the marriage book to you two thousand
two." She said, her finger knocked on the marriage book. "It should be five
thousand two."

Five thousand two?

Mrs. Ningda is amazed.

Is this the price of sitting on the ground?

"You!" she said. "What do you mean by this? Why should it be five

"My grandfather was treating your old man fourteen years ago. It is not so
much for the five thousand two." Miss Jun said.

Ning Da’s lady’s eyebrows were pumped.

"How much of the money will be rolled up to five thousand two?" she said.

Whether the girl is for money or to humiliate the Ning family.

“How much medicine?” Miss Jun said with a smile. “It’s not cheap to save
the money of Ning’s grandfather’s life. Or how would Ning’s grandfather
use his own grandson to make a mortgage?”



Mrs. Ningda once again frowned and wanted to speak, but this time Miss
Jun did not have the conscious of the younger generation and did not give
her a chance to speak.

"Ning old grandfather is willing to take his own long-term grandson to pay
for the money and human feelings. Ning Shigongzi is bound to be very
powerful. I came here to hear and see the style of Ning Shigongzi, and I
estimated a price." Said, serious look, "But now I see the great opposition
of the great lady to this affair, I realized that I still underestimated, Ning
Shigongzi is more expensive than I thought, so this marriage book is
definitely more than two thousand two, It should be five thousand two."
Mrs. Ningda was stunned.

"You, you," she said only.

Miss Jun looked at her again and smiled and took the marriage book in her

"The big lady thinks that the life of Ning Laotai is not worth the money, or
does it feel that Ning Shigong is not worth the price?" she said.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 7: This is a rogue
Mrs. Ningda’s face was still covered with frost when she returned to her
house. She said that she would sit down and eat tea.

Ning Yunyan has already with her sisters quit, and Mrs. Ning San and Ning
Si are still waiting to see her look surprised and upset.

Of course, they know that Mrs. Ning is not the appearance of a

bodhisattva, but she has never seen her so much in front of people.

It is obvious that Miss Jun is not as light as Mrs. Ningda.

"Da, I have read, the marriage book is true." Ning San, said in a moment,
"She is now in our home, it is better for me to ruin it."

"You want to grab?" asked Ning Si’s heart.

"The hoes poured tea and poured water, in case they accidentally wet the
marriage book." said Mrs. Ning San. "Or Miss Jun’s heart is indignant and
deliberately scary. In fact, it is not a marriage book. We have never seen it
before. Anyway, Miss Jun is not the first time in our house, and the tricks
of hanging up have been played, so no one believes.

Ning's family is so big, and the rogue thing has been done naturally, but it
is really the first time to deal with a little girl who is so clear and clear.

Mrs. Ningsi did not know what to say.

Mrs. Ningda put down the teacup.

“No,” she said. “She really wants money.”

Was it already talked about?

"Da, is she true?" asked Ning Si busy.

Mrs. Ningda spit out her breath and looked as usual.

"Yes, she said, since our family does not agree to get married, give her
some money." She said, "She is now a lonely woman, and some money is

She said that it stopped again.

"She has given me the marriage book," she said, reaching out and taking
the marriage book and throwing it on the table.

Really become?

Ning San could not help but reach out and get a marriage book.

"Is it true? Don't fool the fake." She said, looking down and looking

Ning Si’s wife coughed.

Mrs. Ning San did not care.

"Dayu is the heart of a gentleman and a bodhisattva. It is difficult to chase

after a word. What do people pick up, but the Miss Jun may be a rogue."
She said, "It’s good to look carefully."

This made Mrs. Ning Da feel a lot better, and Mrs. Ning Si smiled and
said nothing.

"I have seen it, it is true." said Mrs. Ningda, standing up. "This is the case.
I went to talk to my mother and paid money from the account to send her

“Da’s first go and say, let’s go to the account room.” Mrs. Ning San said,
“Two thousand and two silver don’t have to wait for the mother’s card.”

Mrs. Ningda’s footsteps paused, and the original look turned good again.

"It’s five thousand two," she said with a grin.

Five thousand two?

Mrs. Ning San and Mrs. Ning Si are stunned.

How did the great lady go to see this Miss Jun, and the two thousand two
became five thousand two?

"In the end, it is a kindness." Mrs. Ning San shook her head and said, "I
don't want this lonely woman to be pitiful."

"That is a rogue, and there is no pity for the big man." said Ning Si.

However, they sang and sang this time, and Mrs. Ning’s wife did not look
better, but it was even more ugly.

"But now I see the great opposition of the big lady to this affair, I realized
that I still underestimated, Ning Shigongzi is more expensive than I

She remembered what Miss Jun said, although the words were extremely
polite, and Miss Jun’s attitude was very respectful, but the meaning was

Because I am angry with what you said, I decided to start on the spot.

It’s a rogue.

Mrs. Ningda hates her heart, but she is not willing to say more about this
matter. After all, she is eating something in front of a little girl.

She ignored the two feet and walked away.


Ning Yunyan walked back and forth in the house, and finally waited for the
news from her mother.

“Five thousand two?” she said in amazement, and immediately angered.

“She can dare to speak.”
The two sisters behind me were also scared by this amount.

"Why promised her, a penny will not let her roll, see how she can." Ning
Yunyan will lift his feet.

I am busy stopping her.

"Miss, the big lady doesn't want to entangle anymore." She advised, "It's
been a long time, it's not good for the ten sons."

Ning Yunyan bites his teeth and hates.

"Afraid of her," she said. "It’s not good for her, what about her brother."

"This is not afraid of her. The great lady said, her elders are old with the
old man. Now parents are not there, no brothers and sisters, orphans, since
they took the old feelings of the elders to join, although we The family
can't arrange her lifelong events, but it is also appropriate to give her some
money to let her go." He said, "She is a child who is not sensible, and we
can't generalize with her."

"Is it really good to be deceived by people, let her be so proud?" Ning

Yunyan was angry.

"Miss, she counts something, fights with her, she doesn't deserve it," said
Miao Xiaoxiao. "Whoever cares who is ignorant, people can see it, she is a
rogue, so marriage is good, noisy, actually Just to get money."

In this way, she is just like the **** of the market, it is blackmail.

Yes, she is blackmail.

Ning Yunyan hated and nodded.

Five thousand and two silver, it is a rogue.

At this time, the Miss Jun, who was regarded as a rogue, was looking at
the servant standing in front of her.
"Miss Jun, this is the five thousand and two silver tickets you want." The
servant said coldly, shaking the silver ticket in his hand. "It’s your
grandmother’s ticket number. You are convenient, we are also convenient.
I will not have to deal with the Fangjia ticket number in the future."

This means that after that, Ning will never go back to Fangjia.

Miss Jun looked calm and looked at the tip of the servant's slightly
shaking finger.

"If you want to put the money on the ground, you have to give me the
same amount," she said suddenly.

The servant's hand trembled and looked a little scared.


"If you want to do this, please ask the big lady first, see if she allows it,
and she will tell you if what I said is true." Miss Jun said, "Don't be self-
righteous, slap on the horseshoe. It's not good."

As a competent servant around the big lady, she naturally knows how
angry the big lady is now, and how the old lady gave her a big lady a
faceless face.

The old lady had a big temper for the 5,000-year-old silver promised by
the big lady. The big lady was a blind-eyed bodhisattva, and she was
inseparable. In the presence of so many servants in the room, the old lady
yelled at the old lady and asked for The ten sons asked the old lady to

"Just be for the sake of the children."

The old lady likes the ten sons most and then reluctantly agrees.

The big lady suffered such grievances, because of this Miss Jun, but if a
young lady with a skeleton has suffered so many cold faces, she should
turn around and never go to the marriage, she will turn her head and save
money, and the lion will be big. The opening has to be so much.
Such a ruthless, it is time to let the money go to the ground to let her go.

The servant was going to do this, but I didn’t expect the rogue to dare to

When you throw the money on the ground, you have to take another five
thousand two?

She dares!

The servant looked at Miss Jun with a look of sorrow. The girl looked calm
and angerless and sneered. She was gentle and gentle, but she felt
inexplicably that this Miss Jun was not threatened.

She really dares, she will do the same.

This is a rogue, maybe waiting for the opportunity to talk to Ningjia.

As long as she is willing to pick up the money, she will have no marriage
disputes with Ningjia, and there is no reason to entangle her, and then
entanglement is her loss.

The servant's hand shook slightly, but the silver ticket was firmly pinched.

"Liuer is holding," said Miss Jun.

Some silly little girl standing beside her took it.

“Thank you.” Miss Jun, shouting, “resigned.”

Her voice is soft, her movements are light, her posture is correct, and the
servant is unconsciously busy and returning to the ceremony.

What to do with this rogue is so polite.

Miss Jun crossed her and went out, her dress fluttering, her body was like
a wind and a weak willow.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 8: Where is the leader?
Miss Jun walked out of the side door of Ning's house.

The door of the Ning family is not always open, only the side door is open
for people to enter and exit.

But when Miss Jun went out, the side door was closed. Although there was
no loud noise, the light touch also expressed the disgust of the person who
just left.

Miss Jun did not look back.

"Ning Yan's people are no different." She said to herself.

Ning Yan, the second son of Ning Laotai, the younger brother of Ning Da,
is now the highest pillar of the Ning family, the twenty-three-year-old
scholar, the official for 20 years, now the Ministry of Industry, the right
minister, and then two or three years Ascending to the book, it is very
possible to enter the cabinet in the future.

Such a character was called by Miss Jun, and if she heard Mrs. Ning, she
would feel humiliated.

There was no casual person in front of Ning's house. Miss Jun’s little girl
looked sluggish, holding her silver ticket tightly in her sleeves, and she did
not hear Miss Jun’s words.

Going out with a shallow foot and a foot, I was about to go out of the small
town of Beiliu Town.

"Miss," she shouted, stretching her sleeves and looking back. "Ning's
family didn't chase."

Miss Jun is humming.

"Reassure, they won't chase," she said. "Ning's family has at least this

The little girl snorted and pulled her sleeves.

"Where are we going to wait?" she asked. "The inn is not allowed to live,
there is no inn near the Ning family."

On that day, the lady squatted and made a slogan to scare her. She almost
hanged her death. She yelled and yelled at the inn’s talent to save the lady.

"The people in the inn are really cowardly, and the lady is obviously fine.
They are still afraid that the East will not let us live." Xiaotoutou said, but
completely forgot what he was scaring at the time.

She whispered, and the lady had been walking quietly.

"When will they come back to ask Miss?" she asked again.

Miss Jun stopped her foot and looked at the little girl.

"Things are over, don't wait, they won't come to me," she said.

The little girl looked at her with a big eyes.

"What does it mean to end?" she stammered.

At that time, the young lady was rescued and died. The two women were
stunned and embarrassed for a moment before they got angry again. Rao
was so lying in bed for half a day that she was scared to death.

She really couldn't help but go back to Yangcheng to find the old lady. The
lady suddenly stretched out her hand and said that it was all because of the
relatives of Ning's family. She didn't have to go to find someone else. She
could solve this problem herself.

She was a little unbelievers at the time. She had not settled in Yangcheng
for so long, but the lady said that this time she would be able to solve it
and let her take out the hidden marriage book.
Yes, they always have marriage books. The reason why they didn’t come
out is that this marriage book is also owned by Ning’s family. This is a
matter of course. After coming to Yangcheng, they said that they have a
marriage contract with Ning’s family. Mrs. Yu showed a sarcasm that she
could have a wedding book to make the lady very angry. The young lady
simply said no, let Mrs. Yan come to the door and say yes.

Miss means that Mrs. Yu went to Ningjia and said that she would be
treated as a guest by Ningjia, and then she would suppress the face of Mrs.

As a result, I didn’t expect Mrs. Yan to come to Ning’s house but was
denied a marriage contract. Mrs. Yan’s natural anger and sorrow came
back to the lady’s ridicule, and the young lady was dying to find her own

As a result, Ning Jia couldn't get in, Ning's people couldn't get in touch,
except for the August 15th Festival, which was mixed in the crowd and
looked away from the Ning Shigong who came back from the capital.

Ning Shi Gongzi's grace makes the young lady more dumping, but she also
understands that Ningjia is going to repent. The Ning family must know
this marriage. Since she is bent on remarriage, it is useless to take out the
marriage book.

At this time, Miss Lin, who had made a good relationship with the young
lady, panicked and brought news of Ning Shigongzi to be dear, and the
lady could no longer sit still. She was determined to make something that
would make Ning’s family know.

The hang up was really powerful. The lady almost died. After lying for
half a day, the lady started to solve this problem.

So many people have seen the look of the lady hanging up, Ning will
definitely be afraid.

She also happily followed the lady to the Ning family, although the
process of what the lady said in the process made her very puzzled, but she
was able to enter the door of Ningjia and saw Mrs. Ningda, which shows
that the method of Miss is still very useful. of.

It’s just that we finally received the marriage and returned the marriage
book, but she still believes that the lady’s own arrangement is self-

Or the Ning family will chase it out, or wait until the next day to come to
the lady.

But what does it mean when the lady says that she is over?

"The meaning is that I have no marriage contract with Ningjia." Miss Jun
looked at the little girl and said, "This matter has been solved."

The little girl blinked and opened her mouth, and wowed and cried,
causing people on the street to look at each other.

"Cry what, how good this is." Miss Jun said, "The strong twisted melon is
not sweet, so everyone wants to be happy."

The little girl is pumping.

She naturally knows that Ningjia does not want this marriage. Now that
the marriage is gone, Ning’s family is naturally happy.

"But the lady is happy, nothing is gone," she cried.

"Is there any money?" said Miss Jun.


Although Xiaotoutou has never been rich, whether it is in the old house of
Junjia or following the appointment of Jun Yingwen, the father and son of
the family are all good and good, eating and dressing, and having money
to spend as a stream, no money to save the poor. I can also pass, so I don’t
care about the money.
What is the money, come and go, the woman is still looking for a good
husband to ensure a smooth life.

There is still more money to buy a family like Ningjia. The lady is not
stupid on the hang, saying that the solution is to quit the marriage with

"What is the use of that money?" said the little girl with tears in his

"That's the money," said Miss Jun.

The speed at which she spoke was slow, and at this time it was slower. The
four words were stretched a lot, and it sounded a bit more confusing.

The little girl couldn't help but **** her nose and looked up at her own

"It should be enough for me to go to Beijing." Miss Jun continued.

Going to Beijing?

The little girl squatted down, their hometown was in Weinan, the lord's job
was in Funing, the ancestral home was in Yangcheng, and the younger one
was in the north. It was located in the south of the capital, but I had never
heard of it before, without any reason. I will not move my thoughts.

How did the lady suddenly want to go to Beijing? Her eyes flashed again.

"Oh!" she said with some excitement. "Miss, are you going to sue?"

Miss Jun’s calm face smiled, apparently teased by the words of this little

Little girl didn't notice, but was even more excited.

"Yes, the lady's method is really good. First, I retired the marriage book,
stabilized the Ning family, and took the money and wrapped it up, so I
could easily get on the road." She said, but she seemed afraid that she
would be found to drive down the voice. The uncle of Ning Shigongzi was
a big official in the capital, let him manage this matter. If he would sue it,
let him not be afraid, Miss, I heard that the emperor of the capital,
Yingming Shenwu, was sure to..."

When she said this, the young lady who looked at the front turned her head
sharply, and the quiet and clear eyes suddenly became deep and deep, and
the eyes could not help but fight a chill.

The words of the little girl stopped short and the people did not take a step

Although he was sold from an early age, but the main family is kind and
amiable, although the young lady is arrogant but never swears by the
people, the little girl has gone through the wind, and I have seen such eyes.

She couldn't even recognize the emotions contained in this look. It seems
that desperation seems to be awkward and painful. In short, people who
want to see it are afraid to escape.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 9: See you are not happy
Is it because of the hopeless sadness of marriage?

But when the lady's lord died, the lady never had such a look.

In the blink of an eye, Miss Jun’s eyes disappeared and she became quiet

"Okay, don't say stupid things," she said, her voice soft. "I said that this is
over. Ning's family doesn't want to get married. I don't want to get
married. I have a silver, but I have a good day. They I didn’t make any
money, and we didn’t lose money.”

The little girl was trembled and watched the look of Miss Jun carefully.
She was sure that she was just looking at her eyes. She thought that she
couldn’t be sure of her sadness. She couldn’t complain as a good girl and
salted her wounds. She nodded. No longer say a word about the family.

"Let's go." Miss Jun said to her with a smile and turned and walked.

The little girl was busy keeping up, and took a few steps and couldn’t help
but speak.

"Miss, let's go to Beijing now, or do we go back to the house first?" she

asked cautiously.

Miss Jun stopped her foot.

"Fang family." She repeated the two words, as if they were familiar and

"I thought I would marry soon. I don't have to deal with them in my life. I
don't care if they like it or not." The little girl said cautiously and
gracefully. "If you know that you have no relationship with Ningjia." I still
don't know what they will do to Miss."
"I will know right away," said Miss Jun.

immediately? The little girl squatted down and saw Miss Jun’s gaze
looking forward. She couldn’t help but follow it. She saw two carriages
galloping under the **** of several people. The **** said something to
the carriage. The curtain was Opened, an old woman looked at them.

"Old lady!" shouted the little girl.

The carriage stopped in front of them, and the old woman got off the bus
without waiting for the servant, and went straight to Miss Jun.

Miss Jun looked at the old woman in front of her eyes.

The old woman is about 60 or so, and her face is square. The short, fat
body is wearing a light brown embroidered golden scorpion green gold
horse-faced skirt. The gray and white hair is wearing a golden
chrysanthemum and a green branch. It looks so refreshing and rich. The air
is overflowing.

This is Mrs. Fang, the grandmother of Miss Jun.

The old lady has only one son and one daughter. Now her children are
dead. At this time, her face is awe-inspiring, her eyes are sharp, and she
has an incomparable deterrent. She has neither the white hair to send the
black man’s sorrow nor the dead woman. The pity and love of the orphans.

"I heard that you are hanging up?" The old woman looked at her slowly.

Beiliu Town is a half-day drive from Yangcheng. After the original Miss
Jun and Xiaotoutou said that they were rescued, Xiaotoutou immediately
invited people to Yangcheng to inform the Fangjia people, but did not
expect Miss Jun to hang too artificially scared. I have to take care of the
girl to scare others. When Miss Jun comes over and says that things can be
solved, Xiao Shantou will no longer inform the party.

From yesterday evening, I hanged at night, and when I arrived at less than
noon today, I got the news and rushed over. It is obvious that I didn’t care
if I wanted to go wherever I went.

Miss Jun is ready to give a gift.

"Why haven't you died yet?" Mrs. Fang said one after another, without
concealing the ridicule in her voice.

Miss Jun sighed and stood up straight.

Little girl blinked and looked angry.

"The old lady, Miss, is really dead, I am so hard to save." She hated and

The old lady laughed.

"Isn't I asking for death? How can I be saved?" she said. "I have only heard
that I can't live, I have never heard of death and can't die."

This kind of words actually said from the blood of the only lady who
relied on her, that is, no one said that they hated them. It was chilling.

However, at Ning's home, because of a contemptuous look, I could red-

eyed the little girl with tears. At this time, there was no fear at all, and my
eyes were swaying.

"If my family is dead, it will be killed by your family." She snorted.

"Businessmen are ruthless and unjust, and our lady is being practiced by
your tenants."

Miss Jun sighed again, showing that people are two-faced. This little girl
is not weak and timid. Look at this fierce and arrogant look, and then
listen to the humiliation in the words, not to mention the person who is
being shackled by her. Passers-by can't help but want to beat her.

But for the rudeness of this girl, the old lady was not angry, and the servant
hoes behind her did not, but they were all familiar.
Miss Jun thought about it and understood, this little girl's attitude towards
the family is really like this, and this little girl is like this, of course,
because her lady is supporting.

Although the parents died and went to the battle, the master and the
servant did not send the humble fears under the fence. Instead, they were
arrogant. One reason was that Miss Jun’s mother had almost broken her
husband’s family since she married, except for the holiday gifts. Haven't
seen each other again.

In addition to this grandmother, Miss Jun and Fangjia are almost

strangers, strangers' feelings are relatively weak, and another reason, but
also more important reason, is because the big Zhou Dynasty merchants
have a low status.

Even though the grandmother's family has more money, but in the eyes of
the poor and lonely Miss Jun, it is still a rough merchant family, not to
mention Miss Jun has a higher status of marriage.

In this way, since I have never been a grandmother's family, Miss Jun feels
that she has a low-lying merchant family. She is also disgusted and proud.
The family members who are naturally irritated are dissatisfied, and they
are both disgusted and speechless.

It’s really a headache. Anyway, Fang Fang is her blood relative. How can
she be close to Ning’s family?

Ning's family looks amiable, but almost wants Miss Jun's life. Fang Fang
looks ruthless, but comes in the first time. The child mistakes his loved
ones as enemies, but the enemies are relatives.

The thought flashed, Miss Jun was poked in the heart, and the painful look
was somewhat distorted.

It’s not the same as Miss Jun who is the wrong person to be a loved one.
She is not, and what is the qualification to laugh at others.
The look on Miss Jun’s face became distorted, full of painful resentment
and disgust. It was familiar in the eyes of Mrs. Fang and others, and the
old lady did not react. The servant’s hoes all took a step back. Do not hide
the disgust in my eyes.

The little girl also saw it naturally, so she had to hold her up for the lady,
but the old lady interrupted her.

"Oh, I know that your heart is high and clean, and Ning's family is doing
this. For you, it is really unbearable....coming people," she said lightly.

When she said the word Gaoxin, Miss Jun clearly saw the sarcasm on the
faces of the servants behind her.

The two servants stood up.

Mrs. Fang looked at Miss Jun.

"You took the rope and waited for the lady to go to the Ning's house to
die," she said slowly. "Tell Ning's family, Jun Yusheng is their person,
death is their ghost, burning is buried. They are the masters, and our
family never asks."

A little girl’s jumping feet.

The young lady is like this. The old lady still said this. Is this what a
grandmother should say?

"Don't think that I don't know, you are watching my family missed, and I
will kill my lady, so that I won't be hurt by others." She stepped forward
and shouted in front of Mrs. Fang. "You guys are kneeling..."

This is the street. Although Beiliu Town is not as prosperous as

Yangcheng, it is also a lot of people coming and going at noon. Before
they stopped at the roadside, there are already many people watching. The
voice of this voice suddenly rises. It is a lot of people around.

It’s a shame, the servant around the old lady is busy, and this little girl has
nothing to say in the past. She even dared to point to the old lady’s nose. I
didn’t wait for them to reach out and always ignored the master’s eyes.
The old lady of the party raised her hand first.

"What is wrong with life!" she said, and her hand hit the face of

Xiao Shantou did not expect that the old lady who was not looking at her
in the past would suddenly want to beat her.

Although Mrs. Fang was old, but the people were very strong, after
coming to Fangjia, Xiaotoutou also bumped into the old lady in the
backyard to fight a wooden peg in the backyard early in the morning. She
also ran over and saw that the stake was hit. Light, go back and tell the
lady as a joke.

Her face can't match the stake, and this slap is down. People must fall out,
and the teeth may have to fly a few.

But there is no chance to escape. The little girl stood still and looked at the
hand in front of him.

One hand reached over and took the old lady's wrist.

The old lady’s hand stopped at the side of the little girl’s face.

The little girl spit out and turned to look at the lady who stood up.

"Miss," she shouted.

Miss Jun did not look at her, but looked at Mrs. Fang.

Mrs. Fang also looked at her with a sneer on her face.

"What? I can't beat your gangster with this tenant?" she said.

Miss Jun smiled.

"External grandmother, it is not a fight, it is not necessary to fight." She

said, slowly pulling down the old lady's hand. "Things have been solved. I
don't care about the Ning family. The grandmother doesn't have to
maintain it anymore." I showed them to the theater."

Mrs. Fang looked at her body and was stiff.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 10: Appease the same return
Miss Jun’s voice was soft and slow, and the more she whispered at the end,
the last sentence was only heard by Mrs. Fang.

Mrs. Fang looked at the girl in front of her, Rao, she experienced a big
storm, or a look of horror.

"What are you talking about?" she couldn't help but ask.

Miss Jun has loosened her hand and took a step back quietly.

"I have already said things about the Ning family. I haven't been involved
in the future." She whispered.

Has it been clear what happened to the Ning family? Two irrelevant?

How can she not understand what this means?

Of course, if it is someone else, she can understand, but this Miss Jun.....

Mrs. Fang looked at her with a look of eccentricity.

Although the girls in front of them are wearing old clothes that are not
inferior, the face is still the obstacle.

"What kind of tricks do you do?" she asked.

The little girl has already recovered from the shock, and heard these two
words snoring.

"My lady has already retired from the Ning family." She said, saying that
the word "returning marriage" was full of grievances and choked.

Miss is really pitiful, the lady's wife died early, and she has put up such a
useless ancestral home, can't help, and bully the lady.
The words of the remarriage have been heard by all the people around, and
this time the servant hoes were all surprised.

"How is it possible?" The nearest servant of the station also blurted out.

Miss Jun looked at her and smiled.

“How is this impossible?” she whispered.

Of course, it is impossible to marry. Ning’s family will not recognize this

marriage, but the little girl said that my family and Ning’s family retired.

Miss Jun is running with Ning Jiacheng to come to Yangcheng, and in

order to get married, it’s not like it, even if she can’t even have a life, how
can she agree to the marriage?

"Of course, my lady is going to..." The little girl looked at the mouths of
these servants who were hateful.

Her words were interrupted by Miss Jun.

"Go back and talk about it," she said, looking around.

Everyone subconsciously followed the eyes, only to find people gathered

around to see the fun.

Some people are still whispering to them, obviously knowing who Miss
Jun is.

Miss Jun in Yangcheng can't wait for everyone to recognize that she is the
fiancee of Ningjia's ten sons. Now it is bound to be more swaying in the
northern town where Ning's family is located.

Coupled with the hanging out of the inn in the inn, this little town is afraid
to know who she is.

But the more people, the more they don't mind her? Why did she take the
The sight of everyone could not help but fall on Miss Jun.

Miss Jun looked down and couldn’t see any emotions.

“Thank you for your grandfather’s mother to pick me up.” She gave her a
slight bow and gave her a gift. “Let my grandmother get scared.”

The old lady’s hand shook a little, and the look of Miss Jun was even more
amazing. There was a complicated meaning in the surprise.

Frightened and tired.

I really can't think she can hear this sentence, and it is still from the mouth
of this granddaughter who refuses to look at her more.

This thought flashed and let the old lady return to the moment and stunned
to leave only suspicion.

What does this granddaughter want to do?

"The girl said, laughing, we are tired of you, let you be humiliated." She
said indifferently, looked at Miss Jun, did not say more, "If you want to go
to our house, then let's go."

She said that she turned and looked at a servant, and the servant grasped a
few steps back.

Miss Jun here did not talk to follow her step.

Miss Jun has to go, the little girl hates the servants of the Fang family, and
they express their dislike and dissatisfaction, but they have not talked to
follow up.

Mrs. Fang brought two carriages. She got one on her own. The servant led
Miss Jun to another one, and then the servant hoes squeezed the old lady's

Miss Jun certainly won't take a car with these low-lying people.
The two carriages galloped away from the crowd, and no one noticed that a
servant of the Fang family stood in the crowd and listened to everyone's

Although it is not the official road, the carriage is still running smoothly.

"What kind of carriage is arranged for us." The little girl sat in the car and
complained. "I still pull the goods, how can I not put the charcoal on such
a cold day? Is it intentional to freeze the lady?" ”

Miss Jun looked at the carriage, and said that the carriage was doing very
well, but there was no decoration, and there was no small charcoal basin,
just a thick cushion and a pillow.

"Nature is pulling people." Miss Jun said.

Miss Jun who can't get up on the sling, or Miss Jun who is dead.

Miss Jun’s hand touched the mat on the car. The original arrangement was
very good. The only accident was that the dead person was occupied by

Although the monarch is dead, the body will not lie down.

The wind circling through the curtains in the carriage, with a chilly chill.

"Miss, are you cold or not?" The little girl squatted and asked with
concern, and immediately complained, "How can I not put the stove on the

Although Miss Wang’s master and servant can’t look down on Fang’s
family, she can take care of everything in her heart and take it for granted.
In their hearts, I feel that this is the honor of Fang’s family.

It’s a ridiculous and hateful child.

Miss Jun couldn’t help but laugh, and she laughed and passed, and then it
was the mood of turning the river over the sea.
In those people's hearts, it is only natural to enjoy everything that is
robbed from them, and then honored by their charity.

The hand that was placed on the knee and covered by the sleeves was
tightly picked up, and the sting stopped her shouting in her throat.

Since I woke up, everything was too strange. Beyond her cognition, she
could only use calm to deal with reality, and suppress those emotions that
are easy to lose their sense of reason, lest they drive themselves crazy.

Hatred is the easiest emotion to lose.

Miss Jun reached out and lifted the curtain and looked out the window.

"Miss, is it too cold?" The little girl didn't notice her emotions. She only
saw her movements. She said with a lot of approval, her face was full of
dissatisfaction. "How can I not even have a stove?"

The little girl turned and moved to the front of the car.

“Parking and parking,” she shouted. “Give the stove.”

The outside person was somewhat confused by her shouting, but she did
not dare not listen. She had to report to the old lady in front of him. A
moment ago, the servant on the carriage sent a hand stove.

Little girl looked at the furnace and frowned.

"This is the old stove." She was disgusted.

The servant looked sad.

"I am not ready to go out. This is an old slave. Miss is the first to use."

The little girl threw a handful of stoves out.

"Oh, it’s dirty, I said how smells so stinking," she screamed.

The servant's face is green.

The little girl is still not finished.

"...Why didn't there be a charcoal pot in the car? The mat was so thin and
frozen..." she complained.

Miss Jun, who was originally out of the gods, couldn’t help but smile.

"Liu," she shouted.

The little girl immediately stopped talking and responded.

"Well, I said that I was in a hurry, and I didn't have much to do. I will
endure it." Miss Jun said.

Xiao Shantou listened to the words of the young lady, and the servant

"Let's go, let's go." She dismissed her hand.

The servant turned to the stiff gift of Miss Jun and walked away.

The team resumed driving, looking at the servant's face, and the other
people on the old lady's carriage were sympathetic.

They also heard the words of the little girl.

"Miss Jun is very good at this time." The servant said for a moment.

Anyway, it is also the granddaughter of the old lady, the old lady can be
disgusted, it is her own blood relatives, interrupting the bones and ribs,
they still have to be measured.

The old lady who kept her eyes closed on the pillow was snoring.

“A singer sings a black face and sings a red face,” she said. “It’s going to
look at her idea.”

The servants and the hoes were silent and did not dare to answer.
The car curtain of the carriage picked up with the wind, and the faint voice
of the little **** the back of the car came.

"... Miss, I put my clothes on you..."

"...sad, do you want to drink tea?...had you haven’t had tea for so
long....I’m so drinking a few cups at Ningjia.....”

"...there is no tea in this car...they are too..."

Miss Jun took the sight from the window and looked at the little girl.

"No, I am not thirsty or cold. I can breathe through the curtains," she said.
"You will rest for a while."

Little girl faintly thought that the lady said that she would rest for a while,
did she dislike her too loud to let her shut up?

In the past, she wouldn’t think much about what the lady said. What did
the lady say? It’s just that since Miss Shi’s words in Ning’s family with
Mrs. Ning’s words, it’s all right and kind, but Mrs. Ning’s wife finally got
angry. The iron-green face went away, and she now thinks again, thinking
that what the lady said is all in the words.

As the most effective and unique gimmick of the young lady, Liu Er felt
that she must understand the words of the young lady, so as not to violate
the meaning of the lady.

Liu Er quietly missed the lady and said a word to her, more sure that the
lady is to let her shut up.

Miss Jun looked at the window and did not move. Liu Er felt that her neck
was stiff.

"Miss, what are you looking at?" she couldn't help but ask.

Miss Jun looked out the window, a plain outside the town of Beiliu, with a
wide view. At this time, the winter was desolate, with a bit of madness.
"Look at the scenery," she said.

She has seen many landscapes through many places, but the place north of
the capital is from the future, I did not expect to see it after death.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 11: Sister and aunt
Miss Jun’s car curtains have not been put down all the way. The little girl
was shocked by the sling for a night, and now she can’t help but listen to
the rest.

It took a long time to leave Beiliu Town and walked onto Guanlu Road. As
the distance to Yangcheng is getting closer and closer, there are more and
more pedestrians on the official road. If you have not entered Yangcheng
City, you can already feel the bustling and bustling.

Zezhou, Yangcheng.

Although she has not been here, she is not stranger to this northwest
fortress. Not only here, she is no stranger to the north of the capital, but it
is on the map and in the book.

The customs of the north are open, and there is nothing wrong with the
girls like her picking up the curtains. Occasionally, the pedestrians on the
road will cast their sights and stunned.

Miss Jun focused on the scenery in sight, avoiding thinking too much
about the past.

What has happened in the past is that she is very clear, there is no need to
spend energy on it, repeat it over and over again, except that it is no good
to let myself sorrow and resentment almost insane.

She only needs to know who she is, what is the situation now, and what is
going to be enough.

To know these three questions, she must keep herself awake.

Look now, look ahead.

When the carriage passed through the gates of Yangcheng's tall city, the
scorpion Liuer woke up and looked at the car outside the mouth.
"I have to go back to that house again." She dismissed and said helplessly.

And this time is more different from the previous one. The previously
disgusting home was only a temporary place for their master servants. The
effect is like an inn. The Ningjia in Beiliu Town is their real home.

Because my heart thinks that all of this is temporary, after the past, it will
be clouded, so I can tolerate living in this low-lying environment.

But now the marriage book is gone, the marriage contract is gone, the lady
has nowhere to go, the future is not cloudless, only the endless darkness.

What can I do later?

Xiao Shantou’s arrogant face appeared to be a bit stunned until he entered

the square’s door.

Miss Jun seriously looked at Fang's house.

The Fangjia's house is located in the center of Yangcheng. Although it

can't be compared with the Ningjia of Beiliu Town, it is not only one of the
best in the city. It is carved and painted, pavilions and pavilions, and the
courtyard houses are scattered.

The carriage entered the inner court through the lane, and the car did not
stop. Miss Jun heard the noisy footsteps outside.

It was the people at home who heard the news and thought it was very

"... pulled back."

"….do you died?"

".. Is it really dead?"

As the footsteps have a sharp female voice, this voice is more of an

excitement and expectation than a concern.
It seems that not all are worried.

Miss Jun’s mouth smashed and looked in the direction of the conversation
from the window.

There are more than a dozen red, green and green women in the courtyard
of the Huanhuayuan. There are young and young.

Miss Jun’s line of sight falls directly on a 13-year-old girl.

The girl is very beautiful, and she is particularly eye-catching and eye-
catching among the people. She is as sharp as the old lady.

When Miss Jun looked at her, she also looked over and the two looked at
each other.

Miss Fang Jiasan.

Miss Jun’s memory recognizes the youngest granddaughter of Mrs. Fang.

Seeing the girl behind the window, Miss Fang San looked at her, and
immediately turned her face to disappointment and disdain.

"Nothing, I don't even dare to die." She snorted and turned away.

The hustle and bustle of the surrounding area disappeared, and the servant
of the Shantou snorted and looked at the girl sitting in the car nervously.

In the spring of Taikang, Miss Jun was taken from Fu Ning and met with
her cousin in Fangjia. For the cousin who lost her father, everyone was
very pity and took out their favorite things as a meeting.

Miss Jun let the little girl pick up, and did not give back gifts, of course,
this is not a normal relative, and her father was newly mourned,
unintentional, and the family's cousins did not feel rude.

But the next day, Miss Fang San saw that the handkerchief she sent out
was held by Miss Jun’s girl, and used to wipe the mud on her shoes.
Miss Fang San went up to question, Miss Jun said that this low-lying thing
for her **** is already very affordable.

At that time, Miss Fang San was playing with Miss Jun. After she finished
playing Miss Jun, she was going to hang herself, forcing Mrs. Fang’s wife
to reward the family’s law.

The two had a hatred on this. In just half a year, the friction occurred
several times. If it wasn’t for Mrs. Fang’s wife, Miss Fang San, I don’t
know what to do.

Knowing that Miss Jun was hanging, Miss Fang San not only did not
worry, but also a very happy to see her dead attitude rushed out, subject to
this insult, Miss Jun is afraid to immediately make another life to die.

The Shantou servants are all ready to stop the Miss Jun who is going to
make trouble.

But Miss Jun did not move, did she hear Miss Fang San’s words?

"Fang Jinxiu!"

There was a sharp shout in the carriage, followed by a little girl jumping

"Fang Jinxiu, you are cold-hearted, and you will curse my family to die."

Liu Er’s imposing look left and right, as soon as he saw the person, he
immediately rushed to the hands.

The **** in the car was heard, and Miss Jun sitting by the window could
not have heard it.

The two servants who had to help the old lady to get off the bus changed
their looks, and they refused to come over.

"Who is talking nonsense to Miss San?" They cried and said, "Come out
and sell it!"
Said to reach out and stop Liu.

"Sitting for a half-day car, Miss Jun is also tired, and she will help the
young lady to rest."

Their eloquent persuasion blocked the eyes of Liu Er and blocked the way
she had to chase.

This is obviously to protect the lady of her own family and bully her lady.

These bully slaves.

Liu Er jumped to the feet, Miss Jun slammed the car and shouted at her,
and then she threw it away.

Looking at Miss Jun, the servants looked more nervous, but Miss Jun just
looked at the old lady who got off the bus. She didn’t cry or swear, and she
didn’t want to crash into the carriage or the old lady.

Seeing the old lady, the servant's hoes are all saluting.

"Let's go." Mrs. Fang, who was standing at the side and standing quietly,
said that she did not move to the second door, but walked to the other side.

There is the direction of my residence. Miss Jun knows it when she thinks
a little. She also followed the steps, and there was a footstep in the second


A gentle and anxious voice came from inside.

Miss Jun heard the sound and saw a 35-60 woman stepping forward,
describing the gentle and graceful posture.

Miss Jun’s aunt, Mrs. Fang Da.

"Mother, you are back," she said, her eyes soon falling on Miss Jun, her
face happy and with a bit of contempt. "Hey, you will be back soon."
This is a woman with different appearances, gentle on the surface, and
vicious inside.

Miss Jun’s memory says.

Under the sun, the scorpions are not close, there is no good thing.

Miss Jun looked down on her slightly.

This action was so sudden that Mrs. Fang Da was shocked and forgot to
say it when he got to his lips.

"I went to her and asked her something." Mrs. Fang said, "Go back first."

The elders asked the younger generations, not to go to the elders' house,
but to the elders who want to go to the younger generations, because Miss
Jun and Fangjia’s people are both bored, Miss Jun disdains to step into the
house of the wife, and Fang’s old The wife does not like her to stand where
she is.

This is a headache and helpless child.

Miss Jun licked her mouth and left a lot of trouble.


I went out for three days and took the sixth prize of the Forbes original
Billboard girl, "The Sand", which opened in April and ended in November.
In eight months, you have one vote and one vote. I got the sixth place on
the list. Thank you, thank you. Without you, there is no me today!

Now that the new year has begun, the new journey of the new book has
begun. Please come and walk with me for another year. "Jun Jiuling"
begins to update normally, no longer lazy, put on shelves in February, late
January. Will increase the amount of updates.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 12: Ask yourself
The elders condescended to move to the younger generation, and Mrs.
Fang was obviously used to it. There was no reaction to this. I just heard
the old lady talking about Miss Jun, and she was worried about it.

"Mother, it's not early, and you are tired of taking a car. It's better to rest
first," she said warmly.

This is the suggestion of the old lady, and now I still don't want to
stimulate Miss Jun.

Mrs. Fang understands what she meant, but did not stop.

"You go back first," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da never violated her mother-in-law, and she did not persuade
her. At the same time, she looked at Miss Jun and saw the little girl
looking at her. The dark eyes on the skin like snow were quiet and safe.

Quietly and safely, these two words describe the suddenness of the
monarch, and Mrs. Fang’s wife is embarrassed.

The quiet little girl looked down on her eyes.

"Hey, I let the kitchen be ready, tell them what you want to eat." Mrs. Fang
said, pressing the strange soft voice in her heart.

In view of Miss Quer's eccentric temper, her wife, Dafang, did not dare to
arrange, so she simply gave Miss Jun a kitchen.

Miss Jun snorted and bowed and then walked away.

It is reasonable to say that she should thank her aunt, but since Miss Jun is
not used to doing these things, let's take it slowly.
This is the case, Mrs. Fang Da also looked at the ghost, looking at the old
lady and Miss Jun who entered the courtyard along the road.

"I don't know what to do." She said to herself, with a bit of helplessness,
looked at the servant of the servant side, and thought of the news she just
heard. "Is it really said that I have retired with my family? Did she take
the initiative?"

The servant responded.

"She said so, the specific old lady has already let people in the north to
ask," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da’s brow is light and wrinkled.

"In this case, why should the old lady still ask her personally?" she said.
"What is she talking about, is it human? Is there anything to listen to?"

For the evaluation of Miss Jun, the Fang family agrees with it. It is not a
personnel matter. It is naturally not a human voice. In the past, the old lady
was too lazy to look at her, let alone ask her personally.

"Maybe to appease her." The servant thought for a moment and guessed,
"After all, our family really can't stand her and make trouble again."

"Reassure her? We don't care if we are at home, so we can comfort

ourselves." Mrs. Fang said, what to say finally stopped, and then turned
around and turned around, "Go back."


The lanterns on the roadside have already been lighted, and Miss Jun has
helped Liu’s hand to walk with the old lady in front.

From the second door to the courtyard where she lived, it didn't look far
away, but when I walked through the courtyard, the steps on the courtyard
passed through the flower wall, and the bent legs were sour that I saw a
slippery house.
This is how much I disliked to put this young lady in this place where the
eyes are not bothered.

Although living far away, the courtyard is more gorgeous, the lights have
been lit up under the gallery, standing on the four hoes, one side of the
ceremony, while playing a thick curtain.

"Old lady, Miss Jun." They screamed in the words of Yan.

Miss Jun should be called a Miss Miss in her grandmother's house, but
Miss Jun does not like to be pulled down, so everyone will call her Miss
Jun as an outsider.

Miss Jun licked her mouth and followed the old lady into the house.

The interior lights are bright, warm as spring, and the aroma is full.

Miss Jun swept her eyes on the three halls, the main hall, the study room
and the bedroom. Compared with the low-key luxury of Ningjia, the layout
was somewhat elegant and shabby.

It was like the old dress worn by Miss Jun at this time.

The Shantou outside the door did not dare to come in without the
permission of Miss Jun. Liu Er lightly and skillfully took the hot tea from
the stove.

"Miss is drinking tea warm," she said.

For the first time in the winter in the north, the car was so long, Miss Jun
did feel that her body was a little stiff. She reached out and felt the warmth
in her hand spread out. It seemed that she could not be sure that she was
alive until then.

Liu Er did not go to hold the second cup of tea, and did not care about the
real owner of this room.

The old lady didn't care. The two servants who came in with her also stood
quietly and seemed to get used to it.
Now that you are used to it, some small details can be changed, some are
not used, too deliberately not good, or informal and free.

Everyone is comfortable.

Miss Jun took a cup of tea and held the cup in her hand.

Liu Er is calling the outside **** to ask hot water to prepare meals.

"I want to eat duck blood soup and small balls." Miss Jun said, "Go and
tell them to do it, I will talk to the old lady."

This kind of thing was ordered, but Liu’s heart turned, and Miss added a
word to go and talked to the old lady. That meant that she had to avoid it.

Although I don’t quite understand why Miss wants her to evade, but the
lady’s words must be heard, Liu’s response is to go out.

"You will go down too." Mrs. Fang said to her servant hoes.

The servant responded with a **** and retired.

"What the **** is going on?" asked Mrs. Fang to open the door and ask,
"What does it mean to return to the Ning family?"

“It’s a long story,” said Miss Jun. “But it’s simple.”

The old lady frowned.

"I did it myself to scare Ningjia and the old lady." Miss Jun continued.

Ms. Jun hated Ning's family and believed that she would not recognize her
relatives. The second hate party would not support her in the first place, so
she should use a death warning to warn the two, so that the world can see
their despicableness and make them afraid.

The old lady is snoring.

"The result is that I am almost dead." Miss Jun continued.

Her voice is soft and slow, and there is no ups and downs without any
emotions, but this sentence makes people feel uneasy and more
inexplicable vicissitudes.

The old lady couldn’t help but look at her. The girl’s look was as calm as
the tone, and her eyes were like a deep pool.

Everyone said that Mrs. Fang San’s portrait was an old lady, but when she
saw Miss Jun, Mrs. Fang knew that this granddaughter was more like her,
especially the eyes.

However, the surprise at first sight soon became a bad thing, and I didn't
want to have a slight vision with this child. The portrait of this child will
only be irritated.

What she said is true.

At this time, because I saw these eyes, this thought came out
uncontrollably. The old lady frowned again, but Miss Jun’s tone was a turn
and continued to speak.

"When the real death came, I realized that nothing is more important than
living," she said. "So I feel that I am too ridiculous. How can I practice
myself for others? The twisted melon is not sweet, and the marriage is not
Enmity, they are not willing to get married, then forget it, I will take Liu
Liu to the door and tell them clearly, and return the marriage book."

Listening to the first few words, the old lady is still expressionless, and the
last sentence is changed.

“Wedding book?” she asked, blurt. “Don’t you say that there is no
marriage book?”

"I deliberately swear by my mother." Miss Jun said.

The old lady’s eyes were pumping.

She thought of the dispute between Miss Jun and Mrs. Fang, and also knew
the meaning of Miss Jun. But is this something that is fucking?
This marriage book is the key to this matter. She is good. If she does not
need to leave her wedding book, she will rely on Hu to get around. Why is
it that the main and the second are not confessed to black and white?

If she did not personally send someone from the Jun family, she would
doubt whether the child was wrong.

Although the monk of the monarch is a bit of a brain, but in the end is a
scholar who can test the fame, his daughter is delicate, not confused.

"Greeting what she has for you," she said, holding back her temper. "Why
don't you come out early?"

"Is it out early, will Ningjia agree?" Miss Jun said, looking at Mrs. Fang,
"Do you do different things?"

Fang Laotai brows a pick.

When I took it out early, Ning Jia would not agree to the marriage. Ning’s
family disagreed with the marriage, not with evidence.

This sentence is easy to understand, but the next sentence is ridiculous.

Do you do different things?

When there is no marriage book, Ning’s family does not agree with the
marriage, and Fang’s family will not go to the door and will not force the
Ning family.

If there is a marriage book, Ningjia still disagrees with the marriage, will
the family still hold a marriage book to question the Ning family?

of course not.

She didn't even cry or jump on her feet. They were afraid of power and
avoiding trouble, but asked them to answer.

There is no way to refute myself by answering myself, so is she ridiculed?

Jun Jiuling Chapter 13: Some are not used to
Mrs. Fang looked at Miss Jun with unpretentious eyes.

After a death, is it really true that I will not say it for a while, but this
tongue is sharp.

The original Miss Jun’s tongue was sharp, but it was awkwardly sharp, and
it was a kind of smashing that others could not get it.

"With marriage books, there will naturally be better considerations and

better responses," she said faintly.

"Heart disease still needs medicine, I can't figure it out, and I can't cope
with it even better." Miss Jun said.


Mrs. Fang said in her heart.

"You figured it out, and returned the marriage book, did they pick up at
home?" she asked.

Miss Jun is humming.

That is natural. If you don’t pick up, you will regret it. When you ask the
old lady, you will regret it. I feel that I am stupid if I ask, or I have nothing
to say.

Since there is nothing to look for, it means that there is nothing to say, and
Mrs. Fang immediately stood up.

"Things are over. If you have tossed for so long, it is a burden to unload.
Let's rest now, what will happen tomorrow."

She said that she would not wait for Miss Jun to open her mouth and go
straight out.
The servant of the **** outside the door heard the footsteps and began to
play the curtain.

Mrs. Fang went to the door and stopped, turning to look at Miss Jun.

"Don't wear this ridiculous dress," she said.

Miss Jun looked down at herself and wore the ragged dress.

This is the dress that Miss Jun has found in order to show that she is poor
but not insultable.

It is not insulting, it is not to be proved by a dress.

Miss Jun smiled and said yes.

The old lady did not talk any more, and she stepped away under the crowd
of the servant's hoe, and Miss Jun, who was quick-moving, did not have
time to give gifts.

"Miss." Liu Er came with a few hoes holding the food box. "What are you
doing outside? Are you hungry?"

"Give the old lady," said Miss Jun.

Liu Er didn't take it for granted.

"Walk and take care of him," she said, with full of concern, "Miss, you are
tired, hungry, eat more quickly and rest."

Under the circumstances, only the youngest lady’s biggest performance

made Miss Jun laugh again.

She is surrounded by people who are good to her in her life. She never
knows what cold face is, and she has never seen disgust and ridicule. Even
if she pursued Master’s study of medicine, Master never felt cold and
disdainful, but respectful. Alienation.

Everyone loves her and respects her, even that person...

It was obviously her enemies, but until the moment she wanted to kill him,
she was still willing to pick up the stars for her.

Thinking of that person, Miss Jun’s hand in the sleeve of her sleeve was
tightly held, and she took a few deep breaths to press these things to her

Only those who are good or respectful or savvy are very measurable, like
this little sly stupid stupid disaster, but it is the first time I saw it.

It is also very interesting.

Miss Jun raised her hand and stroked the head of Liu.

"Good," she said.


Upon hearing the old lady coming back, Mrs. Fang Da personally received
the door of the hospital.

"The hot water is burned and the food is set up," she said. "If there is
anything, the mother will wash and relieve the fatigue."

Mrs. Fang is holding her hand.

“There is nothing to say,” she said. “Zhou is in Beiliu Town and will know
what is going on when she returns.”

Mrs. Fangda helped her into the room, and the interior was warm as
spring. She took the hot towel from the girl and wiped the old lady

"Is that retiring is true? What did Miss Jun say?" she asked.

The old lady entered the door, the servants and the hoes all came back, and
Mrs. Fang knew that what happened was taken for granted.

The old lady snorted and sat down on the chair.

“She said that she is naturally justified,” she said. “It doesn’t mean

Mrs. Fang Da’s hand holding the tea paused.

That is to say, the old lady is still the same as usual. She does not believe
or care about Miss Jun, but why did she still listen to her?

When Mrs. Fang finished speaking, she also noticed this and she also

"I am tired, rest first, you wait for Zhou Wei to come back." She said,
without explanation, did not continue this topic, took the tea to the guest.

Mrs. Fang Da was busy responding, calling the hoes to wait for the old
lady to wash away, and as she went out, the lights in the yard gradually

"Mrs." A servant asked her in a low voice. "Really retired? What did Miss
Jun say?"

Mrs. Fang Da shook her head.

"The old lady said that she would wait until Zhou Hao came back to know
what was going on," she said.

"Why is the old lady still going to Miss Jun?" The servant looked puzzled.

Since I don’t care if I don’t care about Miss Jun, why bother to go to Miss
Jun in front of my family? Didn't the old lady know that this was the face
that Miss Jun had in the eyes of everyone.

"Relieve," said Mrs. Fang Da. "Miss Jun is really looking for death."

The servant snorted.

"What is true, she is deliberately scary," she said. "This kind of trick has
been played a few times at home, and the old lady believes it."
Mrs. Fang Da smiled.

"In any case, it is also a granddaughter," she said.

Looking at the big lady in the night, the lanterns swayed under the dark
and unclear look, and the servant looked a little dark.

"That is no matter what, this is still going to be in our house," she


Mrs. Fang Da’s face is expressionless.

"This home is an old lady. How to be this family, then look at the old lady,"
she said.

A night wind hit, chilly.

The hot water vaporized in the room, and the two little hoes carefully
poured the water carefully. The old lady closed her eyes and lay in the tub.
The other two little hoes gently washed her hair.

Why do you not care about the gimmicks, but this time you want to listen
to her?

Mrs. Fang couldn’t help but think about this problem. Is it because the
ghosts make a temporary difference when they get off the bus, or is it
really because they are their granddaughters and pity?

How can there be such a ridiculous sentiment in the heart-wrenching heart

in the repeated tempering.

The old lady was slightly frowning, and the little girl saw the movements
softer, fearing to disturb her.

"The grandmother doesn't have to show them to defend me."

The old lady’s ear suddenly sounded this sentence, and she opened her
eyes violently, as if to see the calm look of the girl in the water.
Maintain me.

She said she knew she was doing these things to protect her.

She knows what kind of family is Ningjia?

She knows that if she is not reprimanded as a relative, will Ningjia give
her a lesson?

She knows that her reputation has been so bad that she can be drowned by
the world without being shot by Ningjia?

Really met the ghost, she actually said these three words, she can actually
understand these three words, can she? Can?

Therefore, this led to the involuntary subconsciously went to her yard,

wanted to listen to her, and wanted to prove the inquiry.

The old lady laughed and leaned back into the tub. The little girl just had
to continue to water, and she sat up again.

"Okay," she said, stepping out of the net room under the service of the

Don't think about it, wait for Mother Zhou to bring a message to talk about


This night, no matter how many people in this house can't sleep well, Miss
Jun sleeps very well, probably tired, and her eyes are already bright.

The room was warm and thick, although it was slightly dry, but there was
no other discomfort.

Miss Jun reached out and slid the curtain, and the morning light shined
through the glass into the room. The beauty bottle on the window was
covered with a enchanting light, and the daffodils on the table stretched
This small living room is luxurious and warm.

"...How is tea cold? Didn't I tell you to warm the water?"

The voice of Liu Er came from outside, and with a bit of pride, he scolded
the hoes.

In all fairness, the days before Liu and her Miss were not as comfortable
as they are now. The family has always been a poor man, but Liu Li has
not been humbled here.

Even if you have never enjoyed it, you can enjoy it and enjoy it.

This is also a shame.

Miss Jun smiled and got up and opened a paint box on the dressing table.
A silver ticket was placed on a layer of gold and jade. This is the five
thousand and two silver tickets she had come to from Ningjia yesterday.

This is the money that really belongs to her.

Five thousand two said that there are a lot less, enough for a person to live
a stable life, but not much, this money can let her enter the capital, but can
not guarantee that she can approach that person.

Not enough, not enough.

Miss Jun put the makeup box on her finger and stroked the jewel on it.

Even the boxes used to put jewelry are so luxurious, it is obvious that this
family is a very rich family.

It’s just that Fangjia can let their servants enjoy what they deserve, but if
they want to use it, it’s not so easy, let alone the servants of this party are
afraid that they will not stay.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 14: This is not blackmail
When Miss Jun woke up and got up, the old lady who was outside the
courtyard was already using breakfast.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door, accompanied by the voices
of the hoes to the lady.

The old lady took the spoon handed from the girl and sent it to her mouth
and swallowed it.

"This tofu is doing well," she said.

The waiter's gimmicks are busy laughing and holding the plate of tofu.

Mrs. Fang Daji stepped in, followed by the servant who stayed in the
North yesterday.

"Mother, ask clearly." Mrs. Fang said in a hurry.

Mrs. Fang looked at her.

“Have you eaten yet?” she said.

Mrs. Fang Da squatted and knew that she was out of dissatisfaction and the
old lady was dissatisfied.

"I have eaten." She replied steadily and calmed her mind. "Mother, I
asked, I really retired."

The old lady took the spoon handed by the girl again and looked at the

"Yes, there really is a marriage book. Ningjia also received a marriage

book. At that time, the three ladies of Ningjia were present, and they also
said Mrs. Ning," said the servant.
Sure enough, things are finally settled.

Mrs. Fang spit out the tofu and sent it to the import.

"Just." The servant hesitated, "Miss Jun smashed Ning's five thousand and
two silver."

Fang Laotai took a bite of tofu and coughed up sharply.


"old lady!"

The room suddenly got messed up.


"How can this be called?"

Looking at the old lady who was standing in front of the inquiry, Miss Jun,
who was eating, put down the tableware, wiped the corners of her mouth,
and said softly.

"The things they promised can't be fulfilled, and it is justified to pay back
the debts. If you really want to say it, then they are the first to marry the

"Yes, the old lady of Ning used her marriage to take care of our old man,
and spent a lot of money on our family... I also used the medicines
collected in our family. Is it a medicinal material?" Liu Er said, screaming
at the gang, " In short, the value of money, the value of the city, and then
turned face to recognize, he is deceiving our family."

The old lady snorted.

In fact, Ning Jia said that she did not know that this marriage was not
surprising. As the in-laws of the Jun family, she was also in the same place
as the Ning family. For more than a decade, Fang Jia never knew that the
granddaughter had a relationship with the Ning family.
Nüwa’s daughter did not say it. It is conceivable that when she received
her granddaughter, her granddaughter suddenly said that she and Ning’s
family had a frightened family.

Asking the details of Junyi again, she can't say one or two. She only said
that her father told her before her death. Because Jun Yingwen’s illness
was urgently anxious, he went without saying it.

I don’t even know the details. Now I have said that I have spent a lot of
money on treatment and what kind of medicine I have collected. This is
what she has compiled.

"Less nonsense, how do you know what happened at that time," she said.

"We didn't know what happened at that time. How can we say that we are
nonsense?" Miss Jun said calmly.

What she means is that Ningjia is also talking nonsense.

The two old masters are no longer there. In the past, what happened to the
two men to make a marriage contract. The two grandfathers did not
mention it for the rest of their lives. Now no one knows the details.

"Ningjia said that it was a drink of nonsense, and even said that this
marriage book was written by the family, isn’t it that they are nonsense?"

Ning's family does not recognize this marriage, and naturally it is

necessary to evade it. If it is ridiculous, it will be beneficial to oneself. As
for the true and false, who cares, so Ning can evade, and the family can
naturally find their own words to explain.

In doing so, there is nothing wrong with it.

The old lady is silent, and she is worried in the eyes of Mrs. Fang Da, who
is standing behind the old lady.

"Hey, it’s too much for them to say that your grandfather is like this," she
said softly. "It’s just for the sake of getting married, but now I don’t want
to make a grievance.
Her reminder, Mrs. Fang also thought of it. Previously, Ning’s family gave
a cold face and privately passed on the disappointment of the family and
the family. However, Miss Jun was eager to please the husband’s family,
disregarding her, and even resentful of her ancestors. It is the merchants
who drag themselves down, so that they humiliate their cousin in the

Now, because Ningjia said that the marriage book was forced to be written
by the monarch, it was said that when the old lady of Ningjia used the
medicinal materials of the family's value to squander the money, it was
owed the money. This is to slap the face with Ningjia. .

No more dating, then enmity, you will not let me be better, I will not let
you be better.

This kind of singularity, regardless of the rather desperate.

Miss Jun has nothing to do with the Ning family, the Fang family can not,
ah, to know that she caused these things, are to the back of the family.

After all, I still have to hang on to the house to vent her.

The old lady’s face resurfaced and indifferent, Miss Jun smiled.

"Auntie, it’s too late to say no regrets," she said. "I’ve been blamed since
I’ve said that I’m not married.”

Mrs. Fang Da sighed.

"Hey, there are many things in this world that are helpless. Even if you
don't have a home, we can give you another good dear. Why do you have to
be a good girl? You are a good girl. You don't have to go there. "I am
despised," she said. "As long as you let go, there is no complaint."

"Auntie, when I am still married, I have already let go, but Ning's family
can't let go." Miss Jun said with a whisper.

Ning's family can't let go?

Mrs. Fang Dawei gave a slight glimpse.

"The moment I went to the door six months ago, I said that they had
become their enemies in their eyes." Miss Jun said, "It is an enemy who
wants to ruin the future of their sons and ruin them." Even if I finally
retired, this family will no longer count. I will remind them of the
existence of this matter as long as they live for a day. Unless we are really
married, we will not be able to resolve it."

As for the troublesome son of Miss Jun, Ning’s family will indeed prevent
it. Who knows when she will jump out.

Mrs. Fang Da naturally knows, so she just thought about the way to make
Ningjia feel at ease.

"Hey, you want more," she said with awkwardness. "Since you have let go
of it, the previous things will be explained to the Ning family, and you will
be able to resolve it. If you want to solve it, you can't get it. This can't be
done, and the enemy can't make it." ,as long as….."

"As long as I whisper and respectfully, yes," Miss Jun said, taking her

Her voice is soft and soft, and it sounds gentle and feminine.

Mrs. Fang Da only noticed that after talking for so long, Miss Jun did not
feel ashamed when she saw them. She raised her voice and made her voice

She has always maintained such a speed of speech, no matter whether they
say persuasion or disapproval, they are not anxious and calm, until then it
changes slightly.

But it is not becoming anxious, but more calm.

However, this low-pitched and humble word still indicates that she is
annoyed and has to make trouble.

Mrs. Fang Da grinned.

"Oh, not hating is not just whispering." She said, there was some
helplessness in the voice. "A lot of things in this world are not so

Miss Jun interrupted her again.

"Auntie, I know that many things are not simple right and wrong black and
white, but this is very simple." She said, the voice is still soft. "This is not
my fault, nor is it the fault of my family, but the home." The fault."

She said that she smiled here.

"Everyone probably forgot this, but I have not forgotten."

Jun Jiuling Chapter 15: This is just not to bully
Since there is a marriage book, it means that the marriage between the Jun
family and the Ning family is true. In any case, Ning’s family does not
recognize this marriage as a breach of trust.

Everyone seems to have forgotten this point. They are laughing or blaming
Miss Jun for their troubles. In fact, it is true that Miss Jun is so

However, Miss Jun and Ningjia’s ten sons are too different, which makes
the Miss Jun unreasonable in everyone’s eyes.

When Miss Jun said this, she looked at them both. This naturally includes
Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang.

It seems that the help of the ancestors is still full of grievances.

Mrs. Fang Da sighed.

"Oh, it’s not that we don't help. It's true that Ning's family is not right first,
but if you are blind, it will be bad for you, and it will be wrong," she said.

Miss Jun shook her head.

"No, right is right, wrong is wrong. If I don't believe it, it will become
wrong. The wrong one can become right." She said, "I believe that God is

Otherwise why didn't she die? Why is she still alive, that is, God knows
that he is unfair, wants her to live, and wants her to be fair.

Hearing this sentence, the old lady who has been silent has laughed.

"God is fair? Then you are waiting to see how God is fair," she said, with a
strong sarcasm.
The words that were spoken were mocking, but her eyes were mournful,
her lips were shaking and she continued to say something, but she stopped.

Mrs. Fang’s hand has been applied to her shoulder.

"Mother, it's not early, it's time to go back to medication." She whispered,
and her eyes were a bit mournful.

Miss Jun passed their look.

"I know that sometimes it is not easy for God to see justice." She said,
"But I must first believe that if I don't even believe in myself, God's
justice has any meaning."

Mrs. Fang laughed again, and said nothing to stand up, Miss Jun also stood

"I have retired from the marriage of Ningjia, but this does not mean that
Ningjia is right. I am wrong. I will not bow down for reconciliation with
Ningjia." She went on to say, "I said that I put down the Ningjia. The
marriage, not the favor of Ningjia and my grandfather, it is okay to take
the marriage book, but to change the money, that is the kindness that my
grandfather deserved, not my younger generation can give up, I am not
Will make them filthy to my grandfather."

What does she mean by this? For her grandfather?

That said, all along, she is not doing this for her own marriage to the Ning
family, but for the sake of her grandfather?

Mrs. Fang’s and Mrs. Fang’s sorrowful expression dissipated and was
replaced by horror.

Nonsense, right?

In the end, the old lady calmed her emotions in the first place, and the past
things passed. It is useless to say that the heavens are in vain. These little
tricks don’t want to confuse her.
"What do you want? Do you want to go to Ning's house?" she asked

"Grandma, I said, I will have let go when I am still married, now I am not
what I want, but Ningjia." Miss Jun said softly.

"What do you mean in the end?" Mrs. Fangda couldn't help but ask.

In the past, Miss Jun’s screaming and noisy people couldn’t understand her
words. Now, Miss Jun’s voice is whispering and whispering from
beginning to end, but she still can’t understand it?

"What do you mean by my lady? I don't understand why? I mean, Ning's

family doesn't provoke my family, and my family will not pay attention to
them." Liu Er snorted. "If they provoke my family, then don't blame my
lady." You are welcome."


Mrs. Fang Da almost laughed.

It’s really a big tone. How do she think about Ning’s family?

However, of course, Mrs. Fang Da will not ask questions, how can she
generally see a child who is not sensible.

"Yes, hey, you can think like this, it will be fine." She grinned with a bit of
gratification. "That's it, we don't make water in the well water, and we will
go all the way."

Miss Jun did not speak and nodded, and Mrs. Fang’s wife helped the old

"Mother, I have already asked, and I am relieved," she said. "You haven't
eaten yet, you should take medicine."

Mrs. Fang looked at Miss Jun, and her look was complicated, but she did
not say anything and turned away.
Miss Jun gave a gift and watched them walk out of the courtyard.

The old lady was walking in a row, and after a short walk, she slowed
down and turned to look at Mrs. Fang.

"Mother." Mrs. Fang Da was busy listening to the first few steps.

Mrs. Fang’s look is a little weird, and she wants to stop.

"You look for a doctor to show her." She lowered her voice and pointed her
finger behind her.

That is the direction of Miss Jun.

What do people look at?

Mrs. Fang Da is somewhat puzzled, but she does not show a half point and
does not hesitate to answer.

"Although it is said to be hanging up, but the children are not heavy, it is
time to take a good look." She whispered.

The old lady shook her head and pointed her finger at her head.

"There is nothing else, mainly to let the doctor see." She said, "Look at
this is not hurt."

Mrs. Fang Da laughed.

"Mother, what do you want," she said.

Mrs. Fang frowned.

"You don't think she is weird now?" she asked.

"Mother, she is always unexpected." Mrs. Fang said euphemistically.

Yeah, this is not the first time that this girl has been shocked.
I was looking forward to picking up my granddaughter. I haven’t slowed
up from seeing my daughter’s joy and sorrow. I was shocked by the girl’s
vulgarity and heartlessness.

How she thinks and can't understand how this granddaughter grew up like
this, only the brain is broken to grow like this.

The old lady is silent.

People with broken brains do something weird and strange, who knows
what to do.

"Please ask a doctor to show her, we are doing everything right," she said.
"You have to pay more attention to the Ning family."

No more mention of the monarch.

Mrs. Fang Da’s response was to whisper and arrange to help the old lady.


"The lady was delayed, the food was cold, and I had to do it again."

Liu Er complained that the hoes would take off their meals.

Miss Jun sat in the study and looked at the books on the bookshelf. These
books are all new. It is obviously the addition of the Fang to Miss Jun, and
they have not been turned over for a long time.

"Miss, what are you looking for?" Liu came in and asked.

"I didn't find anything, I was thinking about things." Miss Jun said, let go
of the book in her hand.

"Miss is still thinking about Ning Shigong?" Liuer asked with a worried

Ning ten son.

Miss Jun’s eyes are clearly described by young people.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, she is tall and thin, looks outstanding,
wearing a white robe, embroidered with bluegrass on her cuffs.

This memory was left in the glory of the Yangcheng Lantern Festival on
August 15th. Even the embroidery on the clothes was so clear.

This child, the details of a foreign man are deeply imprinted in my heart,
but there is a blank for my grandfather.

"No, I don't want him anymore." Miss Jun said, "I am thinking about my
grandfather's affair."

Liu Er snorted.

"There is nothing to think about, it's all dead." She didn't care.

"How is it dead?" asked Miss Jun.

Liu Er licked his nose.

"I don't know, anyway, it's dead," she said.

There are many ways to die, but Miss Jun is helpless.

"Miss, do you want to know this?" Liu Er asked and asked.

"Yeah, you have to inquire about it," said Miss Jun.

Liu Er smiled.

"I still have to find out what," she said, turning around and shouting at the
outside, and screaming at Miss Jun. "Miss, you want to know what to ask."

Miss Jun laughed and looked at the two hoes that came in from the door.

Yes, Miss Jun does not need to be cautious in Fangjia, I want to know what
to ask, and I can still afford them.

If you add more words to the second half of the month, I will set up a new
update on the weekend, and I will not be in a hurry. The number of words
is too small, just an appetizer. *^__^*.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 16: Fangjia’s business
Fang Jiazu was born in Shandong, and Miss Jun had a grandfather who
came to Zezhou to sell spices and settled in Yangcheng.

The great-grandfather who had made a fortune wanted a bigger industry,

but Yangcheng mostly operated coal. As a foreigner, the family could not
be inserted. The grandfather’s grandfather took another path to his son and
married the daughter of Cao’s daughter in Jixian County. Qian Zhuang De

With the assistance of Yuezhang's family, and the great grandfather's good
management, Deshengchang has been one of the best in the past few years,
becoming a large city in Yangcheng and even in Zezhou.

After the death of Miss Jun’s great-grandfather, the industry was inherited
by the eldest son Fang Shouyi, the grandfather of Miss Jun.

Fang Shouyi did not live up to his father's account, and the operation of
Deshengchang was even more prosperous, but when the spring breeze
succeeded in his career, he suddenly died of violent illness. At the age of
38, his son Fang Nianjun was an adult, and he was considered a successor.

Fang Nianjun is the embarrassment of Miss Jun. Although she is just 20

years old, she has been operating the ticket number with her father since
she was a child. She has already taken over the business. Therefore, the
ticket number of Fang’s family has not been affected. Instead, she has
fought several courts and gold people to fight, and the north and south
materials. The increase in shipping has caused a few fortune, and the
business of Fangjia has risen to the next level.

But what I didn't expect was that Fang Nianjun had an accident at this

"one thing."
When the Shantou people came here, Miss Jun, who had been listening
quietly, interrupted them.

The hoes looked at Miss Jun with a bit of anxiety.

"Is there only one male inheritance from the generation of my

grandfather's grandfather?" asked Miss Jun.

Listening to her asking this, the gimmicks flashed in fear.

"It's not true." One girl bowed his head and said, "The old man has four

That is to say, his grandfather was not only a son of Fang Shouyi at that

"The old grandfather gave them a home before his death, because the old
man is the eldest son, so the old princes took the Yangcheng ticket
number, and the remaining brethren returned to their hometown in
Shandong with their homes, so Yangcheng There is only one old man
here." The girl continued.

In this way, Miss Jun nodded.

"The same is true of my brothers? After the death of my grandfather, I will

inherit the family business, and they will return to their hometown in
Shandong?" she asked.

The hoes are awkward.

"The old man has only two children, the master and the young lady," they

As a granddaughter, it’s ridiculous to know that my mother has several

brothers and sisters.

This child is really a big heart, but I really think of Fang Fang as an inn,
and I am lazy to take a look.
Miss Jun smiled.

"What happened to me?" she asked.

Seeing that she is no longer questioning her son, the gimmicks are
relieved. This look naturally looks in Miss Jun’s eyes, but she does not ask

"At that time, because of the war with the Jin people, the northwest side
was turbulent, and there were many thieves and horses. The lord met the
thief on the way back. Although there were more than a dozen darts, he
was seriously injured. Soon after returning. It’s dead,” said a girl. “At that
time, the master was only twenty-five.”

He is younger than his grandfather's death, and even worse, he has no son
who can inherit his family business.

"At that time, the prince had three daughters. The wife just had a
pregnancy, and she was born to be a son." Another girl said.

It was 14 years ago, Miss Jun was born, and there is no way for mothers to
react to this brother’s accident.

Miss Jun gave up her search memory.

"That years of family business is the old lady and the big sister," she said.

The hoes nodded and their faces did not hide their admiration.

"...when the old is not there, the people from Shandong are going to be
separated...the old lady is holding back and driving them away..."

"...I heard my mother said, not so Shandong, Cao family also came, want
to count the family property of our family..."

".... Although the old lady has not seen contact with business for decades,
it is the daughter of Cao's family who started the ticket. It has taken over
the industry and has stabilized the people in a few months..."
"...Yes, at that time, the industry outside was turbulent, and the wife of the
family was almost small because of grief. The old lady was busy and she
had to look at the house outside..."

"This blink of an eye has been over for more than a decade, and our family
has not only failed, but the business is still very good."

"The old lady is really amazing."

The Shantou people couldn’t help but scream, and Miss Jun, who had
always dismissed this family’s low and low, did not interrupt and yell at
them. Instead, she listened and laughed and heard nod.

"Yeah, the old lady is really amazing," she said.

The Shantou people were quietly said by her words, and looked at her
expression with uneasiness. Seeing that there was no ridicule or anger.

"It's not easy either." Miss Jun continued, with a sigh.

A woman from a squatting house married her husband from the father at
home. She did not ask the foreign affairs husband and wife, but she was hit
by the death of her husband in five years, but she had to shoulder the
burden to support her family.

In the husband family, all the maidens are stunned. No one can rely on
trust to rely on oneself. The gimmicks said that she took over the ticket
industry in a few months. This sentence is simple and difficult to do. My
wife is clear in her heart.

Miss Jun thought that the old lady was indifferent. Miss Jun’s memory was
very disgusting to this. I felt that this grandmother was cold and cold, and
she was a low-lying woman who only knew the interests and did not know
the human condition.

How much tenderness is like water. In this series of blows and more than
ten years of hard work, it has already been exhausted. If not, how can it be
sustained in this storm?
"However, after more than ten years, the young master should be able to
bring out the inheritance of the family business." Miss Jun said.

This old lady is also in the forefront.

The gimmicks who were present at the scene looked weird, and Liuer
simply sneered.

"Miss, you forgot, Fang Shaoye is a blind man," she said.


Miss Jun, this is the memory, the only family of the family, the only
incense seedlings, is indeed a blind man, and is still a fifteen-year-old

Fang Fang is not in the eyes of Miss Jun, this nephew cousin, she is even
more lazy to ask, so that I do not know what to call, the memory is called
by the nephew.

"My young master is not a blind man, I am sick." Perhaps it was during
this period that Miss Jun’s beauty was pleasing, or it was really unbearable
that her master’s master was ridiculed. A girl couldn’t help but refute.

Liu Er’s voice.

"Is it okay to be sick?" she asked.

The hoes are speechless.

"So it's still a blind man." Liu Erxiao said.

Miss Jun knocked on the table with her finger and interrupted Liu’s smile.

"That said, the Fang's male has been suffering unfortunately." She slowly
said, "I will soon break the incense."

The gimmicks looked awkwardly and with fear. This expression was the
response of the genius when asked about the other children of his great-

"That's too unfortunate, how come the males have an accident." Miss Jun
looked at the hoes and said softly.

The hoes whispered, and Liu Er claped his hand.

"I remembered it," she said. "Miss Lin’s girl said that the Fang’s male was

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Jun Jiuling Chapter 17: Is a curse or a coincidence

Miss Jun looks at Liu.

"At that time, Miss you and Miss Lin just met, her little girl told me." Liu
Er said, and looked at the Fangjia's hoes with a bit of disdain, "Fang
family people are still stunned, Yang Who knows the city?"

Fang's gimmicks can't be lower with their heads already low.

"A lot of ladies were there at the time. We all waited outside. I heard that I
was living in Fangjia. The little girl took me and told me secretly. She said
that you can stay away from the house, but the family is cursed. He The
family wants to break the grandson." Liu Er said that the little girl’s
exaggerated tone.

Cursing the broken grandson?

Miss Jun frowned.

“Who is cursing?” she asked.

"I didn't ask the specifics. I told the girl that we wouldn't live in Fangjia
for a long time. She wouldn't say it anymore. I also forgot to tell you
Miss." Liu said, grin. "Don't tell you." Ok, the original family is enough to
make us feel bad."

Miss Jun looked at the hoes.

“Is it a business enemies?” she asked.

The hoes bowed and no one spoke.

"Ask you!" Liu Er said with a vertical eyebrow. "Hurry up and tell the lady
of your family what you have done. Don't be a bad lady."
A girl raised her face with a blank face.

"It's not a victim's business." She couldn't help but distinguish. "Yes, when
the family was separated, the brethren were dissatisfied with the spoken
words, and they were not true."

Miss Jun snorted.

"It was the brethren who had returned to Shandong when they were a
grandfather," she said.

Not asking, but affirming.

Moreover, there was no sarcasm and sneer in the tone. Shantou was bold
enough to look at Miss Jun, and her expression was still soft. Unlike the
squatting head of Liutou, who stood next to her, she rushed to the back of
her ear.

"Yes." Shantou bowed his head and said, "The few masters at the time said
something bad because of their anger."

I think that such a big family business, it is reasonable to say that it can be
managed by the eldest son, and other brethren must be assigned to operate.
The great-grandfather gave the ticket to his grandfather, and the other
brethren sent back to his hometown in Shandong.

The foundation of their branch is in Yangcheng, what is there in

Shandong’s hometown, and there is no place to go back. These brethren
have no complaints.

So she just heard that Shantou said that her grandfather died and his
grandfather inherited his family business. He also thought that there was
only one family living in this house. I didn’t see any other relatives in the
daily life. I thought it was strange.

Miss Jun nodded.

“It turned out to be the case,” she said.

"Yes, it is not a curse if some people are angry." The girl said more boldly.
"Everyone can't remember. After that, the brothers said it would be better,
but they didn't expect it..."

I didn’t expect the old man to have an accident, the old man’s accident
happened, and then the lord also had a problem. When he snarled in the
quarrel a few decades ago, he did not know how to be turned over, and it
was passed down to the family. The curse is to break the grandson, and
now the only son who has become a blind man and diagnosed his life soon,
this kind of words has become a fulfillment of the iron plate.

The death of Miss Jun’s mother and the death of Miss Jun’s father have
also become proof of the fulfillment of this curse, so that everyone feels
that this family is cursed by more than men, women, and will be tired, so
there are three daughters. The method of urging the continuation of the
incense was also blocked, and the children of this generation of the family
were completely unattended.

It’s really terrible. No wonder the old lady will question the injustice.

Miss Jun caressed the corner of the table.

"What is the slogan, this is not what the curse is fulfilling." Liu said with a
grin. "There are so many swearing words, how can you have a dead man in
your family?"

The gimmicks are white and red and don’t know how to refute them.

Those who are outside the words of the family are naturally not allowed to
say, they are trying to suppress themselves, and they are involved in
themselves. When the family is down, everyone is not good, so they avoid

But the master and servant who did not care about this family and did not
care about their family members were helpless.

"This is just a coincidence." Miss Jun said, "You also said that the
swearing words are much more. If they are cursed, then there are more
people who are not dead."

Liu Er snorted, and felt that the lady said it was right. The standing hoes
were full of horror, and they never dreamed that the rebuttal would be
Miss Jun.

"Okay, let's go down," Miss Jun said softly.

The hoes were busy and quit, and they quit a little.

Miss Jun swept her eyes and looked at the luxurious arrangement of a
small curtain hanging from the eye.

"I thought it was a splendid cream, but it turned out to be a drifting ship,"
she said slowly.


Although Miss Jun was free to stop at the Fang family, she asked the
gimmicks in the front foot and was reported to the big lady in the next

Mrs. Fang Da took someone to see the old lady.

"It’s just another time, but I’ve just retired with my family. I’m thinking
about it, I’m not sure, so I’m going to talk to my mother,” she said.

The old lady had not spoken yet, and there was a scream in the middle.

Mrs. Fang Da looked at the past and saw the bright time through the bead
curtain. There were three girls sitting on the raft, surrounded by a table
with a pen and ink on it. Now there is a girl who will calculate the amount
in her hand. Throw it on the table, the snoring is what she sent.

Similar to the appearance of the old lady outside, it was the three Miss
Fang Jinxiu who was waiting for the body of Miss Jun at the door.

But before the opening of Fang Jinxiu, a girl sitting opposite her opened
her mouth. This is Fang Yunda's Fang Yunxiu.

"These accounts should be aligned before the year, so I have to delay." She
whispered, "Grandma is getting older, we have to worry about her, don't
worry about my grandmother and mother."

The last sentence carries a few warnings.

Fang Jinxiu bite the lower lip and lower his head to pick up the

"You, learn more from jade embroidery." Fang Yunxiu said, looked at
another girl.

The second Miss Fang Yuxiu looked down at the account book from
beginning to end, and the pen in her hand was written fast, and seemed to
be ignorant of everything outside.

But Fang Yunxiu’s voice fell, and she spoke.

"Big sister, what to learn with me, people have their own aspirations, I am
used to it, but I hope that I can be like the three sisters, holding a skunk on
Miss Jun." She whispered slowly, reading the pen and writing Still not

Fang Jinxiu smiled and Fang Yunxiu was helpless.

"Okay, boast you can't exaggerate," she said. "You both hurry up. Before
the dark, you can't match these books. I punish you for not allowing

The girls laughed and stopped talking, and kept on doing things.

The old lady outside has already heard the story of Shantou.

"Ask it, this is no secret," she said. "The whole Yangcheng knows that we
don't look at her. In her eyes, she doesn't care about a bad name."
Mrs. Fang Da laughed.

"However, this time is different. The Shantou people said that when Liu
Er’s gimmicks were not inferior, he also reprimanded her, saying that it
was a coincidence, don’t believe it." She said, with relief, "Mother, I feel
jealous." This time, I am really sensible."

Mrs. Fang smiled, but this smile was a bit cold.

"I don't know what to say, but how to do it," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da’s response was to look at the girl.

"Go, let's be bad, Miss Jun wants to ask what you just said, don't hit her,
don't stare at her," she said.

The girl said that she had just left, and a servant had rushed in.

"Old lady, madam, Miss Jun is looking for someone to ask," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da frowned slightly.

"I didn't tell you, just ask back," she said.

The servant looked hesitant.

"But, my wife, Miss Jun asked about the ticket number this time," she
Jun Jiuling Chapter 18: Chattering
Ticket number?

Mrs. Fang opened her eyes from the rocking chair.

"What is she going to do?" Fang Jinxiu’s voice came from inside,
accompanied by a brushed bead curtain, and people came out. "It’s not
enough to toss people all day long, and want to toss our business?"

"How come, she doesn't like business at all," said Mrs. Fang.

Miss self-sufficient bureaucrats, the most hateful family business to take

her identity.

Fang Jinxiu snorted.

“So what do she want to do?” she said.

Miss Jun did not specifically ask for the management of the ticket number,
she was inadvertently encountered this management.

When she was bored in the yard for a day, she came out and walked
around. From her own place, she didn’t even see a servant’s hoe. I didn’t
know if I had arranged for the waiter or saw her and hid.

It should be the latter.

When Miss Jun approached the second door, she saw two or three servants
who rushed to the broom after the flower wall.

"Accounting for them to run fast, did not hinder the eyes of the lady." Liu
Er snorted.

Miss Jun is laughing.

This child, where is like a bureaucrat, Miss Xiaoge, is simply a child who
avoids it.

"But, miss, what else do you want to ask?" Liu Er thought again. "I will
call them out and ask what is left in this house."

Miss Jun shook her head and stopped.

There is nothing to ask about Fang’s business. A curse, a male singer, has
unfortunately made her understand the situation of Fang’s family.

At this time they had already walked to the outer court and saw a white fat
man being led by the servant, and the little servants on the road were

The three generations of Fang’s old, middle and young generations have
died. The only male in the family is a blind man. The brethren are all
rushed back to Shandong. The old lady’s mother’s family is not close
because of the original competition. Who is this man? ?

Miss Jun casually asked the sentence, Liu Er took the chicken feathers as
an arrow, and called people directly.

The management of the surname of 50, which is a high surname, is not the
management of the family, but the management of the ticket number.

"What do you want to tell Miss Jun?" he asked reverently. Obviously, he

also knew that Miss Jun was in the rules of Fangjia. She did not call the
Miss Miss, but also called Miss Jun like her family.

Miss Jun had nothing to ask, but when she heard that he was the manager
of Deshengchang, he changed his mind.

“Daishengchang ticket number is there in the north and south?” she asked.

Miss Jun will actually ask the business, this is not the same as everyone's
legend, the executives thought, the face is not obvious.
"Yes." He replied respectfully and carefully. "The ticket number is
convenient for business, so where can the business be done, oh.. Where is
our ticket number?"

For the first time, the executives saw Miss Jun, and they almost got the
wrong rules.

Although many people are unwilling to join Desheng Changcheng, Miss

Jun is definitely not willing. If she talks to her, she might be stunned.

Miss Jun seems to be thoughtful, not paying attention to his small slips.

"There is also the capital city?" she asked.

"There is of course the capital." The executive said with a smile.

He didn't dare to look directly at the lady. His eyes were half-slung, just to
see the young man's hands in front of him, his hands were blocked by wide
sleeves, and he couldn't see the movements inside. He heard the lady
gently and softly. A little curious voice fell.

"Beijing, is there anything fun about it recently?"


The two servants stopped their feet and the servants who were welcoming
stretched their fingers in one direction.

"Miss Jun and executives are in the pavilion," she whispered.

There is a small garden view at the partition of the outer courtyard and the
inner courtyard. A shallow pavilion is built. A small pavilion is set up, and
flowers and birds are arranged. But now it is winter, flowers and birds are
not there, and the pavilion is arranged as a warm pavilion. Enclosed,
burned the dragon, and waited for the visitors to wait for the return.

At this time, Miss Jun and the executives were sitting and talking.
"Hey, I am not mistaken, Miss Jun is laughing." A servant said, looking

Ms. Jun’s people who have seen the Fang family in the past are lazy to
take a look. The management of the external ticket number is even lower
in her eyes.

"The executives are very capable, and even the Miss Jun is so happy,"
another servant said.

The two continued to walk towards this side.

The executives reached out and took up the tea on the short few, and
moistened the scorpion.

"And then?" Liu, who was standing behind Miss Jun, was rushing to ask,
"Have they really written?"

The executives ate a bit of tea.

"Written, there are four shows." He laughed. "The two pages of the book
were written to record the fun of killing the pigs."

Liu Er chuckled and snorted again.

“It’s really humiliating,” she said.

"Sell the acid text." Miss Jun said with a smile, "all have fun."

"The lady said yes, this is the title." The executives complimented, and
there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This Miss Jun actually said that the Beijing people called this kind of
thing, and it was not as fuss as the little girl, it seems to know.

Miss Jun likes to come and talk with the ladies of the bureaucrats in the
city, probably listening to what they said.
"What other strange things?" Miss Jun asked, reaching for the teacup,
holding it tightly, with a bit of casual, "What's new in the palace?"

In the palace?

These ladies probably got together and liked to talk about the royal things,
but the emperor who had been enthroned for three years was not free to
talk because he was involved in some secrets.

This Miss Jun is also a brain with a lack of roots. It has caused a lot of

Executives make a thought

"What's new in the court's affairs." He couldn't think of it. "There are all
the officials who come and go. We don't care about doing business, and the
official doesn't deal with us."

It is hard to mix business without dealing with officials.

Miss Jun licked her mouth and ate her mouth tea, without breaking the
words of executives.

"That Huai Wangfu...." she said slowly.

The voice did not fall, the executives could not help but shake, and the
teacup was put down on the short ones. Fortunately, the tea had already
been drunk and there was no spill.

Miss Jun’s words stopped, and the two servants stood outside the pavilion.

"Miss Jun, the old lady is waiting for the executive to reconcile," said a

The executives are busy getting up.

"Miss Jun, look, I will go back to the old lady first," he said with a smile.

Miss Jun nodded with a smile.

"It's all right, go," she said.

The servants and executives flashed a trace of surprise but did not speak
again and walked away.

After going out for a period of time, the executives couldn’t help but look
back and saw that Miss Jun was still sitting in the pavilion.

"Miss Jun is very good," he couldn't help but say.

The two servants snorted.

"You only saw it a few times." They said with no anger.

The executives laughed.

"Although it is said that people will see people for a long time, some
people will know what the **** is like when they see one side." He said,
"Nothing else, Miss Jun is very calm."


If you are really calm, you won’t be able to make a trick.

The servants were blowing their noses.

"Not in front of Miss Jun, needless to say good words." They said, "Come
on, the old lady and the big lady are waiting for you."

The old lady waiting for the executives was supposed to say business, but
now the first sentence in the house asks what Miss Jun said to him.

The executives carefully rehearsed the dialogue between the two.

"Listen to the rare things in the capital?" said Mrs. Fang Da, looking at the
old lady. "Is this too boring at home?"

The old lady frowned, and Fang Jinxiu stood aside and snorted.
"It’s all like this, I’m going to show it to the group of ladies,” she said. “I
really took her face.”

The young bureaucrats of Yangcheng have nothing to do, and they really
don’t know much about poetry and painting. When they gather together,
they say that they are talking about poetry and painting. In fact, most of
them are talking about heaven and earth. When Miss Jun has always been
unwilling, she will be worthy of being with Ning’s son. Everything must
be contending, and we must inquire more about the talks so as not to pick
up the words of others.

"If she really goes out, it means that she really wants to open it." Mrs.
Fang said, "This is a good thing. It is better than a lifetime."

Fang Yuxiu also nodded.

"Yeah, Miss Jun can afford to put it down, when it is my generation to

admire," she said in a whisper.

Fang Yunxiu laughed and hurriedly held back and rubbed her with her arm.

Mrs. Fang opened her eyes and saw the executives’ words and stops.

“What did she ask?” she asked.

The executives looked into the house, and Mrs. Fang’s wife understood
that the servant had gone down with her hoe.

“It’s no surprise that young ladies like to talk about new things.” The
executives said with a discretion, “It’s just that there are things that can be
talked about, but some people don’t know how to talk. Young people don’t
know how to be measured. ""

"Gao Erye, you have something to say, don't take the lesson to teach us."
Fang Jinxiu said, "She asked what should not be asked?"

"I think the interesting thing that Miss Jun wants to ask is not just an
interesting thing in the capital. She actually wants to ask the royal." The
executive said that the face of the smile has also appeared a bit heavy,
"Dadongjia, you also I know that what is now royal is not something that
can be talked about."

The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor who passed the
ancestry to the present, was the first prince to replace the prince who had
the son-in-law. The prince who was killed by the jinyiwei stick in the
palace outside the palace for three years ago, the blood of the ministers
who infiltrated the ground did not rinse. clean.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 19: Some things can't be
That was the first year of Taikang. Although the women and children of
Yangcheng Fangjia did not know the specific details, they also heard about

The Prince was sick and weak from childhood. He died suddenly three
years ago. The emperor was too sorrowful and ill. At that time, he
happened to be in Beijing to give the emperor a birthday. The emperor
announced on the sickbed that Qi Wang was the prince and replaced the
Prince. System.

At the time, the incident suddenly became full of gloom.

The first is the sudden death of the prince, but the death of the prince is
not too sudden. The birth of a prince is a matter that everyone knows.

When I first became a prince, I argued, but the emperor arguing for the
public, and insisting on the emperor and the eldest son of the eldest son,
insisting on being a prince. The body of the prince has been bad for so
many years, but it has been pour under the protection of many royal
doctors. It’s also safe, but it’s a sickness. It’s amazing but it’s not scary.

What really made the courtiers stunned was that the prince had already
had a son, and the emperor abandoned the emperor and stood up to the

At that time, the emperor was three years old, and the emperor said that
the country was long, so he insisted on establishing the king, and after the
announcement, he abdicated and let Qi Wangcheng.

A group of courtiers pleaded with the emperor to take back the script
before the imperial city.
Taishang Emperor was stunned by the anger, and the new emperor
personally advised the courtiers. When the two sides were deadlocked, the
Jinyiwei hundred households Lu Yunqi was accused of imprisonment by
the courtiers. The rate of Jinyiwei was to be retired by the courtiers,
otherwise the rod would kill.

In the centuries of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the doctors were never
sentenced to the doctors. The officials did not believe that Jinyiwei was so
bold and refused to retreat. As a result, Lu Yunqi really ordered the hands-
on, and the blood flow on the spot was terrible.

"Although the emperor will be guilty of the crimes of the gods of Lu Yun,
but after a year, the emperor was so ill, the last words said that Lu Yunqi
was loyal and was released. He also married the princess, and continued to
be in Jinyiwei in violation of the usual example. Two years of hard work
has been promoted. For the northern town of Fusi, he was sentenced to
1,000 households." The executive said that his voice was unconsciously
depressed when he said it. "What does this mean? Who is unclear in the
world, the emperor is not allowed to be discussed." ”

"Yeah, that Lu Qianhu is cruel. Under his control, Jinyiwei is everywhere,

and there is no pervasiveness. Don't talk indiscriminately." Mrs. Fang also
lowered her voice. "Our family can withstand the turmoil of the firm, but
Can't stand the toss of those people."

The executive nodded.

"Those people who are hurt by death can be ruthless," he said solemnly.

Because of the family situation, although the three young ladies of Fangjia
are women, they are not as big as the two women who are not squatting,
but they want the students to go to the ticket number, so they are
extremely aware of the world.

Especially as a merchant, I know more about the demolition of the county


They also described dignity, and Fang Jinxiu was still angry.
"She swears to die when she is dying, and she wants to take our family,"
she said.

"She doesn't know the depth, it is for fun, so I have to inquire about these
things. I said to her to listen to it and explain the benefits." Mrs. Fang
Dawei said.

The executives hesitated again.

"She," he said. "I still want to ask Huai Wang.."

As soon as this statement came out, Mrs. Fang fell to the ground with the
teacup in his hand. The originally nervous person could not help but be
shocked by this sudden shock.

"This beast!" Mrs. Fang was cold and cold, "still dead."

There is no sound in the house, but Fang Jinxiu is somewhat puzzled. The
words Wang Huai actually provoke the old lady to be so angry? The name
of Huai Wang is somewhat familiar, but she can't think of it for a while,
she can't help but look at Fang Yuxiu.

Fang Yu embroidery understands.

"Huaiwang, is the first emperor of the emperor." She lowered her voice
near Fang Jinxiu's ear. "After the prince's illness, the prince was deeply
acquainted and buried, and their three-year-old son was sealed by the
emperor as the king."

Fang Jinxiu took a breath.

Talking about the emperor is already a disaster, and she is even more
daring to inquire about the man who was going to be an emperor.

"This animal, she wants to let our family also be killed by Jin Yiwei
lively?" she shouted. "Do she know what she is doing?"

Miss Jun looked at the shortness in front of her and sighed softly. She put
down the cup that had been held for a long time, and her fingers were
already stiff because of the force.

"Miss, you have to ask the fun of the capital, let's go outside and ask
someone to ask, the ticket number has a lot of management." Liu said.

Miss Jun shook her head.

"No, I just asked casually," she said, looking at Liuer's smile. "What
matters in Beijing have something to do with me, so far."

So far, so far, so dangerous, not in time, can not easily ask, not enough,
can not ask.

To hold back.

I haven't resisted this time, and I have to be in trouble.

That is, the capital is so far away, it really has nothing to do with them, Liu
Er will leave it alone.

"But Miss, now Ning's family can't go, then we really want to be in the
house?" She said, with full of sorrow, "The curse of the broken grandson is
a momentary voice, but the three become tigers, said If there are more
people, it will become a curse. This house is a bad place."

Miss Jun is laughing.

This little girl said that stupidity is also stupid, that is smart and smart,
that is, the place where stupidity and cleverness are always used is wrong.

"You still don't want to be here," she said. "They don't want to stay with

Even if it is a leaky ship, it is not easy to take a ride.

When the servant came to report that Miss Jun had returned to the inner
court, the old lady’s house had recovered calm.
The teacups on the ground were packed up. The executives and the three
ladies had already reconciled to the study room next door. Mrs. Fang
poured out a pill from a porcelain bottle and waited for the old lady to eat.

"Mother, don't be angry, she doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know the
stakes. I will talk to her," she said softly.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

"I am not angry," she said. "There is something so angry about this. I am
angry if everything is going on. I was mad at 18 years ago."

Eighteen years ago, Fang Laotai’s Fang Shouyi died of violent illness.

It was from then on that the doom of Fang’s family began.

Mrs. Fangda couldn’t help but feel tight when she thought of these bodies.

"It’s been more than ten years, you still can't stand it." Mrs. Fang saw her
reaction and frowned. "How do I want to close my eyes?"

Thirteen years ago, the loving couple was separated from each other by yin
and yang. Fang Fangye Fang Nianjun did not leave a sentence because of
the injury.

Mrs. Fang Da’s eyes are reddish and bowed.

"Don't think about things in the past, it's useless to think about it, look
forward to it, how can the days go," said Mrs. Fang.

When it comes to looking forward, Mrs. Fang’s look is more mournful.

The only son who died soon, she only felt that the future was dark.

There is also a sorrow in the eyes of Mrs. Fang.

"There were news from the past few days that Zhang Shen doctor appeared
in Lingnan. I have already made people look for it. As long as I find Zhang
Shen doctor, Cheng Yu will still save," she said.

Today's two more, back to what? (*^__^*)

Jun Jiuling Chapter 20: Send her out the door
The origin of Zhang Shen’s doctor is unknown. No one knows where his
family lives. He has been uncertain for decades. People don’t know where
to go. Occasionally, people who are seriously ill have encountered his
help. The reputation of the doctor is so spread. It means that when you
meet Zhang Shen doctor, you will not be able to see it when you meet a
god. If you see it, you will be able to return to life.

At first, the Emperor had asked him to treat the Prince. Thanks to the
medical treatment of Zhang Shen, the Prince could have been safe for so
many years. Unfortunately, he did not leave Zhang Shen in the Royal
Hospital, or the Prince might not die.

Since leaving the capital city, Zhang Shen doctor has drifted all over the

They have been looking for Zhang Shen for many years but they have
never been seen. If not so many people have really benefited from the
medical doctors, they must doubt whether there is such a person in the

Mrs. Fang Da’s look is still desperate.

"Mother, can Zhang Shen doctor really cure Cheng Yu?" she murmured.

"Yes, I can." Mrs. Fang said categorically, "I believe that there is no road
to heaven."

When it comes to stopping here, the old lady looks a little stunned.

She believes that there is no way to go to heaven. Isn't it true that God is
not so unfair?

Didn't she believe that God is not fair?

"No, I believe that God is fair."

Her girl’s words appeared in her ear, and she immediately mocked and

Only such a stupid child will believe this, how can she follow the

"Uncle Song’s uncle is not saying that Cheng Yu is much better. He has
also seen Zhang Shen doctor, so if there is a cure for Zhang Shen, there is
definitely a way." She put aside these thoughts, and the other wife advised,
"You must Get up, don't be in front of Cheng Yu, make him feel bad in his
heart, he has suffered very much."

Referring to his son, Mrs. Fang’s wife is more gentle and loving.

"Yes, I know." She said, "Cheng Yu is very sensible."

Very sensible, these three words made Mrs. Fang a bitter smile, but she did
not say anything.

"The urgent task now is Jun Jun." She said with a deep face. "You don't
have to tell her about this. She said that she doesn't understand. But if she
doesn't know her mind, she thinks she can use this to let us go to Ning's
family." ""

Miss Jun is really the person who wants to do this. Mrs. Fangda thought
about it.

"I will not allow her to go out in the future, nor let the people in the family
talk to her." Mrs. Fang said again.

Isn't this going to put Jun Jun under house arrest? Mrs. Fang Da is a little

"Hey, I'm afraid I don't want to," she said.

In the past, she was always dissatisfied with her at home. Now she is going
to put her under house arrest. This is a humiliation for Jun Hao, and it
must be noisy.
"Before it used to be. Before, because she believed that she had a marriage
contract with Ningjia, she would not care about the face of Ningjia." Mrs.
Fang said coldly, "Now no need."

Now there is nowhere to go, but the orphans who are fostered in their
homes are naturally responsible for their treatment.

Mrs. Fang Dafu caressed the teacup in her hand.

"There is also a legend in the city of Ning's family," she said suddenly.

Mrs. Fang looked at her.

“In the city?” she asked.

The former servant was in the north to hear that the Ning family said that
the monarch had smashed five thousand and two silver, but this kind of
thing should not be spread so quickly, unless it was the intention of the
Ning family.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Fang’s face was more gloomy and she couldn’t help
thinking of the words that Junyi said.

Now is not what she wants, but Ning Jia is willing to let go.

It is reasonable to say that since the marriage has been resolved, everyone
will stop talking about it. Although it is inevitable that some people will
talk about it, both sides should evade the explanation. This matter is
slowly suppressed, but now Ning’s family will not only explain, but will
The things that took the money were advertised everywhere.

"It can be seen that the hatred of this Ning family is unwilling to solve it,"
she said.

Mrs. Fang Da is silent for a moment.

"Mother, what I said is right. She used to have a bad time. Although she
has retired her marriage, she has to guard against it." She said, "We have to
do this for us."
The old lady smiled coldly.

"This is to force people and die," she said, with a bit of anger and anger.
"She is just an orphan."

Mrs. Fang Da is busy getting up.

"Mother, I think Ningjia is probably a misunderstanding." She said, "I

thought that it is the meaning of our family. They don't have to be jealous
of nature, but we are also everyone."

The old lady is silent.

"What do they want?" she sneered. "I want my wife to go to them?"

Mrs. Fang Da is looking down.

"Mother, it is better to find a good family and get married," she said.

The old lady of the exporting party fell sharply on her, and Mrs. Fang’s
head lowered her head and did not move.

".... I just want to open it, but in the end, I am in a land boundary. I don’t
see my head and see it. I have a lot of people. When I have a long time, I
have to make a lot of grievances. I have to find a parental relationship
earlier. I have to go to this place. After a period of suffocation, the second
time, I can completely forget the things of Ningjia." She said softly,
"Three times, Ningjia can completely let go of this matter."

In fact, the most important thing is for the third point.

Nowadays, in order to avoid the defense of Fang’s family, they only show
their attitude.

It’s just that such a monarch is difficult to marry a good family, and the
first thing to satisfy is the marriage.

Although this granddaughter is ridiculous, but the daughter left the only
flesh and blood, she can't protect it and push it away.
Mrs. Fang’s hand on her knees clenched, and then looked at her daughter’s
head in front of her head, and her look was complicated.

I am getting older, my grandson is like that. The family’s apparently can

only be handed over to the daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law. It’s not
easy to open the ticket to do the money business that the six parents don’t
recognize. She has always worried about herself. This wife is soft and
gentle, but now it seems that her own heart is too soft.

This daughter-in-law has never forgotten and reminded everyone that Jun
is a scourge. Now it is time for the knife to remove the scourge. No one
will object to her, and she will agree with her.

The daughter-in-law is not as weak as she is worried about. She does not
hesitate to hesitate to deal with her own prostitutes. The old lady can’t say
whether it is happiness or sadness.

But what can I do? Now the situation of the Fang family is really difficult,
this monarch is really not chilling, leaving her at home is indeed a

For the sake of the family, you can only abandon people who are not

The woman in Fangjia is only ruthless, and the days can only go on, and
the family can not fall.

"Su Niang, you can do this, I am relieved." Mrs. Fang finally sighed and
sat up straight and said slowly.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 21: The candidate has been
The old lady promised Mrs. Fang’s proposal and the two did not continue
this topic.

Since it has been decided to abandon it, it will not be sad again.

In the past ten years, in the fight against various people, they have already
lost their tears and hardened their hearts.

The two mothers and daughters said something about the ticket number.
Mrs. Fang also served her to eat and watched the old lady to go for a walk
with the servant of the **** to retire.

Going back to my place of residence has been lit, through the glass
window you can see a lot of people sitting indoors, pearly and flamboyant
red and green.

As the big lady stepped in, the three ladies and two women got up and
greeted the gift.

"How about the reconciliation?" asked Mrs. Da, who was served by two
women to change their clothes, clean hands, and routinely asked her
daughters about their daily homework.

“The executives said it was very good.” Fang Yunxiu replied with a smile.

"Others say that they are very good, they can only listen to half." Mrs.
Fang Da softly said, "Do not take it seriously."

"Mother assured, we are not Junyi." Fang Jinxiu interjected.

"You said her like this, it is no different from her." Mrs. Fang Dawei said.

Fang Jinxiu is not convinced, but he still respects the aunt.

"Well, you have been working hard for a day, go back to your yard and eat
your own food." Mrs. Fang laughed.

"It is also comfortable to eat with my mother." Fang Jinxiu said.

"Mother is saying that we are troubled by her eating." Fang Yuxiu laughed.

The woman with a round face and a brow that had faded the jade bracelet
from Mrs. Fang’s hand smiled.

"Miss Miss is not a joke, go to rest, you will have to work harder in the
New Year, and your wife will be sorry for you," she said.

This is the mother of the mother.

Fang Yuxiu did not speak again, and the three sisters retired from the
grandmother again.

"Mother, that monarch..." asked Fang Jinxiu.

"Your sisters are doing business, and I will deal with her affairs. Don't
worry, don't be in common with her." Mrs. Fang interrupted her.

Another woman standing next to the big lady rushed to the side of the
party, this is the mother of Fang Jinxiu's mother, Su Shi, contrary to Fang
Jinxiu's hot temper, she said nothing.

Fang Jinxiu did not speak again and followed the sisters out.

The three ladies went out with their hoes, and the room was much colder.

"I was not happy when my mother gave me so many nieces. Now I think
about it, I still regret it." Mrs. Fang sat down and said, "If you have more,
you will have more children, and your family should be more lively." ”

Yuan Shi smiled.

"Mrs. You really don't feel bad about the lord." She said, "What is the
Mrs. Fang Daxiao thought and laughed.

"I also said that it was nice. At that time, when the lord took a rest in the
house of others, I gave him a few days to look at it." She smiled and
looked at the two mothers. "The result is that only Su Shi has a birth,
When the lord is absent, everyone else will release it."

Speaking of it here again.

"Only leaving the two of you to guard with me, I don't know if it is a good
life or a hard life."

Su Shi took a thick stack of books and walked over to the table.

"Life is not determined by men." She said that she did not like to talk, and
said this sentence stopped for a while. "I feel that I am fine now."

Yuan also took the calculations, unfolded the pen and ink, and sat down
with a smile.

"Mrs., this person's life is destined, the past things don't think about it, and
the hard-working ones don't come over," she said. "The old lady said, our
women's women can't be afraid of life, bitterness. I have to taste the

Say this in your hands.

This is their uninterrupted daily routine in the past ten years. When the old
man was attacked and killed, the Shandong family, Caojia of Jixian County
came to make troubles, saying that what they used for a group of women
would only defeat the family business. When Mrs. Fang took a table and
told them to see that women were not worse than men, from then on, the
women at home had to learn to do business.

There is a living room for the elderly to pay for the end of the family. If
there is no support for the family, then they will give up some money, and
if they return home, they will marry again. Su Jiayi will not interfere.
Of course, if you don't want to leave, you can't leave. Yuan chose to stay,
and he worked with the big lady to study the bills and deal with things
inside and outside.

Mrs. Fang took up the books.

“I can make you look for someone you have?” she asked.

Yuan’s book was put down in his hand, and his face was more intense.

"Mrs., the old lady promised?" she asked.

Su Shi also raised his head and stopped.

Mrs. Fang Da nodded.

"This is all done by herself. I can't blame others for not protecting her,"
she said.

Yuan’s smile is thick.

"What to protect, then to protect the girl is to marry, the old lady does not
let her marry the talent is not protected." She laughed, "When the wife told
me, I picked up the heart better, and finally chose One."

"Speak and listen." Mrs. Fang asked with interest.

"It is a scholar in Zhaozhou." Yuan said.


Mrs. Fang Da’s brows are slightly wrinkled.

“Isn't that not too flat there?” she said.

Far from being far enough, but it is not a peaceful place, she does not want
to fall into the wrong position.
Zhaozhou belongs to the North Road and Hebei Road. The Jinren and the
Great Zhou fought for many years. This northland came and went to be
robbed, and the days there were not good.

"Mrs., there are public officials, the Northland has been peaceful for many
years." Yuan smiled.

Although not a native of the North, but for the court, the same people in
the north are no strangers to the country.

Cheng Guogong Zhu Shan is a hero who regained the Northland from the
hands of the Jin people. He was born into a family of military lords. He
has won countless battles and was highly valued by the emperor.

Now Cheng Guogong has been guarding Hebei Road for six years, and the
Northland is indeed very peaceful.

Mrs. Fang Da released her brow.

"And this is a scholar." Yuan said, "The home is rich and rich, only one
point is to find the string."

Mrs. Fang’s brows wrinkled again, and I cares about the books.

"So there is a son at home," she said.

Yuan smiled and nodded.

"So I don't care if the woman can take over the family, just find someone
who is caring," she said.

To put it bluntly, I want to find a young and beautiful one to play with, so I
don’t care about the woman’s origin.

Married far, this can cope with the Ning family, the scholar, can be
matched with the identity of Jun.

"Well, this matter will be handed over to you," said Mrs. Fang.
Yuan’s smile is that Su’s has no opinion on this, so I’ll stop here. It seems
that this is a small thing that can’t be small. Everyone has to keep on head
and continue to be busy and no longer mention it.

The Shantou people stood quietly on the sidelines, occasionally came to

hold the tea, and the three women sitting in the room on the winter night
did not appear lonely.

Miss Jun did not know that her lifelong event was finalized, and she would
not be surprised to know it.

Her heart is clear about the current situation.

The servants who received the news on the second door and did not wait
for the arrival of Miss Jun, the scope of Miss Jun’s activities changed to
the backyard.

The servants who were not greeted by the news in the garden were sincere
and fearful.

Miss Jun did not pay attention to it. Although she did not disdain the other
person like Miss Jun, she would not laugh when she saw someone.

"Miss, why are you going to visit the garden on such a cold day?" Liu said
with a narrowed head and a handkerchief.

And the lady is still walking so fast, tired and cold.

Because this body is too weak, it needs more activities to make the body
stronger, even if it does not reach her ability to shoot and shoot, at least to
ensure that she can travel long distances.

The capital is far from here and the road will not go well.

“It’s good to walk so much,” she said.

Liu Er just got his head, and a hoarse voice suddenly came from the top of
his head.
"God is really not kind, people who don't want to live can still live well!"

Miss Jun stopped to look up and saw a 12-year-old boy on the rockery she
had just walked.

The boy's face is handsome and his eyes are bright, but it is a pity that the
flesh and blood are weakening the temperament that he should have, and
he is not standing or sitting, but almost soft in a wheelchair, a thick
blanket. Covered his somewhat distorted figure.

This is the youngest son of Fang’s who can’t live fifteen years old.


This book, like Jiao Niang, still makes a sentence to make a sigh of three
sighs, the content of Su and installed, not suitable for readers who do not
like this in time to avoid lightning.

Still, the novel is for fun, don't be stubborn, or you are angry and ridiculed,
I am confused and unhappy, why bother.

Thank you for your recommendation.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 22: Fortunate and
For this cousin, Miss Jun has no memory except for her nephew. She has
not seen it since she came to Fangjia.

This is the only grandson of Fang’s old lady. The only male blood of
Fang’s family is born with nothing. When she is sick, the doctor asserts
that she is not fifteen years old.

Miss Jun looked at this young master, this child is quite naughty, how to
climb to the rockery.

Seeing Miss Jun look at herself, Fang Xiao’s calm face is smiling.

"Miss Jun is actually looking at me." He muttered, with a bit of joke,

"Three peaches, to tell the kitchen, I have to add food to the young master
at noon today."

A small beggar behind him listened to this and carefully watched Miss

Miss Jun did not speak, her nose around her head curled up.

"It’s really awkward, I met this short-lived ghost." She grinned, not
disguising her face, and reaching out to help Miss Jun. "Miss, let's go."

The short-lived ghost clearly fell in the boy's ear. He didn't seem to hear it.
He still smiled.

But Miss Jun saw a familiar atmosphere.

That was the look she saw from the mirror when she was ready to kill the
man after she learned the truth.

Unsatisfied with anger, there is a raging fire in my heart, I can't wait to

burn everything.
But we must do our best to suppress it.

In the end, he did not hide his mind, and he was seen through it at a glance,
so that the enemy did not report it and was hacked to death.

This young age show is only a few cynical stubbornness is very good.

"What is your name?" asked Miss Jun.

Fang Xiao’s younger smile is more intense.

"It’s an honor, Miss Jun has to ask my name." He said, "Three peaches, it
seems that the kitchen has to be filled with wine."

Looking at the condescending, Miss Jun still looks quiet, it seems that she
can't hear her own ridicule.

Or I really can't hear it. This Miss Jun is an idiot with no brains.

He is somewhat interested in it.

There is nothing to say to this woman, perhaps because I saw the look of
the face when the woman came.

The kind of lightness and lightness seems to be all in the grasp of the
mastery, appearing on such a woman's face, it really makes people have to

“Does a dead person still need a name?” he said faintly, without the
interest of talking again, the little girl after the punch said, “Let's go.”

Xiao Yan was busy picking up the blanket that was covering him. He had
to carry him on his back, and another small squat rushed forward to pick
up the wheelchair.

Liuer licked her mouth, but Miss Jun stood still.

"There are of course people who need names," she said. "Some people are
still alive but still alive in the hearts of many people. They don't
necessarily need a name to live, because some people live like death."

Before I was alive, no one would care about her. Now that I am dead, I
must let my name live in those people's hearts and become their

The young master, who put his hand on the shoulder of Xiaoyan, made a
slight meal, and the girl’s voice continued to come.

"The life of a person is not in the length. The fireworks are short-lived, but
they are spoiled. Although the dead wood lasts for a long time, it is

Can this woman with a straw bag say such a thing?

The young master of Fangjia could not help but turn his head.

It can't be said that it is a straw bag. It is also the daughter of a reading

family. How many books will be read to fill the facade.

Miss Jun looked at him.

"The dead man who lives is not named, and the cousin will not say this in
the future," she whispered.

Master Fang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Cousin? This is really a strange name, it is ironic.

"The cousin is right." Fang Xiaoxiao said with a smile. "I was wrong. I
still need a name. However, my cousin does not need a name."

"What are you talking nonsense?" Liu Er blinked. "How can I miss the
name of my lady?"

"Because I am going to die, and your lady is not dead." Master Fang Xiao
said seriously.

Liu Er heard more confused.

"Are your brain broken?" she said. "You need a name to die, isn't my
family alive?"

No wonder this nephew never came out to see people. It turned out to be
not only a blind man, but also a madman.

This house is really too bad.

Fang Xiao’s hand rested on Xiao’s shoulder and barely supported the upper

"It’s because your lady still has to live for a long time," he said in a serious
way. "And I am going to die. Before I die, there is a family business that
my grandmother and mother have supported for me. I can make it
enjoyable and profligate, but Grandmother and mother are old, they can't
live your lady, once they die, then the big tree of Fangfang...Boom.."

He made a sound in his mouth, reached for a spread, and made a gesture of

".. This big tree fell, you can't have a big tree to enjoy the cold, cousin, you
are such a beautiful woman, lost marriage, and hated Ning's family, and
lost the blessing, this day is really bad. ...." He looked at Miss Jun and
shook her head. She looked sad and sad. "Cousin, do you know how bad
the days will be if you lose the family blessing."

Miss Jun smiled.

"Cousin, you mean yourself," she said.

Liu Er also grinned.

"What do you say, our lady does not need your family to bless, but you are
still dragging the lady," she snorted.

The young master is laughing.

Yes, how he forgot, the two masters and servants sneered at the other's
family, thinking that they ate and drank all the heavens and fell down, and
it was ridiculous to tell them these words.

Probably he hasn’t said so much to people for a long time, so he has to say
so much nonsense to this woman.

What is even more ridiculous is that it is nonsense for this woman, but it is
desolate in his own heart.

Life has not ended before it has ended. For so many years, he thought that
he had accepted it and let it go. The result was impossible.

Are they really cursed by fate? Are the wealth of their homes exchanged
for their ancestors? They are because their great-grandfathers are so close
to blood, so they have to squander their blood and make up their blood?

Grandfather, father, I have lived for a lifetime, then I have just sat down in
a wheelchair when I just learned to walk. Life has not ended yet. What
does God want to give birth to?

Why not let him die when he is born, why should he suffer from it.

The juvenile's hand held the shoulder of Xiaoyan, but he did not even have
the strength to tighten his body.

He lowered his gaze and stopped looking at Miss Jun.

"Yes, I am talking about myself. Fortunately, I am very fortunate. I can go

away after one year, and I don't have to suffer from it." He smiled faintly.
"Miss Jun is also lucky, so I won't have to be dragged down by Fang Jia in
the future." ""

Liuer licked his mouth.

"Miss let's go, don't pay attention to him," she said.

Miss Jun still stood still and looked at the young master who was taken up
by Xiao Xiao.
"Miss, what do you want?" Liuer asked inexplicably, and he was somewhat
worried. "Don't pay attention to the voice of the blind man."

"I want to not take the boat of the Fang family." Miss Jun said.

Fangjia's boat?

Fangjia does the ticket business, not the sea business, where is the ship?

Liu Er is puzzled. Is the lady confused by the blind man?

Miss Jun looked at the young master who was taken down the rockery and
walked over.

The young master was carefully placed in a wheelchair by two small

beggars, because his body was smashed and he was fiddled like a rag doll.

The two little sisters were very dissatisfied with Miss Jun’s standing and
looked at it. They only felt humiliated, and Fang’s face was always dull.

"I can't help, I filthy Miss Jun's eyes." He said, "I live in a home with me,
this is really the misfortune of Miss Jun."

Miss Jun’s sight swept over him.

"It is my misfortune to live with you, but I don't know if I can cure your
illness, if you can't die in two years, it is fortunate or unfortunate," she
Jun Jiuling Chapter 23: Deceived words
Miss Jun’s words made the people present at the scene squat.

Can cure the disease, can not die, this is simply a matter of thinking about
the dreams of the Fangjia, whoever can do this, Mrs. Fang and Mrs.
Fangda's excited life can be given to him.

But when I heard from the girl's mouth, the people present were not
shocked or ecstatic.

Fang Xiaoxiaoye even laughed.

"Miss Jun is really scary," he said.

Miss Jun smiled and reached down and held his wrist in the wheelchair.

Because of the body squatting, Fang Xiao’s hands and feet are all cold, and
the sudden warm hands touched, this hand is still a woman’s unique
softness, which makes him unable to help.

Miss Jun has turned his hand over and pressed his finger on his pulse.

Master Fang Xiao felt that the warmth was spreading all over his blood,
and his face was full of shame.

He was actually met by this woman.

He knows that others don't dare to reveal it in his mouth, and he also hates
him in his heart, but they hate him and he rejects them.

They felt that they were dirty, but he felt that they were dirty.

Master Fang Xiao had to open his hand, and Miss Jun had already stood up
straight and took back her hand.

"You are not sick," she said. "It is poisoned."

Fang Xiaoxiaoye snorted.

"Nonsense," he said.

Everyone knows that he is a disease caused by the fetus. When his mother
was pregnant with him, he was too sad because of his father's death. First,
he was almost aborted. It is easy to keep. It is premature birth. Although
he was safe before the age of five, there is a hidden disease.

Poisoning, this woman really is when he is a child to lie.

Miss Jun did not say it again, taking a few steps back.

"I will go back and think about it, maybe I can think of a way to detoxify."
She said, not to wait for Fang Xiaoye to turn around and walk away.

The cleanliness of her walk made the young Master a little slower, and she
looked complicated in a wheelchair.

It’s ridiculous.

What happened to him today? Not only did he take the initiative to talk to
the woman, but he even listened to the woman.

His illness, in ten years, my grandmother and mother went to the rivers
and mountains to find famous doctors. No one can say that this sentence
can be cured. At this moment, this ignorant waste woman actually said
that he could cure him?

What is even more ridiculous is that he was surprised at that moment.

Surprise, surprise in order to be cured? He actually believed.

As the countdown to life gets closer, he thinks he is not afraid. He thinks

that he has been prepared for nearly a decade and can accept it lightly, but
it is not.

As the end point approached, he was already afraid of this point in his
heart. What he said to such a woman was like grabbing a life-saving straw.
Looking at the girl who was far away, Fang Xiaoye wanted to laugh, but
eventually coughed twice.

"Let's go," he said faintly.

The two little sisters covered their eyes and surprised to push up the
wheelchair and walked away in the lonely garden in winter.

"Miss Miss, this is a good way for you." Liu Er said cheerfully.

Miss Jun seems to be somewhat puzzled to see her.

"Cheat that little scorpion." Liu Er said with a face of worship.

Miss Jun smiled, did not speak, and walked for a while to see a wide stop.

It is like a training field.

Large families have a training martial arts field, and scholars must have a
gentleman's six arts, and there are many people who travel in Zezhou. The
children naturally have to practice their skills.

However, there is no man in Fangjia, and this training field seems to be

often used.

"Miss Miss, look at you, this is the handprint that the old lady took on the
stakes." Liu Er stood in front of a stake and pointed.

Miss Jun walked over to see the wooden stakes used for training, and did
not see Liu’s exaggerated description. She smiled and reached for the
place pointed by Liu.

"Oh, my mother is carefully grinded," Liu said busy.

Miss Jun smiled and took back her hand.

“This place is good,” she said, looking around. “Build another target.”

Liu Er is puzzled.
“What do you want to do with the target?” she asked.

"Strong physical fitness." Miss Jun said, gently patted the stake again.

It is not easy to take a broken ship, at least to be prepared to withstand


Although Liu Er was not interested in physical fitness, she immediately

asked the servant of the Fang family to place the grass target and find the
bow and arrow.

The servant of the Fang family did not expect that the master and the
servant would make such a request. They received the order from them,
and they were not allowed to follow the master and servant to discuss the
right and wrong, and they were not allowed to go out.

But now this Miss Jun has not asked them to ask the privacy of the Fang
family, and did not take two more, then they are obedient or disobedient to
Miss Jun’s order?

The servants had to make a false obedience to prepare, and they were busy
reporting to Mrs. Fang Da.

“What is she going to do?” Yuan’s frown. “How do you think of physical
fitness? Does she need to keep fit?”

Yuan’s words were alluded to. At the beginning, Fang Jinxiu and Miss Jun
were fighting because of the handkerchief. Although Fang Jinxiu was
fierce, Miss Jun did not suffer, and she smashed her hair.

"This is a good thing. It is better than being lazy and thinking." Mrs. Fang
said, "Go according to Miss Jun."

The servant responded, but did not leave.

"Mrs., Miss Jun met the young master in the garden." She hesitated and
said, "I don't know if it is because of this reason."

When I heard about the young master, Fang Tai’s wife sat down at once.
"How do you let her run to the young master?" Yuan has already rushed.
"She is not a tune, and she has seen the young master not knowing what to

What can be said, that is, those who are ridiculed and disdainful to this
young man.

Mrs. Fang took a deep breath and sat back.

"Chengyu also knows what kind of person she is, and she doesn't care," she
said. "I will tell him later that Miss Jun is a guest. He will not go to the
garden these days."

Yuan’s helpless sigh.

"It’s a rumor, how can a grandmother give birth to such a thing," she said,
swaying her hand at the servant.

The servant was busy retiring.

Mrs. Fang still slowly looked at the books as usual, but Yuan knew that her
mood at this time was definitely not good. Sure enough, she would stand
up after reading a book.

"I went to the old lady about the incident in Zhaozhou." She said, looking
at the eye, "You go to the show and say, you have to be a relative year

Years ago? Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This is less than a month before the date, showing how hurried this
marriage will be.

"What is the rush, don't say that you will be married in a month, that is,
after three days, can we still not afford to do it?" said Mrs. Fang.

This means that she must disappear immediately in front of her.

Yuan did not talk again, waited for the grandmother to change clothes, and
sent the grandmother out of the door. She stood at the door for a moment
and waved a little girl.

"Go and Miss San said, Miss Jun smashed the young master in the
garden." She whispered.

The little girl screamed and ran away.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 24: The secret being said
Miss San Fang Jinxiu did not work in her own room, but learned to write
various ticket documents together with Miss Two Fang Yuxiu.

This is the daily life of the ladies, not the female red or the chess and
calligraphy, but the various businesses that learn the ticket number.

The little girl didn't allow everyone to enter the garden after the giggling
argument under the window. Miss Jun in the garden naturally passed the
young master's hand into the ear of Fang Jinxiu.

Fang Jinxiu threw the book in his hand on the table and rushed out of bed.
Fang Yuxiu was busy pulling her.

"Mother's own assertion, don't talk too much," she said, looking out the
window. "That little girl is a Yuanxiao Niang."

In some cases, she could not understand deeply. After all, Yuan’s heart was
to maintain her biological mother.

Fang Jinxiu followed her eyes.

"I know, my temper is hot, she likes to use me as a gun," she said. "That is
because some things can't be said by the mother. She is good for her
mother. I am also good for my mother. As long as it is for the mother, for
the sake of us. This is a good home, I am just like a gun."

Fang Yuxiu laughed.

"Then go back soon," she said, picking up the books in her hand. "Today's
homework has not been done yet."

When Fang Jinxiu came to the old lady's house, Mrs. Fang was telling the
old lady the talent of Zhaozhou.
"..... I am older and a coward, I don't think so." She said, "It's just that
people were not good choices before, and they will wait for the
matchmakers to find them after the year."

The old lady sneered.

"She can find something good," she said. "People don't pick."

Speaking of here, pause.


Zhaozhou is still too far away, and it is also the North.

Mrs. Fangda’s head was to be opened, and Fang Jinxiu came in.

In the face of young girls, the marriage thing can't be said naturally, and
the two people's topics are stopped.

"Grandma, can we let our brothers and sisters move to other hospitals to
live," she said, "just let Jun at home, lest we hinder her eyes."

"What happened to her?" asked Mrs. Fang.

Mrs. Fang Da’s beautiful embroidered eyes.

"Nothing, she just wants to use the garden's practice field, to learn to shoot
arrows." She said with a smile, "This is good, always thinking about it in
my own room."

"Mother, you will give her a gift. Where is she going to learn archery? She
is going to cause trouble. She is chasing Cheng Yuzi in the garden. She is
not allowed to come to the garden. This garden can only be used by
herself." Said madly.

Mrs. Fang frowned and looked at Mrs. Fang.

"I just happened to meet, said two sentences, I asked, there is no quarrel."
Mrs. Fang was busy explaining.
"Mother, the younger brother has a good temper and doesn't quarrel, so he
should be chased after him." Su Jinxiu said, his eyes are red. "She has a
bitch, and there is no humanity in the end."

The scorpion, the scorpion, these two words are not slap in the ears of the
old lady.

She reached for the teacup and suppressed the slight tremor of her hand.

"That's it, the people in Zhaozhou are very good." She looked at Mrs. Fang
Da, "you will do it as soon as possible."

Mrs. Fang Da is responsive.

"The show is about to set off, and will wait until the Zhaozhou side will
send people," she whispered.

Mrs. Fang raised the tea and sent it to her mouth and put it down.

"Since I am rushing back in the New Year, then don't wait a year, I will do
things a year ago, and the couple will return home together," she said

Mrs. Fang’s face is difficult to distinguish, but it’s still true.

Fang Jinxiu did not know what they meant by Zhaozhou Xiucai. He
thought that he was talking about buying and selling business at home, and
he was only anxious to answer his own questions.

"Grandmother," she hurriedly. "Have you heard me say it? You let us go to
another hospital. I don't want to meet her anymore. Although this family is
big, she can't go without her. She is now entangled with her younger
brother. To make fun of the younger brother, to tease the younger brother
to say what to treat him. If she really feeds the younger brother to take
medicine, will you stop it?"

"She won't be so noisy," said Mrs. Fang.

"Mother, why can't she, she said that the younger brother is not sick, it is
poisoned." Fang Jinxiu said, remembering that he was angry when he
asked about it from a small mouth.

The most vicious joke in this world is to say to a dying person that I can
cure you.

"She is really a little human...."

Her voice did not fall, she heard a crisp sound, the tea cup on the ground
shattered, the tea splashed, and the skirt of Fang Jinxiu could not be

Is the grandmother angry?

She was busy looking at it, but she saw that the old lady was not full of
anger, but she looked blank and her hand was still empty.

Obviously not angry, I smashed the cup, but it seems to have fallen off.

“What did she say?” asked Mrs. Fang, “Chengyu is poisoned?”

Fang Jinxiu frowned.

"Grandma, don't you believe what she said?" she said.

The old lady did not answer her words, but looked at Mrs. Fang Da, and
Mrs. Fang was looking at her. The look of the two became strange and

It’s not that they believe, but what Jun Jun said is really not a ghost.

Others don't know, but the two of them know that Fang Chengyu's illness
is really due to poisoning.

Because things are complicated, this matter has been concealed as a secret.
There are not many people who know this secret. Jun is not among these
How did she know?


When the night light was heavy, Yuan, who was waiting in Mrs. Fang’s
house, blinked and put down the books in his hand.

"Don't my wife come back tonight?" she asked.

Mrs. Fang’s body is not good for a few years, and sometimes Mrs. Fang
will stay with her.

The **** standing in the room went out and asked to come back and shake
his head.

"The wife did not say," she said.

Yuan’s frown, that is still talking about things.

"Is Miss San going to the old lady?" she asked again.

Shantou nodded.

"I have been there in the afternoon," she said.

That is how the matter? Ms. Jun’s old lady’s wife agreed, and the family
they chose was right. It’s reasonable to say that the old lady is not the kind
of person who is reluctant, and has already provoked Fang Chengyu. Is it
difficult to convince her to let Miss Jun marry before?

When the sky was bright, the people in the old lady’s yard had already

Mrs. Fang is a very self-disciplined person. Since the death of her

grandfather in the past fifteen years, she has got up early and went to bed
early, two meals a day, and went to the garden on the third day to walk and
piling. The cold and heat did not change the wind and rain.
Only the old lady who got up early today is somewhat inferior, probably
because she slept late yesterday.

Mrs. Fang’s spirit is even worse. She didn’t sleep at all last night.

"This is a joke, just say it."

Sitting at the dinner table, the old lady said to the grandmother, after a
night of consideration, the final conclusion was made yesterday.

Mrs. Fang holds the chopsticks.

"But she is diagnosed." She couldn't help but say.

"That is for her to tease Chengyu." Mrs. Fang said categorically, "just like
she hangs with a rope at the North Residency Inn."

Mrs. Fang Da’s look is a bit stunned.

"We think too much. If she really wants to say this, then I should find it
now and talk to us about the conditions." Mrs. Fang said in a slow tone.
"Care is chaotic because of her sentence. It’s just ridiculous that we have a
mess in our minds."

This incident is indeed ridiculous, and Mrs. Fangda smiled and nodded.

"Dinner," said Mrs. Fang. "I have to go to arrange the marriage of Miss
Jun when I have eaten. I am going to the ticket number. This is what we
should do."

Mrs. Fang Da’s response was to get up and give the old lady a cloth, then
sit down and sit down and have a quiet meal.

After eating the old lady, she took the bus to the ticket number. Mrs. Fang
also went to her own courtyard. In the process of walking, she ordered the
family’s affairs first, and also arranged the car, so that she would return to
the yard. After the account is clear to Yuan, Yuan will be able to go out
immediately, and she will personally supervise the work of the three
This is the daily routine of their mother-in-law.

But when passing through a yard, Mrs. Fangda couldn’t help but look at
her eyes.

“What is Miss Jun doing?” she asked.

For Miss Jun’s whereabouts, there is a person responsible for monitoring.

When Mrs. Fang asked, some people will return after a while.

"Miss Jun went to the garden after getting up, hit the stakes, then shot the
arrows and went back to the house to eat," said the servant.

Mrs. Fang’s original calmness has once again become weird.

"Now?" She asked the sentence again.

"Now Miss Jun is reading a book." The servant said, adding a sentence
under the pause, "Let's find a set of gold needles."

Golden needle.

Only the golden needle will be used for treatment.

Just like a golden needle stuck in her heart, Mrs. Fang’s already solidified
mind suddenly collapsed.

She turned and walked back to the back, and under the watchful eyes of the
servants, she stepped into the courtyard where Miss Jun was.
Jun Jiuling Chapter 25: She really knows
Miss Jun in the room sat in front of several cases.

She has already finished the book on the shelf, as expected, of course, she
did not find it.

Master's medical books are also visible in the world.

Speaking of it, she still has nothing to do, that is, to organize Master's
medical books, so it is really good to think that I can continue to live, at
least not to be up to Master.

Liu Er yawned and watched Miss Jun pick up the golden needle.

"Miss, what are you going to play?" she asked.

This morning, Miss played a lot, she was a little tired.

"This is not a play." Miss Jun said, holding a gold needle in her hand,
turning to the sunlight at the window, and Mrs. Fang, who stood in the
yard, just saw it, only to feel a little dizzy.

She has not seen the golden needle, and it is the present that makes her

She had done so many things before, and she was careful and gradual, and
finally she was able to drive the girl out of the house thoroughly, but the
girl broke it all in one sentence.

Mrs. Fang felt that what she was doing was like a big blisters, it looked
very powerful, but she was vulnerable to the golden needle that the girl
took out.

Mrs. Fang took a deep breath, which is ridiculous. As Mrs. Fang said, this
is a coincidence. It is the nonsense that the girl said casually. She should
immediately forget to continue doing what she should do.
But she did not move.

"Great wife."

Liu's voice came from the room, and Mrs. Fang looked at the face of some
deformed skull on the window glass, and then the window was pushed

"What are you doing for the big lady?"

The **** did not come to greet, but instead was a little distracted by the

Miss Jun also looked over and was not surprised or dissatisfied with her
arrival. She put down the golden needle and stood up.

"Auntie," she said, and then stood up straight, a pair of big eyes watching
her quietly.

The eyes seemed to be asking her for her intentions.

Mrs. Fang suddenly felt that the scene was somewhat familiar.

When she learned of her husband’s death and learned that her son’s
incurable disease, she could not wake up every morning, thinking that she
would face something that would make her suffer painfully.

But then there was another voice in the bottom of my heart. Wake up and
see if it was really only to die, so she forced herself to open her eyes, and
then she has lived to the present.

This is also the case now, thinking that she wants to ask the girl's problem,
she does not want to ask for export.

But instead of being so painful, simply ask, is it true or false, why bother

The girl at the door got the curtain with the permission of Miss Jun, and
Mrs. Fang went in without hesitation.
"Hey, have you seen Chengyu yesterday?" she asked, opening the door.

Liuer licked his mouth.

"The scorpion will cry and complain," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da never cares about the next person, it will only reduce her

What is wrong with the next person, she has to bear the responsibility of
her own.

"Yes." Miss Jun said, "Aunt is asking for specific things?"

Mrs. Fang Da snorted and turned to the gimmicks around her.

"You go ahead," she said.

After finishing the talents, a slight glimpse.

Miss Jun took the initiative to ask this sentence to add extra words, is it
necessary to shun people to avoid their private details?

This girl will have such a mind? Do you think about your own

"You go to cook the pot of tea." Miss Jun also said to Liu Er, after
finishing the pause, "Look at the people outside, don't let them overhear
my words."

Liu, who was supposed to be driven out and not happy, immediately
cheerfully and solemnly nodded, but this is the important task of the
young lady. The descendants of Fang’s family are simply not reliable. She
will block the door and prevent them. Close to eavesdropping.

Watching Liuer go out happily, Mrs. Fang’s look is complicated and she
doesn’t talk any more.

There are only Miss Jun and Mrs. Fang Da in the house.
"Auntie please sit," said Miss Jun.

Mrs. Fang sat down and Miss Jun sat opposite her and made a gesture of
listening to the elders.

Mrs. Fang Da didn’t know what to say for a while. She didn’t have much
time when she was alone with this Miss Jun. Some people couldn’t
remember whether Miss Jun was always so docile.

"Hey, I heard them say, can you solve the poison in Yuzhong?" She looked
at Miss Jun. "What does this mean?"

Miss Jun smiled.

"I haven't read the cousin carefully before. I didn't know it when I saw it,
because I was so uncertain that I had to think about it, so I hadn't had time
to talk to my grandmother and my aunt," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da’s heart beats and jumps.

So the meaning of this is that she is not talking nonsense and not looking
for them, but has not considered it.

"You, what do you mean by this? What is the poisoning?" Her hand on her
knee could not help but tighten.

"Auntie, cousin is not so clear now?" Miss Jun said, looking at Mrs. Fang,
calmly, "Is this poison not you personally fed him?"

she was!

Mrs. Fang felt that she saw the golden needle again and easily pierced her

She originally wanted to softly side-click, or easily guide the inquiry. In

short, she did not want to show her attention to this matter, but she only
said two sentences, and this plan was shattered.
This sentence is even worse than the poisoning of the sentence, so that
Mrs. Fangda couldn’t even tell the question. She suddenly got up and
rushed out.

The Liu, who stood outside the door, was almost hit.

"What are you doing?" she cried.

Mrs. Fang Da naturally did not care that she stumbled and ran out of the
door, and the servant who was thrown out of the yard was slammed back.

The big lady just entered, they just stood in the yard, how the big lady
rushed out, or a heartbreaking look.

They obviously didn't hear the lady crying or noise in the room.

How is this going? They panicked and chased out.

Liu Er ran into the room.

"Miss, what did you say, scared the big lady away?" she asked curiously,
with a bit of pride. "Miss, you are so powerful, you should have done this
before. You shouldn’t let her be in front of us before." Noisy."

Miss Jun did not expect Mrs. Fang to be so scared.

"I may say it is too fierce. I should say it slowly," she said, shaking her
head again and with a bit of helplessness. "Unfortunately, I didn't waste so
much time."


"I didn't say you don't want to think about it? Why do you want to ask

Fang Laotai hated and said, looking at Mrs. Fang, who was crying in front
of her.
Mrs. Fang Da has not been crying on her knees for many years, only when
her son died and her grandson was diagnosed.

This is the gimmick, and it’s really a long time since I died.

Fang Laotai hates to think.

"Mother." Mrs. Fang grabbed her hand and couldn't make a sound. "She
knows that she knows that I have harmed Chengyu. She knows that the
poison is what I gave to Chengyu."

The hand that Mrs. Fang was caught was also frozen.

This poisoning is really not a slap in the face.

Who told her? What is the intention of telling her?

The old lady’s expression was sharp and sharp, and the person stood up
again, and looked at the big lady too, clenching her hand.

"Su Niang, Cheng Yu is not yours, we are also victims." She said, pulling
Mrs. Fang Da. "Don't cry, crying is useless, let's ask her what she wants to
do." ”
Jun Jiuling Chapter 26: I will also practice
Liu Er once again stood outside the door, although the lady still said that
she was prevented from eavesdropping, but she was somewhat unhappy
this time.

The people of Fangjia really did not have such a good interest. If they were
wronged, they would only cry and complain.

Fang Jinxiu is like this, that scorpion is like this, and now even a young
Mrs. Fang Da is like this.

I don't know if the old lady is also stunned by the lady, who will go to see
who is crying, and Liu’s gloating thoughts, but sighed and worried.

Miss is a gentleman who is a gentleman, can you marry the old lady, who
is a business, and who is a man like a man?

So she was not happy, Miss should let her stay indoors to help.

From the time she came to the lady, she went back with the young lady.
After she came to Yangcheng, she was the first to take the lead, but now
the lady does not need her.

Isn't the gimmick that is not needed by the lady a good girl?

Liu Er was wronged and sad, and more and more hateful squatting in the
servants of the yard.

There was still no noise in the room, and there seemed to be no one quiet.

Mrs. Fang looked at Miss Jun and put down the teacup in her hand.

"You are right, Chengyu is poisoned. This poison is still fed by us

personally," she said faintly. "And now he is still eating this poison every
day until he is fifteen years later. I die at the age of."
Miss Jun did not smile smugly or snorted and said something, but nodded.

"It was when he was sick when he was five years old," she said. "The
Shantou said that although he is weak, but the disease is not born, it is sick
when he is five years old, you will give him medicine, this medicine is
cured. His illness, but it took his life."

Speaking of here, pause.

"Chengyu is your only **** incense. He is ill. It must be taken care of

only the most loved ones of you. The medicines and doctors he uses must
also be carefully selected."

Therefore, she said to the other wife, Chengyu poisoning is your own hand

They are not talking about this. The old lady shakes her lips and wants to
directly ask Miss Jun’s intentions.

"That is poison." Mrs. Fangda could not help but say.

Miss Jun shook her head.

"That is a poison, but it is also a good medicine." She said, "Or else you
will not fool you."

"Yes." Mrs. Fang said faintly. "This drug is compatible with Chengyu's

"After the drug is compatible with Chengyu's disease, it becomes a new

disease. The meridians that the medicine can erode, in order to control the
meridian severance, only eat this medicine again, instead of eating this
medicine, that disease It will happen immediately." Miss Jun thought
about it.

If you don't take medicine, you will die immediately. If you take the
medicine, you will die slowly. Although you will eventually die, people
are reluctant to die immediately. Therefore, knowing that they are
desperate, they have to drink and quench their thirst. It is not hope of hope.
Hope without results is more painful than despair.

Miss Jun looked at Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang Da, and she was full of

"This is not to torture the cousin, this is tormenting you," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da raised her hand to cover her face and shed tears. How
painful it was for a mother to feed her son a poison, she did not dare to tell
her son.

"I almost had his life when I was pregnant with him. I didn't expect to give
birth to him after I was born." She whimpered. "He didn't care, but I
ordered his life." In the end, I still wanted his life."

"How can you think about this," said Miss Jun. "It is obviously someone
who harms you. How can you blame yourself?"

"If I am more careful, how can I give Chengyu a poison?" Mrs. Fang said,

"Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thief in the day before."

Miss Jun's voice is softer, but with firmness. "If someone else wants to
harm you, unless you kill him, you can't help it."

Speaking of this, she paused again, and her expression flashed a sorrow.

"Not to mention, the person who wants to harm you may be someone you
have no defense at all."

Mrs. Fang Da cried and suppressed, and the old lady took a deep breath
and looked at Miss Jun.

"We have admitted that you are right. Can you tell who told you this?" she
asked coldly.

Miss Jun looked at her and smiled.

"Grandma, you misunderstood," she said. "No one told me that I saw it

Mrs. Fang looked at her and looked indifferent.

"I don't know if you still have a pair of eyes that know the past," she said
with sarcasm.

"I don't know the eyes of the past." Miss Jun said with a smile. "The
grandmother forgot, my family is a doctor for generations."

Mrs. Fang’s wife squatted.

It is true that the family of the family is true, but what does it have to do
with Miss Jun?

"My father also learned when he was a child. He did not discard it when he
was an official. My grandfather and father also taught me." Miss Jun said.

Because I have almost no contact with the Jun family, Miss Wang’s old
lady’s affairs really don’t know, but can teach this skill to teach this kind
of skill?

"You saw Chengyu yesterday, and you know this with a look at the
diagnosis." Mrs. Fang said, stunned Miss Jun. "I don't even know that your
family has such a magical technique."

Miss Jun nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "We have a superb medical skill. Otherwise, how can my
grandfather cure the old man, so that he will not hesitate to reach his

She also boasted.

The old lady is dumb.

"This incident was not a secret that must be kept." She ignored her face
and ignored the exaggeration of Miss Jun. "It’s just that I don’t know who
the enemy is. In order not to stun the snake, we have always been ignorant.
Yu is a natural disease."

It turns out that I still don’t know who the enemy is, and Miss Jun looks at
the old lady’s pity.

Mrs. Fang ignored her pity.

"But this is not a secret that cannot be said," she said. "Things are already
like this. Even if they are published, it doesn't matter, so if you want to use
this to threaten us, you will die early."

Miss Jun smiled.

"Grandma," she said. "You misunderstood, have you forgotten? I said

something to my cousin, except that he pointed out that he was poisoned."

The old lady was slightly stunned, and her ear whispered in detail to
describe the scene in the garden.

"Miss Jun said something to the young master. She said that I would go
back and think about it. Maybe I can think of a solution to detoxification."

Is this the sentence?

"You, what do you mean?" Mrs. Fang couldn't help but ask.

It should not be what she meant.

"I came back and thought about it. I can solve this poison of my cousin."
Miss Jun said.

"This is impossible." Mrs. Fang said, "How can you?"

"Jun, you don't have to pretend to be a mystery. Chengyu's illness has been
seen for so many years. The famous doctors in the world have searched all
over. No one can say that he is cured." Mrs. Fang said faintly, and paused.
"Unless the Zen doctor can try it."
Is your monarch's family as powerful as Zhang Shen's doctor?

Although Mrs. Fang did not say it, this sentence expresses this meaning.

Her voice fell, and she saw a little look at Miss Jun.

"Zhang Shen doctor." She repeated it.

"Don't you know if you are a doctor?" said Mrs. Fang, with some irony.
"He is not like the magic of your family. It is just that you said that his
medical skills are superb."

Of course, Zhang Shenji knows that as the only disciple of Zhang Shenji,
she followed her for six years, and who knows more about her medical
skills than Zhang.


The two ends, ask for a ticket.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 27: Reason for doing this
Thinking of Master, Miss Jun is silent.

Since she was born again, she has tried hard not to think about the past, but
one person can actually think about it.

This person is her master, but also her father, her friend.

Seeing Miss Jun’s silence, the old lady also spit out, and she still had a
little self-knowledge, but the next moment Miss Jun nodded.

"Since only Zhang Shen doctor can save, the cousin's poison is now only in
the world I can cure," she said.

This is so eloquent, but it makes people laugh, maybe it is a bit of her


It seems that her words sound like people take it for granted.

The old lady is awkward again and somewhat annoyed.

“Why?” she said. “Why is it only you?”

Because Zhang Shen doctor is no longer there.

Three years ago, he finally found the medicine he needed, at the cost of
falling off the cliff.

Miss Jun has been shaking her hands on the knees, and the emotions in her
heart began to churn.

"..... Jun, what do you mean.... What do you think of us..." The voice of
Mrs. Fang continued.

A muffled sound interrupted Mrs. Fang.

Miss Jun’s hand was shot on the table.

This action is really rude, somehow looking at the girl, Mrs. Fang and
Mrs. Fangda inexplicably flashed this thought, it seems that this girl is
very surprising.

It’s really inexplicable. Is there any rude thing that Jun Hao has made?
What a surprise.

"It doesn't mean anything, life is his own. He is your family. If you don't
want to cure, you don't have to say so much." Miss Jun said, her voice is
still mild, but her tone is straight, showing that she is angry.

Mrs. Fang Da could not help but panic.

It’s not a rare thing to be angry with Jun Jun. It’s true that Jun Jun is not
angry when he is in front of them.

Jun Hao’s anger is a big surprise for them, but now her heart is
inexplicably flustered.

Perhaps it is related to the son.

Even those who are calm and ruthless will be ruined when it comes to their

"Oh, it's not that we don't want to cure." She said busy. "After all, Cheng
Yu's illness is too heavy, so many people can't cure it. You suddenly said
that it can be cured. It is really amazing."

Miss Jun looked at her.

"It was amazing that the aunt's mother gave the medicine to the cousin to
become a poison," she said.

Mrs. Fang’s face was blue and white.

I don't want to be so noisy and crying, but the words are almost
She suddenly thought that the servant who came back from Beiliu Town
said that Ning's family was very angry and that Miss Jun was ridiculous
and deceitful. It is reasonable to say that Ning's family is happy, no matter
how good it is, how can it be so angry.

Now she faintly guessed that it was probably not the light of this Miss Jun.

"In any case, we suspect that this is normal. You don't have to be so angry."
Mrs. Fang said faintly. "You said that you can see that Chengyu is
poisoned and can be cured. There is no reason to believe. ”

Miss Jun smiled.

"I don't believe that it is your business. Can you do it for me? Your life is
your own. I am here to save you. I have no reason to convince you," she

"Thatever you can't cure Chengyu..." Mrs. Fangda couldn't help but say.

Miss Jun looked at her again.

"What loss do you have?" she said softly.

Fang Chengyu is dead anyway.

Mrs. Fang Da was once again stunned.

She thinks that the little girl is still noisy and good, so it is really
embarrassing and irritating to say that refuting the person’s words.

Mrs. Fang looked at Miss Jun for a moment.

"You are right, I can't ask you how you can see it, or you can ask how to
rule it," she said. "But I have to ask why you should do this."

Miss Jun smiled.

"I thought that only I didn't know, the grandmother didn't know." She said,
not to wait until the old lady asked again, she continued, "I was the cousin
told me that I must do this."

Cousin? Fang Chengyu?

The old lady is slightly frowning.

"The cousin said that he was dead. The family only supported the
grandmother and the aunt. When the grandmother and the aunt died, the
party was finished, and I was dependent on the family. I didn't have a
house, my The days are not good." Miss Jun said, sighing. "I have already
died of my parents. The days are very bad. I don't want to be worse in the
future, so my cousin can't die. The family can't fall."

Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang’s look are weird.

Is it because of this?

They have already asked many of the small shackles of Fang Chengyu, and
every sentence of Fang Chengyu and Junyi in the garden is clear. Naturally,
Fang Chengyu did say this.

But this is really a big truth, and it’s not Fang Chengyu’s one person’s
story. Jun Hao just came to Yangcheng. For the sake of the relatives of
Ning’s family, when the roar was swayed by the low-lying status of Ning’s
family, Fang Jinxiu also After her similar words, even the old lady had
patiently explained to her.

At that time, why didn't she think of this?

"Because at that time, Fangjia and I were just a relative to the place." Miss
Jun said softly, her voice was not impatient. She didn't seem to think that
she was talking about simple truth, the patience of the other lady. Explain
with Mrs. Fang Da.

Impatient, patient, these words are the feelings of Mrs. Fang and Mrs.
Fangda. The reason why this feeling is because the girl said is the reason
anyone can think, so that the questions they ask are somewhat ridiculous. .

Miss Jun certainly did not regard the Fang family as a relative and rely on.
"I am bent on leaving your home, just like you are bent on opening me."
Miss Jun continued.

This sentence makes Mrs. Fang feel very familiar.

When I came back to the girl not long ago, I heard that she had a marriage
book and asked her why she didn’t come out. The girl’s questioning was

You don't like me, I know.

Such a ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel truth, she knows and accepts

The old lady was not ashamed of being ruthless and unjust by her relatives
for half a lifetime, but at this moment she felt that her ears were slightly

Open this girl, let her feel that some of the things are not authentic, and
some are embarrassed.

Probably because it is related to his grandson's life and death, people will
become weak when they care about one thing. If they are weak, they will
think more easily.

The little girl may cry and make some talk more comfortable, she
suddenly felt.

The old lady quickly calmed her emotions. She said nothing, waiting
quietly for the girl to speak.

"But now I have no place to go. Fangjia is my only reliance. I don't want
this to fall down." Miss Jun said.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

“It’s the same,” she said. “You and Cheng Yu are still small. It’s easy to
think of a small thing as a big thing. In fact, you don’t have to.”
She said that she sighed here.

"When your grandfather died, I thought that the sky would fall, and the
Fang family would fall, but it didn't. Later, you went, and I thought that
the sky would collapse. The Fang family is going to finish this time, but
You see, everyone has been good, so."

She snorted and looked at Miss Jun.

"Even if Chengyu is dead, our family will still not fall. You can rely on it
with confidence. We originally wanted you to go because you have to go.
Since you don't want to leave, you want to stay, then of course you Can
stay, needless to say to save Chengyu."

Miss Jun shook her head.

"I don't believe it," she said.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

"I am your grandmother. If I don't believe in your peace of mind, then no

one in this house is credible," she said.

Miss Jun shook her head again.

"Grandmother, I don't believe you to say this, I don't believe you can make
the family not fall," she said softly. "You see, your enemies have killed
their grandfather and sister, and the cousin is about to die. And you don’t
even know who the enemy is, don’t think it’s a man-made disaster, but
only think it’s a natural disaster, and you’re still in a position to fight
against the sky.”

She said that looking at the stunned old lady and Mrs. Fang Da, the look is

"This kind of Fangjia is obviously a mouse caught by a cat. I thought I was

escaping. In fact, it was just a cat who deliberately teased. Grandma, you
said, I can rest assured that relying on your family, I really can't believe
Jun Jiuling Chapter 28: Natural disaster or man-
made disaster
Miss Jun’s original voice was not very soft, but when the sound stopped,
the house seemed to be dead.

However, Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fangda felt that they were both deaf and
confused, and many words were in the heart.

"You are nonsense!"

Liuer, standing under the gallery, clearly heard the voice of Mrs. Fang’s
high. Although there was always a voice in the room, it was low and theft.
As with the previous chat, there was no quarrel.

At this time, although this sound is short, it contains some complex

emotions of anger, sorrow and fear. Liu Ye is too small to distinguish what
is specific, but knows that Mrs. Fang is angry and anxious.

I thought that I could hold on to people. Liu Er erected her ears and
tightened her body, waiting for the lady to summon to help.

Miss Jun’s voice didn’t ring in the room. She didn’t talk but just looked at
Mrs. Fang, who stood up from the chair.

Her family is not tall among her peers. At this time, she is sitting even
more short, but the Mrs. Fang, who is standing, feels that she is looking at

Some contempt, or compassion, sympathy, and even grief with the same

These inexplicable and anti-sense feelings made Mrs. Fang more angry.

"Hey, you think too much." She said, holding back her emotions.
"You think too little, or you don't want to understand, you don't want to."
Miss Jun immediately shook her head and said, "There is still too little

Fang Laoye is sick and dead. Although the disease is very sudden and very
rapid, it is hard to avoid eating and eating all kinds of grains. Some
diseases are indeed without signs. They are also fierce when they walk on
the road. There is also a lot of coming, even at the last moment, still
talking and laughing, a cough can be cut off.

At this time, although they were suspicious, they did not think much.

Then Fang Nianjun also died. This time it was not a sick death but a death.
The north of the Yellow River is not peaceful. It is unpredictable when
going out. Although Fangjia is very rich, he can hire a large number of
martial arts superb guards, but the saying goes. The dog can't afford to rely
on the dog, and the thief who is red-eyed and killing the goods is really

After Fang Nianjun’s accident, Fang Fang said that he had moved the
government by the money. The government transferred the officers and
soldiers and destroyed the whole mountain. The mountain confessed that
attacking Fang Nianjun was not an accident. They had already stepped on
the point and knew that the family had money, so To kidnap Fang Nianjun
for money, it is only accident that Fang Nianjun has a lot of care, and those
who protect him are also very powerful, so both sides have worked hard,
and finally the mountain who seeks fortune has forgotten to seek fortune,
and the guards have forgotten the escape.

At this time, although they are suspicious, there is nothing to think about.

Later, Fang Chengyu, this time they clearly knew that they were harmed.

"But it's too late," said Miss Jun. "It was only after being beaten three
times that I was told that I was beaten. I have been beaten and I can't see

The old lady did not stand up, and the hand holding the armrest smashed.
"These things you said make sense," she said.

Mrs. Fang Da looked at her inexplicably.

"Mother." She couldn't help but shout.

"The cup bow snake shadow is good, Zheng people doubt neighbors, you
think it is not strange." Mrs. Fang said, "However, there are reasons for
this, our family of three generations of men are harmed, what is it? The
people who harm our family are what?"

"Not for hatred, but for money." Miss Jun said.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

"Peer is a feud, our family is doing the ticket number, and it is doing very
well. In just a few years, it has crossed the ticket number of Shanxi. It is
estimated that every ticket number can't wait for us to die. Our family has
money, for For the poor, rich people are enemies, and many people cursing
us to die in the dark." She said, watching Miss Jun reveal the kindness of
her elders, "But, look, you have business people in this world." A lot, all
live well, and there are new business openings, and those who are rich are
also alive, and more people become rich."

Miss Jun looked at her without talking.

"So, this world is very dangerous, but it is not so dangerous." Mrs. Fang is
very vocal. "You can't because Ningjia is abandoning the marriage
contract, and Fangjia is not helping you. I think that the people in this
world are bad people. Things are conspiracy."

"But this is a conspiracy. You have already died three people. Your family
is a man-made disaster. Man-made disasters have to be solved by people."
Miss Jun said that her expression was calm but a bit reluctant, like a child
who was angry. This person is me"

Mrs. Fang suddenly suddenly wanted to laugh, but fortunately, she

received it in time.
"The thing of Chengyu is a man-made disaster. The matter of Fangjia is
not a man-made disaster." Mrs. Fang said again, with a little patience to
appease the child.

She has not talked with her children so patiently for more than a decade.
She is too busy to have time to do such boring things.

"Grandfather and grandson, all three are dead, this is no coincidence, this
is someone who wants to harm you." Miss Jun still reluctantly said.

"Three grandparents and grandchildren have an accident, but our family

has neither blood flowing into the river. Even if the male dynasty is killed,
our son-in-law is still safe, and we can also recruit students to inherit. I
have three granddaughters, and my three granddaughters can give me at
least Nine younger generations, nine younger generations are reborn,
Fangjia can still flourish, and our family's business has not been
degraded." Mrs. Fang said, "What is this man's trouble?"

"Man-made disasters are man-made disasters. You just can't see what he
is, not that he doesn't have pictures." Miss Jun said.

The patience of the old lady’s eyes is gone.

"This is not a man-made disaster. Our family is doing God's will. In

addition to the sky, no one can take it," she said.

"What God?" Miss Jun asked immediately.

"Heaven.." said Mrs. Fang, the word slipped over the tip of her tongue, and
she returned to God with a cleverness and closed her mouth.

Because the action bite the tongue too quickly, the tingling made her look
a little distorted, and let her have a cold sweat, looking at Miss Jun with

Miss Jun did not seem to notice her gaffe at all, and gently snorted.

"Where is there any god, there is no relationship, but it is a deliberate

assumption of God's will," she said, with a stubborn and child's self-
righteous high.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

"What you said is," she said. "But what do you want to do?"

Mrs. Fangda felt that the atmosphere in the room had changed. Although
she couldn’t say it, she faintly felt that there was something to be said
about it. It’s like hearing the book heard a nervous time, but in the blink of
an eye, the old lady’s sentence Then I turned over a page of books.

This party has a secret, but unfortunately the old lady returned to God at
that moment and did not say it.

Miss Jun has a slight regret in her heart, but at least she can confirm this
and can be sure that it is a very important secret. This is enough.

Master said that people can't be greedy, greedy and chew, so she only
learns her skills in one year.

"I said, I can save my cousin, I want to save my cousin." She said, "Don't
you want your cousin to live?"

Her look is also calm, as if they have been talking about it.


The two ends, ask for a ticket.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 29: Honest person
"Can you really save him?" asked Mrs. Fang, with questions.

This is the first time since she learned the words that Miss Jun said, since
she is willing to prove that she believes.

"I want to give it a try for me." Miss Jun said, "I have died before."

She said that it was paused here and seemed to be reminiscing, and the
sound didn't sound very pleasant.

It’s the hang of the inn, and death is definitely not a happy thing.

Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fangda thought about it. After picking up the monarch
and staying from the north, she asked the doctor to see him. The doctor
described them the traces on the neck of Jun Jun.

It is fatal.

The feeling of frequent death is definitely not good.

"I don't want to taste this once again." Miss Jun continued. "I want to live
well and live a good life, so I have to save my cousin and let him support
the family. I can rely on it."

This is for her own sake, not for her family or for what is right, so she said
she was trying for her.

It’s a candid person.

"Then try it." Mrs. Fang said silently. "There is no failure in anyway, and
there is no loss."

She said that she stood up here.

"What do you want to do with your aunt?"

This is to end the topic, and Mrs. Fang returned to God.

"Okay." Miss Jun also stood up and gave a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Fang turned and walked outwards. Mrs. Fang did not take a step.
When she came to the old lady, she said that she should give it to her.
Secondly, she also wanted to know what Miss Jun had to do and how to
cure her son.

"What medicine do you need?" she couldn't help but ask.

"I have to think about it." Miss Jun said, "Let's find some more records."

“Is it a medical book? There are many medical books in the family.” Mrs.
Fang Da busy said, “There is a big study at home.”

When they spoke, the old lady had already walked to the door.

"Jun Hao." She screamed.

Mrs. Fang Da did not pay attention for a moment, Miss Jun was stopped to
talk and look over.

“What else does the grandmother have to tell?” she said, looking
respectful and focused.

Mrs. Fang’s look is solemn.

“Does this matter need to be kept secret?” she asked.

They forgot to say this. Since Fang Chengyu’s poison is a conspiracy of

the enemy, and the enemy is still hiding in the dark, the detoxification
should be more secretive, so as not to be detected by the enemy.

Mrs. Fang Da is busy watching Miss Jun.

Miss Jun nodded.

"Be sure to keep it secret," she said. "The reason why cats play the mouse
is because the mouse is in its grasp."

The man left the housewife and woman to ignore it, only to deal with a
man, the purpose is naturally to break the incense of the family.

Now that he has achieved his goal, he has relaxed his vigilance. If he is
found to have been destroyed, he will attack the party with all his strength.
In that case, the family will be more dangerous.

"The original case of Chengyu poisoning was only you and I knew. After
that, three people knew it," said Mrs. Fang.

A person who is more than one is naturally a monarch.

"The only thing that we can say is that only three of us know." Mrs. Fang

Mrs. Fangda nodded again and again, and Mrs. Fang continued to move
forward, taking two steps and stopping.

"Change a metaphor." She looked at Miss Jun. "I don't like mice."

Miss Jun did not expect that she would say this, her look was slightly
surprised, but it was immediately answered.

"If you think about how to do it, let me know." Mrs. Fang’s words and
finally said, with the old lady above, playing the curtain with her own
hands, and the two of them went out.

When I heard the movement, Liu Er was busy looking up and saw her old
lady and Mrs. Fang’s description of her heart.

Mrs. Fang’s face was a bit whitish and seemed to be frightened, but it was
not very rude.

Mrs. Fang’s wife has not changed much.

I knew that the young lady couldn’t marry them both. Liu’s mother didn’t
look at them a lot, and she was busy rushing in. Miss Jun had already
come out.

"Miss." Liu Er looked worried.

Miss Jun’s expression has not changed, and she also gave a gift to the old
lady and Mrs. Fang.

Mrs. Fang Da looked back in front of the hospital and looked back. Miss
Jun was still standing by the door, as respectful as other younger
generations at home.

"Hey, she is really sensible." She couldn't help but say.

Respectfully send it?

Mrs. Fang also looked back, she thought that the girl was just standing by
the door, not respectful, did not send, just look at them, if you have to say
a feeling, is to watch.

The old lady’s heart beats again and again.

Who is she?

Is it really a monarch?

She doesn't have a place like Jun, except for this look.

She said that she had died once, so she realized that Nirvana was born

But is it possible that she is dead, and then she is bent over by the lonely

Mrs. Fang wants the doctor to say that the scar on the neck of Jun Jun is
fatal. Maybe Jun is really dead. Now this is not a monarch.
Therefore, when she left, she yelled at Junyi and Mrs. Fang’s wife and
suddenly called the name of Jun.

It is said that a person is most sensitive to his or her name and is slow to

But Junyi immediately turned around and answered her own name.


Mrs. Fang’s voice rang in her ear and interrupted the old lady’s ecstasy.

Mrs. Fang looked at her and Mrs. Fang looked at her.

"Mother, is it really fake?" she asked again.

"I don't know." Mrs. Fang muttered.

If she is not a monarch, this is too ridiculous. If she is, is it true that there
is such a thing as a singer?

Mrs. Fang Da’s expression is anxious.

"So, what?" she whispered.

"What do you do?" Mrs. Fang asked some questions. This only reflected
that Mrs. Fang’s question was not what she thought.

Mrs. Fang Da also reacted. The old lady was distracted, but what she said
was really amazing. The countless times I thought it was a desperate thing.

Of course, it can also be a mirage.

"She said that she can cure Chengyu. Since she doesn't know the truth, will
she still let her rule?" Mrs. Fang whispered.

Shantou servants have been screened far away.

Mrs. Fang looked at her.

"The cure will be known," she said.


Jun Hao said that he will know the cure, and there is no loss anyway.

Mrs. Fang said so now.

That's the matter.

Mrs. Fang suddenly felt happy, and some of the imaginary walked into her

Yuan has been waiting very anxious.

"Mrs. What happened?" she asked, hurriedly asked.

Mrs. Fang Da squatted.

"Nothing," she said subconsciously.

In the eyes of Yuan, a few minutes flashed.

From yesterday afternoon, I came back to the present, and I couldn’t hide
my feelings, and everyone saw her crying and ran out of Jun’s yard.

Is this okay?

Since the death of the lord, these years of companions have made her a
sister, but she also knows that as a beggar, in the heart of Mrs. Fang, she is
still only a descendant.

You see, she is too lazy to cheat even if she deceives her seriously.

I know that I know, I really hear it, I still feel different.

Yuanshi squeezed a smile.

"That's good," she said with a sigh of relief. She personally slammed the
curtain and spoke. "This month's account book has been sent, and the
management of each family is ready. When will the wife see them, come
from afar. I have arranged them."

She deliberately shifted the topic, it seems that there is nothing to ask.

Mrs. Fang Da was silent, sat down and took the tea from Yuan’s hand.

"The old lady repented," she said.

This is a word that didn’t end, let Yuan’s glimpse, she immediately waved
her hand to the **** in the house, and the hoes all rushed out.

"Mrs. How can the old lady repent?" Yuan whispered.

Mrs. Fang Da looked a little embarrassed.

"I don't know what to say," she murmured. "The old lady refuses to say, the
old lady said to be confidential."

Yuan's eyes are slightly brighter.

The secret to be sure is beyond Mrs. Fang’s expectation, so she will be so

absent-minded, but this is too absurd for the other wife, so when asked,
she will blurt out the perfunctory answer.

What caused the old lady who had been so disgusted with this
granddaughter to repent and not let her marry?

"Don't say that wife," Yuan said. "When you are tired, let's rest first. Don't
read the books today."

When she spoke, she would quit, and Mrs. Fang shouted at her.

"She said she can cure Cheng Yu," she said in a low voice.

Yuan’s face was surprised.

Jun Jiuling Chapter 30: Is it old confused?
She can cure Cheng Yu, which is surprising, but even more ridiculous.

"The old lady, she..." Yuan said, but he swallowed it back to his mouth.

Mrs. Fangda knows what she is going to say.

Is the old lady confused?

Once the identity of Yuanshi can't say such disrespect to the old lady, the
second wife will certainly not be confused.

Yuan thought of yesterday's business.

Let the big lady get angry. The reason for the decision to sweep the
monarch out of the country is because of the conflict between Junyi and
Fang Chengyu.

The specific content of the conflict is not known to everyone at home, but
it is clear to the public, including every sentence of the young lady asked
by Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang.

Jun Hao said that Fang Chengyu was poisoned and said that she could be

This is too ridiculous to ignore, but if it is trusted, it is a sword that can be

used in the square.

Yuan understands that her look is once again surprised.

"Old lady, she.." She blurted again, and then held back again, so that she
looked strange.

Is the old lady really confused?

No wonder Mrs. Fang Da’s strange look is simply too speechless.

How can you believe that kind of words?

"She said that it was the medical technique left by her ancestors. It was
amazing." Mrs. Fang said, reaching out to her forehead, and seemed to
squint at her face, and she could not afford to be looked at. "In short, the
old lady believed." ”

Yuan did not know what to say.

"Care is chaotic, the young master is the heart of the old lady, and the
doctor is in a hurry. This is nothing." She thought about it, "Don't worry
about it..."

The words stop here again.

What she wants to say will prove that Miss Jun is lying, because the young
master will die.

However, this sounds really does not comfort people.

I really don't know what to say.

"In any case, it is difficult to sell the money," she said softly. "If the old
lady wants to do this, let her do whatever she wants, but also for the young

Mrs. Fang Da was so ecstatic that she didn’t know what to do.

"That kind of affair, I went to explain with the show of Zhaozhou." Yuan

At least Miss Jun will not marry at least.

"As for Ningjia..." she continued.

At this time, it is not appropriate to talk about it. The current Mrs. Fangda
only needs to be quiet for a while. When Fang Nianjun is alive, Yuan is a
very popular niece. Fang Nianjun is not here. She is still a very popular
niece. This is because She is very considerate.
"It doesn't matter what matters." Yuan said, with a few points of
casualness, put away the topic and retire.

When she was about to leave the house, Mrs. Fang suddenly woke up.

"Confidential," she muttered.

This kind of shameful thing is naturally kept secret, and Yuan’s face is full
of voices.

Mrs. Fang Da looked at the closed door and sat up straight, and her face
was lost.

Confidentiality is something that is guaranteed, and some things cannot be


Miss Jun and Fang Chengyu’s words in the garden are unspeakable secrets,
at least they can’t hold back Yuan’s, but the original Miss Jun said that the
pro-marriage is a reasonable explanation.

Therefore, Miss Jun is not going to keep Fang Chengyu's treatment secret,
and it is stupid to try to keep this secret.

She is not that stupid yet.

"I think I am a smart person." Mrs. Fang Da said to herself, and after
finishing this sentence, she paused and added a suffix. "Come on."

But when I thought about Jun, I thought about this time. She did so much
and easily pushed the boat all the way to master it, but suddenly she
slammed the boat and knocked it over.

This made her think she was a bit stupid.


Since she said confidentiality, Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang did not find Miss
Jun again. Apart from the fact that she was arranged to stop, the order that
only allowed her to go to the garden was still conveyed. Fang Jinxiu
complained that the people’s arguments made the family like the past.

Miss Jun is also enjoying her own privilege as she has been in the past. It
is normal to get up early and the target of bow and arrow is ready for use.

Looking at the feather arrow hit the target, Liu Er did not applaud.

"Miss, my hands are getting thicker," she said worriedly.

Miss Jun smiled and put down her bow and rubbed her sweat.

"Miss, how do you want to learn this?" Liuer asked.

Miss Jun looked at the target, and the feather arrow was in the middle of
the heart.

"Actually, I should have learned this," she said.

Although she could pull the bow and hit the target, she didn't learn to
shoot the arrow. She used it for too long. She learned to throw a feather
arrow for a year and finally learned to shoot the archery, but Master
suddenly passed away at that time. .

Liu Er couldn't understand, didn't ask, and yawned to put the cloak on the

"Let's go back," she said.

Miss Jun did not go back, but asked where the servant study in the garden

The order that the servant got was not allowed to go out and ask about the
privacy of the family. The study was neither outside nor private, so it was
the lead.

"Miss, what do you do in the study?" Liu said inexplicably.

Although the education of the children of the bureaucrats follows the
knowledge of the book, it is still good to believe that women are talented.
It is good to read the literacy of the books. If you can write poetry again, it
is even better. Of course, In view of the majority of the time that women’s
females are to be studied, there are very few literary masters. It is
estimated that there are only a few poetry books and women like the royal
family and the princess.

Miss Jun is the most common member of the bureaucratic woman. Since
she has read the most basic enlightenment book, she can write it and the
book is thrown away by her.

Reading, it is better to embroider a sachet to get out and have a face.

Therefore, the study in the house is actually just a decoration. In the mid-
Autumn Festival, Ning’s ten sons came back to pay attention to Ning’s
son’s attention for a few days.

"Look." Miss Jun said room or reading? Liu Er

thought, but did not ask again.

Miss is the biggest, Miss, what do you want to do, Liu Liu toe to follow.

When I came to the study, Miss Jun knew what Mrs. Fang said was that
there was a big study at home.

This study is really big.

It turned out to be a library.

However, the library is obviously a decoration in Fangjia. There is only

one sick man in the family, and the women are busy with business.

This library has only one servant who is responsible for guarding the door
and cleaning. When she sees Miss Jun, the servant blinks and runs away. I
am afraid that I will be in trouble.

Miss Jun walked into the library and looked a little surprised.
The high two-story attic is full of up and down, two stairs, specifically a
slow slope, spiraling in the middle of the coil, and this slow **** is filled
with a full house.

The Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures in the temple are also designed in this
way, but they all use stairs. This kind of gentle **** is unique.

"This is for..." Miss Jun said.

Someone interrupted her if she didn't finish talking.

"For my sake."

Miss Jun looked up and saw Fang Chengyu in a wheelchair and was slowly
pushed down from the gentle **** by a small donkey.

"How are you here?" Liu Er said unhappy.

Fang Chengyu smiled.

"This is what I am wrong. The home is the most remote. I thought that I
would not see Miss Jun here," he said.

Is this ironic that their ladies don't love reading?

There is nothing ironic about not reading, and Liu’s mouth is disdainful,
but this nephew has nothing to do except reading.

"Miss, yes, he has nowhere else to go except here." She closed her mouth
and said close to Miss Jun.



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