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The job of my dreams is to pursue my career as an environmental engineer where I can

apply all my knowledge.
2. After graduating I would like to find that job of my dreams, keep it and earn a lot of
money doing what I like.
3. My ambition is to have my own house, my car, live with my family and be able to
provide them with all possible comforts
4. I see myself working, doing what I like and making a lot of money. I see myself
traveling through some parts of the world learning about new cultures and being happy with
my family.


1.De yob of maid rims is tu pursue mai carir as an

envairomental enyenír uér ai can aplai olm ai noulech.
2.After gradueitin ai oúd laik tu faind dat yob of maid rims,
kipit and ern a lotof monei duing uát ai laik.
3.Mai ambishion is tu jaf mai oun jaus, may car, lif uíf mai
fémeli and bi eibol tu provaidem uíf ol posibol conforts
4.Ai si maiself uórking, doin uát ai laik and meikin a lot of
monei. Ai si maiself traveling froug som parts of de uórl
lerning abaut niú coltors and being japy uíf may fémeli.

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