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Mesh – the opening of interstice of the net; composed of 4 bars and 4 knots
Net needle/shuttle- instrument is used in holding netting twines.
Net Scissors- instrument is used in tapering and cutting netting twine
Gill net- nets that are set vertically in the water looking like wall curtain.
Beach Seine - type of fishing gear that has a bag and three essential part: wings, bag
and body.
Part of Beach Seine- Body, Bag, wings
Nylon- line that most used by fishermen.
Hand lining- fishing method is which a line with a hook, usually baited. Is lowered into water
drifting, anchored or moving boat or from jetty, pier or rock on the shore
overlooking the water.
Spool - cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod used in winding and stowing line as well as
retrieving line.
Swivel – The device connected the snood to the mainline and the sinker to the mainline to turn
Types of twine- Twisted, Braided, Monofilament
Point to pay attention where the best catches can be taken:
Floating Objects.
Flocks of birds near the water surface.
Relation of Moon and current
Pika- Tagalog term of hook and line
Banca - It is generally propelled by single cylinder engines fitted near the mid-section of the bait
and protected with a wooden cover.
Undak- tagalog term of multiple handline.
Simple Handline or Drop Line- single vertical line carrying one or two barbed hooks and
simply by dropping it into the water and water and waiting for fish to bite.
Multiple Handline - single vertical line with a small series of barbed hooks attached to it by
spreaders at regular intervals.
Jigger- Line bearing multiple barbless hooked devices which is worked by jerking up
and down in order to catch squiads and other fishs attracted to it.
Pole and Line Gear- Consist of a handline attached to a pole used with baits of many kinds.
Troll Lines- This is a handline with hook at the free with natural or artificial bait which is
drawn or towed by a fast moving banca or boat.
Set Longlines- A longlines anchored or in some way fixed so that they are not free to move
with the current.
Drift Longlines- It is longline that is fixed attachment to the bottom and are free, therefore, to
drift with the tide and currents.
Fish Handling- This is term that describe as treatment of fish from the time it was caught until
it was landed.
Barnacles- A marine shellfish that attached themselves to rocks, ship bottoms.
Float- It is buoyant object attached to net or lines to prevent from sinking.’
Lead Sinker- a device is used to pull line to the bottom usually it is made from lead or

Twine- It is twisted cord, smaller than a rope which is composed of two or more trand
used for net making and mending.
Nettings- It is fabric knotted into meshes by continually joining one row of loops to another.
Float line- It is a rope attached to beach seine that holds the float.
In selecting hook for our handline, we consider the following factors - Materials, Size, Shape
The most productive fishing areas in the Philippines are the following:
Sulu Sea
Visayan Sea
Moro gulf
Lamon Bay
Guimaras Strait

Conformity on the Design- factor that affect the effectiveness of seines, meah nets or gill net.
Fact about beach seine:
We have two types of Beach seine, one with bag and the other is without a bag.

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