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Invasion to our country Global warming Better products,

Promote peace in lower rates

Terrorism might nations
also spread Might only help wealthy
people Stabilize global Help develop countries
Reduction of social currencies Governme
Health risk (pandemic) Widen connections
safety nt can
Grow our knowledge individually.
Disregard our own learn from
Deplete in natural and become more
culture each other
resources liberated in terms of Industrialization
Debt of our country diversity of human
Access new talents and
Destroys environment continuously grow beings in every country
learn new languages
through pollution
Neglect local products Widen connections More job
and patronize more of individually. opportunities
disruptions international products.
Increase in economy Awareness of global warming and
State sovereignty sustainable development
Boost tourism
is reduced


Worldwide utilization of work

Advancement of
technology Health care and Promote global awareness
medical purposes
Spread Religion or
Need of new resources
beliefs International travelling

To promote products Connect worldwide Widen territory

international Develop governance

Trade different goods Learn new culture

Financial support
Group Members:

Alawin, Judy Rheine C.

Mangrubang, Jerome C.

Miranda, Mark Jojie S

Globalization is the core within all developments in our country. The design or trunk of the
tree is like DNA, for globalization is like a DNA that contains instruction needed for an organism to
develop. The world grows and develop, because of these things or simply because of globalization.

Within this problem tree, the root causes basically is the needs of every one of us either for
our personal needs, interest or for us as society. Globalization begins with things that we are
interested with or for us to survive. As the cliché saying goes, no man is an island. In order for us to
survive we need to think about how to solve it and it is by the help of people outside within our
country. In order for to survive we need to maximize things we have and interconnect with other
nations. For example is for our health care, Philippines have obviously less resources in terms of
medicine that’s when globalization comes, in order for us to fulfill things we need we need to go to
other country or connect with them and to ask for help or support. The same goes with other areas
such as politic and economic.

But the effect of these is that because we patronize things outside our country, we tend to
neglect our own. We become dependable to others. We become dependent and never grow. In every
step of development, there is a risk. Summing up, cause of globalization is nothing but for our own
good the major way to fulfill our needs. Result is such a tremendous change and development but of
course there are always down side in everything majority of it is impact is within in our

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