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MPU 2232


2 2022/2023


You will be doing this assignment individually. You need to:

[ONE] Speech Outline and [TWO] Speech Text

1. Choose a product/service. Create a short, catchy slogan that relates to the product.
2. Create/produce/use a visual aid that represents your product/service.
3. By incorporating Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and the elements of Ethos, Pathos, and
Logos, write a 5–6-minute sales pitch for your product together.

[THREE] Video Recording OR Presentation of Speech:

1. Record the presentation of your Sales Pitch using any recording devices (smartphone,
camera, video recorder).
2. Submit your video recording to a platform provided by your respective lecturers. (e.g.,
email, telegram apps, teams)
3. OR
4. Upload your videos to YouTube. [OPTIONAL]
5. Attach the link to your videos to your class’s Google/Teams/Edmodo page and inform
your lecturer that you have done so.

Your sales pitch persuasive speech should include the following:

A. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (refer to the template given)

i. The Attention Step
ii. The Need Step (the audience needs this product)
iii. The Satisfaction Step (the product is going to fulfill that need)
iv. The Visualization Step (this is what is going to happen after the buyer
gets the product)
v. The Action Step (how do you get the product)

B. Ethos: Establish your credibility as a seller of the product.

i. Show personality and character, but don’t be a stereotypical salesperson
who would do anything to sell a product - it’s not realistic!
ii. Avoid deception such as false evidence, presenting ideas of others as if
they were your own, appealing to emotion of audience without basis in
provable fact, and/or pretending to be an authority when you are not.

A. Logos: Show the logic in your presentation.

i. Use evidence that your idea will benefit the buyer: fact, statistics,
narratives/anecdotes, examples, comparisons, testimony of experts.
ii. Present a logical, organized argument that should influence the audience
to buy your product.
iii. Show how each piece of evidence leads toward your desired conclusion -
the audience wants to buy your idea.

B. Pathos: Appeal to the needs and desires of your audience.

i. Avoid appealing only to the emotions of your audience.
ii. You may appeal to emotions but present a truthful argument to convince
the audience to buy.

Due Date of Speech Outline and Text Submission: (Week 10)

Sales Pitch (Persuasive Speech) Video Submission: (Week 11)

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