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UNIT 2 Man and his machines

p.17 Ex.2

1. The heat of steam is transformed into useful mechanical work by Steam engines
and turbines.

2. The world's first 150,000-kW steam turbine was produced in the former USSR.

3. The development of power industry has been greatly favoured by

the invention of water turbines, generators, transformers and electric motors.

4. The efficiency of a machine will be expressed in per cent in our work.

5. He stated that the useful work had been performed without any energy by the

6. The liquid were being boiled at a fixed temperature under a given pressure.

7. For the purpose of experimentation, the heat absorbed are being utilized to
convert the water into steam.

p. 18 Ex.3

1. The work is mechanized with the help of modern devices.

2. The carriage speed of 35 miles per day was exceeded with the invention of the

3. Recently, numerous inventions have been made in the transport industry.

4. New railway lines will be built in this area.

1. Trams are now powered by electricity.

2. The lever was first mentioned in the works of the ancient Greek scientist and
philosopher Aristotle.

3. Simple devices and mechanisms have been used since ancient times.

4. A new metro station will be built here in a few years.

1. Outdated devices are replaced by new, more powerful and efficient ones.

2. The wheel was created by man in prehistoric times.

3. Public transport has been significantly improved in recent years.

4. In the future, an even greater speed of movement will be achieved than now.

p.18-19 Ex.4

a) Modern architecture is characterised by requirement of line and neatness of


b) Next year the new atomic power station will be put into operation.

c) The regularity of chemical energy being transformed into electric energy is


d) We know copper to be a good conductor of electricity.

e) To meet the requirements s of numerous applications several types of motors

have been developed.

f) Motors are known to perform a great variety of useful services in the home, the
factory, in business establishments s, on the farm, and many other places.

g) As the temperature increases, the activity of the electrons and atoms increases.

h) The process of weighing on a balance consists in making a comparison of the

bodies with respect to its equality in mass.

i) In 1867, Alfred Nobel discovered a new material to mix with the nitroglycerin to
make it safer and more effective, his new invention being called "dynamite."

j) Since 1901, men and women from around the world have received Nobel Prizes
for their great achievements s.

k) The letters of distress signals "SOS" have no meaning in themselves, being

selected only for the reason that even the most inexperienced radio operator would
have little difficulty in detecting this simple combination of dots and dashes (three
dots, three dashes, and three dots).

l) One of the exciting aspects of these new superconductors is that they belong to a
class of versatile materials where many chemical substitutions s are possible.

m) Newton's views were characterized by his belief that the beauty and simplity of
the natural world could only come from the dominion of an intelligent and
powerful Being.

n) For transportation New York depends mainly on buses, the subway, taxis and
o) If a body moves from one position to another it is said to have had a


Many simple machines and devices, such as an arrow, a wheel, lever or two-
wheeled carriage, are known to date back to ancient times.

In the course of time new devices were designed to be used instead of the less
efficient ones.

For example, in a carriage drawn by a horse it was possible to travel at the speed of
nearly 35 miles a day, so that some trips may have lasted weeks or even months.

However, with the first steam locomotive having been constructed, the speed to be
achieved became such higher than that.

Later on, the invention of electric motor and many other improvements have
resulted into the possibility to reach any corner of the world in a few hours or days.

Crossword p.21 Ex.8




4. Philosopher, primordial



7. origin















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