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3rd Juniors – Santa Catalina V y M - Inglés

Addition (adición) And (y). E.g: Mary and Tom went to the party.
Also (también/además).
E.g: I like go to the cinema and also to the theatre.
E.g: Tom studied maths at school last year. Also, he
studied geography and physics.
Too (también/además).
E.g: Mary writes many novels and books too.
Besides (también/además).
E.g: Tom goes fishing on Mondays. Besides, he goes

Contrast (contraste) But (pero).

E.g: I want to go shopping but it’s raining.
E.g: I don’t like cleaning my room. But, I like cooking.
However (sin embargo).
E.g: She has money and fame. However, she is not
Although (a pesar de).
E.g: Although I am tired, I will go to the gym.
E.g: I will go to the gym, although I am tired.
Sequence (secuencia) Later (después).
E.g: We went to the restaurant. Later, we decided to go
After that (después de eso).
E.g: My dad entered the house. After that, he turned the
lights on.
Then (entonces).
E.g: I was speaking with her at home. Then, she told me
about her secret.
E.g: She wrote a book and then a short story
Next (luego).
E.g: Mary went to Peru. Next, she decided to go to
Finally (finalmente).
E.g: I gave her the book and I said thank you. Finally, I left
the office.
Comparison (comparación) Like (como)
E.g: She eats chocolate like me.
As (como)
E.g: She is white as snow.
E.g: He works as a doctor.
As… (esto/alguien es como aquello/alguien más)
E.g: He is as tall as his father

Example (ejemplo) For example

E.g: I have visited a lot of places. For example:
Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa.
Such as (por ejemplo).
E.g: He plays many sports such as football, tennis, and
Reason (reason) Because of (a causa de).
E.g: Because of my studies, I learnt a lot.
Because (porque).
E.g: I went to bed because I was really tired.


A y AN son artículos indefinidos. Indefinido significa no especifico. Por lo que se usa A/AN cuando se habla de algo en
general, no de algo específico.


 I need a phone. Not a specific phone, any phone

 Mark wants a bicycle. Not a particular bicycle, a bicycle in general

También se usa A/AN cundo se habla de algo nuevo, desconocido, o que se le presenta al hablante por primera vez.
Igualmente, se usa A/AN cuando se pregunta por la existencia de algo.


 I have a car. The car is being introduced for the first time.

 Tom is a teacher. This is new information to the listener.

 Is there a dictionary in your backpack? Asking about the existence of the dictionary

A/AN es singular, por lo que no se puede usar con sustantivos plurales.


 I saw a bears in Yellowstone National Park. Not Correct

 I saw bears in Yellowstone National Park. Correct

THE es un artículo definido. Definido significa específico. Por lo que se usa THE cuando se habla de algo que ya se
conoce, o que se ha mencionado, presentado o comentado antes.


 I have a cat. The cat is black.

 There is a book in my backpack. The book is very heavy.

 Do you know where I left the car keys? The listener knows which specific car keys you are talking about.

 Do you own a car? Is the car blue? You assume they do have a car after asking about it in the first sentence.

 Nobody lives on the Moon. The Moon is known to everyone.

THE puede usarse con sustantivos plurals o singulares.


El ‘s es usado cuando expresamos posesión, pero de una persona:

 This is Mike’s car.

La construcción of es usada cuando se expresa posesión, pero refiriéndose a un objeto:

 The colour of the house is green.


Enfermedades Casos especiales  Oncologists are doctors
who specialize in
 the measles treating cancer.
 the flu  There are several
medications that can be
 the mumps
used to treat malaria.
 the bubonic plague

Casos especiales
 We need to walk south.
 We need to walk
 They drove north all day.
to the south.
 At the stop sign,
 Our house is in the north.
turn left and walk three
 The grocery store is blocks.
on the right.

Regiones greograficas o culturales

especificas  We love the South.

 Have you ever

visited the East?

La familia como un grupo

 The Robinsons love to
vacation in Florida.

 The Shinoharas are
originally from Japan.

 My brother lives next door

to the Jacksons.

Grupos de personas particulares

 Americans watch a lot of
 The organization helps the TV.
elderly. Elderly people
 Germans drink a lot of
 I like the French. The
French people
Countries  He lives in the
Netherlands.  I love Italy.

 I visited the Bahamas last  John used to live in Japan.


Use THE with the names of:

 oceans

 seas

 coasts

 rivers

 swamps

 archipelagos

 collections of lakes (such as the Great Lakes)

 mountain chains

 deserts

 references on the globe (such as the Equator, the North Pole)

 geographic regions (such as the Northwest, the Middle East)

 bridges (except Tower Bridge)

 pagodas

 hotels

 theaters

 museums

 institutes

 skyscrapers

 the Sun, the Moon

 extraordinary works of art or architecture (such as the Mona Lisa, the Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, and
the Taj Mahal)


 James visited the Hermitage, a famous museum in St. Petersburg.

 I would love to visit the North Pole.

 Nina walked over the Rialto Bridge.

Do not use an article with:

 individual lakes

 individual islands

 beaches

 waterfalls

 individual mountains (except the Matterhorn)

 canyons (except the Grand Canyon)

 people's first names

 streets (except the High Street)

 public squares

 hospitals

 stadiums

 malls

 parks

 churches

 temples

 universities

 colleges

 languages

 religions

 days

 months

 holidays


 Have you ever visited Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris?

 Kenta is Buddhist.

 We went camping in King's Canyon.

HOWEVER: There are additional exceptions to some of the above categories. For example, THE is often used in the
pattern "the ... of ...".


 The University of Colorado

 The Temple of Ranakpur

 The Cathedral of Siena

Time expressions can be especially confusing. THE is used in some time expressions such as:

 in the morning

 in the afternoon

 in the evening

 during the night

 during the day

 the day before yesterday

 the day after tomorrow

 the fall

 the summer


 We'll meet in the afternoon.

 Jake loves to go camping in the fall.

 There was a small earthquake during the night.

HOWEVER: In other time expressions, no article is used:

 at night

 at noon

 at midnight

 all day

 all night

 all month

 every month

 every year

 last night

 last Friday

 yesterday

 tomorrow


Los pronombres personales son usados para reemplazar una o más personas y animales.

Subject Pronouns

Son usados como el sujeto de un verbo, ellos realizan la accion. Se encuentran en posición inicial, antes del verbo

It is cold. (It is the subject of is)

She paid today. (She is the subject of paid)

Object Pronouns

Son el objeto de un verbo, preposicion o infinitive. Va dirigido a algo o alguien que recibe la acción. Se posiciona en
posición final, después del verbo.

She paid him today. (him is being paid, not paying.) 

I wanted her to come to the cinema with me. 
(I am the subject of wanted; her is the object of wanted; him is the object of the preposition with)

Possessive Pronouns

Expresan posesión y responden a la pregunta ¿de quién es?

That car is mine.(Whose car is it? It is my car. It is mine.)

Reflexive Pronouns

Usamos pronombres reflexivos cuando queremos referirnos nuevamente al sujeto de la oración.


ING FORM Examples

Verb + -ing I like playing the violin

-Ing as the subject Plying the guitar is magical

Preposition + -ing They are good at dancing

Verbos que se usan con -ing (Verbo+ ING): like, love, enjoy, prefer, finish, hate, imagine, keep.


Verb + to + infinitive He wants to play the violin

Adjective + to + infinitive This music is easy to play

Verbos que se usan con -to infinitive (Verb+ TO): decide, want, hope, learn, need, wish.

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