UTHSA Interviewee Virtual Interview Guide

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Interviewee Virtual Interview Guide

Goal: To present yourself in the best light to the residency interviewers while gathering information to
help you decide on the program that is the best fit for you. The idea is to simulate as much as possible
an-person interview online.

1. Prepare your equipment beforehand

a. Make sure your video and audio are working
b. Determine the best distance from your camera (a screen with just your face may be
awkward, while too far away may make you seem disinterested)
c. Close out other programs. You don’t want your Facebook notification to ring in the
middle of the interview
d. Ensure strong internet connectivity
e. If you want to share your screen during the interview, prepare the images/videos ahead
of time
2. Dress appropriately
a. Dress the same way as if you are attending an in-person interview.
3. Check your background
a. Find a place free from noise to set up
b. If you have objects in your background, make sure you are ok with the interviewer
seeing them (or use one of the virtual backgrounds provided in the meeting client. or
use the “Hotline Bling” background)
c. Ensure there is adequate and well-positioned lighting to see you clearly
4. Arrive early to meeting
5. First impression matters!
a. Make sure your screen name is professional
6. Maintain good eye contact
a. You want to make give the impression that you are engaged
b. If the camera is far away from the screen, you may look like you are looking away
7. Avoid interruptions
a. Silence your phone
b. Keep your pets away
c. If possible, notify others ahead of time not to disturb you during this time
d. https://youtu.be/Mh4f9AYRCZY
8. Be mindful of nonverbal communications
a. Certain nonverbal communications may need to be exaggerated to be noticed on
b. Facial expressions may be accentuated if camera is focused on your face
9. Research the program
a. Prepare a list of questions to ask for more details about the program.
10. Know your application!

Mail Code 7838 | 7703 Floyd Curl Drive | San Antonio, Texas 78229 | 210.567.4509 | Fax 210.567.6135 | uthscsa.edu
11. Practice!

Interview season is already stressful enough without the complexity of virtual interviews. Of course,
dropped/slow connections and technical difficulties happen, and we will work with you on these as
much as possible.

We hope this short guide can help you be successful in landing you the residency spot of your dreams!

Mail Code 7838 | 7703 Floyd Curl Drive | San Antonio, Texas 78229 | 210.567.4509 | Fax 210.567.6135 | uthscsa.edu

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