0.0 Concept Note

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Equity and Equity investing are the backbone of all human innovation and everything that

modern civilization has achieved. Consider if there were no equities, there will not exist any

single major product or service that we use today.. Imagine our phones, laptops, refrigerators,

grocery deliveries, anything not even McDonalds.

When all of this was happening in the first half of the last century, we also realised that it is

driven and talented people who are primarily responsible for all growth and success

Remember General Electric/Edison.… So we started catching them early… and we started

calling it Venture capital and that went pretty well, as it led to Microsoft, Apple, Blackberry.

Then a few smart people said we must catch them earlier and then came up what you might

call as Angel investing, where you’re almost saying, young man, I think you’re gonna go places,

i like you my son, take some of my money and gimme a share of whatever it is that you’re

planning on doing.

And this then led to even bigger things like Facebook, twitter, Airbnb & so on…. Their investors

just bet on the right people, they had no clue in what form or shape they’ll be when they get


Now investing in humans, specially those working in technology has led to unparalleled

returns and progress for mankind.

Now what we at Listed are doing for non-tech creators is very similar to what venture capital

has done for tech entrepreneurs. That is technologically democratising access to capital for all

forms of creators, influencers, public figures and eventually everybody under irrespective of

their form/medium of expression.

In simple words what we are building is a techno-legal infrastructure where social influence

earned through merit is converted to financial capital. This is being done by creating Blockchain

based Tokens (NFTs) whose value represents a Human Being’s future probabilities of money,
fame and success and by giving the common masses/followers opportunities to invest in the

people they most believe in.

What is also being done here for the first time ever, is the creation a truly universal asset class,

what that means is, most of us invest our hard-earned money in Public listed companies (for

which a in-depth financial expertise of reading balance sheets is required) or in

Cryptocurrencies ( for which an even more difficult to comprehend understand of complex

technological protocols is needed), entities which very very few of us truly understand.

But, it is fellow humans that truly understand and for which we need no training or skill

development. A gift we have been endowed with in abundance by mother nature.

Thus, giving creators the infrastructure to leverage their social influence to raise financial

capital from the people who truly believe in them and in return offering these followers an

opportunity to be stakeholders in their professional journeys. In the process truly democratising

capital allocation in human potential.

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