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What is the main purpose of this text?

A. Familiarize us with the practical design applications of Spring

B. Tell us the history of Spring and its advantages

C. Give us instructions on how to program with Spring

“If you are still a beginner, using the Spring framework can be challenging. But you can improve
your understanding by reading the source code of real-world projects.”
A. Adj. difficult B. verb. to demand C. adj. resistant

What is the best meaning for the word “powers” in the following sentence?

“The Sagan application powers the website and thousands of daily users globally.”
A. noun. function B. verb. to debilitate something C. verb. to give energy or
start activity

What is the best meaning for the word “set up” in the following sentence?

“So, cloning this Spring project can set you up for building simple database-oriented
applications. “
A. fix B. organize C. prepare

What is the best meaning for the word “go through” in the following sentence?

If you go through the repository, which is freely available on GitHub, you can familiarize
yourself with the Spring framework ecosystem.
A. approve B. review C. Moves

References The Spring Framework offers excellent features to level up your Java code and build
fast, responsive, and secure web applications. And within this framework lie Spring projects that
make enterprise applications better by addressing a wide range of issues, from configuration to
big data. They help developers polish their coding skills and be more productive with their

Who/what helps developers polish their coding skills?

A. range of issues B. Spring projects C. enterprise applications
PetClinic is a sample application that demonstrates the use of Spring Boot with MVC and
Spring Data. If we go back to its origins, we find that it was created for the purpose of
presenting what all you can do with Spring.

Whose origins is the paragraphs talking about?

A. PetClinic`s B. Spring data C. Spring Boots with MCV

Scan the text and answer the following question.

If your goal is to create clean codes, you should use this project.
A. Sagan B. Agile Express C. Broadleaf Commerce

Scan the text and answer the following question.

If you are looking for a projects that is a workflow management system, use this one.
A. Sagan B. Powerstone C. Agile Express

Scan the text and answer the following question.

This project is perfect for broad customization.

A. Spring PetClinic B. Broadleaf Commerce C. Powerstone

Scan the text and answer the following question.

If you want to create not that complicated database-oriented applications, copy this one.
A. Broadleaf Commerce B. Powerstone C. Spring PetClinic

Scan the text and answer the following question.

You can get to know this project by looking at the live demo on their webpage.
A. Agile Express B. Powerstone C. Sagan

Spring is one of the most wide-spread Java frameworks.

A. false B. true

Understanding real-world projects improves your knowledge of coding.

A. true B. false
Reading Comprehension.
Is the following statement True or False?

Based on the analysis, the best overall is the Powerstone project.

A. false B. true

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