IMCA - DignityDownload-5353 (IMCA DP Event Reporting Form)

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DP Station Keeping Event Reporting Form Revised January 2020

IMCA DP station keeping event reporting is secure and confidential. The reports are used to provide anonymous information
to the DP industry so as to improve the overall safety of DP operations. See for more details.
This report should be completed on the following occasions:
• DP incident – a major system failure, environmental or human factor which has resulted in a loss of DP capability
• DP undesired event – a system failure, environmental or human factor which has caused a loss of redundancy and/or
compromised DP capability
• DP observation – an event that has not resulted in a loss of redundancy or compromised DP operational capability, but is
still deemed worthy of sharing

Please submit your completed form (and supporting documents) to your vessel operating company.
IMCA members and non-member companies should forward reports to IMCA so that information can be anonymously
shared with industry by emailing

Document details and issue record This section is treated by IMCA as highly confidential

Vessel Topaz Dignity

Location West Azeri Platform
Client BP
Date of event 21.01.2023
Reported by Mammadagha Arzimanov
Rank/rating Master
Report status (initial/final) Initial

1 Operation

Operation type Cargo

DP event type * DP incident
IMO DP equipment class DP class 2
Region Asia-Pacific
* Example events
DP incident:
– A thruster fails incorrectly and acts as an undesirable force on the vessel, resulting in the loss of station keeping
– The DP network has failed with errors and all control is lost; the main DP system has lost position keeping capability
– Incorrect setup of an auxiliary system causes transfer of a fault on both redundancy groups
– A blackout leads to loss of position
DP undesired event:
– Failure of a DP controller causing a loss in redundancy in the main DP system
– A position reference has a valid signal input with interference and is not rejected
– A partial blackout, vessel holds position but has no redundancy
DP observation:
– Failure of a thruster which does not result in a loss of redundancy
– Circuit breakers in a distribution panel are incorrectly labelled
– An incorrect alarm description appears on the DP system causing momentary confusion

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2 Environment

Initial heading set point (deg) 115 deg Water depth (m) 150 m
Significant wave height (m) 1.2 m Visibility Good

Wind speed (kts) 10.5 kts Direct from (deg) 095 deg

Current speed (kts) 1.1 kts Direction to (deg) 92.3 deg

DP or real current? Dp current

Swell height (m) 1.2 m Direction to (deg) 095 deg

Swell period (secs) 5 secs

3 Equipment status

Control system state DP DGPS1,DGPS 2
Manufacturer UK-Konsberg Fugro

Bus-tie(s) status Open Number of redundant groups 1

Total fitted Running, selected to DP Available not selected

Thrusters (inc. main props) 5 5
Generators 5 4 1

Position reference systems

Type Total fitted Selected to DP Available not selected
Laser-based 1 1
Radar-based 1 1

Type Total fitted Selected to DP Available not selected
Gyro 3 3
Wind 3 3

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4 Sketch
Show vessel outline, environment, heading, location of position references and underwater assets

✔ Sketch attached

5 Sequence of events
Include detailed summary and timeline starting from operations prior to event and concluding once a point of safety is reached
The purpose is to provide an opportunity to learn and this can be greatly enhanced if you can include times of significant events.

No3 stern thruster suddenly stopped due overheating on 11:47.

Wind Direction – 94.6 degree

Speed – 10.2 knt.
Current – 92.3 degree – 1.1 knt.
Wave- 1.3 meter.

Oil Pump Output temperature of Stern Thruster – 65 degree.

Servo oil pump – automatically stopped.
Pump Pressure is changing between 80-88 bar.
Bow thrusters 1 and 2 pressure are changing between 80-100 bar.
Bow Thruster No2 stops when Stern Thruster stops.
When Vessel is out of 500 m Safety Zone, We checked, Stern Thruster stopped again on DP system. Also
Bow thruster No2 stopped at the same time.

6 Numerical description

Distance of uncontrolled movement 15 m

Duration of event 38 minutes
Time to regain control of the vessel 1 minute
Maximum riser angle (Drilling) in deg -
Disconnect distance (Drilling) -

IMCA DP Station Keeping Event Reporting Form – Revision January 2020 Page 3 of 6
7 Event findings and corrective actions

Initiating event № 3 stern thruster suddenly shutdown due overheating

What first alerted the participants to a
potential or actual problem

Cause category Additional information

Main cause * Thruster/propulsion Stren thruster– automatically stopped

Secondary cause Mechanical Over heating of oil temperature
* It is important to understand the definition of ‘main cause’ and ‘secondary cause’. This example will assist the understanding:
A DP equipment Class 2 vessel is configured with four thrusters, bus tie open with one stern and one bow thruster on each bus.
One thruster stops. The root cause was found to be a power module failure on the thruster frequency drive.
Given this example, the IMCA reporting scheme would record the main cause as ‘thruster failure’, because that was why redundancy was
lost. The reason the thruster stopped was a power module failure, and so the secondary cause, would be ‘electrical’.

Potential causal or contributory factors

• Human factors that were identified as causal or contributory to the event

Has there been a need to modify the content of drills or exercises related to DP operations?
Has there been any causal or contributory factors identified related to training, familiarisation and competency?
Did communication issues play a part in the event (change of shift/mode control from different locations/understanding of
instructions given, etc.)?

Mechanical cause

• Processes and procedures that were identified as causal or contributory to the event
Was there any requirement to modify DP specific documentation as a result of the event? (DP ops manual/checklists/ASOG/WSOG/
FMEA/proving or annual trials/field entry checklists or trials)
Was the critical or task appropriate mode of operation appropriate or considered?
Did the vessel’s mission cause any contributory factors to the event (e.g. pipelay tensions, gangway inputs, regenerative loads, wind
blockage, other external forces, etc.)

All procedures completed.

• Equipment and design that were identified as causal or contributory to the event
Did any hidden failures or cross connections manifest themselves?
Were there any issues with independence or segregation of otherwise redundant components or systems?
Did protective devices and systems not operate as designed or specified?
Were there and issues with incorrect or lack of alarms?
Was there any need to modify or add any maintenance regimes?
Were there any requirements to modify or update software for any systems?

incorrect or lack of alarms identified.

IMCA DP Station Keeping Event Reporting Form – Revision January 2020 Page 4 of 6
Actions taken (select Yes/No from menu)
Reported to shore management Yes
Repair required Yes
Software modification required Yes
Report submitted to supplier Yes
Procedures modified Yes
Standing instructions, such as activity- or well-specific operating guidelines
(ASOG/WSOG), modified
Additional training conducted Yes
Additional alarm installed Yes
Warning label or sign fitted Yes
Has the event been closed out with a satisfactory conclusion? No
Have lessons learnt been shared internally? Yes
Have lessons learnt been shared externally? Yes

Additional actions taken and details not fully covered in the report

Oil filter had changed at overhaul, we want to change again.

We will inspect and check coupling.
WO 000001029854 already raised

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9 Attachments
Tick if included

✔ Activity-specific operating guidelines (ASOG)/well specific operating guidelines (WSOG)

Damage report

DP event investigation report

✔ DP history station printout

✔ DP screen dump

✔ Sketch

✔ DP system alarm printout

✔ Failure report

✔ Malfunction report

✔ Power management system (PMS) alarm printout

Supplier service report

✔ Weather forecast

Other 1 (name):

Other 2 (name):

Other 3 (name):

Lock form (finalise)

(Further changes to the form will not be allowed)

Name Mammadagha Arzimanov


Date 21.01.2023

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