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План-конспект уроку на тему:

“Fun with food”

- to develop students’ listening, speaking, writing and reading skills;
- to activate students’ vocabulary on the topic;
- to teach students practice grammar skills on the questions How many/How much;
- to develop students’ skills on working in a whole class/in a group/in a pair;
- to stimulate students’ creative thinking, their attention and memory;
- to develop students’ communicative competence;
- to enlarge students’ knowledge on eating healthy/unhealthy food.

Equipment: (Student’s book, Workbook), handouts: phrase cards/food item cards,

multimedia presentation, video recording, audio recording, personal computer,
magnets, magnet board.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Introduction:

* Teacher: Good morning, students. Take your places, please. Today I’m going to be
your teacher of the English lesson and my name is Tetiana Yuriivna. We are going to
talk about a lot of different things today, do plenty of activities, play some games of
course and see how well you can work at the lesson.

II. Warming up.

1) Now, children I would like you to look at the picture on the screen. What do you
* Students’ probable answers: - I can see a bowl.
- There is spaghetti in it.

T: Yes, you are right. You see there are many

words ON spaghetti. They can help us
understand what we are going to talk about
Can you read the first word?
S: Bananas.
T: Sure, that’s right. Let’s go on and find the
rest of the words.
S: Strawberries, oranges, spaghetti, pizza,

chips, cabbages, tomatoes, carrots, eggs, cheese.
* Teacher = T
* Students = S

T: Ok, children, well done. Now tell me, how do we call all these in the spaghetti
S: Food!

2) T: Great, now you know that the topic of our lesson is food. You know there are
different kinds of food and to eat food we should first buy it, bring to the kitchen and
then we … What do we do with the food?
S: We cook food in the kitchen!
T: Good for you. Let’s see how well you are in the kitchen when you cook food!
For this, let’s look at the screen.

- What food is easy to cook?

- Why don’t people cook?
- When do you cook?
- What is your favourite food that you cook?
- What are the types of food?
Thank you for your answer, you were really active this time.
III. Vocabulary practice.
1) Matching activity (pair work)

T: Well, we all like different food and we put it into different dishes. The food you
cook, the food you buy you always put it in dishes. For example, if we eat soup, we
put it into a bowl, if we have spaghetti, we can eat it from a …?
S: Plate. We eat from a plate.
T: If we drink water, what can we drink it from?
S: We can drink water from a bottle.
T: Yes students, you are ALL right. And now I need you to work in pairs. For this
I’m giving you these cards. There you will see food and drinks on the left, and dishes
on the right. Your task is to match them and see WHERE DO WE EAT FROM AND
WHERE DO WE DRINK FROM? I give you a couple of minutes to match them.
You may start!

A glass of water
A can of juice
A cup of soup
A jar of spaghetti
A box of chocolate
A bar of sweets
A plate of jam
A bowl of coffee
A carton of cola
A bottle of milk

2) Vocabulary game
T: Well, students you have worked well with the words and phrases and we shall
relax a little bit. It is a game and it is called “Food expert”. Ok, who would like to
try their luck? Then let’s start. I will read you the description and you will have to
guess what food or drink this is.
(It’s got cheese, tomatoes and sauce on top of it) Pizza
(It is white, you make strawberry shake with it) Milk
(It is sweet and brown, in a box or there is a bar of it) Chocolate
(You can drink a lot of this and it is good for your health) Water
(They are very sweet and can be different colours) Sweets
(It’s orange and long, rabbits usually like it) Carrots
(It is round, green, and white and you cook soup or salad with it) Cabbage
(They are round, red and juicy, you cook sauce for the pizza with them) Tomatoes
So, the food expert of today’s lesson is __________________ and you get this
beautiful award, a badge that says you are a “Food expert”. Anyway, you were all
good at playing this game, but ____________ knows a little bit more!

IV. Homework checking

1) Text discussion
T: Well, students, your homework for today was to read the text in Student’s
Book from page 54. I hope you all read it. Open the Student’s books, please. So,
there is a boy, Marco from Italy and he is talking about his favourite food. Can
anyone tell me what is Marco’s favourite food?
S: Marco’s favourite food is pizza and spaghetti.
T: Ok, that is correct. Let’s see what other food and drinks you can remember
from the text.
S: Meat, rice, eggs, fruit, chicken, cola, water.
2) Reading activity.
T: Exactly, that is true. Now I would like to know how often does Marco eat?
For this, you will have to prove it with the sentences from the text and read it

- How often does he eat pizza? (4 pizzas a
- How often does he eat spaghetti? (1
plate every day)
- Does he eat meat? (Not much)
- Does he eat rice? (A lot)
- Does he eat fruit? (A lot)
- How often does he eat chicken?
- How often does he eat eggs?
(sometimes, two a week)
- How often does he eat water? (One
bottle a day)
- How often does he drink cola? (About
two a week)

V. Group work (Picking cards)

T: There is so much food and drinks today. Food is everywhere and there is so much
food for Marco, too. He eats a lot of food. But is all food good for him, for his health?
What if it can make him fat? Which food is healthy and which food is unhealthy?
Let’s help Marco choose healthy food that cannot make him fat!
I will split you up into two groups for this task. Here you see that I have a set of cards
with healthy and unhealthy food. Group 1, you choose healthy food, and group 2 you
choose unhealthy food. Students from the last desks may come closer to the cards.

T: So, children the time is up and you must show us what you have got. I need one
speaker from group #1 to tell us food is healthy?
(The student informs the class about the food)
T: May be there is some food left?
T: Ok, and the second speaker from group #2, would like to present? What food is
(The student informs the class about the food)
T: May be there is some food left?
(If there are any food items left other students help to complete the task)
T: Thank you all, for being active. This group gets apples and this group gets

VI. Listening
T: Well, students, let’s help Marco eat more healthy food and not get fat. For this you
will listen to a recording from SB on p. 55, open your books and the ex is 4a.

After you listen you need to Tick healthy food and Cross unhealthy food on the food
poster in ex. 4a

VII. Relaxation period.

T: Are you tired, children? Let’s play a game. I hope you will have fun!
Stand up first, now, you need to listen to me very attentively. I will name different

kinds of food and you need to clap one, but just one time when you hear HEALTHY
FOOD or DRINK. Do you understand? Let’s begin!

VIII. Grammar presentation

We have talked a lot about food today. We know what food is unhealthy and food is
healthy. But haven’t counted it yet. Let’s try to do it! Can we say
- 1 cabbage, 2 cabbages…
- 1 carrot, 2 carrots…?
So, can we count them? Yes, we can. We say How many cabbages are there?
Not many

T: Can we say
- 1water, 2 waters…
- 1 cheese, two cheeses…?
No, we can’t. We cannot count them. We say How much cheese is there?
Not much.
But we can say A lot for cabbages and for
Now, children we will watch a short video.
There is a dialogue about a picnic and food
that people take for the picnic.

Watching a video

(Stopping the video)

T: From here you need to make questions with
how many or how much.
(Stopping the video)
T: And from here you will have to answer not
many, not much or a lot.

IX. Consolidation of the new material.

1) T: Now, to see if know well how to make questions with you need to open
your SB’s and do ex. 5a on p.55.

2) Pair-work. Problem solving.

Now, I give the cards with questions and answers. But the answers don’t match
to the questions and you need to match them correctly. Do you understand?

How much butter is there? Not many. One pizza.

How many sweets are there? Not much. A glass. Card 2
How much lemonade is there? A lot. Three boxes.
How many pizzas are there? Not much.

How much cola is there? Not many. One kilo.

How many bananas are there? Not many. One bowl.
Card 3
How much soup is there? A lot. 5 kilos.
How many cabbages are there? A lot. 9 cans of cola.

How much milk is there? A lot. 10 carrots.

Card 1 8
How many potatoes are there? Not much. One kilo.
How much sugar is there? Not many. Three potatoes.
How many carrots are there? A lot. 2 litres.
X Game.
(Fridge) Each will come to the magnet board, choose some food or drink and stick it
to the “How many fridge” or to the “How much fridge”.
XI. Feedback.
So, children, we have had a very productive lesson today. We know how to count
food and we know what food is healthy and what food is unhealthy.
XII. Setting homework.
Your homework for the next time will be in WBs, p. 44 ex. 2, 3 and 4. There you
have to write down correct dishes for food, then complete the questions with How
many/How much.
XIII. Assessment.

Thank you for your cooperation, good bye!

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